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RESISTANCE 2 - Hype Thread w/latest info

Wollan said:
Grey Tech (Loot) drops from the elite bosses.

I think there's definitely room for Loot improvement in the future in that you actually earn the various items in the battle. Right now it's the same as currency really (only that you pick it up, loot it), as you buy the actual equipment outside of battles.

It's crucial that speed is kept up though as it's a shooter (no time for inventory shuffling) so just a quick onscreen name + small bitmap image of what you picked up would do.

Ah, if only IG had developed "Planetside".

EDIT: Is Planetside still active?


DeadGzuz said:
Where can I find that bar chart for co-op and the amount of time to unlock stuff?


the_prime_mover said:
I love R2`s gunplay, but when I see that experience ticker for every hit, something geeky just takes me over and I want to keep getting more and more experience (in the co-op space this is great as it will keep people playing and it rewards players that play to the strengths of their classes). Looking at the upgrade path for the classes is exciting.

I will say that I very much agree with this - this game rewards you greatly for just assisting in kills and I like that. Gratification whores will love this game - it's the game that just keeps on giving (for doing relatively little). You don't have to be a multiplayer bad ass to level up. You can suck and get the goodies too!

I will also say that the netcode - once again - is without peer. Even 60 player Team Deathmatch games run without a hitch. Very fucking impressive.


industrian said:
The problem I felt with R1 and (to a lesser extent in the R2 beta) is that the weapons do not feel powerful, and the enemies do not react to being shot - they're just sponges.
I find I need to fire a lot of bullets to kill off an opponent in competitive multiplayer.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
RockmanWhore said:
I don't really see how you could get that effect in MP though. It's fine when enemies are stunned when you shoot them and you see nice animations, etc... But just imagine if you were stopped everytime you get shot in MP, every encounter would be the same : the first who shot wins. It would be like one-shot-kill but 10 times more frustrating because you would be stunned and see the other kill you while you couldn't react.

I meant co-op, not competitive.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Wollan said:
Grey Tech (Loot) drops from the elite bosses.

I think there's definitely room for Loot improvement in the future in that you actually earn the various items in the battle. Right now it's the same as currency really (only that you pick it up, loot it), as you buy the actual equipment outside of battles.

It's crucial that speed is kept up though as it's a shooter (no time for inventory shuffling) so just a quick onscreen name + small bitmap image of what you picked up would do.
Gotcha. I'll be honest and say I haven't found it interesting enough to survive through an entire coop match. These things are really long and there's too much R1 holding. It reminds me of WoW but I only have one ability and it's shoot.


Y2Kev said:
Gotcha. I'll be honest and say I haven't found it interesting enough to survive through an entire coop match. These things are really long and there's too much R1 holding. It reminds me of WoW but I only have one ability and it's shoot.

Y2Kev said:
Gotcha. I'll be honest and say I haven't found it interesting enough to survive through an entire coop match. These things are really long and there's too much R1 holding. It reminds me of WoW but I only have one ability and it's shoot.

Yeah, the main thing they need to do is balance out the enemy life bars. I would much rather have a tough enemy that deals out damage instead of a weak one that just can take a lot of damage. That or at least add in some weak points to aim for.


oneHeero said:
Wait, so there is loot in the co-op? What kind of loot? Like equipment that boost stats?

Not that kind of loot, there's only grey tech atm which you can collect to buy equipment upgrades at certain levels. I hope they add more loot or power ups in the retail version.


The co-op is great. Just needs better boss AI.

Difficulty levels would be great, too, for those who'd want more challenge (or if high levels does this job, perfect). Can Player2 save his stats, though?


Is there any way to distinguish your squadmates aside from the halo at the player's feet? I find it hard to locate my squadies quickly, either visually or on the map/minimap.

A different color (like in CoD5) or a screen indicator (like in the co-op, where the medic/SpecOps can see where their allies who need help are quickly) would be great.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Just played a good few Skirmish games there. I think I was the best player overall. I can see this mode stealing my spare time when the full game gets released.

And Daedalus sounds exactly like Seamus from Family Guy.


You eeked me out, dude! I came in second.

Good games .... I like that there are sometimes more than one objective in Skirmish mode ... in fact, I would like that to happen more often. It's fun having to hold down a beacon and also at the same time, have to assassinate a particular enemy. It can get a little tedious running back and forth constantly from beacon to beacon, it's better when there is more than one objective thrown into the mix imo.

BTW, Industrian, when you were in the squad channel, could you hear me? I kept asking and get no reply so i assumed you couldn't (or you were ignoring me lol)
my main issue is also the weakness of the guns and Im not sure if its because I played so much COD4 with its quick kills but I feel like Ive put enough bullets in someone to kill them and they are still alive- this goes for the automatic weapons but it also goes for shotguns and grenade launchers-

or it could just be that I suck at this game....

also I felt that the Chicago level is way too dark, I couldnt see what was goin on half the time


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
JB1981 said:
Good games .... I like that there are sometimes more than one objective in Skirmish mode ... in fact, I would like that to happen more often. It's fun having to hold down a beacon and also at the same time, have to assassinate a particular enemy. It can get a little tedious running back and forth constantly from beacon to beacon, it's better when there is more than one objective thrown into the mix imo.

The variety of the mode is awesome. Once I become more familiar with the maps I think I'll survive for longer when I'm the assassination target. :D

JB1981 said:
BTW, Industrian, when you were in the squad channel, could you hear me? I kept asking and get no reply so i assumed you couldn't (or you were ignoring me lol)

I couldn't hear you, were we on the same squad?


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
JimtotheHum said:
my main issue is also the weakness of the guns and Im not sure if its because I played so much COD4 with its quick kills but I feel like Ive put enough bullets in someone to kill them and they are still alive- this goes for the automatic weapons but it also goes for shotguns and grenade launchers-

That put me off playing Resistance online. As everytime I played it, it seemed that I'd empty a magazine into someone before they died. Compared to CoD4 of course when even the handguns feel like killing machines.

I heard someone complaining that it takes 3-4 salvos from the Marksman to take down an enemy, and that has pissed me off in the past. But the good thing about weak weapons is that it takes skill to kill people.

JimtotheHum said:
or it could just be that I suck at this game....

There's only one cure to that, and that's to play more.


industrian said:
That put me off playing Resistance online. As everytime I played it, it seemed that I'd empty a magazine into someone before they died. Compared to CoD4 of course when even the handguns feel like killing machines.
I was going to mention this. R2 is toned down compared to R1. It kept a similar feeling to the gameplay, but in R1 someone could attack you from behind and if you were good enough, you could take them out. It was all about headshots, especially with the carbine. Good times I had with R1.
I havent' played yet, as my GS code shipped out LATE Friday night (after I had already gone out of town... and left my PS3). Hopefully I'll be playing a little bit later today or tomorrow.

However, I'm already seeing lots of "OMG IT TAKES FIVE CLIPS TO KILL SOMEONE" complaints. The same thing I heard 9 million times in R1. While I can't personally vouch for it, I imagine your aim is just terrible. Because shooting someone in the HEAD drops someone INSANELY fast in R1. I imagine the same is true in R2 (or something is really wrong).

I mean, go shoot someone with a battle rifle in Halo... and don't shoot them in the head. I don't think you can even kill someone without using a clip and a half. Of course, Halo is about 5x slower than Resistance (which is already not THAT fast)... which is where I feel the complaints come from. It's a lot easier to hit people in the head when they're slow as molasses.


Y2Kev said:
Gotcha. I'll be honest and say I haven't found it interesting enough to survive through an entire coop match. These things are really long and there's too much R1 holding. It reminds me of WoW but I only have one ability and it's shoot.
That's over generalizing it. It's like saying all abilities in Wow are attacks.
At any time you have six abilities to use which you can exchange prior to battle.

Main weapon primary fire/secondary fire
Alt weapon primary fire/secondary fire

And to be more precise how those work specifically (for Medic for instance):
Main Weapon:
- Splash Healing area
- Drain Life ability from enemy, can also link two enemies, refills your own health as well as Splash Healing ammo
Alt Weapon (in this instance machine gun):
- Long distance, high damage fire
- Grenade launcher
Spike Grenade
Berserk (chosen from a bigger list):
- Healing Aura after getting charged up with xp

R1 doesn't cover it all. :p
We're also discussing a FPS game where there is no downtime before doing a raid and a with an actual high-end raid lasting 1-1.5 hours compared to 3-5 hours like in a MMO.


So far the game's been great, i love co-op and multiplayer... but there's something that worries me. Guns don't sound that great and the game is just too quiet. I have like three guys no farther away than 5 meteres and I can't hear them shoot. I'm hoping this is a beta issue (not wanting to load all sound effects into the beta) and not a game issue.

By the way, I was playing in a 5.1 sound system, so I wasn't playing with the volume down.
Uhmm... If someone is bored with the game right now, can they share with me?

I still haven't recieved my Ebgames key yet and I pre ordered 2 weeks ago.


i've not played the game but read enough to know there isn't any preset comm chatter.

It worked extremely well in MGO (voice chat is shit shit shit in MGO) and allowed us in the EU GAF clan to coordinate effectively.

Any chance of something similar being shoehorned into R2 post-launch at somepoint?
Thanks for the response about my Stalker question, JS. In my opinion that's the only glaring issue with co-op; the "miniboss" fights like the Titans and Stalkers. It's generally a complement to say that R2 co-op feels like playing a well organized MMO raid, but once you get to those fights, it unfortunately feels like fighting bosses in MMOs, where they just stand there taking your hits until they die 5-10 minutes later. (Except FFXI since it's perfect, /fanboy.)

It's a huge improvement over the private where they posed absolutely no threat at all, but I probably don't have any clue how far along the AI for these enemies might be at this point. Currently it drags down the fun of the co-op experience; once you finally blast through wave after wave of hybrid, grim and ravager, you're not really looking forward to the boss enemies because they're simply not fun to fight against.

I'm looking forward to seeing any improvement in this area because it's the only thing I don't like about this beta build; everything else is immensely gratifying, which is what the experience should be. Bravo for pulling it off so well.

And LAARK lv30 unlock confirmed? :p


Quick question for jstevenson, was the Qore beta key for subscribers only or also for people who bought the episode with the beta advertised? I have a friend who is keyless and who bought the episode.


Baha said:
Quick question for jstevenson, was the Qore beta key for subscribers only or also for people who bought the episode with the beta advertised? I have a friend who is keyless and who bought the episode.

he gets the key 1 week later



Is game-sharing allowed with R2 beta?

When can we expect a massive giveaway with beta keys? Fileplanet/Eurogamer style.

Have you guys made a R2 costume/level for LBP?

When's the next Podcast?

How do you plan to top R2 next year?

Or was this part of the plan, give R2 long legs so people don't expect R3 soon whilst you make the most awesome pixar film again with R&C?

In the podcast, who's the guy (no offence to him), with the lisp?

Please answer the first question only if you have no time.
Few more additions to my "list of things that needs to be tweaked":

- Please give us the ability to turn off Berserk (If there already is, do tell me how). I don't want to wait for someone to kill me or I don't want to kill myself to stop the Berserk. Pressing down should activate and deactivate Berserk. Of course when you deactivate it, you shouldn't be able to reactivate without charging it up from where you left.

- Splicer's secondary should be a tap instead of holding. A simple tap should activate the blades and tapping it again should deactivate them.

Question: I don't know if this works or not but can splicer's secondary be used as a melee weapon? (I tried too many times but it never worked. Ofcourse i died 2 second after contacting the enemy so lol). It would be awesome if you can come close and "chainsaw" someone.



Smidget said:
No. JS already said it's there to maintain the correct viewing angle etc.
Correct viewing angle of what? Your vision is already downscaled compared to those playing in single player.

Personally I think it would make more sense to show the sides. Despite the fact that it may increase the FOV, I don't think its that big of an advantage.

COD4 split-screen is done well.

All what will need to be done is to simply show the sides and thats it. The black bars are annoying.


Junior Member
The beta is freaking amazing. I'm totally blown away by the quality of this game. The coop alone is totally worth $60 and we still get an amazing competitive and single player campaign. I'm buying to copies (1 LE and 1 SE) of this amazing game :D :D :D

Insomniac rules. Best shooter ever.


Voltron64 said:
Is it too late to buy that episode of qore to get a beta key?

Yes, it was one of the early episodes and they don't sell older issues. Just go pre-order the game for a code if you want to try it out.


Wollan said:
JS, I think I found a co-op bug.
You finish the match.
You see the XP bar earn towards your progress, you get new items gained..etc..etc.
Then the result screen comes up and you're 0 in everything with your team members xp and kills..etc showing. I'm guessing the stats was dumped after leveling you up?

Exact same thing happened to me last night when I finally got to play the beta for the first time. Took close to an hour to go through the co-op mission with 4 people.

At least it kept my experience/level.

I really love this style of teamwork, and the XP/leveling system is definitely addictive.

Hopefully I'll have more time to play tonight. If anyone feels like having a Resistance newb like me along for some co-op tonight, I'd love to run through a mission or 2 with some GAFfers.


Baha said:
Yes, it was one of the early episodes and they don't sell older issues. Just go pre-order the game for a code if you want to try it out.

Is it still possibly to get a beta key if you pre-order anywhere or only specific locations. (ie EBgames, Gamestop etc.)

Only have a Wall-Mart and a small video store near my place.
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