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Resistance: Fall of Man - The Official Thread


What is "gears" ? Never heard of it...
Is it something you eat ?

Aiight... I finally get to try the new maps last evening. I got 2-4 login failures... which is easily resolved. But they should not be there in the first place. Shame on you Sony !

All the 5 matches I played were 3 vs 3, 4 vs 4 or deathmatches. The game still plays the same (which is a relief)... but I can see how people say it's faster now. I think human somehow react faster.

After that I let my friend try out the game and went to work on my laptop. Saw your clan invites :( but I can't play (yet) !


Have a fun! Enjoy!
djkimothy said:
How is the ranked game searches? Has it improved since Saturday? I didn't see anyone on Sunday. You were all playing SSHD. :mad:

Wise move by Sony to release Super Stardust HD alongside the Resistance WW patch: people dont have time to complain about the latter since they are playing the former.

At least this is true for me. I'm pissed about the Resistance patch fiasco, but Stardust keeps me happy.


Just played for an hour. I didn't have any problems whatsoever. In fact, it seemed better than before. Now my statistics are updated almost at the instant of finishing the two rounds. I used to have to wait a good 15-20 minutes before they were updated.


Hail to the KING baby
Seriously LTTP here, but I thought I'd post here instead of creating a new thread. For someone who hasn't played a traditional FPS like this since maybe Quake, and who has been weaned on cover shooters like the R6 series, Gears, etc. the past five years, the game was a real shock at first. I saw some of the release day posts and I certainly had a similarly difficult time adjusting. I was basically trying to replicate the cover system in Vegas (peek 'n shoot 'n hide 'n peek etc.) in Resistance and it was working really badly and certainly affecting my enjoyment of the game. Only when I read this thread and actually started running and gunning did the game really take off.

I'm a few hours of gameplay in and so far the sound has impressed me more than anything (I don't think I've yet gotten to the graphically impressive stages). It's definitely a nice change of pace from the FPSes I'm used to. The control system feels excellent now that I've gotten used to it, but any noob tips would be appreciated. So far I'm using the carbine mostly as it seems slightly stronger than the Chimera weapon (and plus I don't really know how to properly use the "tag" system). I'm playing on Normal and the only strange thing is just how much ammo and health is scattered everywhere. Like literally too much even if you were always on your last bar. Kind of strange, already looking forward to playing through on normal to get a feel for the game and bumping up the difficulty.


Really learn to use the different weapons, it's probably the best aspect of the game. The weapon abilities make you kind of think outside of the box. Don't try to savor them out of fear for maybe something bigger, cause you won't end up using them at all and you'll only end up limiting your enjoyment.
I think I switched the L/R1 with L/R2 buttons (shoulder buttons with triggers), feels more comfortable.


Distinguished Air Superiority
AstroLad said:
... the only strange thing is just how much ammo and health is scattered everywhere. Like literally too much even if you were always on your last bar. Kind of strange, already looking forward to playing through on normal to get a feel for the game and bumping up the difficulty.

You're gonna wish to see all that ammo later on in the game :lol. IMO, once you learn the Bullseye, its the best weapon in the game by far. I'm gonna give you the inside info on some of the weapons. Hell, Aeon just showed me last week how to properly use the Air Fuel Grenades :lol

Bullseye - L1 to tag, R1 shoots at whatever you tagged.

If you tag and hold down L1 at a wall, it will stick there, and when you shoot at it, all of your bullets will swarm around it. after the swarm is made, you can tag an enemy and all of the swarmed bullets will go to him and take him out, its good for traps.

Laark (rocket launcher) - R1 shoots. if you press L1 while its in the air, it will stop right there via Airbrakes. As long as you hold R1 down, you can aim anywhere you want then fire the rocket in that direction.

Heres the fun part. if you hold down L1 WHILE its on airbrakes, it will shoot out mini missiles, and it will lock on to any enemy in the radius of the main rocket. Really awesome for multiplayer.

Air-fuel Grenades - Normally you toss them and air-fuel spews out of it for a few seconds, then it ignites and everything in the area will be burnt to a cinder. but as aeon showed me a few days ago, if you throw the air-fuel and HOLD down the throw button, the gas will stay there until 30 seconds pass, or until you let go of the button. used to be my worst weapon statistically.

Arc-Charger - My least favorite weapon, but its effective under the right conditions. R1 shoots a small ion blast, L1 shoots a bigger ion blast that im assuming targets anyone close enough in range. If you hit a group of Chimera with it it will target all of them and take them all out. Mostly good for large numbers of Chimera. People will disagree with me though.

Sniper-Rifle - L1 shoots. R1 turns on Concentration. It slows down time so you get get your shot in before they fire, but you have a time limit bar in the bottom right corner whenever you use it. I basically aim first and before i fire, i press L1 so i dont waste my time meter, because it takes forever to go back to zero if you max it out. Great weapon when you're in a pinch.

Thats about it, the other weapons are pretty self explanatory. You do get new weapons and grenades after you've beaten the game once, but i dont want to spoil the surprise. Happy hunting.


TONX said:
Heres the fun part. if you hold down L1 WHILE its on airbrakes, it will shoot out mini missiles, and it will lock on to any enemy in the radius of the main rocket. Really awesome for multiplayer.

You mean R1, right?


Hail to the KING baby
Thanks guys.

If you tag and hold down L1 at a wall, it will stick there, and when you shoot at it, all of your bullets will swarm around it. after the swarm is made, you can tag an enemy and all of the swarmed bullets will go to him and take him out, its good for traps.

So you tag the wall, shoot (while holding L1), then let go of L1 and tag an enemy? That's crazy if that's how it work; I had no idea. The crappy way I was using it was to peek out, tag, go behind cover and just shoot out. I don't even know if it worked, but it certainly let me rely a bit on my usual FPS ostrich strategy.

The Jer

TONX said:
Laark (rocket launcher) - R1 shoots. if you press L1 while its in the air, it will stop right there via Airbrakes. As long as you hold L1 down, you can aim anywhere you want then fire the rocket in that direction.

Heres the fun part. if you hold down R1 WHILE its on airbrakes, it will shoot out mini missiles, and it will lock on to any enemy in the radius of the main rocket. Really awesome for multiplayer.

Needed to be fixed slightly.
Also, after firing the rocket, hold down R1 as the rocket hits an object (wall, floor, etc.) - All 12 (?) homing mini-rockets will then be deployed at the same time from that location.


AstroLad said:
Thanks guys.

So you tag the wall, shoot (while holding L1), then let go of L1 and tag an enemy? That's crazy if that's how it work; I had no idea. The crappy way I was using it was to peek out, tag, go behind cover and just shoot out. I don't even know if it worked, but it certainly let me rely a bit on my usual FPS ostrich strategy.

Yeah, on superhuman using cover is essential.


Hail to the KING baby
Kittonwy said:
Yeah, on superhuman using cover is essential.

For now, I'm kind of enjoying stampeding around open areas on Normal. After the tight quarters of Gears and R6V (at least in the sense that you're always behind cover) it feels nice to get some fresh air.


when is my burrito
AstroLad said:
I'm playing on Normal and the only strange thing is just how much ammo and health is scattered everywhere. Like literally too much even if you were always on your last bar.

I think that's a design choice to allow the player to choose a weapon strategy. A lot of shooters will subtly tell you that you need to use a certain kind of ammo for an upcoming battle, like placing a room with a crap load of shotgun bullets.

Resistance seems to give you everything you could want to use almost all the time and let you figure what to do with it. That's half the fun. At the end of the game, I was using EVERY weapon I had in my arsenal.

This post was originally intended to end here. Bolded below for the lazy. :)

My internet has been down so I don't know if I'll be on tonight. My runthrough on Superhuman is going surprisingly well. But dangit, as I'm playing, I'm just hoping and praying for checkpoints to come. It sucks to burn 20 minutes on the game only to die and have to do it all over. :'(

If there's one thing that Halo did (albeit excessively so, and set up so a person could abuse them), it is a more frequent use of checkpoints. Playing through Halo and Halo 2 this weekend really made that apparent.

I also picked up on something else. I remember that when the game was initially released, Insomniac said that the game was supposed to inspire fear or dread of what's happening in the game. I think they achieved that pretty well (music helped - what was there was great but not quite enough of it, I thought). Halo makes you up to be this legendary badass (demon) and has music to fit that. Just the characterization and the themes of the two games just makes them worlds apart in the approach to character and story development. It's just funny that I only realized this after playing them back to back.

The other thing is: for as great as Halo's AI is, it's not that aggressive. If I'm behind cover in Halo recharging, the enemy will almost never come after me. In Resistance, I'll run away from a firefight to grab some health and turn around and the hybrids had followed me the whole time. You also don't want to take cover anywhere near throwing distance of them because they'll either charge your cover and smack you in the face, which is pretty much an instant death, or they'll throw a grenade in your face.

I also like how Resistance breaks out the levels a bit more rather than a clever header that just pops up and a loading blip. I like the level transitions (news clippings, voice over) in Resistance but I think it would have done a lot more to pull me into the story and the character of Hale if there was some fleshed out scenes of what the voice-over was talking about. For example, when they talk about entire cities getting over-run by spires and such, that would have been extremely effective in building on the fear theme. Of all the things I think that may have been one of the things that couldn't be done because it was a launch title.


Beatbox said:
Well I was wrong. I forgot that I turned off auto-aim the other day and that made a huge difference in circle fights. Turned it back on and all was good last night.

That's throwing my theory out the window. I'll have to see if my auto aim is off.

But, I swear, my reticle was moving faster set at 4 after the patch than it was before the patch. I couldn't aim easily like I could before. I was only able to calm the thing down after I moved the sensitivity back down to 3.


Aeon712 said:
Going back to stardust where I just got my new high of 21mil :D, M3 your super low score has vanished from my buddy list, guess it doesn't support 6digits :p.

I don't get to play every waking minute, however....



M3Freak said:
I don't get to play every waking minute, however....

Checks game stats...3hrs 31 minutes, you need another excuse Mr 6digits :lol. I'll try to be on for the clan night if Insomniac lets me. If not then I'll play Sigma.


AstroLad said:
Seriously LTTP here, but I thought I'd post here instead of creating a new thread. For someone who hasn't played a traditional FPS like this since maybe Quake, and who has been weaned on cover shooters like the R6 series, Gears, etc. the past five years, the game was a real shock at first. I saw some of the release day posts and I certainly had a similarly difficult time adjusting. I was basically trying to replicate the cover system in Vegas (peek 'n shoot 'n hide 'n peek etc.) in Resistance and it was working really badly and certainly affecting my enjoyment of the game. Only when I read this thread and actually started running and gunning did the game really take off.

I'm a few hours of gameplay in and so far the sound has impressed me more than anything (I don't think I've yet gotten to the graphically impressive stages). It's definitely a nice change of pace from the FPSes I'm used to. The control system feels excellent now that I've gotten used to it, but any noob tips would be appreciated. So far I'm using the carbine mostly as it seems slightly stronger than the Chimera weapon (and plus I don't really know how to properly use the "tag" system). I'm playing on Normal and the only strange thing is just how much ammo and health is scattered everywhere. Like literally too much even if you were always on your last bar. Kind of strange, already looking forward to playing through on normal to get a feel for the game and bumping up the difficulty.

From my perspective, Hard (which I haven't finished yet) is 10 times better than Normal. There's something about the AI and the difficulty that makes the experience much better. BUT, if I were you I'd stick with the current difficulty to finish the game as Hard is nearly 10 times harder (I thought so anyways).

I was in the same position as yourself, as I was playing lots of Gears at that time so it was a totally different game. Then I kinda got my brain into the whole DOOM 1/2 mode and got to enjoy the game more. Res is fast paced, throws enemies at you like rice at a groom and bride, and has lots of unique high powered weapons, and so it was a fitting paradigm.

As far as being impressed with the visuals, it's very different from the games you're used to. What makes it impressive is the scale and the amount of polys being thrown around. The amount of polygonal detail in the bg and the characters is well beyond any game out there so far. And it doesn't drop the framerate at all. So while other games are about fancy texturing and motion blur, this one is about scale, and it is better demonstrated in later levels. Later on you'll see that Res has the best glass in any game and the best snow effects.


Also...just wondering why we haven't been trying out more Custom gametypes with the new maps...is it for stats purposes?

Until the new maps are integrated into ranked mode, what's the problem with playing them over Custom? That way we can also have more than 20 GAFers at the same time.

We've stayed away from custom matches for over 1/2 a year so there must be a good reason, but I am not aware of it.


Ragnarok10 said:
Has anyone managed a ranked game on one of the new maps?

Me ! I tried 3 last night... and then 5 more during lunch time (Heh heh... sneaked away from work). No more login problems for me. Your mileage may vary.

Fight for Freedom said:
From my perspective, Hard (which I haven't finished yet) is 10 times better than Normal.

I agree that Hard is better than Normal. I am too scared to try SuperHuman... afraid of my wife hitting me with a frying pan. I spent _way_ too much time on this game.


Rented The Darkness today and I'll be playing it until I beat it...then it's time to rent Sigma until I do the same.

Basically, I'm saying I won't be playing Resistance for a few days. :lol


alien from planet Highscore
Wow, Map Pack Mayhem just showed up for party games! Insomniac rules! It wasn't there last game but it's sure there now!


Beatbox said:
Wow, Map Pack Mayhem just showed up for party games! Insomniac rules! It wasn't there last game but it's sure there now!

Ah, for crap's sake - as soon as I leave for the night. Oh well - I'll check it out with a few of you Wednesday night.


Sailor Stevenson
Actually - the Map Pack Mayhem thing went up this morning for parties.

Sorry guys, I dropped the ball on alerting you. I have been completely and utterly swamped right now with the RCF:TOD Trailer, the podcast (why did I convince everyone we should do one this week?) and about a gazillion other things.

Anyways, yes, you should be able to play... but make sure everyone in the group has the maps. If one person doesn't, you will not be able to find a ranked game in the game type.


Conversion in camborne is fun!!!

TDM isn't so bad either.

To Map Pack Mayhem:

I saw a barrelz
Of that I'm sure

You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
It's true

Agent X

It seems like we got an awful lot of Conversion (free-for-all) games when playing Map Pack Mayhem earlier tonight, even with parties of 4-7 people.


alien from planet Highscore
If they fixed it earlier it's strange that the Map Pack Mayhem never showed as an option for us. TheBishop is the only one I could find that didn't have the new maps and he only played a few games with us. It didn't come up before he joined and didn't come up after he left. Weird, but I'm glad it's fixed.


Sailor Stevenson
Beatbox said:
If they fixed it earlier it's strange that the Map Pack Mayhem never showed as an option for us. TheBishop is the only one I could find that didn't have the new maps and he only played a few games with us. It didn't come up before he joined and didn't come up after he left. Weird, but I'm glad it's fixed.

Strange, though I know for a fact the server update went up this morning. But we've been dealing with lots of interesting things, so I don't doubt what you say.

As always, if you see any bugs or anything weird, please let me know and I'll make sure the MP team sees it.
jstevenson said:
Strange, though I know for a fact the server update went up this morning. But we've been dealing with lots of interesting things, so I don't doubt what you say.

As always, if you see any bugs or anything weird, please let me know and I'll make sure the MP team sees it.
LOL the strangest thing we've seen was the Main reactors in a breach game regenerate, ;like 4-5 time before we could take it out. that hasnt happened since the first night though. lol i still love that avatar JS. i really want a t-shirt with those 2 pics next to each other and the line 'seperated at birth'


Beatbox said:
Wow, Map Pack Mayhem just showed up for party games! Insomniac rules! It wasn't there last game but it's sure there now!
Darn it, I just had to leave early last night. In other news I wasn't disconnected one time after that horrible experience 2nights ago. Thank you Sony :D.


So tonight's an unofficial but most of us will be there game night?

BTW, who was talking about the Flyers in the lobby? Check out my Flyers car I made in FM2. It was one of the easiest logos, which is why I made it, I can gift it to ya if you have FM2.


Fight for Freeform said:
So tonight's an unofficial but most of us will be there game night?

BTW, who was talking about the Flyers in the lobby? Check out my Flyers car I made in FM2. It was one of the easiest logos, which is why I made it, I can gift it to ya if you have FM2.

Well done, If I had Forza 2 I would want it.


I'm gonna hop on early tonight.

ChimeraCat says:


"Though it is true that today, Wednesday, is not one of the scheduled meet up times, I think it would be rather advantageous to give the new servers another chance and to accelerate the bug-tracking and fixing process, especially when our clan is in the unique position of having such large sized parties."

What a well-spoken kitty.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I was playing against some of you a few days ago: Arnold K. is my ID. [PSX]Arnold K. is what's displayed.


Good games tonight guys! Had fun hosting a party for my first time!

Capture the flag was sure easy when that lagger lagged out. :lol


djkimothy said:
Good games tonight guys! Had fun hosting a party for my first time!

Capture the flag was sure easy when that lagger lagged out. :lol
Yeah I reported him and right afterwards he "left" :lol


Verizon decided that I played enough Resistance for the night and decided to kick me during ctf match.

Also whats the deal with Party map pack mayham being unranked?


Aeon712 said:
Verizon decided that I played enough Resistance for the night and decided to kick me during ctf match.

Also whats the deal with Party map pack mayham being unranked?

I know you don't like CTF, but last night's match was fun. elDumb**** was the best oppenent, EVER. Oh man....elDumb****. hahahaa


M3Freak said:
I know you don't like CTF, but last night's match was fun. elDumb**** was the best oppenent, EVER. Oh man....elDumb****. hahahaa

LOL, I don't know how you kept taking him out. I guess you were waiting for him with the lark. But man, I haven't seen that kind of glitching since socom 3.

And LOL at the FFA in the new map that had you spawn next to 2 other guys. I swear that's how I got most of my kills. :lol


djkimothy said:
LOL, I don't know how you kept taking him out. I guess you were waiting for him with the lark. But man, I haven't seen that kind of glitching since socom 3.

1. Sometimes I had a LAARK to shoot his ass with.
2. Sometimes people from our side would be engaging him, I'd show up and join in, and get the kill.
3. I tagged him once with Bullseye.
4. Killed him a couple of times with the carbine.

elDumb**** warpman was in fear of me.

djkimothy said:
And LOL at the FFA in the new map that had you spawn next to 2 other guys. I swear that's how I got most of my kills. :lol

How many times did I kill you with Auger in the tunnels? Two or three times in a row, and another time after you killed me.

I also got Tonx with the Auger. I was in a dead end, raged, looked around, and saw someone above and to my left, but he was faint. I shot at him, and even though he was trying to avoid my shots, I managed to kill him. When the kill registered, he turned to be Tonx.

Another time I was running around in the tunnels with the shotgun, and Aeon actually made me jump when he popped out and started to shoot me. That rocked too.

The new maps are so awesome. We need to badly play Breach, Assault and Meltdown on them.
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