Why is it that Sony must wait until the very last hour to tell us these things? I am entirely sure that they did not 'discover' this error 'today' and then decide to announce it at the very moment they found out.
Why would they lead consumers to believe that the product is 'finished' through there half assed out of touch Threespeach, and then retract these statements at the last moment? Had we known, say, a few days ago, when they probably found the damn bug, that there would be a delay, then it would have been okay. Sony KNOWS, rather, everyone KNOWS that when a bug is found, it cannot be fixed in a matter of minutes and then magically pass through Q&A to release on schedule. So when they found it, why did they not play it safe, delay the patch, say hey, don't get your hopes up so soon, we're working on getting it top notch.
This isn't a rant toward Insomniac Games, rather, I'm simply frustrated in the absolute poor manner in which Sony conducts themselves when it comes to situations like these.
Or perhaps it's just the terrible lack content in general on their Playstation Store? Could be a combination of both. Tell me again, how long did it take to get that awesome 'Voices' trailer for R:FOM on the PSN? Roughly 3 months after it's release?