That just means you guys can't hold me back for that long :lolM3Freak said:That late start on Saturday sucks, eh? By the time you get on people start taking off.
disappeared said:I just bought a PS3 last week, downloaded the Resistance demo, and thought it was okay. I died a lot though. For someone who just very casually plays FPS's (and I stress very... the last FPS I played was Half-Life 2 in '04) will I enjoy Resistance... and is it worth $70 (CDN)?
The Jer said:Sorry guys, I'm having some bluetooth difficulties. :\
disappeared said:With the controller? I've been reading some stories about them.
disappeared said:I just bought a PS3 last week, downloaded the Resistance demo, and thought it was okay. I died a lot though. For someone who just very casually plays FPS's (and I stress very... the last FPS I played was Half-Life 2 in '04) will I enjoy Resistance... and is it worth $70 (CDN)?
Kittonwy said:The real game is much better than the demo.![]()
The Jer said:Wha????
I just got randomly dropped from the party. It was so odd.
I'm still signed on and I didn't recieve an error message or anything.
Foil said:Yeah the same thing happened to me. Does that mean somebody booted me or was that a server error?
disappeared said:Maybe I'll give it a rent then. Then I'll see if I want to fully commit.
disappeared said:I just bought a PS3 last week, downloaded the Resistance demo, and thought it was okay. I died a lot though. For someone who just very casually plays FPS's (and I stress very... the last FPS I played was Half-Life 2 in '04) will I enjoy Resistance... and is it worth $70 (CDN)?
andrewjnyc said:Hey, what's the name of the NeoGAF clan? I'd love to jump in if you guys will have me...
M3Freak said:Send kaching a pm and he'll add you. But, you have to get online at least once before he can send you an invite.
Chrono said:So I just checked out the online multiplayer for the first time and it's... intimidating. So many options and modes, crazy. I got into a few matches with like 4/5 players, they had infinite ammo settings and one-hit kills or something. Then messed around with a Breach game I think, and it was fun, but I only played for like 5 minutes. I was just so lost, the map (and I think there was a radar.. or was it just a map? it's late...) was also completely new to me.
BTW, can you sprint indefinitely or is there a limit? At first It thought it was like Battlefield2 but it appears there's no limit or anything.
Aeon712 said:Only funny moment I was a apart of last night was when B-Ri thought I called him a cracker:lol. Other then that we got wrecked in Meltdown. Since weve switched to this 3node strategy we've been losing a lot of meltdown games.
Needs more pirates and/or ninjas please.Kittonwy said:
Personally I think last nights meltdowns on Meltdown games were due to indecisivenesses. We need one person calling out the shots and when someone says "Go to X" we need people to go there. We need to call out names and tell people to go to certain nodes so we don't have 10 people going to defend a node and causing us to lose another. People need to have headsets. It's pretty imperative even if you don't talk (like me) as you can hear and respond to commands given.hukasmokincaterpillar said:thatsracist.gif![]()
Yeah, those Meltdown games were pretty unkind to the clan last night. We had trouble deciding which majority of nodes to cap and protect, and then if the plan didn't go right we didn't have much of a Plan B to adjust. Everybody seemed to have a different idea on what to do. I blame the booz.![]()
SleazyC said:People need to have headsets. It's pretty imperative even if you don't talk (like me) as you can hear and respond to commands given.
Just a couple ideas I had after last night. Also when we are attacking a node we really need to stop going in one at a time.
YOUR MOM said:Reposted for great justice:
Tonight is the end of the road. Kaching is dissolving the clan. After seeing how terrible we performed last night, I don't blame him.
He has taken all the links down for all the clan related stuff. See for yourselves
NeoGAF name: - PSN tag: - Time Zone:
kaching - kaching (NeoGAF NA Clan-leader, PM your details)
Clan roster:
If your a Noob or a hoser and you want to join my super awesome new clan called NEO-NEOGAF, follow these directions or if you can't read, which most of you can't have your mom read these to you.
1) Wrap your PS3 in a towel
2) LOGIN to Resistance MP online at least one time.
3) LEAVE the NeoGAF clan.
4) PM kaching and tell him that he sucks
5) WAIT a couple days for him to get back to you.
6) Post his response on this thread, except write it in all caps with additional, numerous and intentional grammatical and spelling errors. Make sure you quote him
Standard meet up times (for whenever you have the opportunity):
Tuesdays Midnight thirty DSL
Wednesday at 9AM CAT
Sundays at 11PM PS3
Recently updated with news, including the new ban policy, please visit and read.
The login is "DLS", and the password is a twelve-letter word starting with "yourmom" that is frequently used within the clan. (If you can't figure it out, PM Remy and tell him what you want to do to his mom)
If anyone wants rights to help contribute, please drop Remy a PM and tell him how so not smart he is for not having thought of what you're about to tell him.
Also, it has come to my attention that over 20 people have started to show up for these meetups. And to this, I only have one thing to say. STOP coming. SERIOUSLY. It's totally fun having 20 people on but 21 just ****ing ruins it. Matter of fact, donate your PS3 to your and tell them that you want to watch them destroy it in front of you. Post pics
The Flying V tactic explained:
The "flying V" is the term given to our tendency to mob together in a violent swarm and get grenaded and/or laarrked. Whoever came up with this is either stupid or ate paint as a child or both. I don't know but it works really well for boosting the egos of all the other clans.
It does not, despite its name, resemble a Mighty Ducks movie. There are neither preteen boys, a guy named Hans, Emilio Estevez or a team called the Hawks. Totally misleading and nonsensical but that's the way we like it.
Also people, it would be a big plus if everyone invested in a bullhorn. The mic support is still not up to par adn everybody is SO QUIET. So, since we have a hard time hearing you, please use said bullhorn or yell as loudly as possible into your mic on your headset. Remember, louder = better and there is no better way to coordinate a fluid and functioning team than your yelling at them at the top of your lungs. Pay no mind to your wife or gf who may give you dirty looks, they are just jealous that you don't talk to them that way.
For those who missed the details on the 1st UPDATE (aka patch) which released December 21st you can read the details here.
Hey all-
Insomniac Games and Sony Computer Entertainment are happy to announce that we will be instituting a new ban policy for Resistance: Fall of Man online gameplay, effective immediately. Players may report cheaters using lag devices or using exploits to leave the intended playable area. Make a report by bitching loudly at whoever you talk to online even if they're not playing or own resistance. Everybody should know that some guy who you can't remember the user name of, except for that part that said TACO, totally whipped your ass in a completely fair way. Insomniac intentionally made the game that way. Real pros take advantage of the system, MATRIX-style.
If you have questions, please look into your pants. If you see anything, keep your trap shut and take it like a man. Suck it up.
Insomniac Games/Sony Computer Entertainment
PS! Please quote this post in every reply to this thread. Thanks
SleazyC said:People need to have headsets. It's pretty imperative even if you don't talk (like me) as you can hear and respond to commands given.
patsu said:Also agree with this one, but sometimes we can send in a decoy (to die). Should be workable if most people have headset. I saw another clan did this before (The decoy came in with an Arc Charger in Papa Grimsby, so everyone in the room went after him)![]()
The Jer said:I've always felt that Meltdown was about being aggressive. Constantly putting pressure on the other team. Even if that means not capturing a node, but just causing the other team to continue losing nodes, over and over. So, I'm not much a fan of the 3 node strategy. I also like to avoid some of the hight traffic nodes and go for the nodes that ussually have less defense (like the nodes near the opponents base), which allow you to easily make the other team loose a node, even if they get it back later. Aggressive and offensive.
That being said, I'm happy with whatever and I'll enjoy playing with GAF no matter what strategies we use and how we play. I just like to play and have fun with it.
There seems to be a way, Greg had the audio coming through his tv earlier when we played.Foil said:Is there an option to have the voice chat come out via your tv speakers for those without headsets (like me). Atleast that way I'd be able to hear where people want me to go.
So that ended up working? Sweet.Aeon712 said:There seems to be a way, Greg had the audio coming through his tv earlier when we played.
TheJer said:Go to:
Settings -> Accessory Settings -> Audio Device Settings -> Output Device -> System Default Device
Foil said:Is there an option to have the voice chat come out via your tv speakers for those without headsets (like me). Atleast that way I'd be able to hear where people want me to go.
Big-E said:There is. Go into the audio device settings once you login to the online part of the game and change the output to your speakers.
Yeah Jer, I forgot to thank you for that - works well enough until I finally get a headset that functions properly. :lolThe Jer said:So that ended up working? Sweet.
Greg said:Yeah Jer, I forgot to thank you for that - works well enough until I finally get a headset that functions properly. :lol
I'm keeping my eye on this one, not sure if I should throw down the money for it though...,CRID=103,CONTENTID=12163
Not sure if I'll be able to make it tonight though - I have class early tomorrow morning, and my professor gave this ridiculous assignment to write 3 pages based off my interpretation of an image...i've been staring at it since I woke up and have managed to stall until now.
I would be using my original SOCOM headset if it didn't stop working on me. I can't hear from it, but I can talk...somewhat. I should save myself the money and just buy a cheap USB one.Big-E said:That's the one i jacked from my Dad. It works fairly well but I don't use it anymore cause I am too lazy to keep charging things so I use the Motorola NFL PS2 USB headset instead.