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RESISTANCE 2 - Hype Thread w/latest info


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
jstevenson said:
Or players would save ammo for "just in case" situations that wouldn't come and never use the cool weapons.
That was me, with the exception of those spitting spider things. That's when I unloaded everything, although usually all the rounds in my . Although Stalkers pissed me off, I could never get them to get distracted to shoot them in the back. Magical weak spots are dumb.

For the most part I'd use carbine because the bullets flew fastest and straightest, but if ammo for that would be slim (very alien areas), I'd use the bullseye. If I was running in narrow places with a lot of turns I'd use the shotty, but if I didn't have enough ammo for that then shooting/melee with another would be effective enough.

Most players in RFOM stuck to the Carbine/Bullseye/Shotty, and didn't try many others.
Yeah those were my babies unless there were like 5 guys with Augers shooting at me from afar, then I'd snipe them, and then there's be plenty of ammo for that. It always felt arbitrary, like a contrived dynamic, which isn't actually what being dynamic is about.


Dice said:
That was me, with the exception of those spitting spider things. That's when I unloaded everything, although usually all the rounds in my . Although Stalkers pissed me off, I could never get them to get distracted to shoot them in the back. Magical weak spots are dumb.

For the most part I'd use carbine because the bullets flew fastest and straightest, but if ammo for that would be slim (very alien areas), I'd use the bullseye. If I was running in narrow places with a lot of turns I'd use the shotty, but if I didn't have enough ammo for that then shooting/melee with another would be effective enough.

Yeah those were my babies unless there were like 5 guys with Augers shooting at me from afar, then I'd snipe them, and then there's be plenty of ammo for that. It always felt arbitrary, like a contrived dynamic, which isn't actually what being dynamic is about.

The problem is if the fareye was available as a loadout weapon, most of the gaf clan would be sniping, the only thing that stopped us from sniper-whoring was because the fareye only spawns every once in a while. Bullseye spawns were FAST, carbine spawns were not as fast but still pretty darn fast. With everything being selected at loadout basically everybody gets to use whichever primary weapons they choose but also you lose that control over the level of sniper-whoring in the game, the thing that countered sniper-whoring in RFOM was 1) the slow weapon spawn frequency, 2) the relatively long range and accuracy of carbine and bullseye, 3) the long range and accuracy of grenades and 4) LAARK secondary fire. When you've got a train of people waiting for the fareye spawn, you tend to move on and use a different weapon, and you're never truly safe as a sniper since someone with a good grenade toss can take you out, someone with a LAARK can take out a nest of snipers with a parked secondary fire, and if someone gets close enough he can tag you or kill you with the carbine. Some people might not like how RFOM MP played, but it was balanced, it was fast and if you've got skills you can dominate.

I'm not sure how the weapons will balance in R2, I guess we'll find out.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
So how is the button mapping? (Some of you played the beta)
L1 Aim
R1 fire
R2 alternate fire
Facism said:
i'm actually glad they went with 2 weapons. It kind of forces you to play around with weaponry as you find, instead of having an arsenal and hording ammo. Probably easier for the gameplay scenario guys, in regards to providing some challenge in various situation because of the weapons available to you at the time.

If splitscreen competitive stuff is confirmed, this goes from wait till after new years to immediate purchase. Spoilt on Halo 3 when it comes to being able to fook around online with my bro.

It also requires less menu management, which is a huge plus. No need to go into a menu and select a weapon, in effect pausing the game.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Private Hoffman said:
It also requires less menu management, which is a huge plus. No need to go into a menu and select a weapon, in effect pausing the game.
Yeah ,less menu managment makes the game more fast paced.
Im cool with the 2 weapons system.


Kittonwy said:
The problem is if the fareye was available as a loadout weapon, most of the gaf clan would be sniping, the only thing that stopped us from sniper-whoring was because the fareye only spawn every once in a while.

This. Not just GAF. All the savvy clans will do so if the map is big enough.

While it is true that most people don't use more than 2 weapons, it may be a "wrong fix" to therefore limit everyone to just 2 weapons. Perception is what counts. Based on lab tests, Apple's "one-menu-bar-for-all" application menu is more productive than Microsoft's "every-window-has-one-menu-bar" layout; but in practice, most laymen prefer Microsoft's approach because they think "more is more".

If people want > 2 weapons, it may be more prudent to find a workable arrangement to let them have > 2 weapons. If this doesn't work for large MP maps, make it available for small maps.

But that's just me. I will of course keep an open mind and check out R2 (already pre-ordered !).

However I miss R1 already.


Private Hoffman said:
It also requires less menu management, which is a huge plus. No need to go into a menu and select a weapon, in effect pausing the game.

agreed, although i will say R1's weapon selection was lovely :)

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
I dont mind limiting how many weapons you carry

but 2 weapons seems too low to me in a game like Resistance, watching the videos i already see the annoyance; The guy has the magnum and the Bulleye 2 Awsome weapons, but he has to pick-up the LAARK to stop the Giant Goliath, so he has to sacrifice one of the Awsome weapons, at least for that moment...

then you had the part in Cali Woods, again with BullEye and Mag, picks up Marksman drops Bulleye, player looking around like he really did'nt wanna drop it...

Its not CoD or SOCOM, the difference between the weapons in R are so wide and varied, getting through a situation different ways with different weapons was one of the cool things in Fall of Man, i fear some of that my be missing in 2

maybe allowing 4 weapons would've been cool, but i'll see for myself when i get the game but, thats my concern


Kittonwy said:
Some people might not like how RFOM MP played, but it was balanced, it was fast and if you've got skills you can dominate.

I think this was the issue that a lot of people had with it. The game had a pretty steep learning curve for beginners. I'd been on there pretty much since launch so I was decent, not nearly as good as the other members in the GAF clan that were on there every single night, but I was ok. But I'd let some of my friends come over and they'd literally last about 2 seconds before dying and not even know where they were getting hit from. While a certain amount of that is just not understanding the controls and how it plays, it does have a huge learning curve that turns off quite a few people.

I don't think Insomniac is selling out, to me that R2 is addressing both groups. Keeping the fast gameplay, but simplifying the weapon loadout in order to make it easier for new players. From playing the private beta, I doubt everyone is going to be spawn camping the sniper all the time, I know I'll be tossing plenty of grenades your way if so. :D

Ploid 3.0

About what JStevenson said. I always thought they controlled weapons even in Ratchet games. They gave you what they wanted you to have. It was no surprise to me when it was in R1. If they just let you have whatever you wanted whenever that would probably mess up the game. If you save your weapon that they expected you to use for later, that's your reward for doing things the self imposed hard way.
johnFkennedy said:
So I'm siding with Kitton on this one. It's not a coincidence that him,myself,and a slew of other R1 GAF clan members are dissatisfied with R2. Static lighting aside I think R2 looks stunning visually. However, I don't understand why Insomniac games changed the fundamentals of how the original game played. Imagine if Halo 3 was released and the speed of the game and basic shooting mechanics were significantly altered from that of their previous games. People would have went apeshit.
Personally, I think/thought everyone in the private beta had just gone insane. I can't understand after playing R1 for 17 months straight, why anyone would want R2 to play just like r1 did? The private beta was TITS on all fronts.


andycapps said:
I think this was the issue that a lot of people had with it. The game had a pretty steep learning curve for beginners. I'd been on there pretty much since launch so I was decent, not nearly as good as the other members in the GAF clan that were on there every single night, but I was ok. But I'd let some of my friends come over and they'd literally last about 2 seconds before dying and not even know where they were getting hit from.

This is the ONLY reason I kept quiet about R2 changes. The more people have fun, the better... even though I might have slightly less fun ^_^

I am counting on their extensive game testing to achieve that. Otherwise, I'm gonna be p*ssed. Some design choice still worries me. So I am really keen to check the game out during the public beta.


patsu said:
This is the ONLY reason I kept quiet about R2 changes. The more people have fun, the better... even though I might have slightly less fun ^_^

I am counting on their extensive game testing to achieve that. Otherwise, I'm gonna be p*ssed. Some design choice still worries me. So I am really keen to check the game out during the public beta.

Me too, but I think I'm actually going to wait until the full game is out. Too many betas out now and I'd rather take in the whole experience after having taken place in the private beta. From the videos I've seen thus far, they seem to have addressed what everyone was saying in the private beta and so I think the final game should be fantastic. I'm pretty confident that Insomniac and Sony will playtest the crap out of this so that us old R1 players can enjoy it, while giving it better sales and making it enjoyable to a broader audience.
BobTheFork said:
Personally, I think/thought everyone in the private beta had just gone insane. I can't understand after playing R1 for 17 months straight, why anyone would want R2 to play just like r1 did? The private beta was TITS on all fronts.

It wasn't tits. It was man-boobs mistaken for tits,at best.

Different strokes,different folks.

I really hope the game turns out well and I will be getting it day one for the record.


andycapps said:
Me too, but I think I'm actually going to wait until the full game is out. Too many betas out now and I'd rather take in the whole experience after having taken place in the private beta.

Slacker !!

From the videos I've seen thus far, they seem to have addressed what everyone was saying in the private beta and so I think the final game should be fantastic. I'm pretty confident that Insomniac and Sony will playtest the crap out of this so that us old R1 players can enjoy it, while giving it better sales and making it enjoyable to a broader audience.

I am pretty happy with the improvements they made throughout the beta. They probably enhanced it even further based on post mortem. What's left is for the time to arrive... and for me to clear out my work so that I have time to play >_<
johnFkennedy said:
It wasn't tits. It was man-boobs mistaken for tits,at best.

Different strokes,different folks.

I really hope the game turns out well and I will be getting it day one for the record.
pfft, the biggest complaint I heard was "the grenades dn'to go far enough when you throw them" as if it was something that coudln't be fixed. Lots of bitching about the graphics too which is an insane complaint for a beta. They did the right thing, they made the game more appealing to more people. If the hardcore R1 people don't like it, I say screw them. You can't let the loud minority of hardcore (which we were part of) hold back the game from evolving into something way more people can enjoy.

Ploid 3.0

jstevenson said:
BTW - in case you missed it, Intihar and I are on 1UP FM this week.


I never listened to 1UP FM before but since you guys are on it this will be a good first time. I always thought it was a 1UP show about game music. The first one was about SOTC music, and some other game music I think. If it wasn't the first episode it was the first time I noticed 1UP FM. First impressions and all that.

With that said, I now have to choose a game to play while listening to it. Which brings up the question, does R2 support custom sountrack? I don't care for altering the original music but I sometimes like to listen to these podcasts while knocking out progression in the games I have. I guess it's not important if it don't have it, just that every Full Moon, and sometimes friday (if 1up have a show I'm interested in) I like to kick back listen to it, and mellow out with a game.
BobTheFork said:
pfft, the biggest complaint I heard was "the grenades dn'to go far enough when you throw them" as if it was something that coudln't be fixed. Lots of bitching about the graphics too which is an insane complaint for a beta. They did the right thing, they made the game more appealing to more people. If the hardcore R1 people don't like it, I say screw them. You can't let the loud minority of hardcore (which we were part of) hold back the game from evolving into something way more people can enjoy.

You make some good points but I'm not sure I whole heartedly agree. So let's just agree to disagree.

They better fix the fucking grenades. Hey Bob,remember that one time when I was helping you train for the tournament and practically every kill I had against you was a grenade kill ? GOOD TIMES.
johnFkennedy said:
You make some good points but I'm not sure I whole heartedly agree. So let's just agree to disagree.

They better fix the fucking grenades. Hey Bob,remember that one time when I was helping you train for the tournament and practically every kill I had against you was a grenade kill ? GOOD TIMES.
Of course agree to disagree, the beta was very polarizing (I seem to be the only one that really loved it). I do rememeber that : ) which is why I hope they do fix the grenades. It not just the throwing distance, because you could throw them farther in the co-op than you could in competitive which is odd.


I'd be in the dick
Dante said:
Got my early pre-order beta code

Can you enter it in now, or should we wait till the beta is out?
You need to enter it on MyResistance in order to be able to get the beta code. I suggest you do it now.
BobTheFork said:
Of course agree to disagree, the beta was very polarizing (I seem to be the only one that really loved it). I do rememeber that : ) which is why I hope they do fix the grenades. It not just the throwing distance, because you could throw them farther in the co-op than you could in competitive which is odd.

Yeah, I noticed that too! In competitive they just seemed to fall out of your hand as opposed to being thrown,it was total weaksauce.


BobTheFork said:
pfft, the biggest complaint I heard was "the grenades dn'to go far enough when you throw them" as if it was something that coudln't be fixed. Lots of bitching about the graphics too which is an insane complaint for a beta. They did the right thing, they made the game more appealing to more people. If the hardcore R1 people don't like it, I say screw them. You can't let the loud minority of hardcore (which we were part of) hold back the game from evolving into something way more people can enjoy.

I swear to god the only person in the clan who actually liked the private beta this much was you.

Your whole argument is contingent entirely upon everything being fixed aka "this would be tits if they fix everything", when people were merely complaining about WHAT THEY SAW AND PLAYED. The overwhelming feedback people gave helped to get those things fixed, the rest of us fought for PLAYABILITY, all YOU did was saying "whatever this was tits/yeah they're gonna fix everything, u guyz r teh crazy not to like it".

Who gives a fuck about people who played RFOM regularly? I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that decreasing accuracy and nurfing grenade was a sure-fire way to make the game evolve into something way more people can enjoy, that was obviously the wrong direction to go in and IG got the necessary feedback because the rest of us fought for things to get fixed.

How exactly do the people who like RFOM "hold R2" back when we want BETTER GRENADE THROWING, BETTER ACCURACY WITH WEAPONS, BETTER AIMING AND MOVEMENT? Maybe it's just me but that makes no sense. No offense but don't try to paint people who spoke out for better controls/aiming/grenade-throwing as wanting the game to play exactly like RFOM. I think most of us understand they're trying to reach out to the COD4 crowd, the key is to make sure you don't lose more userbase than you gain.


Ploid 3.0

I don't mind being locked out of competitive MP again (picked up R1 way late). Just don't lock me out of Co-op (hope I can get this day one. Wal-mart better deliver (no pun intended).

The good thing about R2 is it has so much. Mwhaha >:'D


Ploid 3.0 said:
I don't mind being locked out of competitive MP again (picked up R1 way late). Just don't lock me out of Co-op (hope I can get this day one. Wal-mart better deliver (no pun intended).

The good thing about R2 is it has so much. Mwhaha >:'D

How did you get locked out of MP.


btkadams said:
any word on whether or not you can play splitscreen competitive online? like have you and a friend play on the same machine in an online match with people.
Yeah, two people can play co-op online via split-screen. Dunno about competitive.
Kittonwy said:
I swear to god the only person in the clan who actually liked the private beta this much was you.

Your whole argument is contingent entirely upon everything being fixed aka "this would be tits if they fix everything", when people were merely complaining about WHAT THEY SAW AND PLAYED, and you know what? The overwhelming feedback people gave helped to get those things fixed, we fucking fought for PLAYABILITY, all YOU did was saying "whatever this was tits/yeah they're gonna fix it, u guyz r teh crazy not to like it".

Who gives a fuck about people who played RFOM regularly? I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that decreasing accuracy and nurfing grenade would make the game evolve into something way more people can enjoy, that's FUCKING BULLSHIT, I'm not sure how saying "it was tits" actually helped to get those issues addressed, that was obviously the wrong direction to go in and IG got the necessary feedback because the rest of us fought for things to get fixed.

How the fuck do the people who like RFOM "hold R2" back when we want BETTER GRENADE THROWING, BETTER ACCURACY WITH WEAPONS, BETTER AIMING AND MOVEMENT? Maybe it's just me but that makes no fucking sense. No offense but don't try to paint people who spoke out for better controls/aiming/grenade-throwing as wanting the game to play exactly like RFOM.

wow, uh ok. I never said it would be good if they fix everything. It's a BETA, I said I like where had gone and once they put in the inevitable work they still had left to do it would be even better. Everyone acted like everything they saw set in stone and final. I brought up the grenades because I would ask all of you 'why do you think the entire games sucks' and the only answer I got back was the grenades are nerfed FAIL!!! I don't like the aiming FAIL. My point about R1 people holding back R2 was that the only reason people who played r1 bitched about the beta was because R2 wasn't enough like R1 and I don't think it should be.
I said it was TITs because I really like it and I think R2 will be great if they continue to polish and work some on what they had. I also don't think 'We want BETTER aiming' is very helpful either.
"what's wrong?"
the accuracy is bad!!!!
"what should we do?"
make is better

I don't know man, I liked it and I feel like I've had to apologize for that opinion to everyone in the clan. I guess I'd rather not ever bring it up again.


Kittonwy said:
I swear to god the only person in the clan who actually liked the private beta this much was you.

Your whole argument is contingent entirely upon everything being fixed aka "this would be tits if they fix everything", when people were merely complaining about WHAT THEY SAW AND PLAYED. The overwhelming feedback people gave helped to get those things fixed, the rest of us fought for PLAYABILITY, all YOU did was saying "whatever this was tits/yeah they're gonna fix everything, u guyz r teh crazy not to like it".

Who gives a fuck about people who played RFOM regularly? I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that decreasing accuracy and nurfing grenade was a sure-fire way to make the game evolve into something way more people can enjoy, that was obviously the wrong direction to go in and IG got the necessary feedback because the rest of us fought for things to get fixed.

How exactly do the people who like RFOM "hold R2" back when we want BETTER GRENADE THROWING, BETTER ACCURACY WITH WEAPONS, BETTER AIMING AND MOVEMENT? Maybe it's just me but that makes no sense. No offense but don't try to paint people who spoke out for better controls/aiming/grenade-throwing as wanting the game to play exactly like RFOM. I think most of us understand they're trying to reach out to the COD4 crowd, the key is to make sure you don't lose more userbase than you gain.

Isn't the accuracy decreased if you're not using iron sight which by the way looks pretty bad? I didn't have problems with controls or aiming, my gripe with R1 was the amount of damage a person could take not to mention how much precision was required considering you had to have your crosshair on the enemy at all times.

Ploid 3.0

Kittonwy said:
How did you get locked out of MP.

I locked myself out of course. I couldn't keep up, although I attempted to often (large battles, and large maps). I bowed out, and accepted defeat on R1's mp.

This time around I'll be learning as the community learns (co-op). The players in resistance mp are brutal, and I give them their props. I'm not against their ability, and the time they spent to learn everything (weapon respawns, weapon locations, tactics to oppress the opposition, etc.) should very well be rewarded. For example I was in one game where all of the people on my team would pretty much die after we drop down after spawning, or left the tunnel that lead to our node. I tried a lot of things, if I got outside of that tunnel death wasn't far behind.

I played small games with friends now and then (3 or so) which is great. Anticipating MP and playing with them.


Kittonwy said:


cjtiger300 said:
What about snoopers? He is obviously a troll who can't tell the difference between a PS3 game and a PS2 game. I don't care if it was a passer by who said it, he friggin posted it to support his claim that he wasn't impressed. Did I mention that it was unprofessional to post that in this forum as a member of the gaming press. At least I know where I will not be going for my Video Game information.

Since you like macros so much:

Wah wah, someone's opinion you don't like, and secondly you misconstrue, sheeesh.

Dizzan said:
KZ2 Beta is out now.

Wwhhhhaaaahaaa?! Really? That's nuts!

Holy crap Sony dropped the ball this year...another beta I didn't get access to. *shakes head*



BobTheFork said:
wow, uh ok. I never said it would be good if they fix everything. It's a BETA, I said I like where had gone and once they put in the inevitable work they still had left to do it would be even better. Everyone acted like everything they saw set in stone and final. I brought up the grenades because I would ask all of you 'why do you think the entire games sucks' and the only answer I got back was the grenades are nerfed FAIL!!! I don't like the aiming FAIL. My point about R1 people holding back R2 was that the only reason people who played r1 bitched about the beta was because R2 wasn't enough like R1 and I don't think it should be.
I said it was TITs because I really like it and I think R2 will be great if they continue to polish and work some on what they had. I also don't think 'We want BETTER aiming' is very helpful either.
"what's wrong?"
the accuracy is bad!!!!
"what should we do?"
make is better

I don't know man, I liked it and I feel like I've had to apologize for that opinion to everyone in the clan. I guess I'd rather not ever bring it up again.

Let's get the facts straight, those of us in the clan who did express our concerns on the board were very specific. We didn't go "oh this sucks" or "oh this was tits".


RobertM said:
Isn't the accuracy decreased if you're not using iron sight which by the way looks pretty bad? I didn't have problems with controls or aiming, my gripe with R1 was the amount of damage a person could take not to mention how much precision was required considering you had to have your crosshair on the enemy at all times.

I can't talk specifically about the beta, but I'll tell you what I think should be good aiming. For long range shooting with something like the carbine and the bullseye, iron-sight should be encouraged and should offer better stability and accuracy. For anything within ten feet, there really shouldn't be much if any crosshair penalty for a rifle, within ten feet there shouldn't be a need to use ironsight, shotgun should have an effective range within ten feet and lethal range within 5 feet. Can they tune the damage up a bit? I think they should.
Kittonwy said:
Let's get the facts straight, those of us in the clan who did express our concerns on the board were very specific. We didn't go "oh this sucks" or "oh this was tits".
I know, but none of the talk we ever had in the chat room or in co-op was ever specific. and that's all I ever heard. I not even talking about you specifically, but you know the people who have been very against the beta and completely non-specific. That's what what nearly all of the detractors I've read have been saying, general negativity without anything useful.

I loved Resistance, but I'm for change. I like that it's different and I plan on just learning the new changes and playing. The little things like grenade distance or aiming tightness I think will get better naturally as hte game is made and don't make the game any worse. The best part of R1 for the Clan! I would have NEVER played ANY game for this long if we didn't have a great group of drunken unemployed sleepy ferret-owning Canadian Australian American beautiful stallions. I HATE cod4, but if everyone in the clan stop playing Resistance and formed a cod clan, I still go play that instead. R2 is going to be great, even if we only play co-op forever.
BobTheFork said:
I know, but none of the talk we ever had in the chat room or in co-op was ever specific. and that's all I ever heard. I not even talking about you specifically, but you know the people who have been very against the beta and completely non-specific. That's what what nearly all of the detractors I've read have been saying, general negativity without anything useful.

I loved Resistance, but I'm for change. I like that it's different and I plan on just learning the new changes and playing. The little things like grenade distance or aiming tightness I think will get better naturally as hte game is made and don't make the game any worse. The best part of R1 for the Clan! I would have NEVER played ANY game for this long if we didn't have a great group of drunken unemployed sleepy ferret-owning Canadian Australian American beautiful stallions. I HATE cod4, but if everyone in the clan stop playing Resistance and formed a cod clan, I still go play that instead. R2 is going to be great, even if we only play co-op forever.


And that's why ONLY letting in HARDCORE R1 fans for the private beta was a BAD DECISION.

They should have allowed a much broader audience be able to give feedback for the final code. Now the game has sped up considerably (something I'm NOT a fan of), and this is what will be placed in the final version seeing as how R2 is going to go gold here in a few weeks.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Kittonwy said:
The problem is if the fareye was available as a loadout weapon, most of the gaf clan would be sniping, the only thing that stopped us from sniper-whoring was because the fareye only spawns every once in a while. Bullseye spawns were FAST, carbine spawns were not as fast but still pretty darn fast.
Did I sound like I was talking about multiplayer? I was obviously talking about single player in response to comments which were also obviously in reference to single player. As far as I am concerned there hasn't been a good multiplayer FPS experience since the first Unreal Tournament, and even that was a slight downgrade from the more pure experience of Quake 3.

With everything being selected at loadout basically everybody gets to use whichever primary weapons they choose but also you lose that control over the level of sniper-whoring in the game,
Are you that scared of snipers? There are little sniper bitches in every game since they were invented, it's just something you need to learn how to handle. If you can't figure out how to make an approach you probably suck. If there literally is no way to make an approach to a known sniper, your level design obviously sucks.

LAARK secondary fire. When you've got a train of people waiting for the fareye spawn, you tend to move on and use a different weapon, and you're never truly safe as a sniper since someone with a good grenade toss can take you out, someone with a LAARK can take out a nest of snipers with a parked secondary fire
See everything about the situation you're describing is an entire game filled with pansies. Maybe if you all learned to grow a pair and become willing to risk a 5% chance of dying you wouldn't blame the game design for problems you appear to have with it. It's like you're all a bunch of turtling wimps playing Street Fighter complaining about not being able to get past someone who knows how to do constant hadoukens.

All the issues you have are because of imaginary limitations. You don't have the patience to die a lot while figuring out techniques to survive in a group of snipers or whatever else so you rely on some other element to prevent it from happening in the first place. The guy sitting in the corner with a grenade or the other guy parking the LAARK is just as wimpy as the guy who already got the sniper rifle waiting on the other side of the map. You're all a bunch of losers blaming the game for holes that you created yourselves.

If you don't like limited play styles, kill those that use them until they're too shaken to use them as a crutch. Use any means necessary, die as much as you need to. Pick one such person and fully commit yourself to extinguishing their life. Eventually you'll be able to do it without dying much, then you'll take on multiple targets and survive, but maybe after you've learned to shake up an entire game from such cowardice you'll lose your taste for games that draw these kind of peons in the first place.


Dice said:
Did I sound like I was talking about multiplayer? I was obviously talking about single player in response to comments which were also obviously in reference to single player. As far as I am concerned there hasn't been a good multiplayer FPS experience since the first Unreal Tournament, and even that was a slight downgrade from the more pure experience of Quake 3.

They can do whatever the fuck they want in terms of weapon management in SP to be quite honest.

Are you that scared of snipers? There are little sniper bitches in every game since they were invented, it's just something you need to learn how to handle. If you can't figure out how to make an approach you probably suck. If there literally is no way to make an approach to a known sniper, your level design obviously sucks.

I happen to like sniping, this actually works in my favor since I no longer have to sit and squat over the damn spawn or wait my turn behind beatbox and sutdawg and BigE, obviously your level design has to change in order to curb the sniping but then people snipe regardless, they don't need specific sniper spots, all it is, is a powered up rifle with a superior scope. I do think it presents a balancing issue because it's not just a few snipers we might be seeing but a whole TEAM of snipers, maybe that's exactly what the gaf clan is going to resort to when we play R2 MP, that just kills the variety, I like the idea that everybody has their favorite weapon and that I don't have to resort to sniping when I can run around with a bullseye and kill dudes, but if sniping is best I'll end up sniping.

See everything about the situation you're describing is an entire game filled with pansies. Maybe if you all learned to grow a pair and become willing to risk a 5% chance of dying you wouldn't blame the game design for problems you appear to have with it. It's like you're all a bunch of turtling wimps playing Street Fighter complaining about not being able to get past someone who knows how to do constant hadoukens.

All the issues you have are because of imaginary limitations. You don't have the patience to die a lot while figuring out techniques to survive in a group of snipers or whatever else so you rely on some other element to prevent it from happening in the first place. The guy sitting in the corner with a grenade or the other guy parking the LAARK is just as wimpy as the guy who already got the sniper rifle waiting on the other side of the map. You're all a bunch of losers blaming the game for holes that you created yourselves.

If you don't like limited play styles, kill those that use them until they're too shaken to use them as a crutch. Use any means necessary, die as much as you need to. Pick one such person and fully commit yourself to extinguishing their life. Eventually you'll be able to do it without dying much, then you'll take on multiple targets and survive, but maybe after you've learned to shake up an entire game from such cowardice you'll lose your taste for games that draw these kind of peons in the first place.

How much RFOM MP have you played? Or do you just assume people are noobs?

I was basically listing the many different ways one could counter snipers in RFOM, taking those things out basically limit ways you can take on snipers outside of trying to take them out up close which people already do, you're simply limiting the player's options. I LOVE picking up a fareye and just sitting and sniping the crap out of the other team in somerset and the hangar, I hate being grenaded or hit by a LAARK secondary fire, but those are things that counter the dominance of snipers, without simply turning it into a sniping contest, and taking a sniper out from across the map? That takes a bit of skill.


Private Hoffman said:

And that's why ONLY letting in HARDCORE R1 fans for the private beta was a BAD DECISION.

They should have allowed a much broader audience be able to give feedback for the final code. Now the game has sped up considerably (something I'm NOT a fan of), and this is what will be placed in the final version seeing as how R2 is going to go gold here in a few weeks.

I'm sure there were people who didn't play RFOM MP alot who also got into the beta, it's just that you didn't get into the beta. Not sure how you're not a fan of the changes made when you haven't played the beta and you don't really know about the speed and the feel of the gameplay of the beta and therefore wouldn't know why some of us advocated for those necessary changes.
Kittonwy said:
I'm sure there were people who didn't play RFOM MP alot who also got into the beta, it's just that you didn't get into the beta. Not sure how you're not a fan of the changes made when you haven't played the beta and you don't really know about the speed and the feel of the gameplay of the beta and therefore wouldn't know why some of us advocated for those necessary changes.

The only way you could get into that private beta is if you had been an active member on the resistance forums or you were an active member in the GAF clan or somewhere else.

I've seen two different speeds in the game since they revealed the new info last week:

Single player speed, which seems perfect, and MP speed, which seems way too fast and twitchy and almost paced EXACTLY the same (from what I saw) as Resistance 1.

Part of the reason I couldn't get into Resistance (and hence, never was an active GAF clan member or Resistance forum member), was that I just didn't think the gameplay felt solid at all in R1 mp. It was too chaotic, way too fast, you were always dying with no feedback on what killed you or in what direction to look, nades being thrown constantly everywhere. It was a mess IMHO, and a large reason why is because of how fast it was. It was ridiculous seeing regular soldiers moving that fast.


Private Hoffman said:
The only way you could get into that private beta is if you had been an active member on the resistance forums or you were an active member in the GAF clan or somewhere else.

I've seen two different speeds in the game since they revealed the new info last week:

Single player speed, which seems perfect, and MP speed, which seems way too fast and twitchy and almost paced EXACTLY the same (from what I saw) as Resistance 1.

Part of the reason I couldn't get into Resistance (and hence, never was an active GAF clan member or Resistance forum member), was that I just didn't think the gameplay felt solid at all in R1 mp. It was too chaotic, way too fast, you were always dying with no feedback on what killed you or in what direction to look, nades being thrown constantly everywhere. It was a mess IMHO, and a large reason why is because of how fast it was. It was ridiculous seeing regular soldiers moving that fast.

It never felt that way to me.

I can't imagine how slow you want R2 to be. Unless you're playing 8 player online military shooter with really slow movement and really slow grenade throwing, you're never going to get what you want.
Kittonwy said:
It never felt that way to me.

I can't imagine how slow you want R2 to be. Unless you're playing 8 player online with really slow movement and really slow grenade throwing, you're never going to get what you want.

It felt that way to me because of the large player count. Go into an active lobby and it's just nothing but chaos. What made it worse is that all of the lobbies had 1 shot kills on and never any decent games going on. Now maybe things are better, despite the larger player count, since there are now objectives -- I WILL reserve judgment until I get my hands on the beta, I'm just a little disappointed that they didn't broaden the beta to players outside the scope of the R1 hardcore fanbase.

Oh, and they should block users from being able to turn 1 hit kills on in the community lobbies. USELESS and destroys the point of weapon balance. EVERY freaking one has that 1 hit kill feature on, too.

Ploid 3.0

Sounds like limited sniper class that everyone would like to play as. But since that would be cheap, a select few get the weapon (respawn time) and dominate. Well unless/until the counter weapons find him and squash him. When I meant nerf I didn't mean extreme as to make it ineffective. More like tone it down to make people chose another if they aren't able to snipe as good.

Off topic:
People would be a sniper a lot in other games too if they had access to a lot of weapons on top of sniper. Game "A" forces a sniper to be limited to a pistol in close range fighting. That's a weakness snipers consider and deal with for the privilege to pick people off from the distance. In game "B" carrying a snipe weapon and assault weapon is possible, there is a penalty of loosing another ability or trait to balance it out and make people reconsider the combination. In a game with no penalty other than reload time and the blindness of your surroundings while looking through the scope, there would be no reason to leave exclude the rifle from your arsenal.

Back on topic:

Limiting that rifle is a great thing. In the hands of the right person it can be lethal. By the sound of it, and from a small horrible experience.

Spawn: sniped
Spawn: get cover > get auger > inch up using auger shield rounds > hide and look for alternate route to sniper(s) to relieve team > Killed none sniped in the process.

It makes things interesting, and sometimes painful. But it's a good thing it's limited. Less people have time to gain the experience to snipe as well, like other games.

Ploid 3.0

Private Hoffman said:
Oh, and they should block users from being able to turn 1 hit kills on in the community lobbies. USELESS and destroys the point of weapon balance. EVERY freaking one has that 1 hit kill feature on, too.

Man I hated one hit kills when I first started. I was all mixed up. In one game it's taking me a lot to kill someone, then this next game I'm dying like nothing. Like some said at one time I guess you had to be part of the GAF clan to get the most out of R1's competitive MP.


Private Hoffman said:
It felt that way to me because of the large player count. Go into an active lobby and it's just nothing but chaos. What made it worse is that all of the lobbies had 1 shot kills on and never any decent games going on. Now maybe things are better, despite the larger player count, since there are now objectives -- I WILL reserve judgment until I get my hands on the beta, I'm just a little disappointed that they didn't broaden the beta to players outside the scope of the R1 hardcore fanbase.

Oh, and they should block users from being able to turn 1 hit kills on in the community lobbies. USELESS and destroys the point of weapon balance. EVERY freaking one has that 1 hit kill feature on, too.

The gaf clan don't play fucktard one hit kill custom games, you want to play with a bunch of random fuckers who like to play these weird fucktard custom games, that is YOUR PROBLEM, there's nothing I can do to stop some stupid random fuckers from making some stupid fucktard custom games and then YOU going into those very games and having a bad experience, there's ALWAYS going to be retards making up stupid rules and doing stupid things in custom games, I almost never play custom games, custom games are fucking stupid. That's not the game's problem.
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