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RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard | OT | BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I just got to the save point down in the
Salt Mines

How long is the rest of the game?

Looking forward to some DLC on PC soon!


Just got
out of the ship
and I'm assuming I'm at the last save point before the finale.

It's been fun! I feel like it was 60% classic RE, 20% action RE and 20% something new. The mansion oddly didn't feel very big at all.

Because it's not really a mansion, it's just a large house with adjoining properties. The only part of the Baker Estate that I find remotely rediculous is the size of their basement...why the fuck is their a Crematorium in a home? Doesn't make any sense.


Because it's not really a mansion, it's just a large house with adjoining properties. The only part of the Baker Estate that I find remotely rediculous is the size of their basement...why the fuck is their a Crematorium in a home? Doesn't make any sense.

Wait do you really not? I had one growing up. We made good use of it with all the trespassers.
Finished my Madhouse run last night and Platinum get! I actually had to do another speed run after Madhouse for a single achievement, the one for the second boss battle where you have to duck. I somehow missed that in all three prior play throughs ha Poor Jack, he became the hunted on that quick excursion, round saw on easy ;p It kind of worked out that being my final trophy because normally the little pictures with them are generic or a black screen but this platinum shows Jack strutting with a

As for Madhouse, concerning the final portion leading to the final boss,
I ended up deciding to just kill every single Molded. I didn't want to risk getting hit from behind if I got stuck in a narrow point near the top and wanted to loot items along the way anyway, never bothered doing that on the lower two difficulties. I'm glad I did because I did not expect one of those fat bastards at the top, right before the two I knew were coming... Also, clever of them to put the bomb traps on the ladder, glad I didn't try to just rush past the two fatties haha I would have been pissed but probably would have laughed at the same time if I tried and blew up having to kill everything again. I knew from my speed run though that they could puke you off the ladder so I decided I'd just kill them first. Grabbed the Magnum from the swap hut and saved it just for this battle which worked well. I knew I could go all out since Eveline is pretty scripted.

Anyway, loved the game and probably in my top 3 for the series. Doesn't really matter where it ranks, just matters that I had a great experience. It was so awesome for them to finally go back to actual horror even though I was one of the fans able to enjoy playing RE 5 and 6 thanks to COOP. The atmosphere was fantastic and I will never tire of playing in creepy mansions with crazy contraptions, puzzles, and secrets doors :)

The Bakers were great and Jack made me laugh quite a bit though I suppose that takes the edge off the horror a little. Still, EEEETHAAAAAAAN...EEEEETHAAAAN how can you not laugh with the tone he uses while he's stalking you? I personally really enjoyed the stalker evade moments, at least when you could successfully hide and sneak around them. Despite enjoying mansion settings more than any other, I still appreciated
that there's a number of other locations you traverse and particularly the change of pace and tone in the Lucas segment. It was funny hearing Lucas' reactions to what you did through out his compound be it disabling traps or killing the fat molds "Mehhh" and it's a nice reprieve after dealing with Jack and Marguerite as stalkers although Marg while the creepiest, is a push over as far as stalking goes. I also thought the ship was a solid atmosphere for a horror game so I enjoyed it more than most here seemed to. It was also kind of cool seeing the ship in the past and the changes in the present after you finished the tape. The mines are brief and more of an afterthought but it was a neat surprise to end up back in the guest house and all the more so seeing the picture of Eveline again and understanding what the E-001 on the back means at this point in the game. An aha! moment but it was still a cool reveal when she transforms when you inject her.

All in all, I enjoyed the story and felt it was more original than most RE stories are relative to each other. Naturally they succeed in making us curious with the ending in terms of what Umbrella really is now and if Lucas will return in future games. I also enjoyed the boss battles. Mia is a little intense on Madhouse as you don't have any upgrades or any of your weapons and need to nail her in the head with nearly every bullet you can find. The garage battle is just satisfying, who doesn't enjoying running a sadistic bastard over? Plus, Jacks lines are gold when he takes over the wheel. The chainsaw fight is straight up fun, who can chop the other up first? The Marg fight was brilliant for a horror game in that she kept disappearing to give you that sense of paranoia that she could pop out and grab you at any moment and the arena is perfect for the encounter. The final Jack fight harkens back to classic RE fights and was the only challenging boss encounter on Madhouse besides Mia at the start. The final boss I will agree with everyone in that it was lackluster. Almost completed scripted to the point I was willing to go all out on the fat molded duo before here as they're the real boss battle as far as I'm concerned.

The game felt as though it had the perfect amount of back tracking thanks to all the shortcuts so really the only complaints I have for this game is the lack in enemy variety (common complaint) and the final boss could have been better. Also my largest complaint, no narrator saying "Resident Evil.....SEVEN" when you hit start for a new game ;_; I had to say it out loud for my own sake ;p

Fantastic return to form for the series and I'd like to think RE VIII will come out in a more prompt time frame as they now have the engine created and the first person and VR experience under their belt. Here's hoping! It certainly helps that we'll have RE2 Remake in between. I'm in the camp that would like them to stick with this first person perspective for the main entries and have Revelations carry on the classic style play to satisfy all types of fans. Revelations 2 was quite good anyway. Bravo, Capcom! Keep it up!
I'd like to add an extra warning: it's worthless silly shit. I don't know who invented the rule that videos that introduce a still "horror girl face" image at a random moment accompanied with very loud shrieks are scary. They are not. Boring crap that doesn't do the great atmosphere of the game justice.

To each his own my friend. No need to be so angry about it.
Just beat the third boss
the second fight with jack
and am finally able to
go outside
. I love the opening and closing door mechanic makes me second guess everytime I enter a room if I should close the door behind me to avoid getting jumped or keep it open to run away. This game has very similar pacing to the original RE and I appreciate going back to that style of game.
Just beat DLC
ethan must die
after about 5 hours over a week or so.

I think a good tactic that I've picked up
form my many, many runs is to focus on making enhanced handgun ammo. You get health by the shit load and even if you don't have a pistol you will prob pick one up. I ended with 17 enhanced rounds left. 20mins or so runtime.
So I didn't know how to properly use the coins you put in the birdcage.

The first location of them in the
they had numbers, I wasn't sure what to do, I thought it was like a safe code and you had to put the right numbers in then it opens. Lol.

But nevermind, I found some more much later in the game and successfully opened them!.

Later in the game when you're
playing as Mia in that large ship, I found they gave you so much weapons and ammo, it was almost too easy!. By the time I found Ethan who stuck in that thing... I had a ton of explosives plus other various weapons unused.


Is there any fix to the game dropping to half the fps every few seconds for very brief period before going back to normal on pc? it would just drop from stable 60 to 30, and when change it to 30 it'd then drop to 15?!


Just started the game and think I fucked up already, just at the point where you go to the main hall to look for the 3
dog head statues
and the first I collected triggers
Jack patrolling the house
should have left that one until last because now
he's set up camp in the main hall!! just to make things difficult :/
I know I'm in the minority, but I enjoyed the first 90 minutes (
especially with Mia in the house)
and last 90 minutes the most. The first couple of hours were creepy and scary in a way that the middle wasn't IMO. And I got really tired of backtracking, finding keys, etc in the middle. I even preferred some of the more action-focused moments toward the end.


Finished the game last night. I want to play RE8 already. I can't remember the last time I felt this way about a game. I even have a lot of issues about the game, though a lot of it are minor gripes. But the things I liked, I really, really enjoyed.

I might write a more detailed summary of my thoughts and feelings about the game later, as I don't want to do it now, and I need more time to collect my thoughts.


I finished the game and I loved it but it's not a perfect game. I wish this was a proper reboot with no
tie ins with the RE universe
and as soon as you go
down the mines
all the way to the final boss the game really drops the ball. Anyway Capcom have all the right ingredients they just need to know how to perfect the recipe now, looking forward to RE8.
RE7 borrows from games like SOMA in some of its slower burn sections, but SOMA is a weaponless experience. I would argue SOMA is actually the better overall experience though - it's a scifi masterpiece - but it definitely has less gameplay.

SOMA is an incredible story and experience, but RE7 is much more fun to play.
I'm playing on normal and I'm constantly dying fighting the molded. I can't advance the game at all.

You get enough ammo to fight them, just try and stay calm and aim for the head.

Your Block/Guard is really effective and basically stops all damage, making it easy to counter.

If you're in the basement
grab the scorpion key from the table and get the shotgun before going in to that boiler room and getting jumped.


You get enough ammo to fight them, just try and stay calm and aim for the head.

Your Block/Guard is really effective and basically stops all damage, making it easy to counter.

If you're in the basement
grab the scorpion key from the table and get the shotgun before going in to that boiler room and getting jumped.

table? Only key I got is the dissection room key.

I might have to restart on easy or something. Crazy when I'm used to playing old school RE games on hard.


I just got the
snake key
. How much longer do I have? Loving this game, but definitely have been taking it slow and enjoying it.


I know I'm in the minority, but I enjoyed the first 90 minutes (
especially with Mia in the house)
and last 90 minutes the most. The first couple of hours were creepy and scary in a way that the middle wasn't IMO. And I got really tired of backtracking, finding keys, etc in the middle. I even preferred some of the more action-focused moments toward the end.

I loved how it set up your expectations and then thrust you into a (kind of) classic RE game.


I started my 3 Heal, 3 Box, 4 Hour playthrough on Easy, just
beat Jack in the Morgue and I'm at 50 minutes.
Because you can only open the box 3 times
is it not possible to get the Albert for a quicker kill of enemies until finishing Lucas' game?
I loved how it set up your expectations and then thrust you into a (kind of) classic RE game.

Sadly, it set my expectations by giving me what I wanted at the start and then took it away in favor of something I didn't really want.

I enjoyed games like Outlast and Alien: Isolation more.


I started my 3 Heal, 3 Box, 4 Hour playthrough on Easy, just
beat Jack in the Morgue and I'm at 50 minutes.
Because you can only open the box 3 times
is it not possible to get the Albert for a quicker kill of enemies until finishing Lucas' game?

You could, but it would be harder.
Normally, people would do open box 1 before Jack birthday > 2 after birthday > 3 after controlling Ethan again. Other option is 1 access box early > 2 before Jack birthday > 3 after birthday > run pass everything, die to the last boss and get access to "manage your equipment."


Just killed
Marguerite and got the arm... holy sh*t now there's a ghost girl?! I honestly don't know what to expect next now.

Playing in PSVR on reg PS4 and this gaming experience is one to remember!!!! I just hope it's less scary on subsequent playthroughs lol


table? Only key I got is the dissection room key.

I might have to restart on easy or something. Crazy when I'm used to playing old school RE games on hard.

You know in the basement, the processing area you open a sliding door? the Scorpion Key is stuck in one of the meat piles towards the corner. Same room that unlock to open the shortcut from the stairs to the basement.

You can use that scorpion key to go into the old hags room to get a fake shotgun to replace to get the real shotgun too. You'll need it to make it easier to defeat the 3 Molders in the boiler room.

Hope that helps.


You know in the basement, the processing area you open a sliding door? the Scorpion Key is stuck in one of the meat piles towards the corner. Same room that unlock to open the shortcut from the stairs to the basement.

You can use that scorpion key to go into the old hags room to get a fake shotgun to replace to get the real shotgun too. You'll need it to make it easier to defeat the 3 Molders in the boiler room.

Hope that helps.

Thank you! I was able keep progressing with this tip. The game doesn't really direct the player as well as the classic games did without feeding you to the lions at some early points. That's probably my biggest dislike with the game so far. Also, is it just me, or is damage dealt and taken kinda... randomized?

I'm having fun now though. I hope this keeps up. Some legit spooky stuff going on in this game. lol


Just cleared the game in just over 3 hours. Got all the collectibles on this run too. Like six trophies popped. Feels good man.

Madhouse next?



shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Did the no box + no healing + collectibles run, but unfortunately I was too slow for the speedrun, 5 hours... Now only that + madhouse left. I need to learn to run past stuff more. I have the 2 defense upgrades now so I can probably run through everything with L1 held in.


boss fight is so damn scary, and that's probably the only reason why I can't bring myself to beat her at the moment lol


Finished my speedrun yesterday at 3h 59m 06s . Cutting it damn fine.

I made the mistake of leaving it on the inventory instead of actually. Pausing it for about half an hour when I got to
the ship
. Went for it anyway.

Those last few minutes were very tense.
table? Only key I got is the dissection room key.

I might have to restart on easy or something. Crazy when I'm used to playing old school RE games on hard.

There's a
table with a chunk of meat on it in the basement, sticking out of the meat is like a comedy sized key. It's hard to tell because it's just the key handle that can be seen.

Or play on easy, nothing wrong with that. I've seen a lot of people complaining about that one section. That's how I knew where you were without even asking haha


Resident Evil 7 Review very minor spoilers
When RE7 was announced as a first person game, i hated the idea, it was such a departure from the series. all my fav characters gone, i was not excited about the game at all, no previews, just a few good reviews, no excitement or anticipation for a release date.
actual review
until, i finally played the game, wow i was so blown away at how scary it was during the first hour, the moment i first got stabbed in the hand, i felt that impact as if i was ethan, i knew it was gonna be a good game, and it was, it is. the first few hours were intense with the bakers family, the psychological aspect of the game was sooo good. the lack of ammo and inventory management makes the game so intense, with no bullets when u have to run for your dear life, that was great
the story is satisfying enough, the characters were nice, i truly loved the first half of the game more because of the bakers, the enemy type namely the molded, felt like your genetic resident evil enemies but there were okay
the ending leaves a question. i would say that this could have been any other game without the resident evil title in it, but if this is the reboot or the direction capcom is going, i'm all for it. loved the game.
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