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RESISTANCE 2 - Hype Thread w/latest info

Ploid 3.0

patsu said:
It's also useful for taking down Stalker, and fleeing. If you're the last guy left, it is important to get away alive.

In the stalkers current stay put state, it's not hard to get behind them to tag em hah. :(

Loudninja said:
So I will be buying Resistance 2 as soon as it comes out,by the way anyone else interested in the story?



Suckin' dicks since '66
Loudninja said:
So I will be buying Resistance 2 as soon as it comes out,by the way anyone else interested in the story?

Well fuck yeah to both man, I am interested in the story.

Ploid 3.0

patsu said:
^^^ Wait till it suddenly comes alive (ha ha)

Yea I can imagine when they fix it, and it's moving around like in R1, then it would be a bit tougher. It would be a bit like the demo section of R1. All the allies around, and you drawing attention for being so close to it.


Hey Spec Ops players the circle button is your friend :p

Any Gaffers playing now? I just had a crash, but if any of you are on I'll get back on :)

I'm confused about how co-op will work in the final game, will you only be able to play levels you have completed sequentially? Will there be a listing of all levels, and the ones you have not done yet are locked off?


Loudninja said:
So I will be buying Resistance 2 as soon as it comes out,by the way anyone else interested in the story?
Me, about as hyped for a video game story as I've ever been. There's just so much unknown and mystique behind the whole backstory in part to the ambiguous nature of the first game, ultimately it has me extremely curious. The way it's set up and being hinted at through all the viral stuff, it's supposedly more than just generic sci-fi alien invasion/experimentation gone wrong. Will they deliver on this, and how? Those are the questions I have going in.


As already mentioned by Shagg_187, a voice command system is needed for R2.

When playing co-op yesterday as the Spec-Ops, there were times when I was in dire need of health and I had no way of informing my team-mates (as I don't have a headset).
-viper- said:
As already mentioned by Shagg_187, a voice command system is needed for R2.

When playing co-op yesterday as the Spec-Ops, there were times when I was in dire need of health and I had no way of informing my team-mates (as I don't have a headset).

get a headset


-viper- said:
As already mentioned by Shagg_187, a voice command system is needed for R2.

When playing co-op yesterday as the Spec-Ops, there were times when I was in dire need of health and I had no way of informing my team-mates (as I don't have a headset).
Good healers shouldn't need to be asked for heals.

Bad healers... usually don't heal even if you tell them to ^^;;; It's the law of any online game that involves a role dedicated to healing.

Although I'm surprised that the number of people I had to teach that you had to use R2 to heal in the game. Many people were just running around shooting the blue beam at people over and over fruitlessly. Perhaps the tutorials can be made with bigger text and less easy to skip. ;o


The medic gun.

R1. Is that just for basic shooting?
I saw someone mentioned linking earlier.
I mean, I'm R2'ing with the best of them but I must be using the R1 in the wrong way.


K, been using it correctly then. I wish there was more of a visual clue though that you're impacting the enemy (besides xp).
It's a simple beam that doesn't do a lot so not particularly satisfying, they should make it a bit wilder (like a lightning) that lights up the enemy a bit.
Wollan said:
The medic gun.

R1. Is that just for basic shooting?
I saw someone mentioned linking earlier.
I mean, I'm R2'ing with the best of them but I must be using the R1 in the wrong way.
R1 is an attack beam, if the enemy you're attacking is near another enemy it'll link and do x2 the damage/XP/drain. R1 gives you HP and charges R2 that heals team mates.

Also, the weapon is awesome! Medics = overpowered but I don't care :D
igRossMcIntosh said:
Someone else mentioned that a player joining switched them back on - did you notice if this was the case? It would be good to confirm thats what happened.

Also, did you notice if anything happened at about the same time that they froze? A player left? A player joined? Did they all spawn in that way, or were they moving around fine and then all of the sudden stopped?
Yes I'm pretty sure it was the player joining that triggered them on but I have no idea what made them stop.


One question about coop, if you join/start a game as a certain class and then change midway, which class do you gain EXP for?

I keep trying to play Spec Ops and get points for it, but ultimately keep ending up Medic in order to be able to win games due to people sucking/leaving halfway................

I know you get some points directly as you're playing, but what about the amount they give you at the end of each round?

Basically, does anyone know how the whole EXP system really work? ;o


Yeah, Spec Ops and Medics shouldn't need to be *told* to heal/supply. The interface itself tells them when their allies need help.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Loudninja said:
So I will be buying Resistance 2 as soon as it comes out,by the way anyone else interested in the story?

It was MGS4 that sold me a PS3, but it was the awesome Resistance timeline website that made me want one on launch day. I'm a sucker for alternative history storylines.
I was disappointed by the lack of Scottish involvement in Resistance 1 though. :p

Llyranor said:
Yeah, Spec Ops and Medics shouldn't need to be *told* to heal/supply. The interface itself tells them when their allies need help.

Pretty much. The orange "ammo needed" box seems to appear over soldier's heads every three seconds though. :lol
Loudninja said:
So I will be buying Resistance 2 as soon as it comes out,by the way anyone else interested in the story?

Yes, I really enjoyed the story of the first game. Looking forward to see what happens in the second, what else we learn about the Chimera, anything else about the Cloven, Hale's fate, etc.


ToyMachine228 said:
Yes, I really enjoyed the story of the first game. Looking forward to see what happens in the second, what else we learn about the Chimera, anything else about the Cloven, Hale's fate, etc.
Have you watched the R2 ARG's? They're awesome.

So more about R2 MP:

I have noticed that diehard members of the Resistance 1 GAF clan have been curiously silent about this beta. Where is M3, Bob, Aeon, Agent X, Beatbox, Queeg, Sutdawg etc? Are you guys unhappy with the changes? I talked to Beatbox last night and he was telling me that he is not even PLAYING R2 multiplayer because of what he calls, "drastic changes and a betrayal on the level of Socom 1 -----> Socom 2." Why are you guys so silent? I would like to talk about this game with people who were loyal to the original.

I am personally happy about a lot of the changes (I put a lot of time into the first game m'self) but I wanted to start a conversation with people who made the first one such a big success online. Let's talk, guys.


ToyMachine228 said:
Yes, I really enjoyed the story of the first game. Looking forward to see what happens in the second, what else we learn about the Chimera, anything else about the Cloven, Hale's fate, etc.

The exact same things I am looking forward to find out as well :)


So I was thinking. It's Sunday. Sunday was always R1 clan night.

Should we get the band back together tonight? Get a large party going and game battle some suckers?


Had like an hour and a half of co-op just now.

2x Tanks
1x Scout
1x Medic (me)

It was intense.
We cleared the whole map pretty much. Did the village areas. Did the stalker (usually where it ends). But we were also given the hilltop with nearly endless amount of Titans seemingly.
We couldn't breach the area, we would move 10meters forward and then get pushed 10 meters back. Probably the last half-an-hour was spent working on that hill top. My beam was oftentimes too short to reach the enemy (oftentimes the Titan on the cliff top was the only visible enemy) so I was ultra dependent on the Scouts ammo supply. Everyone did a very good job but the scout proved to be the weak link near the end when we wiped (a bit too much invisibility heroic acts instead of watching ammo supplies).
My healing ammo was 0 and the Titans got the best of us.

I got 36000 xp though so I'm not complaining (#2 on the list was a tank who got 26000). I gained 2.5 levels lol.

Resistance 3 needs to be like 30 co-op raid levels and that's it.
Actually Insomniac should release a mega co-op expansion that can either be downloaded to work with R2 as well as a standalone product (next September same week as Halo 3 reckon *winkwink).


Co-op just doesn't engage me. I view it as a chatroom to basically waste time along with friends. No challenge. No interesting enemy behavior. Just a boring way to tire out my hands from holding down the fire button so much. The only class I enjoy is the Medic class. It's fun looking out for your buddies and healing them. Playing as a Tank is just point and shoot all day (without moving, basically) and Spec Ops is alright.

I don't know, man, I just don't find being dropped into a map with endlessly spawning enemies that don't behave intelligently to be a good time.
Wollan said:
Just so I get some perspective. What is your view on MMO dungeon raiding?

That's a perfect analogy. It does feel like healing in WOW. I think that's purposeful as I remember the Insomniac guys mentioning that in some interview.


y'all should be ashamed
JB1981 said:
Co-op just doesn't engage me. I view it as a chatroom to basically waste time along with friends. No challenge. No interesting enemy behavior. Just a boring way to tire out my hands from holding down the fire button so much. The only class I enjoy is the Medic class. It's fun looking out for your buddies and healing them. Playing as a Tank is just point and shoot all day (without moving, basically) and Spec Ops is alright.

I don't know, man, I just don't find being dropped into a map with endlessly spawning enemies that don't behave intelligently to be a good time.
I will say that it was a TON of fun with local split screen co-op last night. Not so much with online.


JS, I think I found a co-op bug.
You finish the match.
You see the XP bar earn towards your progress, you get new items gained..etc..etc.
Then the result screen comes up and you're 0 in everything with your team members xp and kills..etc showing. I'm guessing the stats was dumped after leveling you up?


Wollan said:
Just so I get some perspective. What is your view on MMO dungeon raiding?

Never played an MMO. But I find it interesting that the argument has now broke in this direction. Apparently the aim here was to create an MMO and not an online co-op SHOOTER.

I'm judging co-op on its qualities as a shooter first. And in that respect, I think it fails in a lot of ways.


Well I think it's the perfect blend.

Much better than I would ever hope for the first stray into this hybrid territory.
The A.I is simpler (it's on a COD level) in co-op so it works well with the ultra high numbers of opponents and the bandwidth flowing between eight players and the dedicated server.

FPS shooting
RPG mechanics like Loot, rock/paper/scissor classes, upgrades, xp..etc.

So divine.

If anything, I think this is the prototype for future MMOFPS games.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Just had some intense co-op there. Started as 8-player, then it got to 3-player. Then it just got fucking crazy and we failed. :/ I had a lot of heroics as the invisible Spec-Ops guy - deactivating the turrets and then later hitting the second switch.

For the time it was three player though it actually became incredibly awesome (one of each class) because we had to rely on each other in order to push through. We ended up getting killed trying to destroy the reactor nodes before the Stalker - godamn respawning enemies on each side.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Wollan said:
JS, I think I found a co-op bug.
You finish the match.
You see the XP bar earn towards your progress, you get new items gained..etc..etc.
Then the result screen comes up and you're 0 in everything with your team members xp and kills..etc showing. I'm guessing the stats was dumped after leveling you up?

I've had this in pretty much every game I've played.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Wollan said:
Well I think it's the perfect blend.

Much better than I would ever hope for the first stray into this hybrid territory.
The A.I is simpler (it's on a COD level) in co-op so it works well with the ultra high numbers of opponents and the bandwidth flowing between eight players and the dedicated server.

FPS shooting
RPG mechanics like Loot, rock/paper/scissor classes, upgrades, xp..etc.

So divine.

If anything, I think this is the prototype for future MMOFPS games.

As long as the FPS shooting part is properly done, I'll play it. The problem I felt with R1 and (to a lesser extent in the R2 beta) is that the weapons do not feel powerful, and the enemies do not react to being shot - they're just sponges.

I think that this is the next evolution for FPS multiplayer, and I welcome it.
Wollan said:
Well I think it's the perfect blend.

Much better than I would ever hope for the first stray into this hybrid territory.
The A.I is simpler (it's on a COD level) in co-op so it works well with the ultra high numbers of opponents and the bandwidth flowing between eight players and the dedicated server.

FPS shooting
RPG mechanics like Loot, rock/paper/scissor classes, upgrades, xp..etc.

So divine.

If anything, I think this is the prototype for future MMOFPS games.

I haven`t heard much news about the Agency, but I am sure MAG will expand on what R2 is doing in the co-op space. FPSs are great for some quick and dirty fun, but COD4 proved that an RPG-like leveling system can be applied to the formula with the result being the retention of players who are more addicted to the actual leveling, rather than the gunplay.

I love R2`s gunplay, but when I see that experience ticker for every hit, something geeky just takes me over and I want to keep getting more and more experience (in the co-op space this is great as it will keep people playing and it rewards players that play to the strengths of their classes). Looking at the upgrade path for the classes is exciting.

When I think of what MAG is supposedly attempting, and add to that what I know of the K2 badge system, I get excited about what type of FPSs we could be playing in the next year or two. Plus, Sony seems very serious about supporting online only gameplay (Warhawk, SOCOM, The Agency, MAG . . .) and IG has proven that consoles can do online with a hell of a lot going on and nearly no lag or slowdown. I was very excited for R2 before the beta, now I can hardly contain my anticipation.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think it was a mistake not to offer campaign coop even if they had to limit it to two people. This mode is okay but it's missing the loot drop aspect (that I can see) and I'm not entirely sure how they could make the loot as satisfying as in an MMO with hundreds of thousands of items. I don't think the shooter/mmo crowd necessarily overlaps too greatly.

I personally enjoy playing medic but I always do. The pace is so much different from something like TF2 though (obviously there is no coop campaign in that game).


Grey Tech (Loot) drops from the elite bosses.

I think there's definitely room for Loot improvement in the future in that you actually earn the various items in the battle. Right now it's the same as currency really (only that you pick it up, loot it), as you buy the actual equipment outside of battles.

It's crucial that speed is kept up though as it's a shooter (no time for inventory shuffling) so just a quick onscreen name + small bitmap image of what you picked up would do.
industrian said:
As long as the FPS shooting part is properly done, I'll play it. The problem I felt with R1 and (to a lesser extent in the R2 beta) is that the weapons do not feel powerful, and the enemies do not react to being shot - they're just sponges.

I think that this is the next evolution for FPS multiplayer, and I welcome it.

I don't really see how you could get that effect in MP though. It's fine when enemies are stunned when you shoot them and you see nice animations, etc... But just imagine if you were stopped everytime you get shot in MP, every encounter would be the same : the first who shot wins. It would be like one-shot-kill but 10 times more frustrating because you would be stunned and see the other kill you while you couldn't react.

I haven't played the co-op but I'll be disappointed if there isn't such a damage system. Because from the SP footage I've seen, enemies definitely reacts to bullets this time. It would be weird if enemies reacts differently in SP and co-op.
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