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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now


What. I mean what. Suddenly a complete u-turn for this series. Who approved this idea inside Capcom? Who gave someone a budget to turn their most valuable IP into a crazy experiment.



People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
There's a fourth type:

- the fans who can adapt to all three

Like me!

I can adapt to all. In fact I've played all important RE games (except for Outbreak).

I didn't like 6. That was a flashy action game.
Might be a bit of a stretch, but I'm sure the
fuse box near the tv is in a different location during the main bit and the to show bit. In the normal mode it's in the centre of the wall, but in the TVs show its on the left. Probably just a mistake, but I'm looking for any kind of hint to another part of this demo. Also the meat is missing from the fridge, but the bird is in the microwave.
I really need to sleep now.

Bruno MB

Resident Evil sales didn't explode until they switched to the third person over the shoulder camera of Resident Evil 4. Resident Evil 5-6 are the best selling in the series and since we already had first person Resident Evil shooters, which didn't do any great compared to the third person counterparts, I don't see this one doing any better and struggling to reach 2 million.

Both Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2 sold 5 million units, and that figure only includes what they sold on PlayStation. If we were to include PC, Saturn for Resident Evil and PC, Nintendo 64 for Resident Evil 2 the sales would nearly be on par with the latest instalments in the series.


Not only does this not even really make sense, but it's also inaccurate. There's more than just two kinds of horror.

This demo seems to be focusing on atmosphere more than anything else. Atmosphere and puzzles.That the atmosphere isn't particularly scary isn't too bothersome yet. If there was a whole game to go on maybe then there'd be a little more worth to the knee-jerk writeoffs happening.

But so far, in the demo alone, I've got:

Isolated house
Shitty dialog/voice-acting
Focus on atmosphere
Classic horror references
Puzzle solving
Crappy jump scares.

Sound like the first 20 minutes of Resident Evil 1 to anyone else?

Granted, those are superficial similarities, but that tells me there's at least some adherence to the basics of Resident Evil. Maybe more the first two games as opposed to the third, and almost nothing like 4-6, but someone somewhere appears to be keeping those first two in mind even as they drastically overhaul the way those aspects are touched upon, thanks to the way P.T. was recieved.

I don't really care if they play follow the leader on their way to being a scary survival horror game, so long as they actually fuckin' get there.

I just finished, and I'd also like to add a few things to this list I noticed.

1. The inventory layout implies that you will have limited space.

2. I completed the demo without using every item, something that happens in the originals when I do t find secrets.

3. Most areas leave you unguarded by some flank, too narrow to really be chased I feel, however fighting/shooting slow opponents would really recreate the same feel as the originals because of lack of space.

secret passages

5. Building with some form of family history.

major Lisa Trevor vibes from the ending I got

Personally I could see this demo as the intro where one of the established main characters hears of trouble.

Similar to how in resi1 they got drawn to the mansion because of the dead people getting eaten in the forests in that area.

Obviously this was a tiny slice, but based on the inventory clearly being designed show other utility information (most likely weaponry and healing items) I'm cautiously optimistic that this could do what resi4 did all those years ago for the franchise.


I'm okay with the new take on the series. If it ends up being not great, at least we're getting REmake 2, which I imagine will be like REmake and RE0.
Well I guess I'm gonna call it a night. Franky fucking crazy it's still not up after pulling an available now in LA which is in the US and ya know.....not actually doing it.

Guess I'll give it about 10 more minutes
To those complaining about the game, especially if you've been asking for a 'return to its horror roots,' what did you want from the series?

RE4 that is even more fully realized with more boss fights, better graphics, more over the shoulder horror elements and the works etc...

REmake 2 will satisfy my classic RE cravings
For those who haven't had the chance to play it yet, you're not missing out on much, the "teaser" sucks. Nothing interesting happens and is over in 20 minutes.

Screams typical indie horror game. Back to it's roots my ass.


What. I mean what. Suddenly a complete u-turn for this series. Who approved this idea inside Capcom? Who gave someone a budget to turn their most valuable IP into a crazy experiment.


Perhaps they see it as the perfect opportunity to offer P.T fans the game they never got. They might also believe the series needs another shift like RE4. It's also much cheaper to make than a big action game like 6. I agree this shouldn't be a mainline game, though (from what we've seen so far).


Carci just found
a lock pick in the tape flashback on the floor by the microwave

Just saw this as well. I wonder if that means there's a
or more endings. Oh shit ! There's a reason there's an
button! He just found an
. Too lazy to go play this myself now after getting


Just saw this as well. I wonder if that means there's a
or more endings. Oh shit ! There's a reason there's an
button! He just found an
. Too lazy to go play this myself now after getting

Oh, now this is interesting. Maybe you can
kill the guy who grabs you?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Nice to see something risky out of a big publisher for a change.


For those who haven't had the chance to play it yet, you're not missing out on much, the "teaser" sucks. Nothing interesting happens and is over in 20 minutes.

Screams typical indie horror game. Back to it's roots my ass.

there appears to be more than one ending, and a weapon was just found,
your impression seems premature and kinda funny at how quick you come to conclusions lol.


Ask me about my Stream Deck
So I initially saw this trailer on mute on a second screen while watching the cavs warriors game. I thought it looked fantastic! Loved the new direction and focused horror themes. Afterwards I watched it again with volume on my tv and I have to say, I was disappointed. The visual fidelity doesn't look as convincing as PT was and that music was an odd off-putting choice. I almost turned the trailer off before the end. I am still optimistic, but definitely got my excitement knocked down a peg.
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