Kingpin Rogers
As long as there is first person shooting in it with limited ammo I might be able to get behind it.
What is thefor? I couldn't see a use for it.finger
Here are my thoughts as an RE superfan that has liked everything in the series up to this point:
Based on the trailer, this looks like a poor man's PT (yes, despite the big budget). While a PT knockoff would be welcome under any other circumstance, in this case it just doesn't feel like... well, like Resident Evil.
Even with the two extremes of REmake and RE6, there was still some common thread that made them both recognizably "Resident Evil." Maybe it's the characters, or the soap opera drama, or the heightened reality of the world. But I don't see that common thread here... whatever this is. Not in the trailer, at least.
That's the thing: Some welcome this as a "return to horror," but old-school RE was never this sort of scary. It was also campy and cheesy. It also had heart. This looks closer in spirit to Slender, to Amnesia, to PT than it does anything Resident Evil.
It's good to hear this is set after RE6, so it's not a reboot, and they're continuing the lore. But man, everything feels wrong from what I've seen so far. And I say that as someone who has been open-minded and able to embrace every radical change the series has had until this point.
I just want to turn this into a coffee OT since we need it
oh well
Comments from an RE superfan that has liked everything in the series up to this point:
This looks like a poor man's PT (yes, despite the big budget). While a PT knockoff would be welcome under any other circumstance, in this case it just doesn't feel like... well, like Resident Evil.
Even with the two extremes of REmake and RE6, there was still some common thread that made them both recognizably "Resident Evil." Maybe it's the characters, or the soap opera drama, or the heightened reality of the world. But I don't see that common thread here... whatever this is. Not in the trailer, at least.
That's the thing: Some welcome this as a "return to horror," but old-school RE was never this sort of scary. It was also campy and cheesy. It also had heart. This looks closer in spirit to Slender, to Amnesia, to PT than it does anything Resident Evil.
It's good to hear this is set after RE6, so it's not a reboot, and they're continuing the lore. But man, everything feels wrong from what I've seen so far. And I say that as someone who has been open-minded and able to embrace every radical change the series has had until this point.
The video on the live demo said there is a free demo out tonight for playstation plus. I have plus but see no demo.
I just want to turn this into a coffee OT since we need it
oh well
The video on the live demo said there is a free demo out tonight for playstation plus. I have plus but see no demo.
I just want to turn this into a coffee OT since we need it
oh well
PT was legitimately terrifying (from the get go) and had an interesting story and great atmosphere, this is just dull so far.
Shit, still no demo? I guess "right now" isn't what it used to mean.
So its just like RE then.PT was smart and subtle, this is none of that.
Did you get out of the house or not die?
No pls my coffee machine is next to that >___> I don't use that at all, i-it's not mine
Just finished the demo...
I'm looking at that now. One thing I did notice is,you walk up the stairs after putting the fuse in, there are three dummies facing away to your left. Walk round the corner and look away, the three are now facing you and there is another between you and the stairs where you have just walked up.
This E3 does feel like "Completely Missing the Point: The Show" this year.This is what happens when you tell Capcom Leon had the best campaign of RE6. They probably thought you meant the first 20 minutes where you prevent you from using 80% of the mechanics. It was Chris you fools!
That looks scary.
When the hell is this thing going up on the US store?
lol fuckin magic bullet
Do it! I have a cheap $100 espresso machine that takes forever to warm up.
It said that it will be available "tonight".
Did you get out of the house or not die?
Here are my thoughts as an RE superfan that has liked everything in the series up to this point:
Based on the trailer, this looks like a poor man's PT (yes, despite the big budget). While a PT knockoff would be welcome under any other circumstance, in this case it just doesn't feel like... well, like Resident Evil.
Even with the two extremes of REmake and RE6, there was still some common thread that made them both recognizably "Resident Evil." Maybe it's the characters, or the soap opera drama, or the heightened reality of the world. But I don't see that common thread here... whatever this is. Not in the trailer, at least.
That's the thing: Some welcome this as a "return to horror," but old-school RE was never this sort of scary. It was also campy and cheesy. It also had heart. It was also inviting in its own way. This looks closer in spirit to Slender, to Amnesia, to PT than it does anything Resident Evil.
It's good to hear this is set after RE6, so it's not a reboot, and they're continuing the lore. But man, everything feels wrong from what I've seen so far. And I say that as someone who has been open-minded and able to embrace every radical change the series has had until this point.
(I'm like 15okay it's my brothers)19 but we're going by looks
What beans :3
I know there is also the dummy in the room with the phone and also a point when you leave through the back door a dummy gets thrown but it has no arms...
Got out of the house, there's probably a lot more to do in there (I didn't get the fuse), so when I get time I'll probably play around with it some more. It was short but it felt like an early RE game exploration sequence.
Owns a magic bullet
Owns a magic bullet
the one that comes down the stairs is the one that appears when you look away, it's the only one that can be moved.
Standalone, apparently.Is this demo a part of the game or its own standalone thing?
Standalone, apparently.
What they've shown is really just Resident Evil in name only.
No skill-based gameplay that we can see.
No iconic characters (on the contrary, the few characters shown look generic as heck).
No compelling creature designs (enough with the creepy lil' Grunge girls already, Japan!)
No style, no humor, no levity; no soap opera drama; no super-heroics
The only things that are recognizably "RE" is the promise of a location that might have a Spencer Estate-like sense of intimacy... and a shotgun
Ok so it's not just me. Guess I'll hit the sack, drag through work tomorrow and try again tomorrow NIGHT when I finally manage to pry myself from the office.Can't believe it's still NOT up in US... they said it's up NOW 3 fucking hours ago, in an event happening in US. and i'm still refreshing the store like an idiot every 10 minutes or so.