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Resistance: Fall of Man - The Official Thread


Question: I just finished the level where you're driving the British guy around and now I'm on a level called "A Disturbing Discovery". Approximately how far into the game am I, and how many levels/hours of gameplay do I have left? This is my first time through the game playing on Normal difficulty, and I usually go through 1 or 2 levels a day.

I'm loving the SP campaign, but I've found myself playing MP more. I want to finish SP before Warhawk comes out, so I'd like to know if I need to spend more time on SP to complete it.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Nightz said:
Question: I just finished the level where you're driving the British guy around and now I'm on a level called "A Disturbing Discovery". Approximately how far into the game am I, and how many levels/hours of gameplay do I have left? This is my first time through the game playing on Normal difficulty, and I usually go through 1 or 2 levels a day.

I'm loving the SP campaign, but I've found myself playing MP more. I want to finish SP before Warhawk comes out, so I'd like to know if I need to spend more time on SP to complete it.

about Half


Heh, each time I post that I'm gonna come online, I can't make it.

So yeah, I'm not gonna be on tonight...*shifty eyes*

I may not have the best K/D ratio, but people have been telling me that my character looks extremely sexy...and so in a sense I add some sort of sex appeal to the clan...if you think about it.

I'll see if I can get my character to blow a kiss or show some leg, distract the opponents and then you guys can sneak into their base node during Breach.


Seriously though, the only thing I'm good at in sneaking towards nodes and base nodes. My K/D is abhor able.


Nightz said:
Question: I just finished the level where you're driving the British guy around and now I'm on a level called "A Disturbing Discovery". Approximately how far into the game am I, and how many levels/hours of gameplay do I have left? This is my first time through the game playing on Normal difficulty, and I usually go through 1 or 2 levels a day.

I'm loving the SP campaign, but I've found myself playing MP more. I want to finish SP before Warhawk comes out, so I'd like to know if I need to spend more time on SP to complete it.

you have 12-13 levels to go... I'm currently on the one before the last.. and gosh has this gotten hard... and intesnse...

I hate it when i get all suspense racked from playing games... this game has me on edge now...


another 5 hour Resistance binge till 5am. I had to play on my 'other' TV [19" 480i, couldn't see a thing] and it showed. but I did get to capture some video of some of the games.

a snapshot of one of the games, when I saw all the purple enemies with the laark in hand, I think i pee'd a little in excitement

here I use my hax to remove kittonwy from the game
I can't say I've ever really been online with a game before Resistance, I dabbled with HL2 but never really invested the time. I was totally floored by this game. Sure the campaign wasn't the best but the MP is fantastic.

I don't play much but any EU players fancy a match PSN ID is freethought69. I've got the map-pack and the headset although I haven't really been on much since the pack came out.


M3Freak said:
Shouldn't that be "You Maaaaaaaaaaaaad"? The way you wrote it, you'd be saying it like this: "You Madedededededededede". Stutter much?

You lose.
So what you are saying is that people that stutter automatically lose, Wow that's wrong on so many levels. Thought you were better then that.


can one of you guys make a video of your online experience and post it on youtube. i'm still not online yet and sounds like you guys have a lot of fun


Wow I need to stop embarrising myself like this not once did I get more kills than deaths and I'm usually better in stuff like deathmatch and conversion with 12 - 16 people but suck hard in team deathmatch. :(

I'm going to go through a rigorous training regiment it's freaking annoying that I can't manage even 1 kill per death.


dralla said:
here I use my hax to remove kittonwy from the game

Yeah, I was at that exact spot when I got disconnected. I was about to attack the base with teh dragon too, had I made it in I would have flamed the fucking crap out of it.


justjohn said:
can one of you guys make a video of your online experience and post it on youtube. i'm still not online yet and sounds like you guys have a lot of fun

Oh yeah it's awesome.



Max Pleo is the tag, add me, and give me a heads up when you guys start the matches, there shall be bloodshed.

My flow is ill, my rhymes are phat, and i headshot like nobodys business. Watch out, the boogieman is coming


Any word on new DLC? I read a few weeks back something about new maps and other content being worked on. <-- Can that be confirmed?


when is my burrito
Hey, I'm jumping on tonight. My wife is gone for the night and I'm bored/drinking. I needs me some GAME BATTLE.


i fail...something is wrong with my connection. i can only stay in the lobby but after that i can't get into the game. anyone able to help me diagnose my problem...


Sailor Stevenson
That was fun, tho I've had too much to drink to be effective, and my controls were screwy, silly roommate.

I guess answering e-mails while playing wasn't a good idea either. :lol


jstevenson said:
That was fun, tho I've had too much to drink to be effective, and my controls were screwy, silly roommate.

I guess answering e-mails while playing wasn't a good idea either. :lol

We were hearing you whooping and hollering like a madman and Kittonwy was typing jibberish.


Incredibly Naive
I'm tryin to get back into it, I'm still really rusty.... this game has so many bugs, I guess I never realized it. What's up with the new Laark trick where you hold the button and you just shoot in the area of the person, that's a really horrible desicion to add that in.
Great games tonight guys...especially that awesome CTF.

I was all outta beer and y'all ran me outta my birthday scotch, too, so I had to stick to Rum and Cokes. :(

But...In honor of Kittonwy and JS:


I like beer.
it makes me a jolly good fellow

I like beer.
it helps me unwind and sometimes it makes me feel mellow

Whiskey's too rough,
champagne costs too much,
vodka puts my mouth in gear

This little refrain
should help me explain
as a matter of fact...

I like beer

-The GREAT Tom T. Hall


alien from planet Highscore
msdstc said:
I'm tryin to get back into it, I'm still really rusty.... this game has so many bugs, I guess I never realized it. What's up with the new Laark trick where you hold the button and you just shoot in the area of the person, that's a really horrible desicion to add that in.

That Laark shot is one of its firing modes - not a bug. It hits something and then shoots the heatseeking mini rockets towards the enemy.


alien from planet Highscore
dralla said:
nice bewbs

I got the disconnect symbol and then got booted on that rooftops game and just decided to call it a night. I think Comcast has been shady last night and today for a bunch of people in my area. Hopefully it works fine tomorrow.


Pristine_Condition said:
Great games tonight guys...especially that awesome CTF.

I was all outta beer and y'all ran me outta my birthday scotch, too, so I had to stick to Rum and Cokes. :(

But...In honor of Kittonwy and JS:


I like beer.
it makes me a jolly good fellow

I like beer.
it helps me unwind and sometimes it makes me feel mellow

Whiskey's too rough,
champagne costs too much,
vodka puts my mouth in gear

This little refrain
should help me explain
as a matter of fact...

I like beer

-The GREAT Tom T. Hall



Kittonwy said:

speaking of papa, on that meltdown game on Manchester I was guarding papa. efert kept on telling me to go to yankee. I was looking at the map like "where the fuck is yankee", than about halfway through the 2nd round I figured out he meant the squad so I could spawn near the node :lol


alien from planet Highscore
dralla said:
speaking of papa, on that meltdown game on Manchester I was guarding papa. efert kept on telling me to go to yankee. I was looking at the map like "where the fuck is yankee", than about halfway through the 2nd round I figured out he meant the squad so I could spawn near papa :lol

LOLZ - that was Click yelling at you by name. I only mentioned it once - saying the "two people on x-ray at papa need to switch to yankee". We also do that so the rest of the team doesn't "accidentally" squad spawn at Papa which is a bit of a hike back to the other nodes.


since more and more people have been interested in Resistance thanks to this thread, I took 5 of the video's I captured the other night, compressed than uploaded them for people to watch. All videos are from my perspective. I'd appreciate it if no one uploaded them to YouTube, I'd rather not get hundreds of PSN messages from people telling me they'd "pwn me in teh butt"

Hangar - Human
This was one of the last games we played and the majority of the GAF'ers already left. It's just myself, Click, and eFertlis. We finished 1,2,3, like usual :]

Rooftops - Chimera
Rooftops - Human
The Mall - Chimera
These 3 games have the majority GAFer's.

Nottingham - Human
I wanted to get some Breach shown. Unfortunately this is the game where many GAFer's were booted and ended up sucking for the rest of us. So I just took the first 2 minutes of footage since no one wants to see endless spawning in the base only to be gunned down by a group of Chimera. What I wanted to do was follow Queeg into the base since he's usually the one who damages the reactor - and that's exactly what this video is.


when is my burrito
jstevenson said:
That was fun, tho I've had too much to drink to be effective, and my controls were screwy, silly roommate.

I guess answering e-mails while playing wasn't a good idea either. :lol

I was also quite tipsy. Good times though. :lol

JS: "I've been sucking tonight"
Me: "Maybe that's because you keep running around screaming like a little girl"
Me: :D

EDIT: boobbbbbbbs ;)





Tonight is...




Don't forget about the scheduled game tonight..


Tuesdays 6pm PST / 9pm EST

Fridays 6pm PST / 9pm EST

Saturdays 6pm PST / 9pm EST

Sundays 6pm PST/ 9pm EST


1) LOGIN to Resistance MP online at least one time.

2) LEAVE any clan you are in right now.

3) PM kaching on NEOGAF to get added to the clan roster.

4) WAIT a couple days for him to get back to you.

5) In the meantime if you want to play with the clan, send one of the gaffers a buddy invite (please tell him you are from gaf) so he can get you invited to the party.


Worldwide servers and new maps in May.
Maps will cost money.


It would be a big plus if everyone invested in a headset. For headset details and recommendations, follow this link.

If you do not have a headset, you can at least set it up so that you can hear people without one. Set mic output settings to system default.

SOCOM and USB headsets compatible with PS2 work fine.


Clan Roster: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=p62Ro_nUUSfscF9g032W-Aw
Status of clan members and invites pending

Clan Blog: http://vjarmy.com/clangaf/
Clan Strategies and Tactics - MUST READ
The login is "gaf", and the password is a five-letter word starting with "w" that is frequently used within the clan. If you can't figure it out, PM Remy. If anyone wants rights to help contribute, please drop Remy a PM about that as well.

Official Website: RFOMps3.com
Cool Story Background details and hidden content.

Community Website: MyResistance.net
You can check your stats outside the game and the forums are full of tips and tricks. This is also where you go to report cheaters.



PS! Please don't quote this post unless you're on a new page (where this isn't posted).

The Wedge tactic explained:

The "flying wedge" is the term given to our tendency to mob together in a violent swarm and shoot the everliving hell out of anyone who dares get near us. It leads to multiple assists per kill which leads to a 20-60% increase in points. 16 points for a kill is far better than 10!

It does not, despite its name, resemble a true flying wedge - although generally whoever is at the front of the pack will get gunned down while those behind break through and destroy the opposition. So maybe it's not completely inaccurate.

Message from IG:

Hey all-

Insomniac Games and Sony Computer Entertainment are happy to announce that we will be instituting a new ban policy for Resistance: Fall of Man online gameplay, effective immediately. Players may report cheaters using lag devices or using exploits to leave the intended playable area. Make a report by sending a private message to the MyResistance.Net "cheating" account (username: cheating). Cheating and the use of in-game exploits is not allowed in any game type, including custom and private games.

To enforce this policy we have in-game moderators documenting players who are involved in using, discovering, or sharing exploits with others. These moderators have the ability to join and observe any game or user in ranked, custom, or private games without the knowledge of the players in those games.

Initial bans for first-time offenders will be 24 hours. Bans will grow in length with each successive rules-violation, and attempts to circumvent a ban are grounds for an extension of it.

If you have questions, please feel free to post them in this thread.

Insomniac Games/Sony Computer Entertainment


Euro Gaf should start playing throughout the day on Friday. Since that's my day off I usually get some early games in with Chryz, Tonx, Acid. This morning me and Chryz played from around 11am-1pm EST then I bailed due to hunger.


dralla said:
speaking of papa, on that meltdown game on Manchester I was guarding papa. efert kept on telling me to go to yankee. I was looking at the map like "where the fuck is yankee", than about halfway through the 2nd round I figured out he meant the squad so I could spawn near the node :lol

LOL priceless. Aww Kittonwy, that kitten looks too tired or drunk to play Resistance :[


Eagles vs Panthers with Mcnabbs return tonight at 7 so I prob won't make clan night till around 10-10:30. Try to win without me guys k.


Sailor Stevenson
Aeon712 said:
Eagles vs Panthers with Mcnabbs return tonight at 7 so I prob won't make clan night till around 10-10:30. Try to win without me guys k.

Aeon's not playing? I'm so in tonight. :lol (just teasin!)
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