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Resident Evil Revelaitons |OT| 3D Jill Sandwiches


So I finally started to play Raid Mode as a way of breaking up my second campaign play-through.

Wow, this really is a hell of a lot more fun than Mercenaries. For me, anyway.

Well, there's definitely a lot more to sink your teeth into, that's for sure. I still really love Mercs, but Raid Mode is a pretty awesome addition, either way. It's very cool to be able to essentially speed run through segments of the campaign with someone else -- that's basically what Raid Mode amounts to. Just got my last S rank on Abyss earlier this evening, earning my purple honor text. Almost finished Ghost Ship too, but my partner died near the end. :(


So I finally started to play Raid Mode as a way of breaking up my second campaign play-through.

Wow, this really is a hell of a lot more fun than Mercenaries. For me, anyway.

The best part is that it gets more fun as you up the difficulty.


I don't understand this game melee attacks giveaway "hints" from the monsters.
I was king in Mercenaries, RE4/5 :/
I'm just at Ch1 Ep3 (the boss) but I've only be able to do it on the Hunters and the boss itself. Never with Jill on the common dudes/dudes shooting their arms.
I also don't understand how you inow if you've landed a full charge attack.

Also the manual seems to explain the escape move's execution as B+ up or B+ down but the latter only gives me the usual 180° turnaround and the former (B+up) seems to happen pretty randomly where I don't even need to press B but just up on the cp.


Ch1 Ep3?
Anyway, landing a melee attack on the common Oozes is posible, but most of the time they'll die before getting staggered. Also, a full charge melee attack will automatic start after getting full charge, so just hold the "Y" button.

In game they explain that the Evasion is either [Up] or [Down + B]. It is NOT Up + B. You need to evade as close as possible to the moment they start attacking, that's what works most of the time for me.


There's two proven ways to stagger the normal Ooze enemies:

1. pulse grenade stuns them right away
2. shoot their arms until they go limp; when both of them give way, they'll be staggered


There's two proven ways to stagger the normal Ooze enemies:

1. pulse grenade stuns them right away
2. shoot their arms until they go limp; when both of them give way, they'll be staggered

Pulse grenade stuns most enemies. Those are really usefull.

I really don't see the point on trying to land a melee attack on a regular Ooze, it's faster just to kill them or evade them an move on.


Pulse grenade stuns most enemies. Those are really usefull.

I really don't see the point on trying to land a melee attack on a regular Ooze, it's faster just to kill them or evade them an move on.

Depending on the melee attack, you can a few more of them in the attack range and they'll be knocked down along with the intended target. It's good way to do some decent damage and give you breathing room without wasting any of your explosives or ammo.
Depending on the melee attack, you can a few more of them in the attack range and they'll be knocked down along with the intended target. It's good way to do some decent damage and give you breathing room without wasting any of your explosives or ammo.
A great tactic when you're facing multiple enemies is to stun one and charge up your melee attack right until another enemy's attack is about to hit. The invincibility during your melee animation can be a life saver, especially when being swarmed by Hunters.
Oh you lucky, lucky thing! :)

You have so much to look forward to! New weapons and upgrades [especially in the mode you unlock after the first three episodes [IIRC].

In respect of your specific question....although I've played it for 80 odd hours I can't say I have paid any particular attention to that aspect of the game so I am afraid that I can't answer you with any degree of certainty.

I want to say yes but take that with the above proviso in mind.

Anyway, enjoy! :)

I'm essentially just disappointed with the way the enemies react to my shots, which is to say they don't consistently. Does it even matter where on their bodies I shoot them?

Also, is it ever explained in the game how to dodge or perform charged physical attacks? I didn't realize they were possible until looking at the "achievement" list.

Other than this gripe, I'm finding the game to be a joy to play, and it looks far better than I had assumed it did in the demo (I must have been playing with glare on the screen or something). The music is also far better than it should be.
Depending on the melee attack, you can a few more of them in the attack range and they'll be knocked down along with the intended target. It's good way to do some decent damage and give you breathing room without wasting any of your explosives or ammo.

Especially against Skagdead. Shooting him in the head for some time will get him on his knees. A fully charged melee move does ridiculous damage and saves you tons of bullets. This works even with the non upgradeable weapons in the side chapters (Chris)

It's funny that I'm starting to apply the same tactics and almost similar gameplay flow from mercenaries in Revelations. I'm now always going for staggers/melee combos whenever possible. At first I was ready to leave that playstyle behind, but I'm returning to it more and more the better I get at aiming.

The thing I hate most when playing online, are people who shoot the small/fast Draghignazzos in the torso, turning them into a frantic tazer springball. I mostly just run away by then and watch them getting whipped by that littly discoball on legs before throwing a grenade and killing it with the Muramasa.

I'm essentially just disappointed with the way the enemies react to my shots, which is to say they don't consistently. Does it even matter where on their bodies I shoot them?

Also, is it ever explained in the game how to dodge or perform charged physical attacks? I didn't realize they were possible until looking at the "achievement" list.

Other than this gripe, I'm finding the game to be a joy to play, and it looks far better than I had assumed it did in the demo (I must have been playing with glare on the screen or something). The music is also far better than it should be.

As a rule, if you're good enough, aim for the limbs. If you can't aim consistently at the limbs, go for the upper torso. Better to deal some damage than to miss the limbs.

Even with non upgraded weapons, shooting the limbs should cause a small jitter to the limb. Once the limb gets crippled (swings around like dead) aim for another part. For example, you get the right arm crippled, then you can do the same with either the left arm or the head before getting a stun. Shooting the legs can help you with crowd control as it slows down the front runners, and opens up your line of fire for those behind. (especially usefull when having boomers in the enemy mix)

Evading is explained in the game when you first HAVE to use it. It's pretty simple. B and up or down on the dpad. The tricky part is timing, and to get that right you need to learn the enemies animation patterns. I love that they made them much more unpredictable than the formulaic and easy to learn animations from RE4/5. I found that you have to evade during the very first frames of the attack animation. With the standard Ooze this allready starts when they begin to twist their shoulders for a side swipe, or ducking before they hug you. I found it easier to dodge the normal physical attacks than the hugs, because those are harder to predict as the initial animation looks like very similar to the tumbling dodge move.
The easiest to dodge are bosses since they repeat their patterns and you can learn the animations faster.


Man. Finally got my hands on a Circle Pad Pro, and I gotta say I'm disappointed. It's just not comfortable at all. Circle pad is way too close to the edge of the thing, which makes it awkward to use, plus it feels too loose and has a massive dead zone. The shoulder buttons also have a really weird feel to them, like they require slightly too much pressure to press. It's fortunate that this game doesn't use the L button, because that thing is awkward as hell to press.

It seems like a better control scheme for this game. I just wish it was more comfortable to use.
While I'm morally against the CCP, I don't feel that the game necessarily needs it. The thought of two analogue sticks probably wouldn't have crossed my mind if Nintendo hadn't introduced the idea.
Phew! Just finished my fourth playthrough on Campaign and first on Hell! Sadly I made it unnecessarily painful for myself by getting 95% of the way through ep 11 T2, forgetting that I had turned auto save off and quitting out for a break before the last assault :/. So I then had to re-do it all from the start, dying several times in an irritated mood! :x Ironically I found the last assault the easiest part of all! :/

Anyway, I'm glad that's over with! Now I am going to re-start again and do another no herb run on casual and see if I get another of the upgrades the game gave me the first time I did it.

Felt like I was having a heart attack when I finally beat the computer defense part of chapter 9, no herb run.

Oh well done sir! :D

Funnily enough I was wondering if you had managed it yet as I was trying to get past that section last night on my Hell playthrough so I am delighted to hear that you have! :)

Man. Finally got my hands on a Circle Pad Pro, and I gotta say I'm disappointed. It's just not comfortable at all. Circle pad is way too close to the edge of the thing, which makes it awkward to use, plus it feels too loose and has a massive dead zone. The shoulder buttons also have a really weird feel to them, like they require slightly too much pressure to press. It's fortunate that this game doesn't use the L button, because that thing is awkward as hell to press.

It seems like a better control scheme for this game. I just wish it was more comfortable to use.

You will probably find that it grows on you over time. Initially it felt awkward and not ergonomic to me and a rather curious design but now it feels completely natural to me. I have played the game for 85 hours though so I suppose I should have adjusted to it in that time :p. Of course you can elect not to use it if you really despise it. However, I hate to think what shape my hands would be in by now if I hadn't been using the CPP for those 85 hours!

Oh and the game does use the L button at some points in the game and it has never caused me an issue in pressing it :/.
Man. Finally got my hands on a Circle Pad Pro, and I gotta say I'm disappointed. It's just not comfortable at all. Circle pad is way too close to the edge of the thing, which makes it awkward to use, plus it feels too loose and has a massive dead zone. The shoulder buttons also have a really weird feel to them, like they require slightly too much pressure to press. It's fortunate that this game doesn't use the L button, because that thing is awkward as hell to press.

It seems like a better control scheme for this game. I just wish it was more comfortable to use.
I hear ya but you get used to it and after a while it's not so bad. I had no issues with Type A controls before but after using the CPP for an extended period of time, I just can't go back.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Not sure which control scheme you're using but the game always told me it was Y+UP as B was used for reloads and quick turning, although in reality all you have to do is press UP at the right moment I still use Y+UP as it helps me time the move I guess.

Also with the melee I have no idea what hit locations actually effect how the enemy reacts but as you progress you'll get weapon parts that add Daze% which will set enemies up for melee.

You should try Gamestops website and see if there are any stores near you with copies in stock, I was able to find one like that the week after the game came out.

Using the CC Pro.
Anyway, thanks to you and the others, you've actually explained it very well :)
Just catching up on this thread....man, I swear I played a different game than some of you guys.

Let me just say that I liked the game, I’d give it a solid 8/10, but some of you make is sound like it’s a masterpiece. It’s pretty flawed, from the God awful ghosting, idiotic story (even for RE standards), the iffy action sections (the flashback sections with Parker were seriously terrible and boring), the fact that it was not scary at all (save for the second boss) and that the game just gets too repetitive. Oh, and me not liking Raid Mode anywhere near as much as Mercs didn’t help. It’s good, but really quite forgettable. I LOL every time someone puts it alongside RE4. Sorry....I had to get that off my chest.

Carry on! : )


Is this game ruined by the hardest difficulty being locked and it being stupid easy otherwise? That's the impression I got from Patrick of Giant Bomb.


Just catching up on this thread....man, I swear I played a different game than some of you guys.

Yeah, pretty sure you played a different game. I wouldn't call it a masterpiece, but I would call it a masterfully crafted handheld Resident Evil game.

Is this game ruined by the hardest difficulty being locked and it being stupid easy otherwise? That's the impression I got from Patrick of Giant Bomb.

Did Patrick play it on Casual? I found the Normal mode to be a very balanced challenge my first time through. Or perhaps he only played the first handful of chapters. A lot of it is standard, but there are definitely some hairy moments when you aren't familiar with enemy placement and attack patterns.
Is this game ruined by the hardest difficulty being locked and it being stupid easy otherwise? That's the impression I got from Patrick of Giant Bomb.

Not at all. I played it first on normal and several times wished I had begun on casual instead. Besides there are certain sections in the game that can be challenging, even on casual. So I would not agree that that was a valid criticism of the game, from my experience. Besides, Raid mode is worth the price of admission in itself as far as I am concerned. There is a demo on the eShop if you wish to try before you buy :).

Davey Cakes

I wouldn't say that this game is a masterpiece, but it's a very good RE game and I'd probably give it a 9/10. I had some fun with the side areas but I would have preferred if just the ship was the entire main game. The Parker, Chris, and Grinder parts could have been included as unlockables in the same vein as RE4's separate ways. I can see the benefits of breaking up the game's action but at the same time I enjoy a good "flow" and the side stories kind of got in the way.
Just curious, but is the game supposed to run like shit while you're in the elevator or the big doors before the getting to the Hall? I'm assuming that it's because the game is loading different sections of the game, but I just want to be sure I'm not the only one experiencing this.
Just curious, but is the game supposed to run like shit while you're in the elevator or the big doors before the getting to the Hall? I'm assuming that it's because the game is loading different sections of the game, but I just want to be sure I'm not the only one experiencing this.
yea, the sections load while doors open/going through elevators.
I can totally understand why some people wouldn't like this game, but I'm having a pretty great time with it. Chris' first level is terrible, but the rest has stupid fun so far.

I also think the story is absurd by Resident Evil standards, and that's saying a lot.
Is anyone else's CPP already low on batteries? At least, that's what a message says when I load up RE:R. One battery is supposed to last hundreds of hours.


Mine ran out yesterday. I only played RE for like 20 hours, so I'm wondering if it's on while in sleep mode or something.
Is anyone else's CPP already low on batteries? At least, that's what a message says when I load up RE:R. One battery is supposed to last hundreds of hours.

Yep, mine died after about 70 hours playtime. So I charged and popped in a rechargeable battery that is trucking along okay so far. Of course the battery that comes with the CPP starts losing charge as soon as it is out of the manufacturing process, whether it is being used or not. So since we don't know how old they are...

However, if it is something that I have to attend to every 70 hours or so of playtime then it is not something that is sufficient to send me into a nerd rage. Although I might just decide to do that anyway, just for the fun of it!



what's the general consensus on the best control scheme? I believe im using B. so L to raise weapon R to shoot, face buttons to look around, etc.

also, the game doesn't really scare me like I was led to believe would happen. :[

have been a few moments where I've jumped and then a few times where I just felt overwhelmed and was shitting my pants (chapter 7, I believe).

Zelda has been taking up too much time. I need to get back into this.


Just catching up on this thread....man, I swear I played a different game than some of you guys.

Let me just say that I liked the game, I’d give it a solid 8/10, but some of you make is sound like it’s a masterpiece. It’s pretty flawed, from the God awful ghosting, idiotic story (even for RE standards), the iffy action sections (the flashback sections with Parker were seriously terrible and boring), the fact that it was not scary at all (save for the second boss) and that the game just gets too repetitive. Oh, and me not liking Raid Mode anywhere near as much as Mercs didn’t help. It’s good, but really quite forgettable. I LOL every time someone puts it alongside RE4. Sorry....I had to get that off my chest.

Carry on! : )

banned for having bad taste


Just beat the game. Damn that final boss. Took me several tries until I figured out the timing for dodging. The fact that I didn't even know how to dodge normal enemies properly made this more frustrating lol.

Now time for the Raid mode


I hear ya but you get used to it and after a while it's not so bad. I had no issues with Type A controls before but after using the CPP for an extended period of time, I just can't go back.

This is exactly how I feel, I didn't get a CPP until after I was at least half way through the campaign and while I was able to play the game just fine without, it I don't feel like I can go back to that play style after getting used to the CPP.

It really gives you a lot more freedom of movement and makes the game far more enjoyable in my opinion. Also makes raid mode way more enjoyable since it's all about running and gunning.


This is exactly how I feel, I didn't get a CPP until after I was at least half way through the campaign and while I was able to play the game just fine without, it I don't feel like I can go back to that play style after getting used to the CPP.

It really gives you a lot more freedom of movement and makes the game far more enjoyable in my opinion. Also makes raid mode way more enjoyable since it's all about running and gunning.
I'm the opposite: I was so hooked with the gyro controls, by the time I got the CPPro and tested Revelations with it, I just...couldn't get used to how aiming works in dual analog anymore. The aiming in gyro controls is so snappy and responsive I just couldn't go back.


How do people get such strong weapons in raid mode? More often than not I'll pair up with someone around my level but their weapons are doing twice the damage my weapons are x.X Makes me feel sort of lame since they're doing most of the work haha.


How do people get such strong weapons in raid mode? More often than not I'll pair up with someone around my level but their weapons are doing twice the damage my weapons are x.X Makes me feel sort of lame since they're doing most of the work haha.

Early on, the shop is your best bet for getting weapons that are equivalent to your current level. Once you start inching closer to 50, your best shot at better weapons will come from the bounties and the infection missions that you'll get from playing with other people.
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