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RESISTANCE 2 - Hype Thread w/latest info


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Lucky me for not living on US :( .
Anyway ,im suuuuuper hyped for R2.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Very nice images ,and if those are all 'in game' more than nice they are awesome!


Can JS confirm that the audio in the trailer is representative of the real game ?

because if it is then holy shit.


Sailor Stevenson
Fersis said:
Very nice images ,and if those are all 'in game' more than nice they are awesome!

All the PTOM screens are from gameplay.

TEH-CJ said:
Can JS confirm that the audio in the trailer is representative of the real game ?

because if it is then holy shit.

Yup, that's a direct capture off one of our builds. It actually sounds better in 5.1, for sure.

Ploid 3.0

Pardon me gentlemen, does anyone have any grey poupon?



It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
jstevenson said:
All the PTOM screens are from gameplay.
Yup, that's a direct capture off one of our builds. It actually sounds better in 5.1, for sure.

wooow, the new chimera is really frightening.
Love the lighting (Congratulations to Gooch's) and art direction.


womfalcs3 said:
Nathan Hale has undergone a makeover I see! He's much more talkative now! It's kind of jarring but I guess it's not really an issue, since Hale was never really defined as a character to begin with. Or at least, Insomniac seemed to have let the player define Hale however they wanted. To me, Hale always had this kind of redneck rampage thing going on... now he's a L33T Military Commando barking orders... It's kinda weird, but I look forward to seeing more of the Insomniac defined Hale.

Are they using the same voice actor from the first game?


Norml said:
30 levels for each class and around 70 maps with different combinations sounds real good.:D
are the 70 maps for coop? that seems a lot, Iwonder how big each one is. And what dose this mean for the amount of multiplayer maps?
saw the scans. i think im going to have to go find a copy. hopefully Walmart has it there this week. if not i'm going to have to go visit a few bookstores for it.

are the images in the magazine from what build?


I don't know about you guys, but when I was playing Resistance 1, Hale was speaking to me the entire time.

AzRim904 said:
fps fanatic
(Today, 04:15 PM)
Reply | Quote

You know i had to

I think he admitted to never playing an online co-op FPS before...so...

Heh, sorry fps fanatic, I had to.


Just saw the scans. 2 things.

1. The grims are never nudes.

2. This is the best looking console FPS to date.



i hope this part will have a end boss. I was very disappointed, almost sad there was no end boss in RS1. Besides I hope the game will have a ultra difficult mode. I played the first one on hard on was not really impressed.


Dante said:
Still got a hard on for me I see :lol

So what console FPS looks better?

id say cod3, cod4, r6v, bioshock, h3 (being as ugly as it is, technically) and UT3 all look better than r2. but hey, i thought r1 was an ugly POS too.

but when your attitude is

Dante said:
It really does come down to game preference ( bias )

there really is no point in arguing.

i AM curious in what gives YOU such a hard on for anything sony related. i truly am.


rod said:
id say cod3, cod4, r6v, bioshock, h3 (being as ugly as it is, technically) and UT3 all look better than r2. but hey, i thought r1 was an ugly POS too.

but when your attitude is

there really is no point in arguing.

i AM curious in what gives YOU such a hard on for anything sony related. i truly am.

COD3?? Now your just being silly. Out of that list I'd maybe say Bioshock could give R2 a run for its money, but It's such an enclosed confined space I really can't.

As for me liking Sony? You know how you look at your 360 with such warm fuzzy feelings? I kinda feel the same way about the PS3 due to my love for their first party franchises and developers, Insomniac, Team Ico, ND, Suckerpunch, etc. I know that may be difficult to grasp, so why don't you do us both a favor and throw me on the ol ignore list. :) But keep on posting your providing plenty of :lol 's


i see ive stirred the hordes nest :lol

seriously you guys thought r1 was a graphical marvel, there's no room for discussion really :)
rod said:
i see ive stirred the hordes nest :lol

seriously you guys thought r1 was a graphical marvel, there's no room for discussion really :)

Err...I never thought R1 was a graphical marvel, though for a launch title it was certainly impressive. There's some nice looking sections in R1, as well as some brilliant effects such as the glass shattering, as well as the snow.

The later levels look pretty brilliant as well.

Those games you listed looking better are just nonsense, plain and simple. Maybe if most of that list ran at 720p like R2 does, they'd be impressive. :p

Do I honestly need to remind you of this?



Unimpressive my ass.


Private Hoffman said:
Those games you listed looking better are just nonsense, plain and simple. Maybe if most of that list ran at 720p like R2 does, they'd be impressive. :p

that is a good point. i truly do think cod4 looks better, resistances (mainly all insomniac games) seem to have really basic textures, and they just concentrate on big landscapes. honestly though, i just dont find r2 to be visually impressive. at all. i understand nearly everyone in here has a MASSIVE hard on for the game and has decided that no matter what, it will be theyre GOTY no matter how average it is (see uncharted, r1). the only thing decent about r1 was the multi. imo anyway. i think you are really forgetting how great some of those other games look. maybe im just a sucker for lots of colours and hi res textures and shit, its just a personal opinion.

edit: if you wanted to try and prove your "r2 is visually impressive" point a bit better, i wouldve picked the very first shots shown. you know the ones with the ships flying over the city? yeah. those look pretty average. big machine=impressive? k.


rod said:
that is a good point. i truly do think cod4 looks better, resistances (mainly all insomniac games) seem to have really basic textures, and they just concentrate on big landscapes. honestly though, i just dont find r2 to be visually impressive. at all. i understand nearly everyone in here has a MASSIVE hard on for the game and has decided that no matter what, it will be theyre GOTY no matter how average it is (see uncharted, r1). the only thing decent about r1 was the multi. imo anyway. i think you are really forgetting how great some of those other games look. maybe im just a sucker for lots of colours and hi res textures and shit, its just a personal opinion.
Let all the pent up frustration about the PS3 out. We care, we really do.


rod said:
that is a good point. i truly do think cod4 looks better, resistances (mainly all insomniac games) seem to have really basic textures, and they just concentrate on big landscapes. honestly though, i just dont find r2 to be visually impressive. at all. i understand nearly everyone in here has a MASSIVE hard on for the game and has decided that no matter what, it will be theyre GOTY no matter how average it is (see uncharted, r1). the only thing decent about r1 was the multi. imo anyway. i think you are really forgetting how great some of those other games look. maybe im just a sucker for lots of colours and hi res textures and shit, its just a personal opinion.

edit: if you wanted to try and prove your "r2 is visually impressive" point a bit better, i wouldve picked the very first shots shown. you know the ones with the ships flying over the city? yeah. those look pretty average. big machine=impressive? k.

rod said:
that is a good point. i truly do think cod4 looks better, resistances (mainly all insomniac games) seem to have really basic textures, and they just concentrate on big landscapes. honestly though, i just dont find r2 to be visually impressive. at all. i understand nearly everyone in here has a MASSIVE hard on for the game and has decided that no matter what, it will be theyre GOTY no matter how average it is (see uncharted, r1). the only thing decent about r1 was the multi. imo anyway. i think you are really forgetting how great some of those other games look. maybe im just a sucker for lots of colours and hi res textures and shit, its just a personal opinion.

Is this what they call subtle trolling? :lol

Seriously dude, your argument makes no sense. You think CoD4 looks better, then talk about how Resistance looks bad because it has basic textures and concentrates on big landscapes...Um, isn't that what CoD4 does to an extent? CoD4 has some pretty plain textures...

I'm not saying those games look bad...some of them are mediocre/average (CoD3, rainbow six, Halo), and CoD4 looks nice....but Resistance 2 has raised the bar from what I've seen of it so far. The scale is massive.

Edit: I did show the very first shots of the game that were released.


Why do you guys keep arguing with the guy? He just doesn't find the game impressive. There's nothing you can put in his mind to make R2 visually impressive to him.

Now, what I'm seeing from R2 looks greatly improved over R1. It just seems more solid. I can't wait to try out the online. R1 had the best 'online interface' I've experienced while playing a game.


kevm3 said:
Why do you guys keep arguing with the guy? He just doesn't find the game impressive. There's nothing you can put in his mind to make R2 visually impressive to him.

Now, what I'm seeing from R2 looks greatly improved over R1. It just seems more solid. I can't wait to try out the online. R1 had the best 'online interface' I've experienced while playing a game.

You're right it is pointless. With that I am posting my fav cap of R2:



Ploid 3.0

I wonder if Resistance 2 will break Resistance 1's record as the fastest bootup into game/multiplayer. I really appreciated how fast R1 boot to the main menu. The Orange Box took the opposite approach which made TF2 such a pain to consider playing. I love TF2, wish it was installable, and had a actual lobby and normal MP pre game features -_-).

Btw I laugh emoticoned because of the selection of games he picked. I have CoD4 with me now and while it has nice effects (er rain), and 60fps, it looks normal. The only reason I think people think it looks comparable to killzone is because they were watching videos, and it looked fast. The motion in the wobble also helps it. The way it looks like you're actually seeing through a soldier's point of view locked onto his face. It has nice dust too, but R2 is looking better to me here. Seeing the lighting as the soldiers shot bouncing off that wooden fence and such is looking perdy.


rod said:
WHAT :lol :lol :lol maybe if you said pc, but 360 :lol :lol :lol :lol
Newer PC hardware are more powerful than this generation's consoles, so PC games will look better indeed. Do i understand you correctly if you're comparing PC games to PS3 games? If yes, PC games will have better graphics indeed, but its not a fair comparison in my opinion. I would say its sorta like comparing the graphics on a PS1 game to a PS2 game (the PS3 might be more powerful than what the PS2 is, compared to how more powerful the PS2 is compared to the PS1, but its just an example to show that 1 system has more powerful hardware than another :)) and say that the PS1 game has not impressive graphics because the PS2 game has better graphics. Although true that the PS2 game will most likely have better graphics compared to the PS1 game i would still keep in mind that the PS2 have more powerful hardware than the PS1.



rod said:
id say cod3, cod4, r6v, bioshock, h3 (being as ugly as it is, technically) and UT3 all look better than r2. but hey, i thought r1 was an ugly POS too.

but when your attitude is

there really is no point in arguing.

i AM curious in what gives YOU such a hard on for anything sony related. i truly am.

Did anyone else notice that the last 10 posts of this guy are in two PS3 related threads and in both he's trying to downplay the games' graphics?

Btw the list with the games that are supposedly better looking than R2 is ridiculous. Shows how blinded you are by your bias.


i really cant believe these bias calls :lol talk about insecure, i have no agenda, especially towards microsoft! like i said, i play mostly pc games these days anyway...i wasnt comparing ps3 to a pc, but it definitely gives me more of a [dante]warm and fuzzy feeling [/dante] than any of these consoles do :lol


More than a member.
rod said:
that is a good point. i truly do think cod4 looks better, resistances (mainly all insomniac games) seem to have really basic textures, and they just concentrate on big landscapes. honestly though, i just dont find r2 to be visually impressive. at all. i understand nearly everyone in here has a MASSIVE hard on for the game and has decided that no matter what, it will be theyre GOTY no matter how average it is (see uncharted, r1). the only thing decent about r1 was the multi. imo anyway. i think you are really forgetting how great some of those other games look. maybe im just a sucker for lots of colours and hi res textures and shit, its just a personal opinion.

edit: if you wanted to try and prove your "r2 is visually impressive" point a bit better, i wouldve picked the very first shots shown. you know the ones with the ships flying over the city? yeah. those look pretty average. big machine=impressive? k.
worst troll ever. GTFO
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