Hey guyz wutz goin on. Am I public enemy no. 1 now?
It's not like I'm saying the game doesn't look good because it does, but when you have characters casting shadows one way like the chameleons and you have a bunch of objects in the middle of the level with no shadows at all like those tree stumps it just looks odd. Even if those can't be dynamic shadows, just baked the shadows into the damn level in the right direction, the tall stuff casting real shadows and the short stuff just having baked shadows, same with the bricks in the later part of orick, you don't even need real dynamic shadows for those.
I mean is that too much to ask at this point of development? I don't know. I have no experience in art and no interest in game development but when I look at a level I notice the shadows missing right in the middle, does this affect the gameplay? Heck no. But then having correct shadows does affect the immersiveness of the game, the visuals is all about immersiveness and believability. I'm sure the folks at IG are their own harshest critics.
It's great that people are basically saying "if you don't think this looks great then gtfo", the same could have been applied to people who had suggestions and criticisms on the way the game plays, I do believe this makes for a better overall game for everyone. Maybe the visuals will likely stay the way it is at this point, which is fine although I simply wanted it to be a tad better, that's all. Regardless of the visuals I'm still picking up my pre-order on day one and I'm still going to get other people to play this game this Christmas over fuckwad COD, I want R2 to be THE defacto FPS on the PS3, and NOT Killzone 2, OR SOCOM, OR any COD4 game, EVER. The same way I want UNCHARTED!!!111!!!
to be the defacto action/adventure game on the PS3 over tomb raider, the same way I want Motorstorm 2 to be the defacto arcade terrain racer on the PS3, the same way I want Wipeout HD to dominate its genre over something like Fatal Inertia. I want this game to be the best in everything, but I guess we don't always get what we want.