Group 1: Home -> Echo -> Bravo -> Delta
Group 2: Home ->Alpha (either pinch in Bravo attack or if Bravo is ours, go straight for enemy base, hit enemy base with auger through the tunnel, or if squad bravo is attacking delta, you can pinch) -> Base/Delta
This is a very simple plan for the offense, you don't stray from the path, you don't **** around and try to capture charlie on your own.
I shouldn't need to plead with people to go with me on alpha everytime we start a new round, the other team takes alpha, they can essentially nail the **** out of our defense trying to clear the tunnel AND hit our base with auger shots without making past the inner half of the tunnel.
Defense: Stay at Echo and defend it WITH YOUR LIFE, meaning you sacrifice your precious K/D even if you have to, I saw five to six guys inside waiting for people to hit the tunnel, like wtf, if they have alpha and they're in the tunnel, they do NOT need to make it all the way in to hit our base, half way through the tunnel you can in fact VISUALLY line up a perfect shot and take out 20% of the damn base node, in fact you don't even need to get into the tunnel to hit the base with the auger, THERE IS NO POINT STAYING INSIDE THE BASE OR THE TUNNELS WHEN YOU'RE DEFENSE, GET OUT THERE AND WATCH ECHO (and the tunnel entrance. Once Bravo and Alpha are taken all you have to worry about is being attacked from Charlie and it's a LONG way from Charlie to Echo and it's EASY to defend. DON'T LOSE ECHO BY WASTING ****ING MANPOWER ON CHARLIE. SO WHAT if you can capture Charlie? It's the farthest node from your own base AND the enemy base. Everytime someone goes for Charlie we've lost a more important node. So you got Charlie, congrats on ****ing your friends at Echo and Bravo over because you've just thinned out our defense AND offense, this isn't meltdown so taking down a node means nothing if you can't hold the damn thing, and even if you can hold Charlie, so what? It's freakin' USELESS, an experienced clan will GIVE you Charlie just so you will thin out your crew on nodes that THEY want, like ECHO, or BRAVO, or ALPHA.
None of this Charlie non-sense makes a lick of difference, arc charger is USELESS when you can't make it inside, providing that you aren't killed travelling all the way from Charlie to the enemy base (good luck) and your chance of hitting the node in the tunnel with an auger is WAY higher than actually making it inside to use the arc charger. Attacking Charlie TAKES AWAY YOUR ATTACK ON BRAVO (or any other USEFUL node) AND SPREADS OUT YOUR DEFENSE MAKING IT WEAKER. You need a certain number of people to actually defend a node, you can't attack and hold a node with two guys, ESPECIALLY Bravo and Echo, now instead of defending those two you have to take away three or four people just to defend the farthest node from your home base and where you need to attack.
DO NOT TAKE CHARLIE. You can attack Delta from Bravo AND Alpha without going the **** AROUND THE WHOLE MAP (it makes as much sense as going around the world to reach your neighbor next door) when you don't have 18-19 guys from the clan, you pick the most important nodes and Charlie is THE LEAST IMPORTANT NODE and the arc charger does NOT pose a threat against a well-defended base, the auger on the other hand is a HUGE threat both in terms of providing cover AND taking the base down.
This isn't some kind of "genius" strategy I'm proposing, every respectable clan is using it against us and we've used it to totally dominate the opposition when we managed to execute the strategy reasonably well, it's not like I'm telling you guys anything you haven't already learned the hard way, what surprised me was we kept trying to reinvent the wheel.
I swear to god anyone who suggests a mass rush to the enemy base against a clan and NOT random n00bs needs to GTFO, when I say NO the first time, take a ****ing hint.
Jeebus, this has to be most frustrating map when everybody is trying to do their own thing and we're losing key nodes left and right. Sorry for sounding harsh, but this pisses me off, if this has offended anyone I apologize. But hey my k/d is crap so what do I know.