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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now

Hyped and then people shitting on the demo? I will never truly understand this place. I hope the demo is good because I'm downloading it when I get home.

Dude we just got RE7 and its nothing like any RE game. It's first person which that alone is sacrilege. Then it looks like a no action PT, amnesia clone. There is plenty of reason for fans to be pissed.

I am keeping an open mind, mostly cause I am all in on VR and this is great. One of the biggest games fully on VR.


Oh my god, just got home and saw this for the first time. This series was so overdue for an overhaul and one that looks like pure horror/minimal action to boot?? :cry:

Not going near the demo, I'm waiting for day 1


What was the whole
Resident Evil ambassodor program that someone mentioned before. Anyone want to provide some context there?

The family thing seems to point to The Family referenced in RE6, but I really want some context to that


Neogaf was a mistake. Was at the theatre and there wasn't a person in that room that wasn't hyped.
I was at a theatre too and they cheered for all the VR stuff not knowing that they're just "VR experiences" and not real games. People will cheer for anything.


is there a video of the reveal trailer shown at the conference? all I can find is the significantly different version released after
I'll be extremely disappointed if this goes down the route of Amnesia, Outlast, Slender and other various games of that ilk. I've expressed how tired I am of that sort of game many times before. I can deal with a change in camera (though I prefer third person) if there is still interesting gameplay attached to it. People's impressions of the demo do not make it sound especially great, but I will wait to play it myself and see. Really wish it were available everywhere.

The one big silver lining I see right now is that this might finally be the end of constant co-op and AI companions, which has been my least favorite part of modern Resident Evil and one that I was sure was here to stay. Though nothing is certain about the final game yet at this point.


I don't think even graphics are that good. pretty underwhelming, this feels like some Amnesia clone, not Resident Evil freaking Seven.


Dude we just got RE7 and its nothing like any RE game. It's first person which that alone is sacrilege. Then it looks like a no action PT, amnesia clone. There is plenty of reason for fans to be pissed.

I am keeping an open mind, mostly cause I am all in on VR and this is great. One of the biggest games fully on VR.

Old REs had a lot of no-action moments. Nothing wrong with that. Although, I haven't read the thread so I don't know.

I'm definitely downloading it as soon as it's up.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Why do people think there is hidden stuff?

Because there's multiple points that trigger the ending people have seen, and you can trigger it while there's still more to do in the house, items you can pick up but haven't found a use for, drawers that are locked and can be open but don't know how to open them yet, the demo has randomization elements as well.


Disappointed they went so hard horror (from the look of the trailer anyways). Would have been happier with RE 1~2 level of horror, or even 4. I'm too much of a pussy to play this :(. Gonna be the first mainline RE I skip.


I thought it was a reference to
Simmons family

The Family is an organization that is trying to control the world structure through controlled Biohazards. Simmons was part of them. His family wasn't a literal family, it was a codename for this Illuminati-esque group that was referenced multiple times in RE6
There are two kinds of horror. Serious horror and more thematically-spooky/Halloween kind of horror.

Not only does this not even really make sense, but it's also inaccurate. There's more than just two kinds of horror.

This demo seems to be focusing on atmosphere more than anything else. Atmosphere and puzzles.That the atmosphere isn't particularly scary isn't too bothersome yet. If there was a whole game to go on maybe then there'd be a little more worth to the knee-jerk writeoffs happening.

But so far, in the demo alone, I've got:

Isolated house
Shitty dialog/voice-acting
Focus on atmosphere
Classic horror references
Puzzle solving
Crappy jump scares.

Sound like the first 20 minutes of Resident Evil 1 to anyone else?

Granted, those are superficial similarities, but that tells me there's at least some adherence to the basics of Resident Evil. Maybe more the first two games as opposed to the third, and almost nothing like 4-6, but someone somewhere appears to be keeping those first two in mind even as they drastically overhaul the way those aspects are touched upon, thanks to the way P.T. was recieved.

I don't really care if they play follow the leader on their way to being a scary survival horror game, so long as they actually fuckin' get there.


The Family is an organization that is trying to control the world structure through controlled Biohazards. Simmons was part of them. His family wasn't a literal family, it was a codename for this Illuminati-esque group that was referenced multiple times in RE6

also the C virus was still rampant at the end of 6
Completed it twice. Not long at all.
I did it two different ways, but both resulted in the same ending.

went around the house, got the bolt crops, opened the chest, used the video tape, as the other man went through the hidden door, went down the ladder, back to the first guy, followed same path, found key headed for door, ending.

started and went up stairs, didn't do that on the first go. Messed with the stairs button, went straight to fire place and opened the hidden door, found a fuse, put in fuse box, back upstairs to press button, up stairs, looked around, answered phone, end.

What is the
for? I couldn't see a use for it.

Demo impressions? Does it play like an actual Resident Evil with guns and stuff or more like PT?

Doesn't feel like a traditional resident evil game at all, more like PT.
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