the good news is due to media coverage resistance has shifted a few more copies in manchester:
This post deserves it's own thread. Well, what are you waiting for? Post away!painey said:the good news is due to media coverage resistance has shifted a few more copies in manchester:
painey said:the good news is due to media coverage resistance has shifted a few more copies in manchester:
Aeon712 said:w00t Aeon got his 20 kill medal, It felt like the whole world was against me as they all came rushing at me and fell down one by one at my mighty carbine. Never forget that the guy that got 112 kills in a single ranked game also reached the milestone that is known as the 20kill medal...:lolit was against three people then two quit
Big ups to Loco, Efertlis, Sutdawg and M3 for containing themselves from taking the last kill.
Big-E said:What Aeon has the 20 kill medal? I feel depressed now.
Kittonwy said:What would happen if I get my 20 kill medal?![]()
Don't worry, never gonna happen.
:lolsutdawg said:You lucky bastard, you left out the part that it was 5 on 1 and the only barrels were the ones efertlis blew up, killing me and ending my 17 kill streak!
Now I'm stuck with streaks of 2, 17 kills, 3 18 kills(two of which ended with the round being over) and 1, 19 kill streak. I'm not talking to you until I get my 20 kill medal... Papa squad will have to play in silence! :lol
What Aeon has the 20 kill medal? I feel depressed now.
Sweet, that makes you and Click(according to his psn message he'll be back when the maps or out or warhawk beta ends).But I'll be back... especially with the new maps.
Just got it. You better believe im entering this!Wollan said:NeoGAF US, make me proud.
Looks at yours and Sutdawgs k/d...weak link confirmedBeatbox said:Team Philly represent. Aeon, Sutdawg, and eFertLIS.
:lol I almost spit out my pepsi.patsu said:Oh boy, even more people to run away from.
davepoobond said:couple of effed up games today![]()
careksims said:Yeah I noticed ;[ Did M3Freak get d/ced the last d/m match? I know I the game ended suddenly. Was having a good time.
davepoobond said:yeah i was actually having a good game, too.
made no sense why the whole game just dropped out.
Big-E said:Team Hoser Land needs to represent in that tourney. Can't let team Philly take it.
Azrael said:I think the ideal compromise would be to eliminate the Manchester level from multiplayer and replace it with a new level that preserves the same layout but changes the graphics (eg. make it set around a castle instead), and make no changes to the single player. Probably could be done with a patch.
Beatbox said:Check out the rules about half way down the image. Open to U.S. Residents Only.
We don't need no compromise, like Sutdawg mentioned earlier in the thread if Papa(does anyone even call it the cathedral) ever gets boarded up I riot.Azrael said:I think the ideal compromise would be to eliminate the Manchester level from multiplayer and replace it with a new level that preserves the same layout but changes the graphics (eg. make it set around a castle instead), and make no changes to the single player. Probably could be done with a patch.
Kittonwy said:WUTWUTWUT? You mean Hoserland isn't one of teh states anymore? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN? THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!! RISE UP MY FELLOW HOSER BROTHERS AND FIGHT AGAINST THIS PERSECUTION!!!111!!!![]()
Aeon712 said:Kitton have you seen this thread yet?
Could use the Game Battle picture
Pristine_Condition said:(Imagines Kittonwy's Navy, training in Kanadia....)
"Hay guys, keep paddling while I play some sweet 80's records for INSPIRASHUN!"
(Imagines Kittonwy's Navy SEALS...)
Angelcurio said:I hope in tonights game we dont receive another weird network error. The last one froze my ps3.
Fight for Freeform said:Am I the only one who thinks we need a TDM gameplan for some of these sniper friendly maps? I think that accounts for the reason why we lost. Sure, those guys are experienced, but that only means that they have a practiced system that works. I think that many of the guys on our team are just as skilled. i have a sneaking suspicion that their large k/d ratio is a result of their gameplan rather than their skills. Even their "worst" players had 9 kills and 2 deaths...really didn't face a lot of action. Their best players are clearly skilled, regardless of their gameplan (like RoboRob still.
Aeon712 said:I was so happy to get +3100 then we got wrecked by FTW followed by losing that Meltdown and now I'm only +3092. Outrage total people, you guys need to listen when we say that some people are good (we knew cause we played them before) instead of all talking over each other in the lobby.
Beatbox said:I like the thought but to be honest they really were a lot better than us individually and as a team. I'm an above average sniper but got out sniped by 6 or 7 different guys at Manchester last night. The only strategy that may have made that game less of a slaughterhouse would have been to all out rush the cathedral rooftop. That's where they did a ton of their sniping/grenading from. I think it's okay to accept defeat from the top 3 or 4 clans every now and then.