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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now


That's my theory, too. Panty Raid was a flop, they were confused about what direction to take the series, they saw all these First person horror games and thought, "Shit, we could probably do that on the cheap in a year or two. Lets do it!"

Pretty much. We know for certain Kitchen wasn't in dev since after RE6 and we know that this is kitchen


so far i was right about this being an interactive movie and not a game. I have a feeling this was outsourced to some western studio too.

Newsflash! most singleplayer games are not really orthogames or any kind of game basically because that means having an oponent. Single player videogames are interactive entertaiment, as long as they are engaging and interactive they are very well within what we have defined as "video games"
Glad RE looks scary and is in first person. I have much more interest in this new RE now, and am more pumped for PSVR.
Although I'm not sure why, as I haven't brought myself to finish Oultast (I even bought the DLC for some reason.)
There's tons of games made only for VR and staying only VR. RE7 is absolutely a VR concept that has morphed into a full game.

Which is different from a VR-centric game, by virtue of having been developed around being played on a screen with a standard pad in the first place. You can add VR features to a traditionally designed game much more easily than you can add traditional controls to a game whose design is VR-centric.


Dunno why people are irritated this is called Resident Evil. They want a sequel to the disaster 6 was? Game was janky as hell. That Chris car segment still gives me nightmares.

6's combat was actually good
sold very well
and they made two really good RE's after that


Honestly at this point I'm up for whatever. I liked the first handful of Resident Evils, but I couldn't even finish 6 with how ridiculous it was. Would be cool to have a handful of smaller titles in the universe exploring different things. And with Allison Road canceled this might fill the hole for me.

6's combat was actually good
sold very well
and they made two really good RE's after that

When I can lay myself on the floor and roll through a ton of the levels knifing zombies in the legs, or just kicking them, I don't think the combat is well-designed.

And didn't the game fall short of their expectations and previous RE's?

Revelations 2 was fine. Heck I would love it if they went back to more survival horror routes. But this looks fine too, because it looks tense and atmospheric which I'd prefer to "Oh look this mineshaft is collapsing lets barely escape while killing a million zombies and some random phoenix girl."


I'm just baffled that people can't even be remotely interested in ballsy decisions for the Resident Evil and God of War franchises and are already outright dismissing them. That's so simple minded.

I simply hate first person horror games. I'm all for new directions and my favorite entries in a series tend to be just that. This is obviously a game I'm not going to like regardless of the title and not at all what I was asking for when it become obvious that RE had jumped every damn shark in the ocean.

There is nothing ballsy about doing the same thing almost every other game in the horror space is doing now.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Wait, the demo's only out for the JP store? Did I miss a reason for that, or is it just a timezone difference thing?


Maybe that and reception from conventions to The Kitchen. I played it almost a year ago and it blew me away and gave my feelings on it back to them. They probably saw the way that demo in VR was horrifying people and knew they had a success on their hands
The Kitchen is obviously riding on the coat tails of what people loved in PT. Capcom saw their franchise failing and jumped ship to someone else's. A first person PT OUTLAST is bizarre for what RE is known for. Everything iconic about RE is the characters and corporations really. I hope the game is more diverse than the house and rural locale.


Watching stream and does not feel like RE at all. I liked the charm of RE with their over the top characters and scenarios, even in the older titles. Part of it was the characters. I don't want to be just another "guy" who is helpless. There are plenty of FPS horror games for that. Some pretty good too. To me this screams "we didn't envision our next major RE game to be like this but got an offer to make a selling point for VR from Sony". I was hoping that this would be a spinoff game and the real RE7 would feature the beloved characters we already know with exciting but terrifying survival horro action gameplay. My interest rose and plummeted for this in a really quick manner. Fucking shame. At least I'll have REmake 2.

They were looking to get bailed out and this was their chance. Another big budget TPS 500 dev team project with a new engine was daunting, and probably scrapped part way I'm guessing. Fans wanted scary, check. Make it VR, even more scary. Win.
Still kind of wish this was a new Condemned. Can you imagine that series' great melee combat in VR? The mannequins being the first thing we see, plus the run-down dirty location, and what looked like a hobo-esque guy walking past the room, this just screamed Condemned


Oh, will people quit jerking everyone around and just spoil what the fucking twist at the end is. Fucking Jesus, just spoiler it for those who don't want to be spoiled, it's not that hard of a thing to actually do.
It's okay to have bad taste

Have to say i hated it as well, so many glitches and shit just ruined it for me as for being a horror game i laughed a lot, which kinda spoiled it for me. I just wished we could go back to my old favourite styles of RE,RE2 and the first two silent hill games, such memories, sigh.



From CVXfreak's twitter.
Still kind of wish this was a new Condemned. Can you imagine that series' great melee combat in VR? The mannequins being the first thing we see, plus the run-down dirty location, and what looked like a hobo-esque guy walking past the room, this just screamed Condemned
Pity that Condemned was ahead of its time....


Still kind of wish this was a new Condemned. Can you imagine that series' great melee combat in VR? The mannequins being the first thing we see, plus the run-down dirty location, and what looked like a hobo-esque guy walking past the room, this just screamed Condemned

what happened to those devs? hated that 2 was a cliffhanger

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I don't know if there's any combat in the demo, but I was watching the trailer, and 100% one of RE's classic shotguns can be spotted in a shot:


I do think there will be gunplay, though maybe not at first.
Which is different from a VR-centric game, by virtue of having been developed around being played on a screen with a standard pad in the first place. You can add VR features to a traditionally designed game much more easily than you can add traditional controls to a game whose design is VR-centric.

except game developers have been saying the exact opposite of that since Oculus and PSVR came to be.


I'm really torn on this one. Nice to see them going in a new direction, but it's giving me vibes of [Insert random First Person Horror game on Steam].


I think ya'll are crazy, the RE7 trailer was literally the biggest surprise and showed the most promise out of any other game shown. They made the franchise seem interesting and frightening again.
Doesn't look like Resident Evil, but at least it's not another repeat of RE6. I'll take anything else.
Its ballsy, I'll say that. Just throwing away the entire franchise chronology, the characters, the game design...everything. For a cheap lookin' Amenisia clone.

Yeah, this is pretty crazy. I'm absolutely stunned by this.
Evil Within 2 save us plz
I fear this will kill the franchise. Or turn it into a dead franchise walking like Silent Hill.
Can't be worse than going more in the RE6 direction.
Is this a joke? Evil Within was a janky, non-scary, terribly paced, broken, boring game. No thanks.
It was a flawed gem. A sequel with better writing, a more stable engine, better movement, improved music and less action (think mediocre chapters like 11 and 12) would easily be one of the best horror games ever.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I'm honestly upset by this. Like, wtf.

What happened to RE7?

They did not spend 5 years making whateverthefuck this is.
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