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RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard | OT | BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil


This is probably my second favorite game in the series, I even loved the last third of it.
I can understand why some people would be put off by the more actiony style of the end but honestly it kinda reminded me of resident evil 4 a little bit, and re4 is my favorite in the series.
This is probably my second favorite game in the series, I even loved the last third of it.
I can understand why some people would be put off by the more actiony style of the end but honestly it kinda reminded me of resident evil 4 a little bit, and re4 is my favorite in the series.

This game is like 4 different games.

1st: Exciting, interactive movie, with lots of shocking moments. Incredibly exciting.. Just watch Jeff Green's face as he goes through the first section of the game. Just brilliant.

2nd: More gamey. Feels like a genuine revival of classic RE gameplay. Tense but noticeably lacking in the former concepts.

3rd: Is this Condemned 2? Lack of things to do.. Not bad, but doesn't feel like a continuation of the first half.

4th: Condemned 3... Or Modern Resident Evil shoehorned into the existing concept. Playable, even fun at points, but this isn't the game I was playing in the first half.

What I want, is a game that is all the 1st ... Or 1st and 2nd meshed together into a solid fabric of gameplay, and lasting much longer.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I've started to watch people play through the game. This only happens with games I really love, so I guess RE7 is in that club too now. Now watching Markiplier's run. He's a bit shouty and it always takes me a while to get used to him, but he's pretty thorough in his playthrough and reads everything he comes across. His run has a lot of
stalker Jack, which is something I didn't really see much of. I didn't know he could come back all the way to the kitchen in his second phase, he even destroys the kitchen table and says 'who's gonna pay for that' after. Some cool lines in his stalker mode.

I'd say the greatest asset of the game is how strong the characters of the Baker family are.
So strong that they based entire acts of the game around them. Jack as a deranged lunatic that turns into a comedian when he's stalking you. His boss battles are already classic RE moments, especially the garage one. First time in VR that went by like a daze, crazy stuff. Marge and Lucas have actual levels that match their character. I guess we could even see Lucas as a mastermind or real boss in later games. Centering every act around one character helped the pacing and made each segment feel unique.

I never felt the game dragged on or got repetitive, maybe the boat segment was a bit too long but that was it. Design-wise this one is really solid and well thought out. Each act feels just different enough compared to the one before it.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I beat the game this past weekend, and interestingly I was playing it concurrently with Resident Evil 0 so I had a direct comparison to old school RE as I was making my way through it.

Overall impressions are that it's a good game. It's definitely towards the bottom of the RE pile for me but it's still great; I prefer the old school games (REmake, RE2, RE0), which did a better job at retaining a sense of danger throughout the entire campaign, as well as the newer more action oriented games (RE5, RE6), which captured the fear of being hopelessly outnumbered. RE7 tries to hang its hat on the fear associated with a few invincible enemies, but I found that type of tension to be too inconsistent for my liking.

In REmake enemies aren't really all that threatening, since zombies are slow moving and can be evaded with some smart movement. However they are still a threat due to the narrow hallways, so there is always a non-zero level of danger as you run around exploring. In RE7, Jack is either in your face when he finds you or he's nowhere to be found, so you're always alternating between 100% risk and 0% risk sections. His appearances are scripted too, so it's not like he can pop out at any point and surprise you; you generally know that he's going to show up once you've grabbed a key item and are about to walk through a door. That made the exploration lose a bit of oomph for my liking.

Interestingly, I thought the
section in the final 1/3 was by far the strongest part of the game; it felt the most RE-like to me.
feels more like a
typical RE protagonist in this section, since she's a bio-terrorism agent with military training.
The puzzle solving in this area was so much more interesting and tense than the Baker residence. Having to navigate multiple floors with a lack of equipment while simultaneously solving puzzles and evading enemies was heart-pounding. The section that revolved around fixing the elevator, where you have two routes that you have to complete, with a lot of doubling back and backtracking, felt very old school RE. I think the lack of an uber enemy like Jack or Marguerite in this section actually ramped up the danger because you never knew when a molded might come crawling out of a wall or ceiling. I also like the industrial/laboratory aesthetic of RE games, and this section came the closest to recreating that in RE7.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what Capcom can do with RE8. The first-person perspective is really promising, but I think recapturing the old school level design and reverting to more numerous, less lethal enemies would create a potent concoction of gameplay.
Ethan must die might be the biggest piece of trash game mode I've had the displeasure of playing. Like who's smart idea was it to put exploding fucking boxes that one shot you in this? If they remove just that crap it would be almost worth my time. If you don't get a survival knife and decent gun by the time you get to the basement just kill yourself


Neo Member
Ethan must die might be the biggest piece of trash game mode I've had the displeasure of playing. Like who's smart idea was it to put exploding fucking boxes that one shot you in this? If they remove just that crap it would be almost worth my time. If you don't get a survival knife and decent gun by the time you get to the basement just kill yourself

They make a ticking sound if you listen closely... Still not the best design tho, at least the base game could teach that at some point.

Can't wait for the next batch btw, hope it hits real soon, like the next hour lol
Ethan must die might be the biggest piece of trash game mode I've had the displeasure of playing. Like who's smart idea was it to put exploding fucking boxes that one shot you in this? If they remove just that crap it would be almost worth my time. If you don't get a survival knife and decent gun by the time you get to the basement just kill yourself

They have a single strip of tape on if they explosive. You can use the mines in the basement to kill the enemies.

Play along with this guide if you get stuck: https://lastlifeclub.com/2017/02/13/video-re7-ethan-must-die-walkthrough-vol-2-news/

Ethan must die might be the biggest piece of trash game mode I've had the displeasure of playing. Like who's smart idea was it to put exploding fucking boxes that one shot you in this? If they remove just that crap it would be almost worth my time. If you don't get a survival knife and decent gun by the time you get to the basement just kill yourself

You don't even need a gun until
the boiler room
. Everything else can easily be run past or killed with traps.

I hated the mode at first, and while I still think it's a bit bullshit at times, I really enjoy figuring out how to get past each section, it's kinda like a puzzle (but with the threat of dying). Bomb boxes can be easily detected by what they look like and the sound they make.


Ethan must die might be the biggest piece of trash game mode I've had the displeasure of playing. Like who's smart idea was it to put exploding fucking boxes that one shot you in this? If they remove just that crap it would be almost worth my time. If you don't get a survival knife and decent gun by the time you get to the basement just kill yourself

I'd agree, if it wasn't very clearly a puzzle mode. Yeah, it has some execution elements (some good aim is necessary at certain parts), but beyond that, it's an environmental puzzle with some RNG elements (even the inventory management is puzzle-like here in what you should keep and what you should ditch).

When you finish it, the satisfaction is pretty great. I'd recommend to just keep trying; once you are making it to the key with very little trouble, it's only a matter of time from there.

Last I checked only 0.4% of players have completed this trophy.


Played through the Daughters DLC, pretty decent, got my ass kicked and got
the bad ending
, though. Not sure how to get the real one.

I feel terrible for

Played a little bit of the Jack Birthday thing as well, it was uh, certainly entertaining. I'll finish up the rest tomorrow, it's super late.


Jack is such a fantastic character

its crazy how much you miss out on certain actions and dialogue when played in VR mode

when he cuts off your leg and then hands you the med kit was he crying?


Dear Resident Evil Ambassadors,

Resident Evil 7 biohazard launched on January 24th, 2017 (January 26th in Japan), and the global sales have now reached over 3 million units shipped!
We couldn’t have achieved these numbers without your support, so we want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you.
It was a big decision for us to change the gameplay system, and we feel honored and pleased to receive such positive reviews and reactions not only from the media, but also from the fans.

As a token of our appreciation, here’s a secret video we had originally created for our internal Resident Evil 7 launch party.

To quote Jack Baker, “Welcome to the family” everyone!

Resident Evil 7 biohazard TAPE-1.26 “Welcome to the family!"


Jack is such a fantastic character

its crazy how much you miss out on certain actions and dialogue when played in VR mode

when he cuts off your leg and then hands you the med kit was he crying?

I don't think that's to do with VR mode, just whether you do certain actions or not. I never had it happen to me in the normal game either.


The branding for this game is absolutely incredible. Both the Bioha7ard and Resident EVIIL designs are really inspired.

Such a wonderful return to form in so many ways.


in Vol 2, Lucas's 21 part is the biggest disappointment since FFXV

after REALLY liking Lucas's puzzle in the main game and Fucking LOVED Bed room's puzzle in Vol 1

i expected Lucas's part in vol 2 would be an amazing puzzle,
but no, it's a fucking stupid card game
, what a huge disappointment, i hope the Daughters part doesn't disappoint


in Vol 2, Lucas's 21 part is the biggest disappointment since FFXV

after REALLY liking Lucas's puzzle in the main game and Fucking LOVED Bed room's puzzle in Vol 1

i expected Lucas's part in vol 2 would be an amazing puzzle,
but no, it's a fucking stupid card game
, what a huge disappointment, i hope the Daughters part doesn't disappoint

What? You are being serious? That doesn't sound right.


the 3rd round in Luca's 21 shitty card game in Vol 2 feels like it's scripted, i have been playing the 3rd round for an hour and still no "luck"


21 was relatively easy after two or three attempts at the beginning parts. Big hint,
save the trump card called "Love thy enemy"! You'll need it for the end!

Got grabbed in Daughters, couldn't figure out how to get past one section, and Jack's 55th Birthday is just plain hilarious and pretty awesome imo!


Got the True ending for Daughters DLC..
Get the lockpick at the start. When Lucas seats down at the dining table look at his phone to see a 4 digit code. before coming to Eveline go to the bathroom, use the lockpick to one of the drawers and retrieve the button for the trophy in the lucas old room. Go up to the secret room. Use the phone code to the laptop and you will see hint to get the Lion head for the door going outside. It will be in the veranda, you need to squeeze behind the stacked furnitures. Then go outside. Mia will be at the trailer.


This game is like 4 different games.

1st: Exciting, interactive movie, with lots of shocking moments. Incredibly exciting.. Just watch Jeff Green's face as he goes through the first section of the game. Just brilliant.

2nd: More gamey. Feels like a genuine revival of classic RE gameplay. Tense but noticeably lacking in the former concepts.

3rd: Is this Condemned 2? Lack of things to do.. Not bad, but doesn't feel like a continuation of the first half.

4th: Condemned 3... Or Modern Resident Evil shoehorned into the existing concept. Playable, even fun at points, but this isn't the game I was playing in the first half.

What I want, is a game that is all the 1st ... Or 1st and 2nd meshed together into a solid fabric of gameplay, and lasting much longer.

Disagree with this part. I did massively enjoy the opening (although its linearity can make subsequent playthroughs a bit of a chore) but I feel as though if that was the central gameplay loop it may have gotten old fast. Games like Oultast (I know, it's repeatedly compared to it) do it well but it just sin't what I want from a Resi game.

The second section, just when the game opens up (after the garage) and you finally get to explore is by far its strongest section IMO. It even changes the setting and pacing up enough to keep it feeling fresh, and giving you new places to explore.

tl:dr; Intro was nice the first time but a full game of that would get old, play Outlast instead. The "2nd Game" part was my favourite.


Disagree with this part. I did massively enjoy the opening (although its linearity can make subsequent playthroughs a bit of a chore) but I feel as though if that was the central gameplay loop it may have gotten old fast. Games like Oultast (I know, it's repeatedly compared to it) do it well but it just sin't what I want from a Resi game.

The second section, just when the game opens up (after the garage) and you finally get to explore is by far its strongest section IMO. It even changes the setting and pacing up enough to keep it feeling fresh, and giving you new places to explore.

tl:dr; Intro was nice the first time but a full game of that would get old, play Outlast instead. The "2nd Game" part was my favourite.

Fully agreed.

I'd also like to mention that the "gamey" aspects of RE are part of what define it as a series, and I /love/ how this game embraced that.
I feel like the DLC has been way overpriced, especially vol 2. I actually think the first DLC is a lil better.

15€ is a high price to ask for what is basically a joke mode, short story DLC that frankly isn't very good (and honestly I think it kinda ruins the image I had of the events when the Bakers turned. Very small spoilers:
I imagined it to be far more gradual and creepy but I get that in order for this DLC to work you needed the enemies right now). Also it makes stuff like the file of Marguerite and her doctor appointments make no sense at all.
And everything is 100% reused assets of course.

The Blackjack thing is neat for one playtrough, but again very short and doesn't scratch the RE itch at all. To put it shortly vol.2 has nothing that makes RE7 a great game.

We live in the era of Bloodborne/Witcher 3 ect. DLC being actually new substantial content for 20€ and it makes stuff like this look pretty bad. I love RE7 but I wouldn't recommend anyone to buy this until it's discounted.
I feel like the DLC has been way overpriced, especially vol 2. I actually think the first DLC is a lil better.

15€ is a high price to ask for what is basically a joke mode, short story DLC that frankly isn't very good (and honestly I think it kinda ruins the image I had of the events when the Bakers turned. Very small spoilers:
I imagined it to be far more gradual and creepy but I get that in order for this DLC to work you needed the enemies right now). Also it makes stuff like the file of Marguerite and her doctor appointments make no sense at all.
And everything is 100% reused assets of course.

The Blackjack thing is neat for one playtrough, but again very short and doesn't scratch the RE itch at all. To put it shortly vol.2 has nothing that makes RE7 a great game.

We live in the era of Bloodborne/Witcher 3 ect. DLC being actually new substantial content for 20€ and it makes stuff like this look pretty bad. I love RE7 but I wouldn't recommend anyone to buy this until it's discounted.

I just beat 21, daughters and 2 stages of jacks birthday. I liked daughters about as much as bedroom, which is good but I wouldn't replay it.

21 is terrible, really boring. I only lost a single round (thanks to the tip someone dropped here).

Jacks bday party is awesome tho, will def be going for S ranks on that.


after finishing Vol 2 DLC i can say that it was a huge disappointment compared to the amazing Vol 1( Bed room is a masterpiece and alone is better than Vol 2)

21 part is shit and scripted

Daughters part is okay at best, it's good but very short and has
2 endings

Jack's birthday is a fun mini-game but it's not for me

this is how Resident evil 7 was suppose to come out, the "Full" game + Vol 1+2

my score for the true Full game is 9\10

it's such a shame that this amazing game didn't sell well compared to the trash RE 6, but in a way, capcom kinda deserved it, they shouldn't have cut probably half the game and sold it as a DLC
after finishing Vol 2 DLC i can say that it was a huge disappointment compared to the amazing Vol 1( Bed room is a masterpiece and alone is better than Vol 2)

21 part is shit and scripted

Daughters part is okay at best, it's good but very short and has
2 endings

Jack's birthday is a fun mini-game but it's not for me

this is how Resident evil 7 was suppose to come out, the "Full" game + Vol 1+2

my score for the true Full game is 9\10

it's such a shame that this amazing game didn't sell well compared to the trash RE 6, but in a way, capcom kinda deserved it, they shouldn't have cut probably half the game and sold it as a DLC

Yeah it feels like all the stuff that came in both shouldve been in the main game. Shameful what capcom doing with that smh. Especially since this stuff came out so soon after the game.


Alright I need help. I have like 20 bullets and there are 15 bad dudes in this first basement area while im looking or the dog heads. What the fuck am i supposed to be doing here? I can't kill them all, and theres like 15 of them. I feel like I'm missing something, playing this game completely wrong, or this game is just dreadfully designed.


Alright I need help. I have like 20 bullets and there are 15 bad dudes in this first basement area while im looking or the dog heads. What the fuck am i supposed to be doing here? I can't kill them all, and theres like 15 of them. I feel like I'm missing something, playing this game completely wrong, or this game is just dreadfully designed.

Run past them. You can come back to this area later when you are better prepared.


Alright I need help. I have like 20 bullets and there are 15 bad dudes in this first basement area while im looking or the dog heads. What the fuck am i supposed to be doing here? I can't kill them all, and theres like 15 of them. I feel like I'm missing something, playing this game completely wrong, or this game is just dreadfully designed.

Make every shot count! Kill only the ones that are unavoidable and run past the rest. Remember that you can shut the doors behind you.
after finishing Vol 2 DLC i can say that it was a huge disappointment compared to the amazing Vol 1( Bed room is a masterpiece and alone is better than Vol 2)

21 part is shit and scripted

Daughters part is okay at best, it's good but very short and has
2 endings

Jack's birthday is a fun mini-game but it's not for me

this is how Resident evil 7 was suppose to come out, the "Full" game + Vol 1+2

my score for the true Full game is 9\10

it's such a shame that this amazing game didn't sell well compared to the trash RE 6, but in a way, capcom kinda deserved it, they shouldn't have cut probably half the game and sold it as a DLC

Unless Volume 2 is substantial, which it sounds like it's not, they didn't cut even close to half the game.


I got the chance to sit down and beat the game here a couple of nights ago. Loved every bit of it aside from the final boss. If I had to slap a number beside it for the sake of keeping it short, I would give it an 8.5. I'm a fan of the new direction in first person mixed with more of the old school elements. It just works.
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