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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now

What is all this nonsense about a return to horror roots? lol I mean, sure the old games had some tense spooky atmosphere at times, but from the very first game, you were defeating final bosses with fucking rocket launchers. This type of horror isn't Resident Evil's roots.


I feel like people who keep talking about this being a return to the horror roots of the series have never played an RE game before. This could be a good game but nothing about the demo makes me think of RE.

I have played them all. 4 was the last one I actually enjoyed. This is not a series that has aged well or adapted to modern consoles, and the general population would agree on this. I feel sorry for people who do enjoy managing a suitcase full of rocket launchers and shot guns, but I have desperately wanted this franchise to grow up and stop chasing action oriented gameplay. Heck, even the Revelation series hasn't delivered lately.

Honestly, Capcom's track record is what makes me concerned for this game's quality, not the sudden shift in perspective.
I feel like people who keep talking about this being a return to the horror roots of the series have never played an RE game before. This could be a good game but nothing about the demo makes me think of RE.

From earlier:

But so far, in the demo alone, I've got:

Isolated house
Shitty dialog/voice-acting
Focus on atmosphere
Classic horror references
Puzzle solving
Crappy jump scares.

Sound like the first 20 minutes of Resident Evil 1 to anyone else?

Granted, those are superficial similarities, but that tells me there's at least some adherence to the basics of Resident Evil. Maybe more the first two games as opposed to the third, and almost nothing like 4-6, but someone somewhere appears to be keeping those first two in mind even as they drastically overhaul the way those aspects are touched upon, thanks to the way P.T. was recieved.

Again, if this is a look back at the beginning (through the prism of P.T.) then I wonder if the films they're looking backwards to aren't Romero's, but Hooper's.

What if Resident Evil VII decided to go back to basics, but those basics are rooted in Texas Chainsaw Massacre instead of Night of the Living Dead?


The only reason the Lego Star Wars demo was there was because it was uploaded early.

Resident Evil 7 been a secret, wasn't uploaded early. So they're probably at E3 uploading the demo with an iPhone as a hotspot.


You know, the only thing I'm hoping is that it doesn't go into the "run and hide" genre of horror games. That would be just shitty.
The VR aspect isn't being talked much here. I guess most people won't have a VR set but it's a huge deal for me. VR selection isn't great right now, this is what we need. The biggest games allowing a VR mode. Looks like it will be way way way better in VR.

Yes I know that means jack shit to those without VR but for me its a big selling point. My favorite franchise in VR, cool.


You know, the only thing I'm hoping is that it doesn't go into the "run and hide" genre of horror games. That would be just shitty.

You mean the superior breed of horror game...?

But no, I don't think it's going to go that direction.
I can't wait to get home and try this out! I hope it gets good reviews, sells like hotcakes and shows Konami what kind of profits they missed out on.

I don't think its gonna sell well. Its gonna divide the fanbase but I also think that Capcom made RE7 with less money so who knowz?


There's a photograph of a helicopter with the Umbrella logo on it in the demo.
Missed that.


It's Resident Evil. The series was in dire need of a new direction, more based in the horror genre it helped build back during the PS1 era. This is 1000x better than just about any other direction.
If you say so. I have no attachment to the RE series so I'm speaking from the perspective of an outsider here.


They already said the whole game will be in first person style.

Speaking of Silent Hills though, one thing I was always confused about, was that game going to be completely first person like PT was? I don't see why they would go through the trouble of mocapping Norman Reedus if you would never see the character model.

Not that it really matters now.

I think it was said by Kojima, before his fallout with Konami that put him on media blackout, that the whole thing wasn't even really in full production yet and they hadn't decided on whether the game would be third or first person, and that P.T. wasn't meant to represent what Silent Hills would actually play like. Couldn't get the source for you off the top of my head, but I know a lot of people got super disappointed about that, not realizing that true disappointment was right around the bend
From earlier:

Again, if this is a look back at the beginning (through the prism of P.T.) then I wonder if the films they're looking backwards to aren't Romero's, but Hooper's.

What if Resident Evil VII decided to go back to basics, but those basics are rooted in Texas Chainsaw Massacre instead of Night of the Living Dead?

That is what I took away from the demo. That Capcom have looked for inspiration in Hooper's films instead of Romero's. I mean, a clear connection can be made to Texas Chainsaw Massacre's
. The setting also evokes TCM just as much as it does Spencer's Mansion.


The only reason the Lego Star Wars demo was there was because it was uploaded early.

Resident Evil 7 been a secret, wasn't uploaded early. So they're probably at E3 uploading the demo with an iPhone as a hotspot.
Because there's totally no one left in Sony America headquarters

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
After watching maybe 10 minutes of it... yeah, this just isn't what I want. It just lacks any personality. I understand it's not the same as playing the thing, but it's pretty clear that this isn't for me.
You know, the only thing I'm hoping is that it doesn't go into the "run and hide" genre of horror games. That would be just shitty.

That would be incredibly disappointing but I doubt it will. Those types of games are so repetitive and tiresome and rarely have enough gameplay depth to even stay interesting through their often short game length.


What they've shown is really just Resident Evil in name only.

No skill-based gameplay that we can see.

No iconic characters (on the contrary, the few characters shown look generic as heck).

No compelling creature designs (enough with the creepy lil' Grunge girls already, Japan!)

No style, no humor, no levity; no soap opera drama; no super-heroics

The only things that are recognizably "RE" is the promise of a location that might have a Spencer Estate-like sense of intimacy... and a shotgun
Yup. Kind of scary. Not as in the game is scary as in wtf is capcom doing.

Again we know nothing. This demo isn't even part of the game.

I'm afraid that VR mode is a PS exclusive. I would be pissed.

I think they wanted to make an $8 million budget game instead of an $80 million budget game and felt going with something similar to PT would be the most successful at that while still moving units.
I feel like people who keep talking about this being a return to the horror roots of the series have never played an RE game before.

From earlier:

Again, if this is a look back at the beginning (through the prism of P.T.) then I wonder if the films they're looking backwards to aren't Romero's, but Hooper's.

What if Resident Evil VII decided to go back to basics, but those basics are rooted in Texas Chainsaw Massacre instead of Night of the Living Dead?

I think these are good points. You're right about there being superficial similarities. I think that the progression of the mainline RE games has actually been somewhat logical and you can kind of see how RE1 and RE6 could be connected. This feels really out of left field.

I want to make it clear that I'm not criticising the demo for that because a good game is a good game, whatever approach it takes, I'm just not really feeling the RE outside of a few nods and winks.


That would be incredibly disappointing but I doubt it will. Those types of games are so repetitive and tiresome and rarely have enough gameplay depth to even stay interesting through their often short game length.

Because if you can't shoot, fight, and kill it just isn't a complete gameplay experience... geez.
So will the "kitchen" demo just pop up on PSN at some point? Just from watching Carcinogens stream this game seems really interesting but also wildly different from any RE game that came before, so I'll give Capcom a ton of credit. They're taking a huge risk here (which is only amplified by them calling this game RE7), especially when you consider that games like Outlast did well for what they are but certainly weren't megaton sellers like RE6. It makes me wonder if Revelations 2 sold way under expectations which made people at Capcom think this series needed to go in a different direction?
Fun demo, though I'm sure I got an incomplete ending. Wore my PS gold headset to fully immerse myself in the demo . At times I thought something was following me, but it was just me kicking cans and debris around the floor...lol.

Item management is a little cumbersome. I had to fiddle with some buttons to learn how to equip an item to the d-pad. The demo is vague about what you can and can't do, so you have discover its mechanics yourself à la P.T. Not necessarily a bad thing - you just have to use your brain.

(Spoiler about gameplay)
You're able to replay a videotape in a VCR as many times as you want, which switches you to a character in a found footage tape who was exploring the same property. The fact that you're able to do that has me wondering if puzzles may also be solved by that individual as well.
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