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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now

Maybe capcom should have made another mediocre third person shooter and everyone could have wished how they should have gone back to their horror roots.

Beth Cyra

Did a bunch of you want more Resident Evil like RE6? C'mon now. Total refresh, go full horror, I'm stoked for this.
Some people loved RE6 so of course they want it.

I personally love RE5 and Chris so it's sad they moved from that.

Still good speed Capcom I'll be watching on YouTube until it's a bit cheaper but I truly hope this is another RE like 4 that is universally adored.


Dunno why people are irritated this is called Resident Evil. They want a sequel to the disaster 6 was? Game was janky as hell. That Chris car segment still gives me nightmares.

Why is that the choice?

They seemingly went from one bad direction to another bad direction.


Even though I plan to return it, RE6 was the first Resident Evil game I didn't complete and I wasn't too keen on RE5. I'm not sure if going 1st person was the right thing to do with RE7 but there had to be change.

I'll give this a try but I would like them to up the budget for the Revelation series and make sure Remake 2 lives up to expectations.
Can we stop saying this? This is a teaser. Nothing more, nothing less.

The Capcom rep on the stream said the whole point of this teaser is to set the tone and atmosphere. The "meat" of the gameplay is coming later.

In short, stop assuming that this is the whole game. You're likely going to do more than just walk and hide from zombies.
Are we still gonna get goofy nonsense too or just derivative grimness all throughout
It cannot be a walking simulator only after all this time

I can kinda see it, I assume walking simulator are cheaper to make than full on action title. and with how broke/cheap Capcom is lately, yeah I can see why they they might think it's a good idea.

that said, I'll give it a fair chance. hopefully it's good.
With the rereleases of REmake, RE0, and the RE2 remaske around the corner, I was expecting this to be closer to those games instead of a first person horror title where you play an avatar. I'm still excited nonetheless.


Watching a stream of gameplay now, I dunno I hope at least it has some action and doesn't go full Amnesia on us.
Its ballsy, I'll say that. Just throwing away the entire franchise chronology, the characters, the game design...everything. For a cheap lookin' Amenisia clone.



I think it's neat they hid this from us in the form of the Kitchen demo from a year ago. If they released that it would of been found out pretty quickly, so the way they tackled it here was pretty cool.


Demo didn't seem to have combat. It seems scary but it doesn't feel very much RE. Let's sell how much more they might reveal when people raise concern.


Where is the Demo ? i kinda need it now if possible...haven't been pumped about Resident Evil since 0 probably, and even that was streching it. This is a good thing, Capcom doing a good thing with an older franchise is a nice surprice.

Or incredibly dumb.

This has real potential to kill the entire franchise.

Better dead than the boring zombie it was lately.

(i fucking hate Outlast btw because it's super cheap in how it builds tension and the story is not nearly engaging enough to keep playing, this looks more in line with SOMA or P.T. If they add some weak guns and stuff it might be a super good move for the franchise, pretty exciting )


Watching stream and does not feel like RE at all. I liked the charm of RE with their over the top characters and scenarios, even in the older titles. Part of it was the characters. I don't want to be just another "guy" who is helpless. There are plenty of FPS horror games for that. Some pretty good too. To me this screams "we didn't envision our next major RE game to be like this but got an offer to make a selling point for VR from Sony". I was hoping that this would be a spinoff game and the real RE7 would feature the beloved characters we already know with exciting but terrifying survival horro action gameplay. My interest rose and plummeted for this in a really quick manner. Fucking shame. At least I'll have REmake 2.


Neo Member
Downloaded it from the Japanese store. Just finished. Don't judge it just yet, there's a major twist at the end of the demo. This is VERY much Resident Evil.


so people did like Resident Evil 6

i think this new one is neat, sort of a call back to when when the idea of the first Resident Evil was a First Person game
Did a bunch of you want more Resident Evil like RE6? C'mon now. Total refresh, go full horror, I'm stoked for this.

"this isn't resident evil blah blah"

All I hear is fanboys whining.
Completely agree. Resident Evil hasn't been Resident Evil for nearly 14 years. I certainly wasn't interested in another RE game that followed in the footsteps of RE6, and I stopped caring about the story a long time ago.

Time to start fresh, this is a great move.
so far i was right about this being an interactive movie and not a game. I have a feeling this was outsourced to some western studio too.


This is going to bomb so hard. Don't really know what Capcom is thinking here, especially considering RE6 didn't meet their expectations. This won't sell half of what 5 and 6 did.

Seems like they threw in the towel on making a competitive action game and are just using this change of direction as a justification to radically lower the series' budget.

Good luck to them. I'm struggling to see this as anything but a huge misstep.
Why is that the choice?

They seemingly went from one bad direction to another bad direction.

That's yet to be seen, I think it may be awesome.

I thought RE6 looked ok in the reveal..... then I played it.

Granted I had to do a double take when it was RE7 but If they can nail the new direction then cool.

Don't forget, RE4 was poo-pooed on revealuntil gamers got it - lets see how the demo plays
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