RE4 was still a survival horror game. 5 and 6 are when it veered into all out action, and Dead Rising has more in common with those two and all the action offshoots than the other entries in the series.
RE4 just struck a better balance than 5 & 6. I'd still consider it an action game though. It was the reason those later style happened after all. When you start to suplex monks, and kick waves of enemies away. The survival horror isn't really there anymore.
I would say you could maybe argue Dead Rising 1. Since you're able to earn a lot of melee moves to use on the zombies once you're fully level 50. But the rest of the games ditch that for combo weapons.
Especially with the most recent DR game. The only comparison they really have to RE is that they're action and have zombies. Gameplay from both now are hugely different. There's overlap sure, but they still appeal to their own crowd.
I still stand by that there is no real comparison to RE action to anything else on the market. Much like how there really wasn't much in comparison to the original survival horror style. There were games that perhaps tried, but never came close to really capturing it.
Right now the closest comparison to RE6 for example is Vanquish.