Beat eps 2. Much better than Eps 1.
I do have a couple of though
As Barry and Nat, I spend a lot of time as Nat in crouch/detect mode. Which I think takes away from the fun. Kind of like Batman Arkham Asylum here I spent most of the play time in detective mode.
And of course spend a lot of time as Moira due to the flashlight/secret items thing.
the Invis bugs sucks especially when they are on a floor above or below.
Missed the extra shotgun cause I destroyed the crate. Oops.
I'll say this, I'm really enjoying Revelations 2, a lot more than I expected, but its not perfect, and there's a few things I think the game could do to better its pacing if they were to make another RE title like this in the future.
I agree, with Barry and Natalia, there's some definite slow moments as you go crouching around, trying to stealth. I don't mind the stealth in the game, and it does give a you an option and it's not forced so far in the game as something you have to do, but I'm not sure I like how stealth contrasts with the other elements of the game. I like the down-time in the game, but I'm not sure how well I like the stealth elements in the RE formula. The low ammo does make stealth liable, but I will admit I have a bit less fun in sections where I'm crouched, watching enemy patterns through the wall as Natalia, than the other stuff in the game. I think the problem is the stealth is too by-the-books, its new for RE, but the stealth itself is really simple, and kind of just slows the pace of the game. The enemies so far aren't particularly interesting to stealth either, due to them working in simple patterns and little toss-up. A horror game that does stealth well is Siren, but the game is built around it and there's a lot of interesting and varied enemies to sneak past, who are creepy despite them not having spot you, who have interesting behaviors and are tense to sneak past, with less simple patterns and more variety and interesting situations. In Revelations 2, there's less of that, and the stealth feels like the big monsters could be replaced by just typical human soldiers and it'd be about the same, so the stealth in turn feels less interesting as it doesn't bring out the unique traits of the monsters, and sneaking on all the monsters feels about the same.
The other thing is that stealth just breaks some elements of the game, if you know how to abuse it. Smoke screen bottles are too OP if you figure out how to use them well, making you able to stealth kill 1-hit even tough enemies. If playing single player, you can also utilize a cheap strategy to make it so you tell one character to wait behind, and then send one character in (Natalia, usually, as she can see enemies), but if about to be spotted, you can then quickly just switch characters to the one you have stored somewhere safe, and tell her to wait there, as the enemy won't spot the AI character, and just wait for them to pass, and then switch off back to them to continue stealthing.
It's not so at fault or a bore that it drags the whole game down, but while I appreciate the option and do use it, I think the stealth could be better handled and more interesting, and not sure I'd want stealth to creep its way into future Resident Evil games.
But they pull off a lot of things well, I am much more enjoying this and it makes the whole thing a lot more enjoyable for me. I'm enjoying the enemies, level design, pacing, low-down atmosphere moments, the characters, story, sound design, tense encounters and action sequences, and just moment to moment gameplay and small touches (like how the scenarios effect each other, small little side things to do like getting the shotgun or the not using the flamethrower in episode 1) are making me like this a lot, plus the amount of replayability, and of course, Raid Mode addictiveness.