Thanks to all the new people as well as Kaching for showing up.
We lost the grimsby assault but I guess not everybody is familiar with the strategy so I apologize for not being able to explain it properly during the match (I guess my yelling and cursing doesn't really qualify as explaining).
Grimsby Assault strategy:
People who guard the nodes need to pick your spot close enough to the node to catch the other team coming in, hopefully work in pairs but don't get caught up in scrimmages too far outside the node. If you see a node being attacked, please help out quickly, offense can pitch in especially when defense gets wiped out.
For nodes like Oscar and November an attack doesn't have to go all the way into the base to inflict damage, as soon as he's around where the buses are he can start sniping the node with the auger (even through the open door and you CAN ZOOM to make sure you hit the rods) and do significant damage (20-30 pts easily), but make sure he doesn't get in there and start hitting the node with the flame thrower because that's one of the major damage-dealers, that is especially important for base defense, you can lose a TON of base health to a flamethrower and especially when an attack comes in from the back, once he's through the door he can hit L1 and it BURNS AND BURNS AND BURNS, and because there is no shutter for the base reactor, the damage doesn't stop until the alternate fire finishes burning. For base defense it's imperative that the defenders are positioned further out, where the northern and western main entrances instead of trying to guard all six doors in the base room, where you have to be really quick with the shotgun near the doorway, but even if one attacker makes it in and unloads with an alt-fire from the dragon we might be looking at losing half of our base health, so you're better off catching them early with a cheap shotgun in the face right when they come through the main west entrance or tag and bullseye them as they try to make it past the north entrance, plenty of places to hide and pop out.
As for offense we needs to figure out where we're spawning and where we're attacking. I think we get caught up too much on trying to control weapons on too many nodes, there are four nodes on the map and all of them have powerful weapons, of the four, Oscar and November are where the dragon and auger spawns, especially when foxtrot and echo has gone down, trying to control those two nodes made us too spread out and we have less control over November and Oscar. Personally as good as the Laark is as a scrimmage weapon, imo as a node/base attack weapon it's not all that great for grimsby because of too many narrow doorways where a defender can get right in your face when you upload a laark and both of you will get taken out and no damage is done to the base.
Attacking Oscar and Echo some of us should auger the nodes from the outside, especially Oscar because you can auger snipe the crap out of it from afar without actually having to make it in, if you're out of auger ammo, then go in and try to pick up more ammo inside or just dragon it to death, but augering alone does big enough damage for the initial phase of the attack.
The main weapon for attacking the base should be the dragon and grenades, go in, L1 with the dragon or just throw the grenades in. Arc charger is great but it takes too long to set up for my taste.
I hope this helps.