Has anyone unlocked the 90 completion medal character? Who is it?
Sorry if this was already answered.
Thanks, I've always seen that name pop up when I switch characters fast, weird how that works out.Yeah i got him earlier today, its Cipher. Starts out with no weapon slots only a sword as melee skill.
Yeah i got him earlier today, its Cipher. Starts out with no weapon slots only a sword as melee skill.
I loved raid mode on revelations 1 on 3ds so I keep being tempted to get this, but something just feels off everytime I look at the footage. How much do you have to spend to get the full raid experience?
I loved raid mode on revelations 1 on 3ds so I keep being tempted to get this, but something just feels off everytime I look at the footage. How much do you have to spend to get the full raid experience?
So lame that Moira's other costume doesn't have it despite being on her back.
Only time where I wish Costumes counted as other characters.
Wait, Cipher's katana is a skill that can be maxed out and inherited by other characters? :-OI'm working on maxing w/new guy it just to give it to Moira. That outfit + her skills = just feels right
Wait, Cipher's katana is a skill that can be maxed out and inherited by other characters? :-O
How do you get the medal in Barry's Ep.2 where you need to defeat two enemies with a follow up? Do I need the AI to do a follow up?
This sounds amazing. :-OO hell yes! Think you need to get him to level 30 or so. Not too bad. Think the worst of it is just getting him to level 8 so he can carry a gun (stabbing those elemental enemies doesn't really work out, lol)
With her charge & melee skill it's gonna be awesome. I'm holding off on leveling her until I can pass this on.
He's such a loveable dick in that game sometimes.Off Topic but i'm playing Dying Light and the voice of Chris redfield is the main character.
He uses the exact same voice he does for chris. It's like i'm playing a RE spin-off.
This sounds amazing. :-O
How do I unlock CIpher? Is it 90 completion medals?
Off Topic but i'm playing Dying Light and the voice of Chris redfield is the main character.
He uses the exact same voice he does for chris. It's like i'm playing a RE spin-off.
I've S-ranked every level in every Mercenaries from RE4 onward (including Mercs 3D). I know how hectic Mercs can be. Granted, it's purely arena-based and time-based, lacking the variety of Raid (where you have gated area progression levels, looping levels, defense levels, arena-based levels, with and without time limits), so naturally it will always run at that "speed," which is frankly why some people came to be tired of Mercs, if they were ever interested in the first place. Mercs people aren't going to convince Raid people that Mercs is superior, and vice-versa.
But I like both.
And your videos prove nothing. Raid has its share of multi-tiered, multi-room maps that are just as horizontal as vertical, with ramps and railings and ladders, fire barrels and ice barrels and power generators, etc. And I've had plenty of Raid runs in Rev 2 where I felt like I was under more pressure than I ever was in Mercs. I'm sweating more in high-level Raid than I did in Mercs. (I imagine that will be even more true when I encounter the invisible speedy Scagdeads being swarmed by three explosive Revenants in a tight alley is already rough enough!)
We currently have something like 90 missions in Rev 2 Raid (compared to, what, eight maps in RE5 Mercs? Again, apples and oranges), and those levels have been scaling nicely in difficulty relative to your ever-expanding ability to power up and customize your character.
So I'm not sure what you're trying to prove. That people should dislike Raid like you do? You can always play RE5 Mercs if you're disappointed with Rev 2 Raid.
Personally, I'm hoping they'll make a game at some point that features both Mercs and Raid, and content spanning the entire series (including the opportunity to finally play as RE4's ill-fated Luis).
Countdown mode is pretty awesome. At the very least Episode One is pretty well balanced for it.
Scagdeads are probably my most hated enemy in the whole franchise.
The first scagdead you find in Rev 1, the one that works as a boss battle, holy shit. One of the worst boss fights ever. A bullet sponge that can follow and OHK you anywhere while tons of regular enemies spawn.
At least it doesn't leave those fucking bear trap things on this one.
I made a dumb mistake, need some advice. I bought chapter's 1 AND 2, without buying the season pass.
Should I keep buying the chapters one at a time, or would it be cheaper to buy the season pass to get all the content at this point, even though I just screwed myself out of $6?
What cha think guys?
If the next 2 chapters are $6, and the 2 extra chaps are $6 each... then I should go season pass, but who knows if the extra chapters will be priced the same or what?
I made a dumb mistake, need some advice. I bought chapter's 1 AND 2, without buying the season pass.
Should I keep buying the chapters one at a time, or would it be cheaper to buy the season pass to get all the content at this point, even though I just screwed myself out of $6?
What cha think guys?
If the next 2 chapters are $6, and the 2 extra chaps are $6 each... then I should go season pass, but who knows if the extra chapters will be priced the same or what?
Plus, he's named Pedro!this is why i love pedro so much
just gotta tap into the spiral power to overcome all obstacles
plus he gets fire and ice grenades really early to help shred their health
seriously his skillset is incredible- crouch power, crouch invin, shield, shotgun/rifle mastery, fire/ice/decoy(?) nades
What does it mean when a character's exp bar is glowing blue on the Raid Mode character select screen?
Also, wasn't Leon supposed to be available in Raid Mode as of episode 2? Is he the one locked behind 20 completionist medals?
Yeah, the whole episodic/season pass thing is screwed up. If you buy an episode, they should give you a discount on the season pass. It annoys me that I spent $31 on something that cost $25 just because I wanted to give it a try first.
Oh people are hating the scagdead?
I thought we were talking about this guy, I personally hate him more.
has he shown up yet in Rev 2?
Even more of a decrease of Ada's chances to being added in Raid mode.. *cries a river*
For the campaign?
There is a $19.99 option to get everything after you buy the first episode but you can only access it within the game, not the Playstation store. But it's currently broken. I haven't been able to access the 2nd episode still.
What does it mean when a character's exp bar is glowing blue on the Raid Mode character select screen?
Just finished Episode 1, thinking of replaying it to get better grades before Episode 2.
Do I get to keep all the items/guns/herbs/ammo at the start? What if I decide to play Episode 2 halfway?
Everything you get in one playthrough carries over to the next. So it could be like stuff you get in episode 1 -> replay episode 1 -> episode 2 per character. I don't know what would happen if you stopped playing in the middle of Claire's section in episode 1 and then started episode 2, but I would assume that it only carries over the stuff you had when you completed it the first time.
Sorry if I didn't explain that very well lol.
And here I though it was just a coincidence that I lost the will to play Rev 1 after skating by the scagedead boss (barely). That entire ordeal was just an absolutely unpleasant, unfun experience in every respect. I hated some of the campaign in RE6, but it wasn't even on that kind of level.
And then I find Super Scagdeads in Raid in this game. Ugh.
Alright I never played RE:RV1 so what is the strategy for those giant blob things with the big circular saw? (Skagdead?) They are incredibly annoying in any raid stage they are in - and at best take forever to kill. And what was up with that daily mission where everything was speedy? Yech.
I'm also looking for Hunk weapon loadouts and modifications. The guy is an absolute boss, but I am not experienced with upgrading the weapons and find myself creating weapons that just don't work - which is a shame considering he can tote 4 around. I built these beastly guns but usually just end up using the same assault rifle and sniper rifle. The fact that ARs pierce and Hunk carries a huge ammo supply for them with his skill means I usually gravitate around those, but I don't know what the big differences are between ARs and elemental ammo likewise.
Where?!soo , the retail version is leaked somewhere , with all the episodes
I want 'em!
Ah, I thought you meant you found the spoilers somewhere.some where in Europe and middle east
Ah, I thought you meant you found the spoilers somewhere.
So I'm a Mercs master, S-ranks on every game, etc... But Raid is thoroughly kicking my ass. It's far more challenging than Mercs.
Click here for the brutality I just suffered.
Burning... freezing... shields... explosions... moving weakpoints... All while cornered...
And I have the maxed out health skill. My shield skill is nearly maxed out, as well. O_O
Game isn't lying when you get into "Very Hard" territory.
So I'm a Mercs master, S-ranks on every game, etc... But Raid is thoroughly kicking my ass. It's far more challenging than Mercs.
Click here for the brutality I just suffered.
Burning... freezing... shields... explosions... moving weakpoints... All while cornered...
And I have the maxed out health skill. My shield skill is nearly maxed out, as well. O_O
Game isn't lying when you get into "Very Hard" territory.
I swear to god this literally happened to me the other day too. Exact same level and enemies. It's so brutal! I hate that level! I kept spamming life crystals in the end.
I think I might try luring the Revenants to the rooftops. (Yes, they climb ladders I found this out the hard way)I hate that level very, very much.
And the fact that every other daily mission for the last three days has been that level isn't helping.
I think I might try luring the Revenants to the rooftops. (Yes, they climb ladders I found this out the hard way)
If I can separate the Revenants from the Napads, it should make that level a bit more... doable.