Didn't realize the game came a day late in Japan. : (
Oh, looks like embargo is up.
I'm working on it now. I've played through Episode 1 several times on three different platforms and now have it down to a science.
I didn't much like it at first but it's grown on me and there's definitely some fun in here. It's just...man, it's really ugly. It looks nowhere NEAR as nice as RE5 or 6. Not even close. I know it's low budget but, man. The level design too is very very bland. Just a bunch of featureless hallways, basically.
The combat is also nowhere near as interesting as RE6 (which I loved - so shoot me). It's just fast and twitchy with minimal tactical elements.
Still, it does play a lot better than the original Revelations which was just so slow and uninteresting.
That's about right. It's surprisingly fun for replays. I can do Claire's part in about 15 minutes now and get all S ranks.
Cool that this has Japanese audio. may try it out later. I need to hear all this Moira cursing in another language.
I got the game to work by using the PSN store on my PC
Can the episodes be purchased off Steam individually or are they only available bundled like some other episodic games (Telltale games)?
It's the same.The fighting in this game is just so boring.
Literally all female characters have ONE melee attacks. I assume the same for male characters.
What kinda tragedy?
Three questions: Is the music as good or anywhere close to what you'd expect from previous games?
Have they finally made the gun shots sound more powerful?
Graphics wise, any other entry in the series comparable?
Doesn't the EU PSN store feature pre load? I have it preordered for a month but don't see anything downloaded yet. If not, will the downoad at least start at midnight when the console is in rest mode?
Jeez... What's the point of digitally pre ordering then? Even the WiiU does it now. Get your shit together Sony.No pre-load I think, at least nothing is downloading from me and when I click it gives me an error.
I can't download the game. When I select Start in the library it appears the message "Cannot find the application. Do you want to look in Playstation Store?"
Anyone having the same problem?
Had the same problem. I had to the game to my ps4 download queue using the web store.
It's going to be hard waiting out the physical release.
Seems like mostly everyone seems to have made a 180 on Moira, heh.
After having finished the episode, the complaints about Moira, in my view, are completely overblown. I didn't find her annoying at all. She cusses a lot, but that's never bothered me. The game sort of finds this "half-camp" tone that it does pretty well, and the characters, for the most part, work well within it.
I don't get the graphics complaints. It's not the best looking game ever, but it's very crisp and clear and runs well (on the PS4). Looks more than good enough for me and the whole "lol PS2 graphics" comments are complete bullshit. 1080p with some decent AA and AF and it seems to be at 60 FPS, which is all nice. I don't give a shit if it doesn't have the best lighting and shadows ever, especially in a 25 dollar game. The textures are serviceable too.
After having finished the episode, the complaints about Moira, in my view, are completely overblown. I didn't find her annoying at all. She cusses a lot, but that's never bothered me. The game sort of finds this "half-camp" tone that it does pretty well, and the characters, for the most part, work well within it.
The dialogue works surprisingly well most of the time.
It's like they embraced the residentevil-ness of it and used it in their favor.
I'm probably so used to high production values by that franchise..even harder for me to stomach. :/ But I'm waiting for more user impressions, I'm still in if the gameplay is fine.
I don't think Vita was part of the original plan and, if I recall, that version is being worked on by Sony themselves. I doubt they limited the scope of the game for Vita.Some of you need to remember that this is coming to the Vita when you talk about this game's graphics and animation looking low budget. This looks on par to how the first Revelations looked only with slight next gen improvement.
I never noticed anything that looked that bad while playing the campaign. I'm sure you can cherry pick an awful screenshot here or there. That looks like a Raid Mode shot, maybe there's some lower quality stuff in there. Overall nothing stood out that bugged me while playing through the main game, shrug. Either way it's a cheap game and it could look much worse and I'd still enjoy it. People's standards and expectations for graphics have gotten a little ridiculous I think. 1080p, 60 FPS, and decent AA/AF go a long way for me over everything else. I absolutely appreciated how amazing The Order: 1886 looks and loved the visual experience of that, but I certainly don't need games to look like that. Especially not $25 ones.
I never noticed anything that looked that bad while playing the campaign. I'm sure you can cherry pick an awful screenshot here or there. That looks like a Raid Mode shot, maybe there's some lower quality stuff in there. Overall nothing stood out that bugged me while playing through the main game, shrug. Either way it's a cheap game and it could look much worse and I'd still enjoy it. People's standards and expectations for graphics have gotten a little ridiculous I think. 1080p, 60 FPS, and decent AA/AF go a long way for me over everything else. I absolutely appreciated how amazing The Order: 1886 looks and loved the visual experience of that, but I certainly don't need games to look like that. Especially not $25 ones.
I don't think Vita was part of the original plan and, if I recall, that version is being worked on by Sony themselves. I doubt they limited the scope of the game for Vita.
I didn't know about that.I don't think Vita was part of the original plan and, if I recall, that version is being worked on by Sony themselves. I doubt they limited the scope of the game for Vita.
I'm probably so used to high production values by that franchise..even harder for me to stomach. :/ But I'm waiting for more user impressions, I'm still in if the gameplay is fine.