Beatbox said:
I like the thought but to be honest they really were a lot better than us individually and as a team. I'm an above average sniper but got out sniped by 6 or 7 different guys at Manchester last night. The only strategy that may have made that game less of a slaughterhouse would have been to all out rush the cathedral rooftop. That's where they did a ton of their sniping/grenading from. I think it's okay to accept defeat from the top 3 or 4 clans every now and then.
I found a pretty nice sniping area where they can't detect you, but I suck at sniping. I was able to get 3 kills and then ran out of ammo (goes to show that I suck at sniping) and when I went for more and got killed. They then took control of that side of the map and I couldn't get there again. I'll PM you a picture sometime (meaning like 2 weeks time

I'll go over my issues with TDM as was requested by Tanod...
Disclaimer: The following it meant to be constructive criticism towards the TDM gametype. I'm not saying it's boring, I'm not saying that it's completely flawed, but IMO I dislike some aspects of it and IMO I think it's can't be compared to other TDM modes in other games that have been used for tournament purposes. Feel free to ask for clarification...
My first issue has to do with identifying the enemy. In tournament games like UT, Halo, and Quake, the opposition is extremely easy to ID. Heck, in UT there's light sprites on the characters. Resistance is going for a gritty "realistic" look, and so characters don't stand out that much from the background. I don't think this is a big flaw in most cases, but it's worth noting as a difference.
IDing does become a bigger issue when you play Chimera versus Chimera. Chimera vs. Human is obviously much better as you are fighting something that looks completely different, and Human vs. Human isn't so bad because on team wears helmets and backpacks (and both teams also have radar that lets them know where friendlies and enemies are, for the most part). But C vs C has a few issues. Firstly, I've been playing for months and I haven't noticed a difference in the skins for each team. Secondly, sometimes your team-mate names don't appear over their heads because they are being viewed through an archway, window, or doorway and this prevents the name from showing (it's just an issue with the algorithm that chooses when or when not to show handles). Thirdly, when looking at things with "rage mode" on, the opposing team's "heat signature" looks exactly like yours. Understandably this is to be consistent with the Resistance universe. Why would a chimera see another one any differently? But for the sake of gameplay, I think the orange team should be shown with an orange pattern and blue with blue. Some people are probably fine with this whole issue of taking a moment to ID the enemy properly. Perhaps to them it adds another dimension to the gameplay as it tests the timing those who can figure out if the other is an enemy. I've started shooting at everyone, and once I find out they are friendly I stop, and it has benefited me. After all, in most cases friendly fire isn't on.
Another issue I have is with the maps. I think there needs to be more landmarks and sign-age so that team communication could be a bit smoother and easier. For example, the Church is a great landmark in Manchester (I believe). It's been used as a general landmark used for giving directions (ie. "left of the church"). But there are so many buildings that one could enter, and the maps are so large (great feature IMO) it's hard to set up meet up points, or ID where someone is shooting from. This could be fixed if some of the roads actually had signs, say something like "Chester Rd" on one side of the map and "Upper Brook St" on the other. What if some of the buildings had signage, so you could tell your team that someone's sniping from "Dominion Tavern" rather than "that building on the left middle side of the map". I don't think something flashy or outright apparent would be proper, but rather details left in there for enthusiasts (who play this game for hundreds of hours) to note and use in a practical sense. Note that the objective maps don't really suffer as the nodes and their unique names become landmarks themselves. "West of Papa", "North of Kilo"...they work well. But in TDM you don't have the nodes and thus it's a bit harder to communicate.
I find TDM in Resistance to be fun, but in my opinion these are things that Res 2 should address. Some people may not see them as issues at all, so whether or not Insomniac would look at such concerns seriously is probably up to what most people thing about these things. But for me, I don't really compare Resistance TDM to other games such as UT, Quake, Halo. This isn't necessarily a major cause for concern, I think the objective modes are some of the best in any FPS I've played (and I love teamplay FPS games such as TF, FLF, Q2 CTF, etc)'s just my opinion.
Note that I don't really have an issue with some big things such as weapon balance, or map design. I think both the weapon balance and map design suite deathmatch (and subsequently Team Deathmatch), and I don't see any issues with either.