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RESISTANCE 2 - Hype Thread w/latest info


the_prime_mover said:
It definitely is wider. Think of it as close to half a backlash shield. I am pretty sure it does absorb all incoming fire (the wraith definitely does not though), and grenades just bounce off it. But it is stationary and you can be attacked from the side (though it does curl around a bit at the sides and top), it even flares out a bit at the feet. It is great for blocking choke points in TDM and core matches. You only get two shields to start though, and as with all weapons, you need to collect ammo from corpses to fill back up.

Not many people are using the Auger in the games I have been playing. I was never big on it in R:FOM, but I don't really think it shoots that much slower (if at all). I have been killed by it a great many times. Plus the fact that the iron sight now sees through walls is pretty cool (though they have taken away the red reticule, so you do have to rely on the iron sight to find people you can't see directly). At the moment the Subway is probably the only map that really utilizes the Auger's specific strengths (think the Train station in R:Fom but with many more blind hallways crossed with the mall - the whole thing is two floors). But you can also combine this with the hybrid-vision berserk to see people a few rooms away.

Hmm...well I need to test that out in a smaller space then. Was pretty sure no one was near me except the enemies in front of me. Then again I was on Oreck map

Ploid 3.0

Loudninja said:


Holy kwap! D:
Teknoman said:
Hmm...well I need to test that out in a smaller space then. Was pretty sure no one was near me except the enemies in front of me. Then again I was on Oreck map

Just to make sure I am not lying, I went and did some more testing. The Auger shield will cover you from directly above if you are stationary and deploy it. The shield lasts approximately ten seconds if left alone, however it seems to only be able to absorb a certain amount of damage. I emptied a clip from the carbine into it and it didn't drop, but a wraith can drop it in about 3 seconds. Grenades and the bellock primary fire will bounce right off it. As for firing speed it shoots at about the speed of the song "The Hollow" by A Perfect Circle. I know that is a horrible reference, but I guess that would put it at about 2 shots per second? It takes 6 shots to kill someone with full health and no berserks. There is no differnce between headshots and body shots. I did not test how much additional damage is done if the shot passes through an object first. This means you will have to lead the target to be effective with this weapon and it will take about 3 seconds to drop someone. This is about how long it takes to kill someone with the carbine.


JB1981 said:
The gun is only effective on Subway. In open environments, it's worthless. That's ok, tho, not every weapon has to be useful in every situation.

Auger is great in the smaller Manchester map, Thames and The Mall also. Basically, any map with constricted area.

I get the most kill in Manchester and Thames.

Ploid 3.0

ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
And it will be a great call, 2 player co-op is fun but in most games its to the detriment of the single player game, having the seperate campaign is the best thing ever as far as im concered for co-op and i hope EVERYONE follows that route.

I agree, no one plays two player co-op for the 1 player story. They play it to kill stuff together! They got the correct focus, and we can kill stuff with even more people, and even more enemy situations.


MINI Member
TEH-CJ said:
No idea dude. i think i was close enough for him to engage in a mellee off!


I'm not in the Beta (yet) as Im too busy and want to wait for retail but I had some of my favourite gaming moments in the private beta.

Cant wait to see how its come along


the_prime_mover said:
Just to make sure I am not lying, I went and did some more testing. The Auger shield will cover you from directly above if you are stationary and deploy it. The shield lasts approximately ten seconds if left alone, however it seems to only be able to absorb a certain amount of damage. I emptied a clip from the carbine into it and it didn't drop, but a wraith can drop it in about 3 seconds. Grenades and the bellock primary fire will bounce right off it. As for firing speed it shoots at about the speed of the song "The Hollow" by A Perfect Circle. I know that is a horrible reference, but I guess that would put it at about 2 shots per second? It takes 6 shots to kill someone with full health and no berserks. There is no differnce between headshots and body shots. I did not test how much additional damage is done if the shot passes through an object first. This means you will have to lead the target to be effective with this weapon and it will take about 3 seconds to drop someone. This is about how long it takes to kill someone with the carbine.

Wait so does auger fire from behind the shield itself count towards the shield's "HP"? I dont think it did in R1, but If so, i've been screwing myself :lol

Ploid 3.0 said:
I agree, no one plays two player co-op for the 1 player story. They play it to kill stuff together! They got the correct focus, and we can kill stuff with even more people, and even more enemy situations.

Between this and Gears 2 horde mode, i'm going to be in co-op shooting heaven.

SSM25 said:
Still no beta code!!!....WTF gamestop!!??

Did you order online or in store? If in store, they are supposed to give you a code that you enter on Myresistance.net, which in turn gives you the actual code.
I went to gamestop today and got the registration code, typed it in at myresistance.net or whatever the site was and it gave me the beta key instantly, and it even sent it to my email lol, so I have no clue how your still waiting for a key


Teknoman said:
Did you order online or in store? If in store, they are supposed to give you a code that you enter on Myresistance.net, which in turn gives you the actual code.

Those Bastards!!...I told them they should have given me the code in the store and they said The code would be e-mailed to me........
ya go back there, they should give you a slip that you scratch the code off the back, id do it tomorrow cause they have to be used by 10/22, my gamestop still had a nice stack of them so they should have some
Teknoman said:
Wait so does auger fire from behind the shield itself count towards the shield's "HP"? I dont think it did in R1, but If so, i've been screwing myself :lol

I didn't even thing to check that. This would also compromise the tactic of a teammate putting up a shield that others can shoot out from. I would assume that it only registers damage dealt to the outside of it. I will have to check. Plus it seems that the Auger does less/no more damage when it passes through something.

I also checked and the wraith shield doesn't allow any gunfire to pass through it (unless an auger) and it has 99 shield strength that declines fairly fast. It depletes quicker when it is sustaining damage and drops as soon as you either run, shoot or switch weapons. I suppose its real use is to get back hp and if someone comes in close you can melee them. The wraith is a weapon to be feared if the soldier also has ironheart. I learned that if you keep taping primary fire you can keep the wraith primed for use at a moments notice. The timing is tricky and you will probably pop off a few shots here and there. You will also move at a slower walk speed.

And for those that doubted, in repeated tests the shotgun double blast is a kill. Aim the first shot for the body and the recoil will aim the second shot at the head. I single head shot will also kill. It seems the shotgun has a bit wider spread this time around though so if your aim is off you might do very minimal damage. I like this though as it means that this is not a close range killer in just anyone's hands.

The marksman can take a person down with about one good burst shot to the head, and about 3 burst shots to the body. I think there are only about 3 burst shots per clip. I couldn't really test tracking as my tests were just done in a private server using two controllers.

The bellock kills with 3 grenade bursts and fires at a pretty quick rate. The grenades are contact explosives so you can launch them across the map if you want but the trajectory is kind of straight out and down so you need to aim upwards to get a good range! They fire pretty quickly but this weapon is definitely a long range weapon. It's secondary fire is a lot like the flame thrower in that it launches a grenade that bursts into flame. If this doesn't make contact with anyone it will just start a fire where it lands. Great for making traps as being on fire is very confusing.

The splicer's secondary attack just primes the blade, but it will release on its own after about 6-8 seconds. You release it yourself with the primary attack button. If you prime it and walk into someone it is an almost instant kill, but you can't prime and run so it may not be as effective at instigating a melee attack, but will be very effective at stopping a rush if you see one coming. A primed saw blade released into the body will take off about 4/5 of a persons life over time.

As for the grenades, the major difference between R2 and R:FOM is that the frags now have a timer. This means that if you throw one close by it will take a few seconds to detonate, but if you try to launch it it will probably detonate in the air. This means that they are better for a mid range attack. The spike grenades seem to detonate shortly after hitting the ground so you can launch them pretty far, or close by. These are more for trapping. I think they may have a smaller kill radius this time around. The air fuel grenade doesn't get thrown very far unless you aim upwards. You can throw it a good distance though, and holding down the throw button with prime it but not detonate it. The timer is about 3-4 seconds, but you seem to be able to hold the button indefinitely.


the_prime_mover said:
And for those that doubted, in repeated tests the shotgun double blast is a kill. Aim the first shot for the body and the recoil will aim the second shot at the head. I single head shot will also kill. It seems the shotgun has a bit wider spread this time around though so if your aim is off you might do very minimal damage. I like this though as it means that this is not a close range killer in just anyone's hands.
I just don't know how this could be true. I shot someone with what seemed to be a solid double shot and two solid single shots and they didn't die.


SSM25 said:
Those Bastards!!...I told them they should have given me the code in the store and they said The code would be e-mailed to me........

I'll scan you how mine looks. The gamestop I preordered at was oblivious to it (despite the big ass poster behind them advertising for it). Had to get the store I preordered from to call another Gamestop and "authorize" me to pick up a beta slip from their store.

Damn I wish our store was finished with repairs.



the_prime_mover said:
The splicer's secondary attack just primes the blade, but it will release on its own after about 6-8 seconds. You release it yourself with the primary attack button. If you prime it and walk into someone it is an almost instant kill, but you can't prime and run so it may not be as effective at instigating a melee attack, but will be very effective at stopping a rush if you see one coming. A primed saw blade released into the body will take off about 4/5 of a persons life over time.

Awesome. :D


Esperado said:
What's the consensus on the Limited Edition version here? I'm having a hard time deciding which one I should get.

Well they recently just switched the bonus content from DVD to HD blu Ray soooooo..... Most def worth it IMO.
They need to add fall damage (within a certain timeframe of being shot).

If you jump off a building with 1 hp left 1 nanosecond after being shot it should count as a kill :/

It might also lessen the HOP OFF BUILDING ONTO LIFT BACK OFF BUILDING ONTO LIFT merry-go-round.

I agree fall damage all the time would be horrible for some of the levels, but c'mon.


i pre-ordered the CE and i think its worth it because of the bonus blu-ray, chimera hybrid action figure with the bullseye weapon and art book.


Not pure anymore!
RockmanWhore said:
I just received my play.com code, of course it doesn't work :'(

I'm waiting for IGN beta codes. I just hope they start sending the codes soon, I can't wait any longer!



Finally played co-op for about 20 minutes (then the servers went down)...what good fun that is...best pre-order I originally was going to cancel that I am keeping now!

Ploid 3.0

I saw this marksman sig at myresistance. I then modified it to add in a custom made spec ops one beside it. I'm in love with the old S-O class. Now to hit this level ten cap (finally got time to play it today).


Rolf NB

So instead of playing the beta as was promised to me, I read a bit of this thread. The debate about the gameplay changes especially in competitive mp is highly interesting.

I think it was clear from very early on that Insomniac was chasing after the more casual CoD4/Halo audience, with reduced emphasis on aiming skill (wider weapon spreads, slower movement) and less pressure for ad-hoc weapon strategy (two-weapon system instead of full loadouts yadda yadda).

I find it a bit of a shame, because that kind of depth, that high demand of sheer skill development which you just don't find in any other console shooter, is what made Resistance 1's mp so special. Now the game moves closer to being just one of many similar experiences, with its own technicalities and graphics yes, but less of an own style and feel.

I know why it's happening. The greater audience wants instant gratification, a happy kill-streak or two every once in a while even when they come in completely untrained. I myself prefer deeper, more demanding games, where players only excel due to their excellence, and not due to some dumb farmer luck. To that end Resistance 1 was more of my style. And niche. I'm not heavily invested into any mp game though. I'll have no second thoughts about just moving on to something that still constitutes wild fun, even if it misses my ideal.
I'm putting my copy of RFOM up for auction tonight. Out with the old, in with the new.
*wipes away a single tear*

Ploid 3.0

They're taking RFOM servers down? I also doubt they'd patch RFOM to work like R2.

Like I said earlier in this thread, or the other, I was fully anticipating to let the hardcore have the competitive mode and stick to co-op. My late entry to R1 had me surrounded by people that knew every little trick, and ways to grieve new players out of playing competitive mode. Like a gaffer said at one point, if you had R1 to get the best out of the MP you had to be in the GAF clan. I'll extend that to, not just being in the clan, but you had to be a part of the clan. Know all of the in jokes, the humor, etc.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Pai Pai Master said:
I think it was really dumb to have a random unmentioned character added in who had nothing to do with the Resistance: Fall of Man story. The game's about Hale. Single player needs to be single player, for the sake of story.
You're playing a game where some chimera have pants and some chimera have no pants. Reevaluate your position.

Ploid 3.0

This whole "where is my two player co-op in single* player mode" fiasco is a big none issue now with the superior co-op mode that is "Co-op". It's bigger, better, and more involved than anything a game built around single player with 4-8 other people thrown for the bullet point could produce. That or the single player mode would be harmed for being built around MP play (compromises on a good single player game).

None issue.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Ploid 3.0 said:
This whole "where is my two player co-op in single* player mode" fiasco is a big none issue now with the superior co-op mode that is "Co-op". It's bigger, better, and more involved than anything a game built around single player with 4-8 other people thrown for the bullet point could produce. That or the single player mode would be harmed for being built around MP play (compromises on a good single player game).

None issue.

Non Issue, no E :D

But yeah, not needed. Maybe its because they suck to much to finish it on their own.


MINI Member
TheMissingLink said:
Man, the spawning in competitive TDM is absolutely dreadful. Goodness.

Lets hope that they use this feedback from this beta to rectify the problem in the final game.


Triz said:
Played a full room of co-op tonight. Holy shit is it awesome.

Voice chat assisted im guessing? The co-op mode really benefits from voice chat more than any other mode in the game from what i've played.

Gets super hectic when there are only a few party members though (like a next-gen old school DOOM rush).


Another thing I've noticed about the latest ads. They have started to 'clutter' up the PlayStation 3 logo at the end. In this one you see a Chimera, in the MotorStorm 2 ad you see the logo get sprayed on.
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