^^ *laffs @ all the people who were too drunk on green beer and couldn't show up last night*


Tonight is...

Don't forget about the scheduled game tonight at 6pm PST..
Reposted for great justice:

List of people who clearly posted their PSN tag in this thread (for US version of Resistance):
NeoGAF name: - PSN tag: - Time Zone:
kaching - kaching (NeoGAF US Clan-leader, PM your details)
Clan roster: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=p62Ro_nUUSfscF9g032W-Aw

For all the Noobs
1) LOGIN to Resistance MP online at least one time.
2) LEAVE any clan you are in right now.
3) PM kaching on NEOGAF to get added to the clan roster.
4) WAIT a couple days for him to get back to you.
5) In the meantime if you want to play with the clan, send one of the gaffers a buddy invite (please tell him you are from gaf) so he can get you invited to the party. ^_^

Standard meet up times (for whenever you have the opportunity):
Tuesdays 6pm PST
Saturdays 6pm PST
Sundays 6pm PST
(Monday Jan 29th: Times adjusted slightly in favor of the ESTeemed)
Recently updated with news, including the new ban policy, please visit and read.
The login is "gaf", and the password is a five-letter word starting with "w" that is frequently used within the clan. (If you can't figure it out, PM Remy.)
If anyone wants rights to help contribute, please drop Remy a PM about that as well.
Suggestions suggest(!) that creating parties and going into ranked games together would be the preferred thing to do for the meet ups. So no longer do the first one to get online create a room but instead invite everyone to a party. This however makes it very important that you're all a part of the NeoGAF clan (pm kaching with details, make sure you've logged on to Resistance online at least once before) or simply have all folks listed above on your friend list. Again, the first one to get online should start a party and invite the others as they come online.
Also, it has come to my attention that over 20 people have started to show up for these meetups and that means one party is not enough. If that is the case then one of you simply need to create a second party. If you're the party leader (of either) then posting your details in this thread would be helpful.
The Wedge tactic explained:
The "flying wedge" is the term given to our tendency to mob together in a violent swarm and shoot the everliving hell out of anyone who dares get near us. It leads to multiple assists per kill which leads to a 20-60% increase in points. 16 points for a kill is far better than 10!
It does not, despite its name, resemble a true flying wedge - although generally whoever is at the front of the pack will get gunned down while those behind break through and destroy the opposition. So maybe it's not completely inaccurate.
Also people, it would be a big plus if everyone invested in a headset. For headset details and recommendations, follow this link. Good group play is helped by using your headset to report in changes that occur in the heat of battle. Enemy groups, Snipers, Node status and so forth.
A great addition was made to http://www.myresistance.net on Monday Feb 5th in the form of leaderboards viewable straight from the site. It's time to get famous or die trying.

For those who missed the details on the 1st UPDATE (aka patch) which released December 21st you can read the details here.
Hey all-
Insomniac Games and Sony Computer Entertainment are happy to announce that we will be instituting a new ban policy for Resistance: Fall of Man online gameplay, effective immediately. Players may report cheaters using lag devices or using exploits to leave the intended playable area. Make a report by sending a private message to the MyResistance.Net "cheating" account (username: cheating). Cheating and the use of in-game exploits is not allowed in any game type, including custom and private games.
To enforce this policy we have in-game moderators documenting players who are involved in using, discovering, or sharing exploits with others. These moderators have the ability to join and observe any game or user in ranked, custom, or private games without the knowledge of the players in those games.
Initial bans for first-time offenders will be 24 hours. Bans will grow in length with each successive rules-violation, and attempts to circumvent a ban are grounds for an extension of it.
If you have questions, please feel free to post them in this thread.
Insomniac Games/Sony Computer Entertainment
PS! Please don't quote this post unless you're on a new page (where this isn't posted).