Resident Evil 5 chapter 5-1 and 5-2.
Game Over: The Return of Shootbang
YUP. I see what you all were talking about later in the game and unfortunately the mechanics as designed can't handle the change. The cover system is utter shit and is worse than cover systems on games that came out 7 years prior. The machine gunners can put you in a state where your knocked over from damage and will get knocked back again just after the animation to get up is complete. The tank controls simply can't handle the change.
Granted, Resident Evil 5 is still far better designed than the majority of Resident Evil 6. The highs are higher than RE 6's and the lows (what I just mentioned) still don't come close to the lows of Sherry/Jake chapter 2, the helicopter sections, Chris chapter 1/2/4, or the stealth section of Ada chapter 1.
I'm just confused that they looked at Chapter 5-1 and 5-2 and said "You know what Chris' campaign in RE 6 needs? 5-1 and 5-2 times a hundred!"
Game Over: The Return of Shootbang
YUP. I see what you all were talking about later in the game and unfortunately the mechanics as designed can't handle the change. The cover system is utter shit and is worse than cover systems on games that came out 7 years prior. The machine gunners can put you in a state where your knocked over from damage and will get knocked back again just after the animation to get up is complete. The tank controls simply can't handle the change.
Granted, Resident Evil 5 is still far better designed than the majority of Resident Evil 6. The highs are higher than RE 6's and the lows (what I just mentioned) still don't come close to the lows of Sherry/Jake chapter 2, the helicopter sections, Chris chapter 1/2/4, or the stealth section of Ada chapter 1.
I'm just confused that they looked at Chapter 5-1 and 5-2 and said "You know what Chris' campaign in RE 6 needs? 5-1 and 5-2 times a hundred!"