Remy said:
New clan article: Breach Basics.
Looking for feedback, especially from Click.
Great writeup. Very in-depth and well thought out. "Click/Remy method" LMAO... :lol
Some things I'd like to add:
Like Remy has said, rushing works if done right, against the right team (a non-organized/talented clan). Sometimes, it'll even work against a good team, if the rush is properly coordinated and the formation is right. I like to rush because it destroys the other team's moral if successful, ends the round fast, and is hilarious (at least to the majority of GAFers).
However, rushing also requires a defense team... just to hold back any rushers on their team, long enough for the rush to work. A good defense team of 2 or 3 is good enough for the rush (Click) method.
The most important thing with rushing is, the entire rush (offense) team must stay together (wedge). This is key. And this is also what GAF has to practice a bit more. Everyone has to follow the lead rusher and not split up, trying to capture nodes on the way. When people slow down and try to capture nodes, that's when the rush gets screwed up. Because it takes a while to capture a node properly and most of the time, the other team tries to do the same thing... leading to a firefight. When the team spreads out, the rush is basically ineffective.
The objective of the rush is to
DODGE the opposing team as much as possible, so that there is enough members to take out their defense team (if any) and their base reactor in an amount of time that they can't respawn or run back to their base to defend it. It is best to take the route where an encounter is least likely to happen. Obviously, if you see someone in front of your face, kill them. But if you see them running by without noticing you, just let them go and don't chase after them.
If done right, the round can be won within 3 minutes. If done wrong, well... everyone has to regroup quickly and go to the "Remy method."
I understand that not everyone wants to play a quick round of Breach and like drawing it out, slowly capturing nodes so that they can get more kills, nodes captures/recaptures, and defensive kills. However, when you drag out the match TOO long and forget about rushing, the other team WILL try to rush our base. And the end objective of Breach is to take out the opposing team's reactor. I don't complain as much as I used to because for the most part, GAF members know how to play Breach now and understand that there needs to be a balance between rushing and capturing all the nodes. When GAF first started playing Breach, everyone treated it like it was Meltdown, thus, leading to many losses for GAF in Breach mode (back in the day).
Although 3-4 defensive members is a pretty good amount, that is not enough against a good clan/team. So depending on the experience/talent of the other team, 3-4 D-squad may need to be more like 6-7 or even more. Also, defense members need to constantly monitor the battlefield, watching what nodes are captured and how many we/they have under control. It is important for the defensive team to try and hold onto the closest node to the base, but also have enough people covering the base reactor, not getting sidetracked in defending the closest base node. Get onto the offense chat line and ask for help if need be. If you see that the other team isn't rushing the home base and/or we have possession of most of the nodes, tell your squad that you'll be transferring to the offensive squad. Just make sure to transfer back when defense needs help and always leave at least 1-2 people inside/around the base reactor, in case of a sneak rush or a stray rusher.
Some hints:
When someone notices that squad respawning is inside the opposing team's base, tell everyone to squad respawn asap and head straight for their reactor until base respawning stops spawning us in/around their reactor.
Like Remy mentioned, Arc Charger is the best weapon to use on reactor/nodes. However, it heats up fast and you need to hit seperate rods once with good aim for it to work well. Personally, the shotgun (Rossmore) is my favorite rod-killing weapon, along with frag grenades. The shotgun fires very fast and if used correctly, can take out rods very fast. It can also be a great defensive weapon for when their defense tries to take you out.
Hedgehog grenades work well too for taking out rods. When using grenades (Frag and Hedgehog), try to throw it in the middle of the reactor. The problem is, if you throw it onto a rod, it will bounce back. And it's very easy to overthrow a grenade. A well-thrown/placed grenade can extinguish a bunch of rods at once.
While I kinda agree with Remy when he said to use the LAARK on enemy troops, a well-placed rocket can take out A LOT of rods. The Auger is very nice because you can surround yourself with the shield and fire away at the reactor from a safe distance, but just keep in mind that grenades can pass through the Auger shield.
Reactors are much taller, wider, and bigger than nodes. If you notice that it's getting hard to hit the rods, jump and fire. This takes a bit of practice, but it's quite effective.
When Human, constantly look at your radar and map to see where the enemies are. Go to the node where you see least
resistance. When on defense, this is a good way to know how close the enemy is and if they're planning a rush on the base. When you see a huge gathering heading straight for the base, call it out so that everyone has some time to prepare for their rush.