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RESISTANCE 2 - Hype Thread w/latest info


To expand on my previous post regarding the game needing a notification when you are the host, or when you become the host... Would also be a good idea to have a default 1 minute, or 2 minute time period where the game will automatically start if there is a certain amount of people in it.


andycapps said:
To expand on my previous post regarding the game needing a notification when you are the host, or when you become the host... Would also be a good idea to have a default 1 minute, or 2 minute time period where the game will automatically start if there is a certain amount of people in it.

A vote to start option once 50% of the room is filled or something like that would also be cool...

I think there is / was a bug where if the host left, and you moved up to # 1 on the list and were the new host,you didn't get an option to start..or something.


GodofWine said:
A vote to start option once 50% of the room is filled or something like that would also be cool...

I think there is / was a bug where if the host left, and you moved up to # 1 on the list and were the new host,you didn't get an option to start..or something.

That could be, more than likely I don't think most people pay attention. Or they're doing something else in the room and don't look at the TV again until the game starts.


andycapps said:
That could be, more than likely I don't think most people pay attention. Or they're doing something else in the room and don't look at the TV again until the game starts.

It happened to me once, the yelling switched from whoever, to "THEGODOFWINE State the damn game!!!", I had to grab my mic and 'politely :lol ' inform the room I was not the host.


patsu said:
Please pay attention to what this man is saying about co-op. It is true and reflects my personal experience as well (once you progressed past a certain level).

It is rather difficult (and fun !) now -- if you ignored the bosses. At higher level, the bosses die quicker, so it's not that bad. People should form good teams to fight the Chimeras. I doubt a random team can make it far (unless perhaps you have 8 excellent medics on-staff).

Played co-op last night with some of the GAF clan guys, and we saw the Chimera do things they've never done before. Most of us have levelled up to about 3, and I think I'm almost at 4. Anyway, the Chimera were rushing more, venturing out of houses, the Titans were walking around a lot more...basically, the Chimera were much more aggressive. It was cool - co-op is a lot of fun. I've loved it since the private beta.

My only gripe is that it takes a while to level up, so we didn't get to fight the more advanced AI Chimera for a while. i suppose in the grand scheme of things, it's not bad - co-op is going to take a long time to complete, after all. (I'd still appreciate it if they were tougher sooner).


Lost all credibility.
I'm really liking co-op. But does anyone feel like the medics are way overpowered? I'm playing medic and loving it, but at the end of a co-op session I'll notice that the other classes are either not being that helpful or have quit out of frustration. My last session just had 2 medics and 1 spec op by the end.


sykoex said:
I'm really liking co-op. But does anyone feel like the medics are way overpowered? I'm playing medic and loving it, but at the end of a co-op session I'll notice that the other classes are either not being that helpful or have quit out of frustration. My last session just had 2 medics and 1 spec op by the end.

No they don't seem overpowered , actually all the classes are very balance.
I've put a ridiculous amount of time into co-op already, about 26 hours I think. One thing I would like to see added is some way to tell who is speaking more easily. maybe an icon next to the name, however it needs to have some kind of meter or color change depending on the loudness, because some people are constantly breathing into the mic.

I really like playing 3 player games, as it forces more teamwork, and you know exactly what you need to do.

Oh, another thing I'd like is more randomization of the missions. Right now, the objectives are given randomly, but each objective always contains the same enemies in the same locations. It'd be great if, for instance, an extra wave would randomly spawn at the saw mill, or a bunch of Alpha Grimms would be at the bottom of the ramp instead of the Stalker (or in addition to the Stalker), or sometimes nothing extra would spawn. It would really keep you on your toes and increase the replayability.
Metalmurphy said:
It's possible that I might have one. I had 7 keys and I got a Qore one monday but I don't recall if I gave it to someone else. I must have given 9 or 8 keys all togheter
t4h w1nn@r!!!!!!!11!:lol :lol


M3Freak said:
Played co-op last night with some of the GAF clan guys, and we saw the Chimera do things they've never done before. Most of us have levelled up to about 3, and I think I'm almost at 4. Anyway, the Chimera were rushing more, venturing out of houses, the Titans were walking around a lot more...basically, the Chimera were much more aggressive. It was cool - co-op is a lot of fun. I've loved it since the private beta.

My only gripe is that it takes a while to level up, so we didn't get to fight the more advanced AI Chimera for a while. i suppose in the grand scheme of things, it's not bad - co-op is going to take a long time to complete, after all. (I'd still appreciate it if they were tougher sooner).
I'm at level 5, and the Chimera are getting very agressive.

Early on, you can really abuse the AI, but as you level up, the AI basically starts ripping you to pieces. It was really cool watching the Chimera tear down my team yesterday. They basically formed a squad of 4 or so powerful Chimera with Augers that rushed from teammate to teammate, taking us out one by one. I was watching my teammates dying and wasn't sure why they were. I thought I was fine at first, until another teammate died and a mass of Auger shots were coming at me. I survived, thinking they had forgotten about me, only to be rushed by all of them. I was down virtually instantly. After I went down, I saw them turn their attention to my other teammate, and did the same procedure(shot off what I would guess was a full clip of auger ammo to soften him up, then rushed). We lost.

Also, I was fighting during the defend the hill part and ended up getting hurt bad. My entire team was either down or badly injured, so I holed myself up and used the alt fire of the marksman to pick them off. It was going good, until the Chimera came out from cover and killed me instantly. We did barely make it out alive this time, but it was very close.

If you want to level up faster, be a medic and join a random game. Odds are, you will get a ton of experience due to trying to hold up your constantly dying team.


oneHeero said:
Its called recoil. I've never shot a gun in my life, but I know that if I tried to shot a automatic gun, it would spray regardless if I used the iron sight.

Thats where ppl who are good at fps differ from ppl who arent good. Some of us know how to adjust to the recoil.
Secondly, your crosshair is red when your hitting something, their blood is splattering and xp pops up. If you cant see these things, stay out of mp and just play co-op and sp since all your doing is bitching because of your poor vision and lack of skill.
I have no problems running, seems like your the only person complaining, meaning your the problem, not the game.

I avg about 10-15 Sweet dreams per game(headshots) with the carbine..Get good?
Why should I settle for a half assed multiplayer is all I'm asking? If the game has idiotic hurdles and lack of improvement in area that should have been improved right from beginning, considering this is their second game and there are various games that did it right, I don't see how I'm wrong to complaining about it. Get better doesn't fix it, sorry.

Now on to things you're claiming:
-Red crosshair shows up when your crosshair is over the enemy, not when you hit a target.
-The running is not the problem, the delay between pressing the button and character going into sprint mode is. It's something I didn't have an issue with in R1, and I played it after for comparison.
-Recoil is one thing, accuracy is another story.

These screen show how accuracy doesn't even change whether you're crouched, standing, or using iron sight.





T - E - L - E - C - O - R - R - E - S - P - O - N - D - E - N - C - E

To all vigilant U.S. citizens,
America is at a bloody crossroads. Millions of our brothers, sisters, sons and daughters have perished because of a greedy, corrupt government. They did nothing to defend us from the alien warlords that now ravage our beloved soil. It's their fault, but it's our problem.

Despite the rumors you may have heard, the Alliance has survived. Our offices were decimated, our ranks diminished, but nothing could ever crush our rebel spirit. We were driven underground but, just like a feral beast, we are strongest when we’re backed into a corner and threatened with certain death. That time has come – we need to act now.

Join the fight to save our country and remember...


RobertM said:
Why should I settle for a half assed multiplayer is all I'm asking? If the game has idiotic hurdles and lack of improvement in area that should have been improved right from beginning, considering this is their second game and there are various games that did it right, I don't see how I'm wrong to complaining about it. Get better doesn't fix it, sorry.

Now on to things you're claiming:
-Red crosshair shows up when your crosshair is over the enemy, not when you hit a target.
-The running is not the problem, the delay between pressing the button and character going into sprint mode is. It's something I didn't have an issue with in R1, and I played it after for comparison.
-Recoil is one thing, accuracy is another story.

These screen show how accuracy doesn't even change whether you're crouched, standing, or using iron sight.
The game is not the one to blame though. Games arent going to be the same. Cod aint going to play like r1, r1 wont play like r6, r6 wont play like haze, haze wont play like halo etc.
Each game does something different and just because you dont think the ironsight or anything else is a problem doesnt mean its a real problem. It means your probably use to a system that worked for you and your upset that that system isnt used on another game.

Now as for your rebuttal to me;
-If the crosshair is red, there is a 90+% chance your going to hit your target without a problem(like carbine/marksmen). If its red its red because your reticule is on your target and your suppose to shot. If its not red and you shot than yea your not gonna hit your target unless your anticipating where he's moving to next..
-Changes were made to the running aspect. No one has complained about a delay and frankly I havent noticed it either. If there is a delay it hasnt been a problem for a lot of people, a minor amout of ppl complaining doesnt warrant a change.
-Recoil and accuracy..The gun has recoil, not horrible amounts of recoil, but the carbine is the deadliest gun in the game in close to mid range in the proper hands. Why? Because its powerful and accurate when you use it properly(ie up close not across the map and ironsight)
You want something more accurate? Use the marksman. If your having problems being accurate with the carbine its because your not good yet or your using it at the wrong time.

I've posted a youtube link 2 pages back, watch that. Or simply look @ my score on a couple of pages before.
I adjust to every game that comes out. I dont change my controls or anything(I actually just change my sensitivity). I leanr how each gun uses and the differences. Does the m16 work the same on socom as cod? No. Does that make one of them wrong or shitty? Of course not. Either adjust or just accept the game isnt for you but dont call out the devs and think they should change it to cater to you..
Huh. I wonder what those locations are.

Boston, Massachusetts - DEAD-DROP REPORTED
Chicago, Illinois - DEAD-DROP REPORTED
Denver, Colorado - DEAD-DROP REPORTED
Los Angeles, California - DEAD-DROP REPORTED

I checked out the Atlanta section, it gave me these coordinates. "The north end of the animals' circle."
My Arms Your Hearse said:

Indicators, they have none.

This must be a very random issue that's only affecting some people. I've heard a few complaints about this but I'm always seeing indicators.

Unless you're getting target bombed you should always see an indicator, right?


M3Freak said:
Played co-op last night with some of the GAF clan guys, and we saw the Chimera do things they've never done before. Most of us have levelled up to about 3, and I think I'm almost at 4. Anyway, the Chimera were rushing more, venturing out of houses, the Titans were walking around a lot more...basically, the Chimera were much more aggressive. It was cool - co-op is a lot of fun. I've loved it since the private beta.

My only gripe is that it takes a while to level up, so we didn't get to fight the more advanced AI Chimera for a while. i suppose in the grand scheme of things, it's not bad - co-op is going to take a long time to complete, after all. (I'd still appreciate it if they were tougher sooner).

Finally you guys are here. My prayers have been answered. Now all I need is to align my playtime with you guys.

My Arms Your Hearse said:

Indicators, they have none.

This was a problem with the private beta. They fixed it in many cases for the public beta. I think they will fix it completely for D-day.


patsu said:
Finally you guys are here. My prayers have been answered. Now all I need is to align my playtime with you guys.

You know how we play - we work together very well. Because of this, co-op is enjoyable. Everyone knows what to do, and now mostly just does it. Hell, QUEEG told me to hang back yesterday - I thought I was hearing things. :)

There's enough of us that getting into co-op will be difficult: I'm confident most of the hardcore R:FoM GAF clan will play at least play that online mode.

I still consider the ranked play to be broken.


M3Freak said:
There's enough of us that getting into co-op will be difficult: I'm confident most of the hardcore R:FoM GAF clan will play at least play that online mode.

I still consider the ranked play to be broken.

That's what I thought based on everyone's feedback so far.

You know how we play - we work together very well. Because of this, co-op is enjoyable. Everyone knows what to do, and now mostly just does it. Hell, QUEEG told me to hang back yesterday - I thought I was hearing things. :)

Well, we need to get the basic clan structure/membership going so at least we have the means to run into each other in-game.


aka andydumi
Pai Pai Master said:
Soldier level 10, Medic level 9, Spec-Ops level 4...I'm feeling pretty unbalanced. :lol

I leveled up spec ops only... I have not even played soldier at all...:D
I enjoy the game, but I am saving a little of the "novelty" for retail. I want in the GAF clan when it starts up.
I almost forgot, according to the ARG (the countdown at AmericaFirstAmericaOnly.com)there is supposed to be something happening R2 related happening this afternoon and there is a list of cities. Denver is listed but I dont know whats up.


iron sites give the impression of being useless because you don't actually look down them to aim. You still rely on the MASSIVE crosshair to aim.

I'm always second guessing myself whether i should bother with using them or not :/


I was in the GAF clan for R1, if you guys see me on, send me an invite. Love to join up and play with some GAF'ers. PSN is andycapps.

Skirmish in Chicago still has my heart. I could play that mode forever. So addictive for some reason. Particularly with teammates that like to work together (one person getting up high for sniping, several people semi-far back like me (with the Marksman), and some down in the middle with wraith's or carbine's, etc. But yeah, being chased when you're the chosen target is pretty crazy. I made it a couple times, died a couple times.


Pai Pai Master said:
Huh. I wonder what those locations are.

Boston, Massachusetts - DEAD-DROP REPORTED
Chicago, Illinois - DEAD-DROP REPORTED
Denver, Colorado - DEAD-DROP REPORTED
Los Angeles, California - DEAD-DROP REPORTED

I checked out the Atlanta section, it gave me these coordinates. "The north end of the animals' circle."

Here is the lat and long:

Anyone from ATL know that is there? Seems to be right at the Buckhead statue.


Facism said:
iron sites give the impression of being useless because you don't actually look down them to aim. You still rely on the MASSIVE crosshair to aim.

I'm always second guessing myself whether i should bother with using them or not :/
Use it. I use it and so do all my friends. Than again, its what you feel comfortable using. It does help us in kills though.


andycapps said:
Everytime I play co-op, my team is able to figure out what to do. All you do is follow the instructions at the top of the screen. How many co-op matches have you played, were they ranked or unranked, 8 players?

5, all ranked. maybe I'm on a team with all illiterates, I don't know because they won't say anything


Pai Pai Master said:

That's a cutscene. Single-player doesn't look as good as the cutscenes. Multiplayer doesn't look as good as single player. Certain things have to be toned down so you can get those 60 players or 50+ grims on screen together. The maps are large and the action isn't as focused on one area, one player.

Metalmurphy said:
Cause that's a pre-rendered movie using SINGLEPLAYER in-game assets.

SP > Co-Op > MP

I preordered the game but some screen are horrible.
Where can I find in-game screens of the SP?


Joe211 said:
I preordered the game but some screen are horrible.
Where can I find in-game screens of the SP?

This thread? First page. First Post.

You know your not supposed to post in threads without clearly reading the OP.
Joe211 said:
I preordered the game but some screen are horrible.
Where can I find in-game screens of the SP?

Man, these are beta screens of the multiplayer game. They're just not going to look as good as the single player.



Here are the two latest screens from SP.

BobTheFork said:

What is it??? I don't understand. D:
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