Hey guys, we've got the second episode of the Insomniac podcast up, link is on the home page of http://www.myresistance.net/
M3Freak said:Aeon and I played a TD match last night. It started out as 4 on 4, Human vs Chimera on the 8 player Nottingham map. Figured it would be fun.
Game starts, and we're Chimera. Two guys from our side drop out. Great, now it's Aeon and I vs 4 players. Death, you say? WROOONG!
During the first round we absolutely destroyed them. 2 on 4 is hardly fair, but the other guys were getting killed left, right, down, and up.
Then it was our turn to be human: darkness befell the lands. Mothers cried. Babies went hungry.
The shitty Carbine-Grenade vs Chimera-Bullseye-Rage-Mode was no contest. The enemy laid waste quickly, efficiently, and often.
In the end, Aeon and I were 3rd and 1st (respectively) in the rankings. Not too shabby, I'd say.
The Jer said:wow @ the massive amounts of behind the scenes stuff at the PSN store.
The Jer said:wow @ the massive amounts of behind the scenes stuff at the PSN store.
igRossMcIntosh said:Hey guys, we've got the second episode of the Insomniac podcast up, link is on the home page of http://www.myresistance.net/
ROFL said:Princess Leia... I don't get it...
patsu said:Heh heh... ran into Click again; this time playing against him in Team DM. But I have been careful in avoiding the man in-game. So I only got killed by him once (Phew !). I'm trying to improve my ratio you know.![]()
I'm not sure why that would be needed because you guys will be able to play on US servers too, come the european launch.Tieno said:Are we going to need to make a seperate PAL GAF Resistance clan?
I think Wollan said that we'll get the World Wide server patch in may...?mr_nothin said:I'm not sure why that would be needed because you guys will be able to play on US servers too, come the european launch.
Wollan said:Worldwide play will be enabled in May when the new map pack releases, not launch.
Anyways, I personally have a US copy of the game so I won't be joining a PAL clan.
jstevenson said:That doesn't matter, all versions of the game are on the disc, and it detects the hardware you're using and gives you that version.
Kittonwy said:This is your enemy, the enemy clan member, a despicable and vile creature that will sleep with your mom AND your gf (picture shown is not actual member of an enemy clan, just a visual representation in the form of a panda, a vile and despicable creature in its own right):
RAWR! Panda you will die at the hands of the Wedge tonight!
Aeon712 said:I won't be home for another 2hrs, If the party isn't full I'll join in on the wedge.
Emowii said:I'll be embarking on the single player for this game any day now. Can someone give me an idea of what to expect in terms of length, and difficulty level? Is the normal setting really hard, or about average? Thanks.
Can you describe exactly when you can't get online? Did you sign in ok? or Just not online in resistance.Angelcurio said:I just loaded Resistance on my ps3 and cant seem to get online with it, any kind of help would be greatly apreciated.
I did Gears, Halo 2, COD2 on 'hard' first time, is the 'hard mode' comparable in difficulty to Resistance's hard mode?JB1981 said:The normal setting presents a pretty good challenge. It's the kind of game you get better at the more you play. I definitely recommend starting out on Normal. Hard can be a bitch, even for experienced players.
Just on resistance. I load the game, go into multiplayer, then on the screen where it is suppossed to show the servers, only the resistance star logo is seen on the back like loading the screen, but it never loads, then shows up a message that says that there was an error and that the servers list cant be loaded.Bad_Boy said:Can you describe exactly when you can't get online? Did you sign in ok? or Just not online in resistance.
Tieno said:I did Gears, Halo 2, COD2 on 'hard' first time, is the 'hard mode' comparable in difficulty to Resistance's hard mode?
Brandon F said:It really bugs me that enemies in Resistance are mostly bullet sponges with, so far, the shotgun being the only weapon culling any sort of reaction out of them when I shoot. There is just a very lacking feel of power behind the weaponry and return fire will continue endlessly no matter how many shots are dumped into their brain. Taking on the giant chimera reminds me of the lame Rocket trigens from Far Cry.
Gears of War suffers similarly, but the cover system helps to alleviate the 'spam and strafe' simplicity of Resistance bouts.
Started on Hard mode, but after an hour or so I dropped down to normal. It's still a solid challenge, but I'm at a loss for feeling out any sort of strategy in this game. :/
Core407 said:Resistance SP can be exploited very easily, which is why people will find the MP experience much more enjoyable. The AI is pretty good, but it does have its share of issues. I'm sure all of this will be cleared up in the sequel though. I'm sure Insomniac was aware of these problems, but being a launch title, they had no choice but to release it without fine tuning it heavily.
Angelcurio: Run the network test in the XMB.
Edit: After googling your problem, it seems it might be a server-side problem. :\
"I did find some ports listed that PSN uses so one could try forwarding those on the router. PSN uses TCP: 80, 443, 5223 UDP: 3478, 3479 -Online Gaming uses UDP: 3658."
Angelcurio said:I ran the test before posting and everything was ok. I can get online on the playstation store, download demos, the online ranking on GT:HD works, but when i try to get online with resistance is impossible.
How do i forward those ports on the router?
I am using the wired connection.Gadeus said:Are you using the wireless feature on the 60GB PS3? If so, try using the supplied ethernet cable. I had a similar problem with my PS3, I could do anything except get into Resistance matches. Even after going though the trouble of changing all the router settings, I couldn't get it to work, so I decided that the wireless is garbage and switched over to wired.
The nat comes up as open.Core407 said:Access your router (usually or Find where you go to open ports, type in the IP address of the PS3 and the port and select either UDP or TCP. When you take the network test on the PS3, does your NAT come up as closed or open?
bishoptl said:You guys playing tonight?
Core407 said:Is there any way I could join in on tonights match? I'm not really interested in joining the clan at this point, but I want to play against some Gaffers and see if they're the real deal.