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RESISTANCE 2 - Hype Thread w/latest info


any word on whether or not you can play splitscreen competitive online? like have you and a friend play on the same machine in an online match with people.
btkadams said:
any word on whether or not you can play splitscreen competitive online? like have you and a friend play on the same machine in an online match with people.

Dunno. JS hinted at something, but I dunno if he was referring to co-op only or both modes.
Private Hoffman said:

This is an unrelated question to Resistance 2 (well, kind of, anyway), but you said you heard good things about the official Sony Bluetooth headset? I need to get one in preparation of LBP and Resistance 2, and I need to know if it's of really good quality (I heard the jabra ones were terrible that came with WarHawk).

What did you hear about it exactly?

The one that came with Warhawk is serviceable, but the Sony one looks like it is made not just for gaming, but for the PS3. It is loaded with features including, a large mute button, charging dock that acts as a mic even while it is charging, and has built in features with the PS3 Operating system. To me, if you are going to get a headset, you should get the PS3 headset. While your at it, get SOCOM b/c it is a pretty solid team shooter. I have had a blast with the beta.
Kittonwy said:
I was talking about the first game.
I was talking about the first game.
I was talking about the first game.
I was talking about the first game.

Yeah, but you made it sound like these were the problems in R1 that they didn't fix in R2... instead they did these other things that weren't needed. And jSteve just owned you on them. Take your ownage... take it!
cjtiger300 said:
The one that came with Warhawk is serviceable, but the Sony one looks like it is made not just for gaming, but for the PS3. It is loaded with features including, a large mute button, charging dock that acts as a mic even while it is charging, and has built in features with the PS3 Operating system. To me, if you are going to get a headset, you should get the PS3 headset. While your at it, get SOCOM b/c it is a pretty solid team shooter. I have had a blast with the beta.

Yeah it does look pretty slick. Thanks for the info. Don't think I'm gonna get SOCOM though.

The headset is only 39 bucks at Amazon (you save ten bucks). Just won't have time for SOCOM amongst MotorStorm 2, Little Big Planet, Resistance 2, and others.

Plus, the headset releases this week, and I'd like to get my headset in for the LBP beta.
Kittonwy said:
I was talking about the first game.
I was talking about the first game.

I was talking about the first game.

I was talking about the first game.

I'm confused is it the R1 Hype thread or R2 Hype Thread ???

Thanks for clearing this to me Kitton


Private Hoffman said:
Yeah it does look pretty slick. Thanks for the info. Don't think I'm gonna get SOCOM though.

The headset is only 39 bucks at Amazon (you save ten bucks). Just won't have time for SOCOM amongst MotorStorm 2, Little Big Planet, Resistance 2, and others.

Plus, the headset releases this week, and I'd like to get my headset in for the LBP beta.
Harkens back to some LBP memories from last night :D.


Private Hoffman said:
Heh yeah, you really cant survive without a headset for a game like LBP that is so community focused. R2 looks to be the same way.

Yep...and you still owe me a LBP game, mister. :p


JaCk BuRtOn said:
I'm confused is it the R1 Hype thread or R2 Hype Thread ???

Thanks for clearing this to me Kitton

Exactly my thoughts. Insomniac isn't making a Resistance 1 remake, they are making Resistance 2.
So I'm siding with Kitton on this one. It's not a coincidence that him,myself,and a slew of other R1 GAF clan members are dissatisfied with R2. Static lighting aside I think R2 looks stunning visually. However, I don't understand why Insomniac games changed the fundamentals of how the original game played. Imagine if Halo 3 was released and the speed of the game and basic shooting mechanics were significantly altered from that of their previous games. People would have went apeshit.


MINI Member
johnFkennedy said:
So I'm siding with Kitton on this one. It's not a coincidence that him,myself,and a slew of other R1 GAF clan members are dissatisfied with R2. Static lighting aside I think R2 looks stunning visually. However, I don't understand why Insomniac games changed the fundamentals of how the original game played. Imagine if Halo 3 was released and the speed of the game and basic shooting mechanics were significantly altered from that of their previous games. People would have went apeshit.

Just wait til the public Beta. Or reserve judgement until the game is in your hands.

About the pace, JS has stated that the MP speed is the same as R1.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
jstevenson said:
But we always did sort of control it--- for instance, we'd give you ammo when we wanted you to have it. And we also structured the weapons so that you wouldn't get the powerful ones until late in the game. This also posed a frustration to players because they'd have a weapon and never get ammo for it. Or players would save ammo for "just in case" situations that wouldn't come and never use the cool weapons.

Most players in RFOM stuck to the Carbine/Bullseye/Shotty, and didn't try many others.

Believe me this was well-debated, and we ultimately decided - after all sides had presented their case and we tested the ideas - that two weapons worked best.

Been having this debate with a friend of mine recently, it's my only major concern with the game, as I posted before I was a great fan of the weapon mechanics in RFoM, there must of been quite a lot of deliberating over whether to go with the same/similar system in R2, I bet it was an interesting (and also tedious) debate, would of loved to of heard the pro's and con's pitched on this past dilemma.

What you say does make sense though, when you look back at RFoM you can tell that the ammo drops for example were structured in a way to try (and sometimes force you) to use different weapons, but even then like you say most people still choose to stick with the Carbine more than anything, and only when ammo for that particular gun ran out did they choose a different primary weapon, I've recently completed RFoM again with a friend of mine in co-op and this was pretty much his tactic throughout the game which was a little annoying because I saw it as a disservice to work that went into the other weapons which I thought we're very cool and all had there unique uses, although I was never a great fan of the hail storm if I'm being honest, but that was one of many weapons.

That being said although I agree with your statemnt I'm still a little sceptical of how the 2 two gun system is going to feel, I expect for most people it will be fine but as I've also mentioned before if anyone is going to feel disgruntled about it it will most likely be the hardcore fans of RFoM like myself, but I'm still holding out hope, the important factor here is the fact I've not played the game yet (like many of the great armchair critics on here also) so I can't really pass judgement until that day tbh.

Purely based on the videos that have been released, especially the recent ones, it does look very nice indeed, looks solid, very good lighting, textures have been greatly improved, superb animation on the Chimera, I don't think anyone can argue with that, and also the sound has most definitely been improved upon without a doubt, you stick a decent pair head phones on while watching some of the recent HD vids (like this one for example http://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/21589) and the improvement is very apparent even on a poorly coded video, the sound of Chimerian's ammunition hitting and ricocheting on the objects around you is very impressive and helps deepens the immersion of the battles, I can't wait to hear how that sounds in surround.


End of the day people the game isn't going to be 'perfect', no game is, but the fact that the majority of people on here like it is a sure sign it's going to pass probably 99% of 'regular gamers' expectations as they are far far far less critical and scrupulous than many people are on here, I mean for god's sake certain people on here acutally take the time out to zoom in to look at shadow variations on parts of a gun for example, which makes me lean back in my chair and genuinely laugh out loud, with that kind of scrutiny a game is never going to have the complete admiration it deserves even with it's (questionable) faults in this overly analytical environment.

I, like many of you even though having a great interest in the games industry I will never fully understand the arduous work that is involved in creating these amazing games, even popular journalists that many of you idealise on here get it wrong from time to time when hypothesizing how much work has went into certain games questioning why certain aspects of a game wasn't done a certain way, or when certain minor faults appear in the game when to them it seemed a lazy mistake on the developers behalf, but when they have a chance to interview the developers they often find that the problem involved in resolving what we perceive as simple faults or impairment's on the game often are quite intricate, be it due be programming, resources, time constraints, etc, there are many variables to be considered, I personally feel (and I could be wrong) that it's of case of getting the game up to scratch to the best of their ability in their allotted time and budget, and to a standard that they are happy with and believe will please the majority of gamers out there, and at the same time being courteous enough to take on board many peoples suggestions and constructive criticisms and make changes to the game based on them, but there is a limit, especially now considering the game is near completion,

If the game was made to the almost impossible standards 'some' idiots in this thread seem to believe it should be made to then the game would honestly never get out of the studio, I've seen it on here and other forums, Insomniac take on board peoples suggestions, make changes to the game and then people still aren't completely happy, and again a minority of usually out spoken forumites are still finding fault until eventually the critique transmorph's into stupidity and people will end up arguing over the aliasing on a shadow from a small rock in the distant background or something equally stupid and minuscule, certain people on here need to tone it down, there's a time and a place, I think we are very lucky that developers and the like actually take time out of their busy schedules to come on here and interact with the community, they don't have to, it's part of what makes this place special, certain people who are trolling these threads are inadvertently potentially jeopardising this relationship developers have with the gaf community.

Now lets all chill out and get this thread back on topic, the game is nearly finished now anyway, it's not long before it will be in our hands and we'll be able to have some proper constructive debates on the game based on are own real (rather than imagined) experiences of the game.
johnFkennedy said:
So I'm siding with Kitton on this one. It's not a coincidence that him,myself,and a slew of other R1 GAF clan members are dissatisfied with R2. Static lighting aside I think R2 looks stunning visually. However, I don't understand why Insomniac games changed the fundamentals of how the original game played. Imagine if Halo 3 was released and the speed of the game and basic shooting mechanics were significantly altered from that of their previous games. People would have went apeshit.

Because the fundamentals of the original game were not tested thoroughly enough and were not as strong as they could have been.

Resistance 1 felt like a chaotic spam fest all the time. I'm glad they are changing directions with the game.

And actually, I'm a bit disappointed that Insomniac only allowed the most hardcore R1 fans into the private beta to give "feedback". I like R1, but I was by no means a hardcore fan; I didn't play the multiplayer continually because it wasn't compelling and felt far too fast for a console shooter. And now, we have that same small, hardcore fanbase that was let in to the private beta and they all wanted it to play like Resistance 1 -- so now Insomniac has sped the game up considerably. Watching the new video footage of the multiplayer turned me off because it looked just like Resistance 1's speed and the older footage looked much better paced for a console shooter.

Really, I think listening to the type of people that they had in the very small private beta wasn't a good decision; "group think" mentality and all of that...

The single player is a much better pace from what i've seen, IMHO.


johnFkennedy said:
So I'm siding with Kitton on this one. It's not a coincidence that him,myself,and a slew of other R1 GAF clan members are dissatisfied with R2. Static lighting aside I think R2 looks stunning visually. However, I don't understand why Insomniac games changed the fundamentals of how the original game played. Imagine if Halo 3 was released and the speed of the game and basic shooting mechanics were significantly altered from that of their previous games. People would have went apeshit.

While I am optimistic the game will turn out to be good, I agree with you and Kitton. You are also right that if this was done to Halo 3, the internets would not have survived.


Private Hoffman said:
Because the fundamentals of the original game were not tested thoroughly enough and were not as strong as they could have been.

Resistance 1 felt like a chaotic spam fest all the time. I'm glad they are changing directions with the game.

And actually, I'm a bit disappointed that Insomniac only allowed the most hardcore R1 fans into the private beta to give "feedback". I like R1, but I was by no means a hardcore fan; I didn't play the multiplayer continually because it wasn't compelling and felt far too fast for a console shooter. And now, we have that same small, hardcore fanbase that was let in to the private beta and they all wanted it to play like Resistance 1 -- so now Insomniac has sped the game up considerably. Watching the new video footage of the multiplayer turned me off because it looked just like Resistance 1's speed and the older footage looked much better paced for a console shooter.

Really, I think listening to the type of people that they had in the very small private beta wasn't a good decision; "group think" mentality and all of that...

The single player is a much better pace from what i've seen, IMHO.

The reason why the GAF Clan liked Resistance so much was because it played different then any other console shooter on the market. If I wanted to play Halo, I would play Halo. If I wanted to play COD, I would play COD. Resitance was unique. To some, it may have seemed chaotic but it really wasn't. Just because it was fast does not mean it could not be controlled.
Big-E said:
While I am optimistic the game will turn out to be good, I agree with you and Kitton. You are also right that if this was done to Halo 3, the internets would not have survived.

Halo 3 was Halo 3, it had two prior games to build the foundation of the gameplay.

The hardcore fans may have loved R1's specific style of play, but the same could be said about any game that has a devoted following of players. Fact is, it wasn't perfect and it's a damn shame that any changes the guys at Insomniac are attempting to make are being looked at as heresy by a few people here.

It doesn't play like Halo 3, nor does it play like CoD4. It plays like Resistance 2.
Big-E said:
The reason why the GAF Clan liked Resistance so much was because it played different then any other console shooter on the market. If I wanted to play Halo, I would play Halo. If I wanted to play COD, I would play COD. Resitance was unique. To some, it may have seemed chaotic but it really wasn't. Just because it was fast does not mean it could not be controlled.

CoD4 and Halo 3 play quite differently despite having the slower speed. The weapons mechanics would be enough differentiation.

I'm just not convinced that fast paced shooters work well (or are fun) on consoles.

I just think it's a poor decision to have such a highly insulated group of hardcore fans determine what the final game will be like, when perhaps they are not the best group to playtest the game because they will want it to be exactly like Resistance 1, and that's not what I want.


Private Hoffman said:
CoD4 and Halo 3 play quite differently despite having the slower speed. The weapons mechanics would be enough differentiation.

I'm just not convinced that fast paced shooters work well (or are fun) on consoles.

Resistance was really twitch-based. The new 1Up show has a segment on R2 and they've said the MP feels more accessible while still maintaining the frantic nature of the first. I think they've tuned the controls to make it feel less twitch-based and more of a Dualshock-based shooter.
Core407 said:
Resistance was really twitch-based. The new 1Up show has a segment on R2 and they've said the MP feels more accessible while still maintaining the frantic nature of the first. I think they've tuned the controls to make it feel less twitch-based and more of a Dualshock-based shooter.

See, I like the addition of the marksman...I love the battle rifle in Halo 3...

But that weapon won't work well when the speed is so damn frantic.

I really hope it isn't way too fast for me, but I'll get to try it out "early october" (release a damn day already :lol ) so I'll be able to give my final impressions of how it plays then...
Big-E said:
The reason why the GAF Clan liked Resistance so much was because it played different then any other console shooter on the market. If I wanted to play Halo, I would play Halo. If I wanted to play COD, I would play COD. Resitance was unique. To some, it may have seemed chaotic but it really wasn't. Just because it was fast does not mean it could not be controlled.

Damn guys!!! Don't we want to wait until the damn game comes out in final form before we judge?!?!?!? This pessimism is just crazy as hell!

Games evolve.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
johnFkennedy said:
So I'm siding with Kitton on this one. It's not a coincidence that him,myself,and a slew of other R1 GAF clan members are dissatisfied with R2. Static lighting aside I think R2 looks stunning visually. However, I don't understand why Insomniac games changed the fundamentals of how the original game played. Imagine if Halo 3 was released and the speed of the game and basic shooting mechanics were significantly altered from that of their previous games. People would have went apeshit.

This analogy is flawed, since when has RFoM been as globally poplar as the halo franchise ?, it didn't even come close, but that's not to say it was a bad game, halo already had a winning formula from the start, Insomniac are trying to improve upon theirs to make the game a bigger sensation this time around, to appeal to the masses, not just a fanatical minority, I love RFoM and would love it if Insomniac just kept to the old formula and just upgraded the graphics engine but that would be selfish and stupid.

Wait until the game is out and then pass judgement.
lowrider007 said:
This analogy is flawed, since when has RFoM been as globally poplar as the halo franchise ?, it didn't even come close, but that's not to say it was a bad game, halo already had a winning formula from the start, Insomniac are trying to improve upon theirs to make the game a bigger sensation this time around, to appeal to the masses, not just a fanatical minority, I love RFoM and would love if Insomniac just kepted to the old formula and just upgraded the graphics engine but that would be selfish and stupid.

Wait until the game is out and then pass judgment.


Ploid 3.0

One of my friends hated the weapon spawn campers. Like the air fuel section in the subway.

Edit: wow I must have had the post reply window open for a year.
Big-E said:
The reason why the GAF Clan liked Resistance so much was because it played different then any other console shooter on the market. If I wanted to play Halo, I would play Halo. If I wanted to play COD, I would play COD. Resitance was unique. To some, it may have seemed chaotic but it really wasn't. Just because it was fast does not mean it could not be controlled.

I was just about to post this. The aim assist in that game was perfect,it allowed you to be precise with your aiming while moving fast and didn't make you feel as if it did the aiming for you.

Also I'm not against change. I'm very pleased with some of the changes Insomniac has made to the formula of R1 in R2. However,there was nothing wrong with R:FOM's shooting mechanics and weapon system. If it ain't broke don't fix it.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
So anyone knows when the public beta starts ?
(I think that im in :D )
johnFkennedy said:
However,there was nothing wrong with R:FOM's shooting mechanics and weapon system. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Not everyone would agree that the shooting mechanics and weapon system in R1 weren't broken, or at least weren't as good as they could be. BTW I'm one who disagreed with the 2 weapon thing at first, but let's give it a fair shake before making judgment... the 2 weapon system does have some benefits.


frankthurk said:
Not everyone would agree that the shooting mechanics and weapon system in R1 weren't broken, or at least weren't as good as they could be. BTW I'm one who disagreed with the 2 weapon thing at first, but let's give it a fair shake before making judgment... the 2 weapon system does have some benefits.

Not everyone actually plays RFOM that much to know how it's actually balanced, and people who are in the private beta can't really say how the 2 weapon system affects the balance of the game in terms of controlling the number of a particular weapon on the field.

I'll just say this, the spawn time of something like a fareye keeps a limited number of snipers on the map, if someone wants to snipe, he has to go get a fareye and sometimes it's all the way across the map, sometimes there's only one fareye spawn on one side of the map, it limits the number of snipers on the map, IN GENERAL if your system is a loadout system where you can pick any weapon you choose, you no longer have the ability to limit the number of sniper weapons on the map since everybody can basically loadout with a sniper rifle.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Kittonwy said:
Not everyone actually plays RFOM that much to know how it's actually balanced, and people who are in the private beta can't really say how the 2 weapon system affects the balance of the game in terms of controlling the number of a particular weapon on the field.

I'll just say this, the spawn time of something like a fareye keeps a limited number of snipers on the map, if someone wants to snipe, he has to go get a fareye and sometimes it's all the way across the map, sometimes there's only one fareye spawn on one side of the map, it limits the number of snipers on the map, IN GENERAL if your system is a loadout system where you can pick any weapon you choose, you no longer have the ability to limit the number of sniper weapons on the map since everybody can basically loadout with a sniper rifle.
Again, i loved the stonecold stunnered kitten picture :D

I understand that some of you guys dont want the two weapon system, but its R2 not R1.
COD4 works pretty nice with the two weapon system.
(I almost sure that it has a two weapon system...)

Ploid 3.0

Fersis said:
Again, i loved the stonecold stunnered kitten picture :D

I understand that some of you guys dont want the two weapon system, but its R2 not R1.
COD4 works pretty nice with the two weapon system.
(I almost sure that it has a two weapon system...)

Socom has two weapons system also, Socom 2 as well.
~Devil Trigger~ said:
still on the fence on the 2 Weapon limit and health system

and what day exactly the beta will be in October?

I don't think anyone has officially said when it will be (other than "early October").


who here has played the game and is still complaining about the two weapon system? dralla? have you? or were you even complaining, its hard to tell whent here is so much bitching in this thread


I loved the weapon pickup matches in R1, I loved old school TDM in COD4 with weapon pickups (too bad they removed that) and I hope there will be an old school (R1) mode in R2 with weapon pickups.


Does anyone know if there will be a Demo on PSN soon/closer to release?

JStevenson when will be the last day for an Insomniac Developer to commit code before going gold?


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
konrad77 said:
In resistance 2, yes. On Neogaf, No.
Yeah, happens that i nevew saw that video, was new only to me ...
I feel ashamed :(


Fersis said:
Yeah, happens that i nevew saw that video, was new only to me ...
I feel ashamed :(
Don't be, I am trying to find the video (which had sound, the creature talked to Nathan). Could someone step up and help me?


dralla said:
yea, socom is a tactical shooter grounded in reality. Resistance isn't.

I don't think a two weapon system is a problem per se, the weapon spawns was a way to allow for powerful weapons like LAARK and fareye to limit the number of them at anytime during a MP match to balance the game, it lets the players have access to something like a LAARK but still controls it in such a way that you don't have everybody spawning with LAARKs, obviously you can't put LAARK in the loadout but the if you don't have spawns then you can't have the LAARK at all.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
frankthurk said:
You regenerate all your health instead of just up to the next 1/4 mark and as such the entire bar is gone from the hud.

I like what ive read, i dont like games with bussy HUDs (*cough MGO *cough)

PD:Im not bashing ,but MGO is a clear example of a bad HUD


i'm actually glad they went with 2 weapons. It kind of forces you to play around with weaponry as you find, instead of having an arsenal and hording ammo. Probably easier for the gameplay scenario guys, in regards to providing some challenge in various situation because of the weapons available to you at the time.

If splitscreen competitive stuff is confirmed, this goes from wait till after new years to immediate purchase. Spoilt on Halo 3 when it comes to being able to fook around online with my bro.
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