Loved this game a lot. I haven't liked a RE game this much since 4.
What I didn't like about it:
-Stupid ship area.
I found this section boring, uninspiring and 'samey' if that's a word
-The Molded
I found them uninspiring as well and I honestly think they could have used an idea or two from Naughty Dog's aged infected, such as the Clicker, Bloater or something along those lines. Molded come off as generic after a while, minus the Bakers.
The lack of enemies hurt this game a fair bit, I think
The molded are ALRIGHT, they just become unforgettable by the time the end credits roll and there simply isn't enough variety of them.
The game's strong points are:
-Gameplay to an extent
-Areas/Sections are fun to explore and simply walk through(minus the ship)
Hope we get another RE game like 7, with improvements.