Resident Evil classic bundle (original 90s PC versions of 1, 2 and 3) available now of


I have not tried with the GoG version so far but here are some pics from my Seamless HD modded copy from a few days ago.

When you use the mod launcher, make sure you choose the Seamless HD version from the dropdown, I think it defaults to the original version.

The HD lads also ran the FMV through an AI upscaler so it looks hell of a lot cleaner than default.


On that third pic, notice the right side and bottom of the screen has a white outline of the 4:3 aspect. I have that same issue. I have tried everything and can not get it to disappear. It happens within the game as well.


I bought the bundle. Been wanting a way to play these since its so difficult now, in a legal means anyway. I'm mainly going for RE2, I've been wanting to go through that one again for some time now, and while I do/did really enjoy the remake it left out some big things sadly. And for RE1DC on PSN, that shite sucks that I'd have to upgrade my service for like 150+ just to play it, so hell no to that. Also RE3, my least favorite though I still really liked the characters in there. The backgrounds were stellar too.

I hope the GOG guys manage to somehow do a Dino Crisis 1&2 bundle as well. Though I don't recall them being on PC. Man back in the day I remember playing demos for GTA and RE2 with its dinky little timer and just replaying the hell out of it. Also Nocturne. So freaky and "mature" compared to what I was coming from in the previous gens. Later on I'd get a PS1 for Christmas and that was incredible and affordable way to experience many great games.


I bought the bundle. Been wanting a way to play these since its so difficult now, in a legal means anyway. I'm mainly going for RE2, I've been wanting to go through that one again for some time now, and while I do/did really enjoy the remake it left out some big things sadly. And for RE1DC on PSN, that shite sucks that I'd have to upgrade my service for like 150+ just to play it, so hell no to that. Also RE3, my least favorite though I still really liked the characters in there. The backgrounds were stellar too.

I hope the GOG guys manage to somehow do a Dino Crisis 1&2 bundle as well. Though I don't recall them being on PC. Man back in the day I remember playing demos for GTA and RE2 with its dinky little timer and just replaying the hell out of it. Also Nocturne. So freaky and "mature" compared to what I was coming from in the previous gens. Later on I'd get a PS1 for Christmas and that was incredible and affordable way to experience many great games.
You'll be pleased to know that PC ports of DC1 and 2 exist. Gemini has patches for them at his site:
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
So apparently GoG used the original 96 Virgin Interactive PC release as the base, not the much improved SourceNext one. The FMV is 10 FPS and there are some weird skipping issues a lot of people are reporting where the game randomly skips frames.

This is a good release for preservation but as a port, it's kinda subpar.
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Yeah, unfortunately installing RE1 Seamless is more involved than the very simple RE2/3 HD mods cause it builds on top of a few other mods.

I'd say delete everything and give it a fresh start and follow this if you weren't already:

Funny enough, I managed to get it working flawlessly on my laptop with integrated graphics. It is like a gamecube rerelease that never saw the light of day. Definitely the definitive way to play the original. Thanks for your help.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Funny enough, I managed to get it working flawlessly on my laptop with integrated graphics. It is like a gamecube rerelease that never saw the light of day. Definitely the definitive way to play the original. Thanks for your help.

Looks like the AMD card was the problem afterall?


If anyone figures how to play on AMD card, please write. What a travesty this is, I can play on nvidia 1030 but not on RX6600, I get 2 fps...


This is a great mod for RE3 I wonder if it works on the GOG version

We'll see once it releases on GOG.

Meanwhile, REBirth does not seem to work out of the box with the GOG release. It's necessary to convert the port to the 2006 SourceNext version first. Thankfully, there's a fan-made mod for that:



Suffers with mild autism
Seamless HD works with the GoG version, hurray.

Yes, google Resident Evil Seamless HD Mod. They are available for all 3 OG games.


Respectfully, although some people would want it... I absolutely hate that look.

It destroys the original game's aesthetic, by turning the suggestion of grittiness into a plastic lego room. Upscaling in a way that just smooths out everything without adding any grit ruins the intention of the original images.

far greater atmosphere in the image below
The modded version of Resident Evil 2 is so amazing. Tactical reload and quickturn on top of instantly going between areas. I tried playing the Gamecube version after and it just cannot compare with the fully installed Seamless HD Project (which builds upon several other projects). It was wierd downloading three times the volume of files to get it running, but it was well worth it. Only minor gripe is hardcoded Japanese subtitles in the fmv sequences. The quality of them makes it well worth it though. This one also happens to work on AMD graphics cards unlike the first RE GOG release when modded.
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If anyone figures how to play on AMD card, please write. What a travesty this is, I can play on nvidia 1030 but not on RX6600, I get 2 fps...
I did some digging on the GOG forums today and dgVoodoo (specifically release 2.64) with Classic Rebirth mod seems to solve all my issues on PC (which I was able to sidestep on my laptop). Only small flaw is a buffer overflow that can be greatly delayed by setting directx VRAM to 2+GB. With this I can truly play the first Resident Evil game in the most definitive way.
Macaulay Culkin Yes GIF by filmeditor


I'm probably in the minority, but I'm not really digging those HD mod improvements. Low-res backgrounds have a certain charm, HDing them is just eeeh. These games would need a Rebirth-like graphical improvement, otherwise I'll keep playing my original versions, thanks.
I'm probably in the minority, but I'm not really digging those HD mod improvements. Low-res backgrounds have a certain charm, HDing them is just eeeh. These games would need a Rebirth-like graphical improvement, otherwise I'll keep playing my original versions, thanks.
Sometimes I would agree with you, but there are instances in older games where I ask myself, "What the hell am I looking at?" (even as I play them on a CRT as they were meant to be played). These kinds of mods remove that ambiguity and often have quality of life features that make the experience much more enjoyable.
Just for fun, I replayed the Seamless HD Mod of Resident Evil 2 using GOG release and the modern remake by Capcom back to back. I was taken back by how poorly the remake had aged despite much higher fidelity.

My main point of contention was shooting mechanics. In the original shooting was effortless with auto-aim and enemy health being set in stone. In the remake it was cumbersome (though I did not test aim-assist feature exclusive to easy difficulty) with how erratically enemies moved and how slow lining up a shot was. On top of it the enemies had adaptive difficulty designed to waste your bullets. There were times when enemy faces would be deformed to ribeye steak after a dozen shots but they would continue stalking unabated if ammunition was abundant. Granted, expanded limb destruction system in the remake was a cool feature but the randomness of things like a foot coming off (causing quick stumbling enemy) instead of a leg (causing slow crawling enemy) also added frustration. I will add that I really enjoyed the defensive sub-weapon system in the remake. Knifing an enemy playing dead or crawling on the ground was not something I used in the original but was really useful in the remake. Having a flash bang or grenade on hand was also great for dealing with or escaping crowds and bosses.

Another detail that was immediately noticeable was the prominence of Mr. X in the remake (especially in the second campaign). In the original he would pop up in narrow hallways to give the protagonist a good smack (in the second campaign), but in the remake he would relentlessly stalk the player across the game. It caused a lot of unnecessary environmental detours to be taken. I reckon I spent about 1 hour of the playthrough running circles instead of blindly going from one point of interest to another. I also did not appreciate the telegraphed one-hit kill move the remake gave him for the first campaign final battle but tossing a flash bang or grenade in time worked well enough despite built-in weapon draw delay.

There were a few other nitpicks I had with the remake as well. The biggest offender was Claire's arsenal. In the original she had a 13 bullet handgun, 18 bolt crossbow, and a grenade gun which could hold an absurd amount of ammunition. In the remake she had three handguns with different bullets and a single shot grenade gun. I cannot stress how disappointing that was (especially with the longest imagineable reload speed for the six shooter and grenade gun). Not only did those handguns hold pathetic amounts of ammunition, but the game constantly dropped different ammunition that was incompatible with other handguns. Normally it would not matter, but with the active inventory being so limited it required constant swapping of obligatory guns on hand and trips to the inventory box. Lesser offenses were Claire's charged electric stunner and Leon's flame thrower both failing to show damaging effects on enemies outside of slowing them down a notch and triggering a texture swap. On top of it all, the flamethrower could not be refueled without using up the attached gas cylinder. Despite these design decisions the weapons were still fun to use.

It is a shame that the remake has all these functional deficiencies because the story and characters were greatly improved over the original. Even the companion events were beautifully differentiated and realized compared the generic segments in the original. As it stands I much preferred replaying the original. I am grateful for this GOG release giving me both the motivation and opportunity to experience it again.



Hello everyone! I bring some news about the GOG Preservation Program improvements for the original Resident Evil Trilogy titles that we've just added!

We’ve added controller hotplugging support for all games, allowing you to connect or switch controllers live without restarting.

Plus, you can now enjoy these masterpieces with Sony DualSense Edge, Amazon Luna, Google Stadia, and NVIDIA Shield controllers!

Resident Evil Bundle:

GOG Preservation Program:

P.S. If you own a Google Stadia controller, remember you can switch it to Bluetooth mode until December 31st, 2025, and keep using it even after Stadia shuts down. Controller preservation :)


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
The modded version of Resident Evil 2 is so amazing. Tactical reload and quickturn on top of instantly going between areas. I tried playing the Gamecube version after and it just cannot compare with the fully installed Seamless HD Project (which builds upon several other projects). It was wierd downloading three times the volume of files to get it running, but it was well worth it. Only minor gripe is hardcoded Japanese subtitles in the fmv sequences. The quality of them makes it well worth it though. This one also happens to work on AMD graphics cards unlike the first RE GOG release when modded.

Seamless HD is fucking incredible.
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