Honest question. What are the people in charge of the US Store actually doing. This was announced HOURS ago
Partying at E3 & getting drunk.
Honest question. What are the people in charge of the US Store actually doing. This was announced HOURS ago
I feel like people who keep talking about this being a return to the horror roots of the series have never played an RE game before. This could be a good game but nothing about the demo makes me think of RE.
dont even know what beans im having.
random generic BS
I feel like people who keep talking about this being a return to the horror roots of the series have never played an RE game before. This could be a good game but nothing about the demo makes me think of RE.
But so far, in the demo alone, I've got:
Isolated house
Shitty dialog/voice-acting
Focus on atmosphere
Classic horror references
Puzzle solving
Crappy jump scares.
Sound like the first 20 minutes of Resident Evil 1 to anyone else?
Granted, those are superficial similarities, but that tells me there's at least some adherence to the basics of Resident Evil. Maybe more the first two games as opposed to the third, and almost nothing like 4-6, but someone somewhere appears to be keeping those first two in mind even as they drastically overhaul the way those aspects are touched upon, thanks to the way P.T. was recieved.
What the hell
Here, let me help you survive the RE7 demo wait
Partying at E3 & getting drunk.
is it even better whengrinded with a magic bullet?
You know, the only thing I'm hoping is that it doesn't go into the "run and hide" genre of horror games. That would be just shitty.
You know, the only thing I'm hoping is that it doesn't go into the "run and hide" genre of horror games. That would be just shitty.
You know, the only thing I'm hoping is that it doesn't go into the "run and hide" genre of horror games. That would be just shitty.
You know, the only thing I'm hoping is that it doesn't go into the "run and hide" genre of horror games. That would be just shitty.
I can't wait to get home and try this out! I hope it gets good reviews, sells like hotcakes and shows Konami what kind of profits they missed out on.
fuck if I know, buy a fancy espresso machine that grinds it right as it makes it
or grind it yourself, which I do for a french press, but that's with A REAL GRINDER DAMN YOU
got em
im sorry
Missed that.There's a photograph of a helicopter with the Umbrella logo on it in the demo.
If you say so. I have no attachment to the RE series so I'm speaking from the perspective of an outsider here.Ugggghh
It's Resident Evil. The series was in dire need of a new direction, more based in the horror genre it helped build back during the PS1 era. This is 1000x better than just about any other direction.
They already said the whole game will be in first person style.
Speaking of Silent Hills though, one thing I was always confused about, was that game going to be completely first person like PT was? I don't see why they would go through the trouble of mocapping Norman Reedus if you would never see the character model.
Not that it really matters now.
Same! But does theCan't find a use for theor a way to open thefinger.drawer in the blue cupboard in the kitchen
Go sit in your corner
take that...blender...grinder thing ?_? with you
From earlier:
Again, if this is a look back at the beginning (through the prism of P.T.) then I wonder if the films they're looking backwards to aren't Romero's, but Hooper's.
What if Resident Evil VII decided to go back to basics, but those basics are rooted in Texas Chainsaw Massacre instead of Night of the Living Dead?
Because there's totally no one left in Sony America headquartersThe only reason the Lego Star Wars demo was there was because it was uploaded early.
Resident Evil 7 been a secret, wasn't uploaded early. So they're probably at E3 uploading the demo with an iPhone as a hotspot.
Same! But does thethe back door key work on the drawer?
Can't find a use for theor a way to open thefinger.drawer in the blue cupboard in the kitchen
Same! But does thethe back door key work on the drawer?
There's a photograph of a helicopter with the Umbrella logo on it in the demo.
I'm confused. Is this the actual game?
You know, the only thing I'm hoping is that it doesn't go into the "run and hide" genre of horror games. That would be just shitty.
What they've shown is really just Resident Evil in name only.
No skill-based gameplay that we can see.
No iconic characters (on the contrary, the few characters shown look generic as heck).
No compelling creature designs (enough with the creepy lil' Grunge girls already, Japan!)
No style, no humor, no levity; no soap opera drama; no super-heroics
The only things that are recognizably "RE" is the promise of a location that might have a Spencer Estate-like sense of intimacy... and a shotgun
Yup. Kind of scary. Not as in the game is scary as in wtf is capcom doing.
Again we know nothing. This demo isn't even part of the game.
I'm afraid that VR mode is a PS exclusive. I would be pissed.
yes sir
im just bored waiting for this demo, humor my stupidity
I feel like people who keep talking about this being a return to the horror roots of the series have never played an RE game before.
wanna shareplay odin sphere I'm not doing anything either
From earlier:
Again, if this is a look back at the beginning (through the prism of P.T.) then I wonder if the films they're looking backwards to aren't Romero's, but Hooper's.
What if Resident Evil VII decided to go back to basics, but those basics are rooted in Texas Chainsaw Massacre instead of Night of the Living Dead?
That would be incredibly disappointing but I doubt it will. Those types of games are so repetitive and tiresome and rarely have enough gameplay depth to even stay interesting through their often short game length.
i have it...is that shit coop?
Didn't say anything of that nature. There are more ways to add mechanical depth than just combat. But most of those games lack it.Because if you can't shoot, fight, and kill it just isn't a complete gameplay experience... geez.