What: GAF Foldathon Party! Our goal is to have 3000 Work Units completed from the evening of May 9th, until the evening of May 11th...if we all participate, we can do it!
Who: YOU! And your PS3 or PC.
Where: In the comfort of your own homes.
Start: Wednesday, May 9th, 5PM Pacific time (
Helpful Conversion Link)
End: Friday, May 9th, 5PM Pacific time
When we end, we can set up online Resistance and Motorstorm matches, and for the PC guys they can set up whatever matches they like...perhaps CounterStrike.
Maybe we can get enough GAFers to show up in Resistance where we can have a 20 GAF vs 20 GAF ultraGAF matches!
Why: To increase awareness regarding Folding @ Home's goals and to become a part of the process. To hopefully, one day find a cure for common diseases and to have helped in that endeavor.
The goal is to get at least 400 of our 530 users in our group to fold during this time. With this sort of concurrent folding, our score will skyrocket in a short period of time. We hope to have 3000 WUs done. To put it in perspective...for the entire month of April, we were just over 7000 WUs...so to do 3000 in 2 days is a massive jump!
Also, we'll end it with some online matches, so it will be a lot of fun.
Feel free to post the above in threads where it seems appropriate. Ie. Resistance thread.
As of right now, we have
25366 WU completed. To achieve 3000 WU, we'll need
400 of our 530 members folding non-stop until Friday afternoon. This is a very optimistic estimate as it assumes that many (hopefully 25%) users will get 4 hr WUs as well. Again, we did 7000 WUs last month...ANY jump is a big jump, but let's aim for the sky!