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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now


Its up for everyone.


Where did u find it??


Also... this demo is NOT an hour. I might replay it because it seems like there might be a few optional things you can dig into. But It is about a 20 minute demo.


I mean, we saw a shift in gameplay style with RE4. It was only a matter of time before they switched it up a little more again. FPS view does allow for some different horror techniques, and if we're trudging through this old and dark mansion most of the game then it should be pretty atmospheric.

That said, I'm sure there will be callbacks and introductions to more traditional RE characters and elements. I'm definitely interested in playing the demo right now.


Well the game isnt a reboot, all the past events are still linked to this game, so its possible.

EDIT: And to be fair, playing as a totally new character and then switching to a classic series character would be possible.

I swear people are failing the demo, like there's got to be more


I'm sorry? There are Resident Evil characters. You're describing RE4.

There's a pretty clear lineage between the last of the so-called "survivor-horror" REs and RE4 and then with RE5 (especially), RER, RE6, and RER2 after it. While we may not know how exactly this game is, it's presenting itself as a completely separate thing (see: comparisons with Outlast).

That ducking phanta Rhei engine

Heraclitus was my favorite greek too, what happened...


I want to read this thread in VR.

you may be onto something here
re8: now a VR web browser in a spooky room

experience real horror like never before: actual human beings, saying things that are beyond the scope of the human capacity for rational thought

exclusive social media tieins that bring you to some form of darwin award page


It was a flawed gem. A sequel with better writing, a more stable engine, better movement, improved music and less action (think mediocre chapters like 11 and 12) would easily be one of the best horror games ever.

So if it makes every aspect of the game better, it'll be one of the best?

You could say that about any game. The fact that EW is held as any kind of standard says more about the poor shape the genre is in, than anything.


I tried to go straight to the video without seeing anyone's impressions so I could judge it uncolored.... and I ended up laughing most of the way through. So now instead of ripping off COD and AAA shooters they're going to rip off P.T.? I suppose we should have seen this coming when Revelations 2 was so heavy with Last of Us ripoffs. The constant "ew, check out this creepy blood and guts!" also fell pretty flat.

At the very least, this is full on horror. They couldn't be further from Umbrella Corps than they are with this... maybe it'll be good once you get into gameplay, but I'm not too excited. Just let REmake 2 be good.


You see the problem is IMHO the game is devolving.

Back in the day RE4 came out with the over the shoulder viewpoint, Capcom was creating something that isn't common and kicked off the over the shoulder revolution that even the new God of War seems to borrow.

Now we have them cater to the likes of Amnesia, Outlast etc... This is like DmC all over again. They used to be masters of HnS and now picking the most common denominator. Its a business after all.

I am going to give a shot at this demo and marketing vids before I make the final call, but this sure doesn't look like Resident Evil to me.
Yeah... RE4 was a graphical showcase and to this day people are copying it and failing. RE1 wasn't the first survival horror game but it really jump started the horror game craze back then. Now it looks the roles are reversed, lol...

Is the art good at least?


Please don't spoil the ending.

Doesn't look like Resident Evil.

This is next gen and a demo of a section that won't even be in the final game.

Doesn't play like Resident Evil.

Resident Evil 4 didn't play like the ones that came before it.

Isn't Third Person like Resident Evil.

Things change. Again Resident Evil 4 didn't have fixed camera perspectives like the ones that came before it.

Resident Evil 7.

Yes, it is.
People havent played the demo yet and youre posting spoilers!!?? Wtf i hope youre joking

I wish someone would post the ending simply because I'm sick of watching this guy fail and the gameplay so far is incredibly underwhelming. The scariest thing is the amount of time looking around the same room over and over again.
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