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Resident Evil: Revelations 2 |OT| Yeah, but it's only $25

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
On the topic of Mr/Ms Morpheus.

The Gnezdo mutation in RE6


This scene in RE6 always struck me as odd since the figure is very much female even though a male was infected. I guess you can say this inconsistency always Bugged me.


I think it has to do with being a queen bee in a colony of bee's... But it's the C-Virus, or as I like to call it, the "Does-Whatever-The-Fuck-It-Wants" Virus. It can turn people into lizards, giants, sharks, dinosaurs, giant house flies, whatever-the-fuck it wants, really. It can make zombies, intelligent soldiers, people's limbs mutate! It can turn you into a blob monster, or give you electric powers; did I mention it turned a literal human into a shark? It can make titty monsters! It can turn someone not only into a mother-fucking Tyrannosaurs Rex, but also a scorpion-centaur, in the span of 5 minutes! It has fire, electricity, water properties. It has an insect theme, when it feels like it! You can fly, if it turns you into a mother-fucking bird. Regenerating monster that cannot die easily and can split in half and toss its limbs and still function? Sure! Invincible Nemesis rip-off that just will not die? Why not! It seems to really turn Deborah on, for whatever reason. Simmons retains his humanity and can turn back into Simmons, cause hey, C-Virus is cool with that.



I think it has to do with being a queen bee in a colony of bee's... But it's the C-Virus, or as I like to call it, the "Does-Whatever-The-Fuck-It-Wants" Virus. It can turn people into lizards, giants, sharks, dinosaurs, giant house flies, whatever-the-fuck it wants, really. It can make zombie, intelligent soldiers, people's limbs mutate, it can turn you into a blob monster, or give you electric powers, did I mention it turned a literal human into a shark? It can make titty monsters! It can turn someone not only in a mother-fucking Tyrannosaurs Rex, but also a scorpion-centaur, in the span of 5 minutes! It has fire, electricity, water properties. It has an insect theme, when it feels like it! You can fly, if it turns you into a mother-fucking bird. Regenerating monster that cannot die easily, sure! Invincible, Nemesis rip-off that just will not die? Why not? It seems to really turn Deborah on, for whatever reason. Simmons retains his humanity and can turn back into Simmons, cause hey, C-Virus is cool with that.

I think this puts into context why I love this series.

I wasnt aware that the giant animal monsters (Snake and Shark) in RE6 were originally human. Dont forget it can also make a person into a duplicate of another! (Carla).

Astral Dog

The "Umbrella revival" was never a literal revival of the Umbrella Corporation. It's metaphorical word play. It's not as clear in the English version because the translator messed up.

In Japanese, the katakana "アンブレラ" is used for the company while the kanji "傘" is used to mean a literal "umbrella." Wesker's plan was to build an organization that inherited Umbrella's legacy but was larger and stronger in order to fulfil its same purpose, which was to act as an "umbrella" to shield the true goals of those in power (Wesker in this case, Spencer etc for Umbrella).

Neo Umbrella was a puppet organization of The Family used to cause bioterrorism incidents around the world, which The Family could control. Think of it like the "war economy" in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. A way for The Family to exert control in global affairs by controlling the very weapons and countermeasures used in terrorism and proxy wars.
Oh, im sorry i should had known better, had a different expectation, even Krauser mentions Umbrella like Sergei does, was he referring to Tricell?

With the kind of cast that the RE games have built up over the years, I disagree with this. I disagree with this whole statement really. The idea of Bioterrorism is much more fuller than having a central "main" threat. You can have any form of threat in any part of the world at any point in time. That's just oozing with potential really in taking the series a variety of different places, much more so than having this one company that you are fighting all the time.

I can see the point that they dealt with Umbrella in an unsatisfying way (though I was fine with it myself), but I think the way they've set the RE world up now is far more interesting and varied than just having one evil company doing an evil thing and our heroes having to come in and save the day from said evil company again.
I can't agree because the world of RE revolves around a few characters, so it still feels very small in a way, although you have a point.



I think it has to do with being a queen bee in a colony of bee's... But it's the C-Virus, or as I like to call it, the "Does-Whatever-The-Fuck-It-Wants" Virus. It can turn people into lizards, giants, sharks, dinosaurs, giant house flies, whatever-the-fuck it wants, really. It can make zombie, intelligent soldiers, people's limbs mutate, it can turn you into a blob monster, or give you electric powers, did I mention it turned a literal human into a shark? It can make titty monsters! It can turn someone not only into a mother-fucking Tyrannosaurs Rex, but also a scorpion-centaur, in the span of 5 minutes! It has fire, electricity, water properties. It has an insect theme, when it feels like it! You can fly, if it turns you into a mother-fucking bird. Regenerating monster that cannot die easily and can split in half and toss its limbs and still function? Sure! Invincible Nemesis rip-off that just will not die? Why not! It seems to really turn Deborah on, for whatever reason. Simmons retains his humanity and can turn back into Simmons, cause hey, C-Virus is cool with that.
I suddenly feel like playing RE6 again


To be fair, the T-Virus made these:


News Bot

I actually thought that was the case.

But yeah, I don't see Carla funding something like HAOS by herself.

Yeah, the game attempts to make a mystery out of how Carla funded HAOS, which was unnecessary. It should have just explained the situation.

I really disliked how they handled Wesker on 5, he goes...just like any other generic RE villain, "Uroboros"! even transforms, "CHRIIISSS"! boom, rocket launcher and then he dies.
They cheesed him up far too much imo, even Chris states this" you are nothing more than another Umbrella leftover"!, " Are you some kind of Comic Book villain"? and he is right Wesker was the most built up villain on the series, he kinda takes Spencer plans, maybe that was the point all along, he is nothing more than a lunatic, one of many, even Carla, of all people calls him out just to insult him " he was a colossal imbecile that tried to destroy the world"!

Maybe that was the point :/

Wesker's scheme since BIO1 was always forced extinction and mass evolution. It's the reason he attempted to steal the t-Virus (to engineer it to his own design) and the Tyrant (to threaten Umbrella and stop them from opposing him).

Wesker as a character is great. He's mostly calm and calculating but his main weakness is that he's always been a conceited elitist, and is thus overconfident by nature. His portrayal in BIO5 was quite bad though I thought, it's especially jarring if you've just played UC, where he's pretty careful.

From memory, it touches on some of it... The lightning powers are supposed to be from T + G Virus... Somehow, I think they try to explain it, but whatever, For turning into a man to a woman, I think it's brought up but not fully explained, but I may be wrong. My personal belief until further evidence was maybe because he produced a lot of estrogen, some men produce a lots of estrogen, some women produce a lot of testosterone. For why he retains his consciousness for a while? No idea.

The villain is ridiculous, I'm mainly teasing with him/her because of just how what Morpheus is. XD; I did, however, find the game to be a pretty enjoyable spin-off, a more underrated entry in the franchise.

There's no relation between Morpheus and Piers. The electrical abilities are shared by coincidence. In particular, the enhanced C-Virus' mutations are entirely random with influence from insect genes. The t+G-Virus was designed from the outset to produce electrical abilities.

Interestingly enough Dead Aim was co-developed by Cavia who would then go on to work on the Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles games for Capcom later on.

I actually didn't mind Dead Aim. The villain was absolutely ridiculous. Like almost as bad as Singing jRPG James Marcus, but the gunplay was super satisfying.

Was this ever addressed by the game's files or something? I just find it so random and out of left field.

Morpheus was transsexual, or at least on his way to it (he already had breasts). The t+G-Virus was designed to not affect the brain, because it was designed as a "secondary virus" that would be injected into a B.O.W. already created with the t-Virus. Considering t-series creatures already have diminished intelligence, injecting another virus would just make it worse. This is how Morpheus is still intelligent and fully conscious. The virus wasn't intended to be used on normal humans.

These aren't stated directly in the game, but you can find the references in the game's scenario:

Once he arrives on the deck, he is confronted by the muzzle of a beautiful, decorated revolver.
It is Morpheus D. Duvall (32).
Although he has the face of a cool, handsome man, his physique is disproportionate.

Bruce continues his search.
He obtains a file along the way.
A development department of Umbrella combined the T-Virus and G-Virus and perfected a new Bio Organic Weapon.
The Bio Organic Weapon possesses incredible offensive strength and the ability to manipulate a high-voltage current from within the body, too strong for ordinary bullets.
In addition, unlike conventional creatures, it's written that its appearance is not grotesque.

The t-Virus and G-Virus were related, so the t+G-Virus is really just a "best hits" combination of both which weakened or removed each of their side effects (intelligence loss, breeding ability, uncontrollable mutation, etc) by exchanging genes.

A lot of GS4's files were altered before release and ultimately show less information for some reason:

Bruce begins his search.
Bruce enters.
From notes and files of the personnel who worked in this facility; this facility was an Umbrella waste disposal site and Morpheus was once in charge.
It turns out his management was careless and the T-Virus leaked about a month ago killing many personnel, and the surviving staff began scrambling to escape.

Character changes to Bruce. He jumps down and begins his search for Fong Ling.
Before long he obtains a file.
● According to it, there’s an Umbrella biosphere 100m beneath the water off the coast of this island, and it becomes clear that there's also a missile silo there.
● Morpheus' goal also becomes clear.
If he obtains one hundred billion dollars, he’ll gather mercenaries from around the world and build a military state in Africa; crush Umbrella with the power of the T-Virus, and pose threats to the world, thinking of working behind the scenes as a fixer.


At least those are useful as weapons.

What the fuck was the point of the Albanoid?


Such useless creature, the regular garden snakes were more of a threat than this thing.

I meant as, it doesn't even look like the rest of the T creatures.

You have Tyrants, then you have zombies.

Then you have special zombies who "evolve", they go from zombie to crimson head or Licker.

And then you have this reptile-looking thing. Why?

EDIT: Albinoids are really fucking stupid.


I meant as, it doesn't even look like the rest of the T creatures.

You have Tyrants, then you have zombies.

Then you have special zombies who "evolve", they go from zombie to crimson head or Licker.

And then you have this reptile-looking thing. Why?

EDIT: Albinoids are really fucking stupid.

The Tyrants were made by experimenting on humans with the T virus.

The Hunters used the T Virus combined with human embryos and reptile DNA to create genetically modified B.O.Ws.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
To be fair, the T-Virus made these:


I always had the image it was modified a lot for combat, as they were doing a lot of animal research. Though the T-Virus of course has its own ridiculousness, like being able to turn animals into larger animals, and a virus that not only effects just animals, but also plants. Just the C-Virus struck me as the most silly virus as while all the viruses are silly, they were somewhat grounded to some extent, the C-Virus literally just does whatever the fuck it wants. It turns people into Cacoons, it's like pinata, never know what might come out. That's not to say I hated it, but it definitely lacked in consistency. Not that I or most cared, game had some wonderful enemy variety.

At least those are useful as weapons.

What the fuck was the point of the Albanoid?


Such useless creature, the regular garden snakes were more of a threat than this thing.

Albanoid just wanted to chill in his pool, live a quaint life with its children, but alas, it chose the wrong pool to chill in.

The monster that always got the most WTF response from me were the Nautilus from Dead Aim.


I know it's a Nautilus... And I understand you meet it in the B.O.W. Waste Disposal facility, so that means it's a rejected B.O.W., but why the hell does the thing open up a big vagina and shoot out super terrifying looking baby semen to their death?


i think the best way to justify wesker's wild character swings is just to imagine him like dr doom

he thinks he's hot shit and is super careful and cunning and planning and then reed richards chris redfield bumbles into the scene and he drops everything so he can get at RIIIIICHAAARDSSSS CHRRRRRRISSSSSSS

also yes as stated before dead aim is insane

News Bot

Oh, im sorry i should had known better, had a different expectation, even Krauser mentions Umbrella like Sergei does, was he referring to Tricell?

Wesker was in a high position in Umbrella's rival company at the time. He secured a position with TRICELL in 2003 in the event the rival company betrayed him, which they do in BIO4. He succeeds regardless and assumes complete control of the company, but runs it into the ground within two years by using up its resources searching for Spencer.

At least those are useful as weapons.

What the fuck was the point of the Albanoid?

Such useless creature, the regular garden snakes were more of a threat than this thing.

The Albinoid is a great B.O.W. It is used to cripple the enemy's water supply with electricity. Umbrella manufactured a B.O.W. to cover any possible ground.

On the topic of Mr/Ms Morpheus.

The Gnezdo mutation in RE6

This scene in RE6 always struck me as odd since the figure is very much female even though a male was infected. I guess you can say this inconsistency always Bugged me.

The game explains that Gnzedo and Lepotica are based on C-Virus strains that were by-products of Project Ada, so they actually contain some of Ada Wong's DNA. Hence the female figures.

I always had the image it was modified a lot for combat, as they were doing a lot of animal research. Though the T-Virus of course has its own ridiculousness, like being able to turn animals into larger animals, and a virus that not only effects just animals, but also plants. Just the C-Virus struck me as the most silly virus as while all the viruses are silly, they were somewhat grounded to some extent, the C-Virus literally just does whatever the fuck it wants. It turns people into Cacoons, it's like pinata, never know what might come out. That's not to say I hated it, but it definitely lacked in consistency. Not that I or most cared, game had some wonderful enemy variety.

I know it's a Nautilus... And I understand you meet it in the B.O.W. Waste Disposal facility, so that means it's a rejected B.O.W., but why the hell does the thing open up a big vagina and shoot out super terrifying looking baby semen to their death?

People sometimes forget that mutations are quite random. It took decades of development to get the t-Virus to produce "common" results. The C-Virus mutations can be influenced by using the virus as a retroviral vector, incorporating animal genes into the virus and then injecting it into a human who, after undergoing the Chrysalis stage, will be reborn with the characteristics of the animal genes you incorporated, and so on. This is the same reason G-Birkin and G-Curtis mutate completely differently, or why Nosferatu, Alexia and Monster Steve look nothing alike.

Nautilus is also a random mutation. It was deemed a failure because... well, the reasons you said.

Astral Dog

I'll say this, I did sort of miss Wesker seeming cunning or a cool-headed villain in RE5. This said, I also admit a guilty pleasure that I really, like really, liked over-the-top comic villain Wesker in RE5. D.C. Douglas delivered a pleasing performance, and some of Wesker's dialogue is forever instilled in my brain.
Wesker had some moments, of course.
REV 2 spoilers.
But in the end Albert Wesker was just another of Umbrella failed experiments,
Albert is
not even the "best" Wesker

Wich brings us
to Alex, Maybe Albert had a thing with her, it makes sense and the wiki says they knew each other! what if Alex tries to resurrect him.
I think Hunters were specially brewed to be like they are, it wasn't a first time reaction to the frogs or whatever.

I would love to see more stuff like that in RE, zombie dogs only go so far.
Any other PS4 users have issues with the Throwback Map pack or DLC weapons not working despite saying they are installed? If so - was there any note on it being fixed soon...say with the new episode tomorrow?

I've snooped around but found no answer - only other frustrated people.


Any other PS4 users have issues with the Throwback Map pack or DLC weapons not working despite saying they are installed? If so - was there any note on it being fixed soon...say with the new episode tomorrow?

I've snooped around but found no answer - only other frustrated people.

Welcome to the club.


With regards to the C-virus, I always assumed there were different strains, each mixed with different animal DNA, etc., to create different results. So it's not a random virus being random. The C-Virus is the base, but is modified in various ways to create the different BOWs, transformations, etc.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I think Hunters were specially brewed to be like they are, it wasn't a first time reaction to the frogs or whatever.

I would love to see more stuff like that in RE, zombie dogs only go so far.

Definitely not as in Zero we have Lurkers.


As said, I'm sure they were meddled with and then manufactured, not just T-Virus + Frog = Hunters.

Wesker was in a high position in Umbrella's rival company at the time. He secured a position with TRICELL in 2003 in the event the rival company betrayed him, which they do in BIO4. He succeeds regardless and assumes complete control of the company, but runs it into the ground within two years by using up its resources searching for Spencer.

The Albinoid is a great B.O.W. It is used to cripple the enemy's water supply with electricity. Umbrella manufactured a B.O.W. to cover any possible ground.

The game explains that Gnzedo and Lepotica are based on C-Virus strains that were by-products of Project Ada, so they actually contain some of Ada Wong's DNA. Hence the female figures.

People sometimes forget that mutations are quite random. It took decades of development to get the t-Virus to produce "common" results. The C-Virus mutations can be influenced by using the virus as a retroviral vector, incorporating animal genes into the virus and then injecting it into a human who, after undergoing the Chrysalis stage, will be reborn with the characteristics of the animal genes you incorporated, and so on. This is the same reason G-Birkin and G-Curtis mutate completely differently, or why Nosferatu, Alexia and Monster Steve look nothing alike.

Nautilus is also a random mutation. It was deemed a failure because... well, the reasons you said.

Sounds like Wesker is quite the businessman.

I feel like they could of gotten similar results without a B.O.W., like poison or something, but hey, who am I to judge?

I knew that for the Lepotica, but not the Gnzedo. Interesting. I also like to imagine Simmons kept a locket of Ada's hair.

That's fair, and it is true C-Virus is kind of instantaneous results.

Nautilus is terrifying and yet fascinating.

The Nautilus's sperm babies look like nemesis.

You know, they kind of do. XD;

By the way, I can't be the only one who loved HAOS' design, right?

Just look at this hideous mofo.

You're not alone, I loved Haos design-wise, thought it looked legitimately creepy and one of the creepier monsters to come out of RE recently.

I think Hunters were specially brewed to be like they are, it wasn't a first time reaction to the frogs or whatever.

I would love to see more stuff like that in RE, zombie dogs only go so far.

There's a few through the series, but I'd like to see more, I will say. Hunter and Tyrant come to mind.

With regards to the C-virus, I always assumed there were different strains, each mixed with different animal DNA, etc., to create different results. So it's not a random virus being random. The C-Virus is the base, but is modified in various ways to create the different BOWs, transformations, etc.

That's correct and News Bot affirms this, but I still think it's the least consistent virus in the game, and obviously something of an excuse for the developers to go crazy and make whatever monsters they wanted, and then weird things, like was Simmons injected with T-Rex, House Fly, Centaur-Scorpion DNA, and dog DNA, all at once? I think the C-Virus tested the believable results these types of viruses can have a bit to the farthest extents, but I don't view it as a con, more of a funny thing, as it does lead to something I love in the RE series, enemy variety.

I think that's a major unsung elements for RE compared to other action games these days, the enemies are actually interesting and varied, and not all just run-of-the-mill soldiers you shoot back at.

News Bot

With regards to the C-virus, I always assumed there were different strains, each mixed with different animal DNA, etc., to create different results. So it's not a random virus being random. The C-Virus is the base, but is modified in various ways to create the different BOWs, transformations, etc.

Depends on what strain you're talking about.

The "pure" strain, with no animal DNA, is completely random post-Chrysalis stage. The animal strains are specifically designed to produce specific results. The "enhanced" strain is once again completely random with no influence from animal DNA, hence the drastically different mutations of Carla, Piers and Simmons.

However even the pure strain has plant and animal DNA due to t-Veronica's plant and insect genes. But due to the C-Virus' years of development, the mutations are relatively consistent. The enhanced strain is chaos though and mutates constantly.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Okay, so I was looking into the files in the game, as I couldn't resist (and News Bot made them so conveniently available I didn't need to dig through them myself), and one of the files (I believe a secret file in the main game), answered a long-standing question I had about Chris and Claire Redfield;
If they're siblings, then who are their parents?

This line seemed to have cleared that up;
"Claire is very close to the Burton family. As Claire is an orphan, it seems that Barry has become a father-like figure for her."

Well, that is quite the revelation.

Also, unexpected expected revelation about something in Resident Evil 6;
Piers is totally gay. In an email from Piers to Claire: "Our paths may not cross often, and I know you're busy, but it'd be nice to talk every now and then, even through email. Just between you and me, if you have any pictures of the Captain when he was younger, I'd sure love to see them! I hear he was very different back then, but he won't show us anything..." Oh Piers... I know that doesn't specifically mean he's gay, but you know Capcom playing up that angle.


The worse enemy in raid mode so far
is the communication officer chainsaw slime thing from RER
. Just met one with speed bonus that was dumb.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
The worse enemy in raid mode so far
is the communication officer chainsaw slime thing from RER
. Just met one with speed bonus that was dumb.

Can't wait to play one with speed bonus, shield, warps you to them, disarms your weapon... and it has a OHK.

I know this will happen, because it's the kind of luck I have with Raid. Raid, hates me.


Raid mode character unlock spoiler I guess:

Has anyone unlocked
I have like tons of medals but no unlock. What am I missing here?


Also, unexpected expected revelation about something in Resident Evil 6;
Piers is totally gay. In an email from Piers to Claire: "Our paths may not cross often, and I know you're busy, but it'd be nice to talk every now and then, even through email. Just between you and me, if you have any pictures of the Captain when he was younger, I'd sure love to see them! I hear he was very different back then, but he won't show us anything..." Oh Piers... I know that doesn't specifically mean he's gay, but you know Capcom playing up that angle.
And yet, the first half of that email, which you did not mention, shows him
possibly hitting on Claire.
Capcom is just doing what they do best with this series, a.k.a. character ambiguity
and maintaining dat unresolved sexual tension


Raid mode character unlock spoiler I guess:

Has anyone unlocked
I have like tons of medals but no unlock. What am I missing here?

You need 90 completion medals. The one you get for having all the other medals in a level. You need the other episodes to have 90 levels.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Raid mode character unlock spoiler I guess:

Has anyone unlocked
I have like tons of medals but no unlock. What am I missing here?

Completion Medals, you need 90 completion medals, not total medals. Completion Medals are earned by beating a stage without using an herb, killing every enemy, and being at the same or lower level than the recommended for the stage, all in the same run. It's not possible to get this episode, but when tonight's/tomorrow's episode unlocks, it'll be possible to get.


Some people here are acting like the speedy version of RER1's chainsaw monster is something new, but they did that in RER1 Raid, as well. In fact, you fought several speedy versions at one point!
I am trying to complete the first revelations but my save file got deleted and having to do the early chapters is so meh.

If I got Revelations 2 would I understand whats going on? am I missing out on anything?

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
And yet, the first half of that email, which you did not mention, shows him
possibly hitting on Claire.
Capcom is just doing what they do best with this series, a.k.a. character ambiguity
and maintaining dat unresolved sexual tension

I read more into it as him apologizing for his team, but I knew it was all together. Piers could very well be bisexual, but they have to give fans something to think about. It's definitely possible to read into it that he likes both Redfield's. Piers was totally ready for that three-way.


I doubt anything will top Rodeo Claire, but have the data-miners found any indication of additional Claire outfits? She's my main in Raid.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I doubt anything will top Rodeo Claire, but have the data-miners found any indication of additional Claire outfits? She's my main in Raid.

RE2 Claire and S.T.A.R.S. Barry are unlockable costumes for both the campaign and Raid Mode. And to affirm: Unlockable, not DLC.


Completion Medals, you need 90 completion medals, not total medals. Completion Medals are earned by beating a stage without using an herb, killing every enemy, and being at the same or lower level than the recommended for the stage, all in the same run. It's not possible to get this episode, but when tonight's/tomorrow's episode unlocks, it'll be possible to get.

Oh alright, thanks. Quick follow up question though because now I'm a bit confused - there are 30 completion medals per gauntlet right? And three gauntlets. I have all the completion medals (even more if it counts the throwback or higher difficulties); wouldn't that be 90 medals?

Edit: oh whoops I misread, feel silly now. I got it.


It is worth saying again...

Do yourself a favor and try out invisible mode

The two player mechanic was built for this mode, and it is amazing.


Can't wait to play one with speed bonus, shield, warps you to them, disarms your weapon... and it has a OHK.

I know this will happen, because it's the kind of luck I have with Raid. Raid, hates me.

Huh? Enemies Bonus are random assigned??? Never knew that.


RE2 Claire and S.T.A.R.S. Barry are unlockable costumes for both the campaign and Raid Mode. And to affirm: Unlockable, not DLC.
Nice! Are there any pics of the in-game models for these costumes? Also, I hope there are more outfits. Even Claire's business outfit from The Mercs 3D would be appreciated.

Also, any images of the models for boss monsters? I already know of
transformations for Neil, Pedro and Alex
, by way of concept art, but I'd like to see what they look like in-game.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Oh alright, thanks. Quick follow up question though because now I'm a bit confused - there are 30 completion medals per gauntlet right? And three gauntlets. I have all the completion medals (even more if it counts the throwback or higher difficulties); wouldn't that be 90 medals?

Each gauntlet has 6 stages, three difficulties, so each gauntlet would be worth 18 completion medals.

There are currently 3 gauntlets available, so 54 completion medals available in episode 1.

Episode 2 will add two more gauntlets, which will make 36 more available completion medals. 54+36=90, so if you get a completion medal in every stage in episode 1 & 2, you'll unlock Cipher.

Or if you have the Raid Mode Throwback Pack, then there's an additional 12 completion medals you can earn, so don't have to beat every last level complete. Or wait for episode 3 and/or 4 for more stages.
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