I count the patch/servers/maps as 1 since they couldn't be released without eachotherTTP said:Actually the game was bricked for free with the WW patch.
I count the patch/servers/maps as 1 since they couldn't be released without eachotherTTP said:Actually the game was bricked for free with the WW patch.
Aeon712 said:So I guess we aren't playing Resistance tonight looking at my XMB I see Efertlis, Sutdawg, Lunlunqq and Loco all playing Stardust with Maggot playing Rainbow 6.
Just tried signing on, there should be a way to get my 7.99 back
careksims said:I got on earlier and was surprise there was no one there! So I guess no clan night, tonight. Ah well.
What'd you get? I have like 4 million because i'm too busy staring at all the damn colors. :lolBeatbox said:I slaughtered my Super Stardust score just now. I check my friends list and nobody is playing Resistance. I try logging on anyways and can't get on![]()
Bebpo said:So the servers are international now? Awesome. I look forward to finally messing around with the multiplayer. When's the next night you guys are playing?
Try more than that. I try until it works. Usually works.Aeon712 said:This is bullcrap, I just tried another 5x to get online and they all failed. Can't believe I payed to get my game bricked.
neogaf_cage_free said:I've been playing quite a bit since the update and have seen the disconnect issues and the trouble logging in as well, but I'm not seeing the problem M3 mentioned about sensitivity tweaking or speeding up the game. We did not adjust any of those settings so if anything changed at all in the controller it might have something to do with one of Sony's firmware updates. We'll certainly investigate and see if we can figure out anything more on that topic.
Aeon712 said:This is bullcrap, I just tried another 5x to get online and they all failed. Can't believe I payed to get my game bricked.
I wasn't even given the option of being disconnected since I never once reached the lobby last night.M3Freak said:I got disconnected last night playing with Sutdawh, Kittonwy and Efertlisdotcom. When I tried to log back in, I kept getting network errors. I tried 5 times and gave up.
I'm going to try a few FFA games today. They seem to be working better. But, I still get join game errors, so it's not perfect.
M3Freak said:I got disconnected last night playing with Sutdawh, Kittonwy and Efertlisdotcom. When I tried to log back in, I kept getting network errors. I tried 5 times and gave up.
I'm going to try a few FFA games today. They seem to be working better. But, I still get join game errors, so it's not perfect.
Awesome.neogaf_cage_free said:Finally, I know people are frustrated by the map pack and ranked game issue. That is not how it is intended to work. Parties were supposed to be allowed on map pack mayhem and I believe this is a server deployment issue that we can clear up quickly. Also map pack mayhem is a short term solution until we integrate the map packs into the standard ranked game supersets.
neogaf_cage_free said:Thanks everyone for bearing with us and supporting the game. The issues that occurred during this rollout are not in line with our standards for how we support our games and we will be working closely with Sony to hammer home that message and help them make sure this doesn't happen again.
-Unofficial Chimeran Apologist
womfalcs3 said:I was looking forward to playing worldwide, but I earlier went into the options and switched it to just North America. It seems there's a considerable lag playing WW.... and that ruins the experience for me.
I played a couple of games after that change and it was a lot better. Although for some reason like the other 10 players on my team suddenly just left all at once during one round and I was left to fend for myself. :lol
I was "LAARK"ed to death.
I noticed it too, but I don't think it's the sensitivity. The online MP game seems to run faster after the patch. The gameplay is a lot more twitchy now. I bet they optimized the netcode and curbed some of the necessary headroom to avoid lag issues.M3Freak said:Not everyone complained about it, but some did say something was off. After playing for a few minutes, Efertlisdotcom agreed that the sensitivity had been increased. After that others chimed in and said the same thing.
The sensitivity is definitely different now. It happened after the Insomniac patch.
dralla said:i just logged on, it actually worked. is there any human vs human in ranked games? i f'n hate the stupid chimera
gogogow said:Hey womsfalcs3,
What happened, you were gone after the first minute of the team deathmatch.
You experienced lag too while playing that game?
Anyway, we won that match.
Back when the game let me play(yes its been long enough since I've been able to get on that I can say back when) after the patch I played a ffa on subway and was like wtf is everyone moving so fast. Took me a couple minutes to get used to it, if not I would've won by more then 3 killsChryZ said:I noticed it too, but I don't think it's the sensitivity. The online MP game seems to run faster after the patch. The gameplay is a lot more twitchy now. I bet they optimized the netcode and curbed some of the necessary headroom to avoid lag issues.
M3Freak said:Not everyone complained about it, but some did say something was off. After playing for a few minutes, Efertlisdotcom agreed that the sensitivity had been increased. After that others chimed in and said the same thing.
The sensitivity is definitely different now. It happened after the Insomniac patch.
Aeon712 said:Back when the game let me play(yes its been long enough since I've been able to get on that I can say back when) after the patch I played a ffa on subway and was like wtf is everyone moving so fast. Took me a couple minutes to get used to it, if not I would've won by more then 3 kills.'s me gogogow, with the hot babe avatar, remember? Are you maggot9 in Resistance?llTll said:how come i dont see you online anymore?
god damn i just finished some unranked game. kicked some ass then left.. then i got invitation from gaf member gogow.. dont know who he is. tried to join his game but i dont know how. so i left :lol
He's actually X-E-N-O-N, Maggots psn is the same as his gaf name.gogogow's me gogogow, with the hot babe avatar, remember? Are you maggot9 in Resistance?
WTH happened, you were in the party menu already, the only thing was that I couldn't hear you speak, but you could hear me? Weird.....
And X-E-N-O-N was playing an unranked tdm, probably one of those 3000 points one, he played for another 30 min. so no party for me![]()
I'm only able to play during the daytime on like Fridays. Though this week I have off Thursday and Friday so maybe we can get some games in then.llTll said:how come i dont see you online anymore?
god damn i just finished some unranked game. kicked some ass then left.. then i got invitation from gaf member gogow.. dont know who he is. tried to join his game but i dont know how. so i left
Alright, yeah, the fact was when you llTll were playing the tdm I send you a invite, I also invited Maggot. He left for some reason, maybe because of his headset, I couldn't hear him, but he could hear me. Anyway, he left and I disbanded the party, (long before you finished your tdm), but after that, you were still playing the unranked game, so I went offline for a while and later went back online, and you were still playing that match lol :lolAeon712 said:He's actually X-E-N-O-N, Maggots psn is the same as his gaf name.
I'm only able to play during the daytime on like Fridays. Though this week I have off Thursday and Friday so maybe we can get some games in then.
Aeon712 said:This is bullcrap, I just tried another 5x to get online and they all failed. Can't believe I payed to get my game bricked.
sutdawg said:I hope they fix this before the tournament or it looks like me and Efertlis will be playing by ourselves. WAIT!!! Who am I kidding, we're probably better off without that crapy 3rd team member.. . I forget what his name was, haven't seen him on much lately. All I remember is he plays as well as the new patch works. Aeon do you remember who the
3rd member of Philly Gaf is? :lol
I was going to post the same thing, 3 seems to be the sweet spot with it turned back on. One thing that bothers me still is I'm not the best player at this game and yet I can't figure out why/what I'm doing wrong. I've beat the game on Superhuman, and yet when it comes to MP, I get killed all the time. Especially last night in that CTF game we played on Manchester, I must've died over 100 times.Beatbox said:Well I was wrong. I forgot that I turned off auto-aim the other day and that made a huge difference in circle fights. Turned it back on and all was good last night.
Aeon712 said:Recap of my last hr
huh?BobTheFork said:there is talk is delaying the tournament... i am angry.. hopefully since its us only, they will jsut have everyone use the NA only servers that roxx.