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Resistance: Fall of Man - The Official Thread


BTW, what the hell is everyone's real email address? Now that I've been playing with some of you for close to a year and we're all kissy-kissy, huggy-huggy, shouldn't we be sharing the love over email?

Anyway, if anyone wants to trade emails, just send me a private message. No point in posting the addresses in this thread and letting the spammers take it.

Mine isn't tough to find on the net. However, I do have other addresses...


We're on right now rawr.


ChryZ said:
Come on, you had fun and laughed on caturday night when we burned each other to crisps. Admit it! :lol

I kept tossing hedgehogs right at my feet while I ran away to leave some nice presents for teh suckers who were chasing after me rawr.


Damn I froze last night. First time Resistance or any game for that matter froze on me. I had to do a hard shut down, & I was loving the last game I was in.


Yea that game freeze was a ***** last night. I keep getting cockblocked in objective games where I get massive defense kills for my medal. And w00t 2/3 granade champion.


Aeon712 said:
Yea that game freeze was a ***** last night. I keep getting cockblocked in objective games where I get massive defense kills for my medal. And w00t 2/3 granade champion.

Are the freezes a recent problem in Resistance or was it something to do with PSN or something? I had all kinds of problems last week with with PSN but I found out my router was constantly dropping its password, took 4 hrs to fix but got it working fine till the crash last night.


Aeon712 said:
Yea that game freeze was a ***** last night. I keep getting cockblocked in objective games where I get massive defense kills for my medal. And w00t 2/3 granade champion.

I was like pwning in the first round too, tagging and destroying anything that moved, it was sad when everybody got disconnected.


alien from planet Highscore
Firewire said:
Are the freezes a recent problem in Resistance or was it something to do with PSN or something? I had all kinds of problems last week with with PSN but I found out my router was constantly dropping its password, took 4 hrs to fix but got it working fine till the crash last night.

The system lock ups have been there for a while. They don't happen all that often and are possibly the result of someone intentionally lagging (a few people saw someone lagging - laying dead at a node so his teammates could spawn there - right before the game locked up last night). Whatever it is seems to cause the server to lock up and not the game or PS3 - I think they just don't know how to react.

I've played ~5200 rounds or so and have had about a dozen system lock ups. It sucks when it happens but not a big deal IMO.


Beatbox said:
The system lock ups have been there for a while. They don't happen all that often and are possibly the result of someone intentionally lagging (a few people saw someone lagging - laying dead at a node so his teammates could spawn there - right before the game locked up last night). Whatever it is seems to cause the server to lock up and not the game or PS3 - I think they just don't know how to react.

I've played ~5200 rounds or so and have had about a dozen system lock ups. It sucks when it happens but not a big deal IMO.

Ok cool, I was just hoping I didn't have another problem with my router or PS3.

I hate cheaters!


M3Freak said:
BTW, what the hell is everyone's real email address? Now that I've been playing with some of you for close to a year and we're all kissy-kissy, huggy-huggy, shouldn't we be sharing the love over email?

Anyway, if anyone wants to trade emails, just send me a private message. No point in posting the addresses in this thread and letting the spammers take it.

Mine isn't tough to find on the net. However, I do have other addresses...

Sure my email address is M3wearsathong@verizon.com


Beatbox said:
The system lock ups have been there for a while. They don't happen all that often and are possibly the result of someone intentionally lagging (a few people saw someone lagging - laying dead at a node so his teammates could spawn there - right before the game locked up last night). Whatever it is seems to cause the server to lock up and not the game or PS3 - I think they just don't know how to react.

I've played ~5200 rounds or so and have had about a dozen system lock ups. It sucks when it happens but not a big deal IMO.
I got a little bit worried at first since it was the first time (besides the warhwawk beta) that i saw my ps3 actually freezing up.

I wonder why the lock up happened, considering that the ps3 os is supposed to run on the background with its own memory and processing power, so i would have expected the game to lock up, but by pressing the PS button i would be able to go back to the XMB.





Tonight is...




Don't forget about the scheduled game tonight..


Tuesdays 6pm PST / 9pm EST

Fridays 6pm PST / 9pm EST

Saturdays 6pm PST / 9pm EST

Sundays 6pm PST/ 9pm EST


1) LOGIN to Resistance MP online at least one time.

2) LEAVE any clan you are in right now.

3) PM kaching on NEOGAF to get added to the clan roster.

4) WAIT a couple days for him to get back to you.

5) In the meantime if you want to play with the clan, send one of the gaffers a buddy invite (please tell him you are from gaf) so he can get you invited to the party.


Worldwide servers and new maps in May.
Maps will cost money.


It would be a big plus if everyone invested in a headset. For headset details and recommendations, follow this link.

If you do not have a headset, you can at least set it up so that you can hear people without one. Set mic output settings to system default.

SOCOM and USB headsets compatible with PS2 work fine.


Clan Roster: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=p62Ro_nUUSfscF9g032W-Aw
Status of clan members and invites pending

Clan Blog: http://vjarmy.com/clangaf/
Clan Strategies and Tactics - MUST READ
The login is "gaf", and the password is a five-letter word starting with "w" that is frequently used within the clan. If you can't figure it out, PM Remy. If anyone wants rights to help contribute, please drop Remy a PM about that as well.

Official Website: RFOMps3.com
Cool Story Background details and hidden content.

Community Website: MyResistance.net
You can check your stats outside the game and the forums are full of tips and tricks. This is also where you go to report cheaters.



PS! Please don't quote this post unless you're on a new page (where this isn't posted).

The Wedge tactic explained:

The "flying wedge" is the term given to our tendency to mob together in a violent swarm and shoot the everliving hell out of anyone who dares get near us. It leads to multiple assists per kill which leads to a 20-60% increase in points. 16 points for a kill is far better than 10!

It does not, despite its name, resemble a true flying wedge - although generally whoever is at the front of the pack will get gunned down while those behind break through and destroy the opposition. So maybe it's not completely inaccurate.

Message from IG:

Hey all-

Insomniac Games and Sony Computer Entertainment are happy to announce that we will be instituting a new ban policy for Resistance: Fall of Man online gameplay, effective immediately. Players may report cheaters using lag devices or using exploits to leave the intended playable area. Make a report by sending a private message to the MyResistance.Net "cheating" account (username: cheating). Cheating and the use of in-game exploits is not allowed in any game type, including custom and private games.

To enforce this policy we have in-game moderators documenting players who are involved in using, discovering, or sharing exploits with others. These moderators have the ability to join and observe any game or user in ranked, custom, or private games without the knowledge of the players in those games.

Initial bans for first-time offenders will be 24 hours. Bans will grow in length with each successive rules-violation, and attempts to circumvent a ban are grounds for an extension of it.

If you have questions, please feel free to post them in this thread.

Insomniac Games/Sony Computer Entertainment
I just got Resistance, and I would LOVE to play with people on GAF. Perhaps I can join the clan later when I get better!

PSN: LabombadogIGN


A friend of mine bought a PS3 Saturday and Resistance last night so he might be joining up with us tonight. I want his first experience on Resistance to be a good one so atleast one of my six friends with the system will actually like it enough to continue playing it.


Aeon712 said:
A friend of mine bought a PS3 Saturday and Resistance last night so he might be joining up with us tonight. I want his first experience on Resistance to be a good one so atleast one of my six friends with the system will actually like it enough to continue playing it.

Your friend's a DOUCHETARD!
I just went through the campaign on that game again.
And I have to say the graphics on this thing are so severely underated it should be a crime.
I am in the levels where your following the Chimera Conduit piping under the ground and the reflections the modeling and the enemy ai are so fricken well done. Even post Bioshock and HS the game is still a beauty and runs like a dream.


BruceLeeRoy said:
I just went through the campaign on that game again.
And I have to say the graphics on this thing are so severely underated it should be a crime.
I am in the levels where your following the Chimera Conduit piping under the ground and the reflections the modeling and the enemy ai are so fricken well done. Even post Bioshock and HS the game is still a beauty and runs like a dream.

The game looks farking awesome - many reviewers down played it, and I don't know why. It's really odd how such a good game got bad rap from some sites.

I'm replaying it on Hard, but haven't gone back to the campaign in a long time. When I play Resistance, it's online multiplayer all the way, duuuuuuuuude.

Man, it's such a good game. Resistance 2 is going to make me poop my boxers.


when is my burrito
BruceLeeRoy said:
I just went through the campaign on that game again.
And I have to say the graphics on this thing are so severely underated it should be a crime.
I am in the levels where your following the Chimera Conduit piping under the ground and the reflections the modeling and the enemy ai are so fricken well done. Even post Bioshock and HS the game is still a beauty and runs like a dream.

Resistance definitely has a subtle beauty to it.
I'm of the firm belief that had Insomniac stuck with icy, snow, indoor (caves, pipes) and chimeran environments, the game would have received far more accolades for its graphics quality. Now, I'm happy that the company didn't do that but rather added more variety to it (despite this variety introducing some maybe not so great details), but I think as far as the critical eye goes, I think consistency and a smaller number of highs would have been more beneficial. The last set of environments are just something else, in terms of detail, scope and atmosphere.


AltogetherAndrews said:
I'm of the firm belief that had Insomniac stuck with icy, snow, indoor (caves, pipes) and chimeran environments, the game would have received far more accolades for its graphics quality.

I think the problem is that reviews mostly sounded like they only played the first level.

Even outdoors environments looked amazing. Best example for me is the first part of Manchester, where you have a ton of allies and chimeras running around, with explosions, smoke everywhere, and destroyed buildings all around you. One of the most impressive scenes in the game IMO.
Raist said:
I think the problem is that reviews mostly sounded like they only played the first level.

Even outdoors environments looked amazing. Best example for me is the first part of Manchester, where you have a ton of allies and chimeras running around, with explosions, smoke everywhere, and destroyed buildings all around you. One of the most impressive scenes in the game IMO.

I think it was also a matter of the game coming out right in the tailwind of Gears. Critics were on a detail bender and seemed to largely fail to give Resistance credit for its achievements relative to matters such as scope, scale of battles (with the accompanying fx and physics touches) because all they could see was something that wasn't Gears of War. Should be different now, for obvious reasons. Or at least critics seem to have changed their tunes.


Raist said:
I think the problem is that reviews mostly sounded like they only played the first level.

Even outdoors environments looked amazing. Best example for me is the first part of Manchester, where you have a ton of allies and chimeras running around, with explosions, smoke everywhere, and destroyed buildings all around you. One of the most impressive scenes in the game IMO.

My first run of the game & reaching Manchester & seeing all that stuff flying in the air with all the Chimera trying to flank you & stuff blew my mind. But when it was reviewed it was like meh! I think most reviewers played about 5 minutes of the game total. total bs!


I'm hoping that the second entry into the Resistance series features a tad more color, as that will immediately put it up visually. The colors are some what muted, which I can understand given the time frame, but if they had a few more vibrant area's to set it off (say a nice Jungle area, somehow?) and possibly some more focus on animations, and this game will be amazing. If they can manage to make the on foot Chimera look as good as the wall crawlers, I can see this being a AAA title.


I have a feeling some reviewers downplayed Resistance because it was a "launch game". The game was taken for granted (not helped by its slow start, and PS3's initial negative press).

Eurogamer certainly didn't do a good job since their review has a glaring error.


Resistance was the first victim of PS3 backlash, plain and simple. I still haven't played the game, but the strength of the community (exhibited in this thread) speaks volumes more than any review. Most reviews that panned it managed to fit one or two Gears comparisons in there. Warhawk got the shaft too. In the end, it's clear which game has more legs. PEACE.


At least IGN gave it 9.1.

Seemed like a great game from what I played of it. Once I'll get my PS3 I'll definitely be getting Resistance.


when is my burrito
The thing about Insomniac and graphics is that I don't think they ever get credit for it. Right now, I'm playing through Ratchet & Clank 1 (in preparation for R&C Future) which came out in 2002, and it's a damn fine lookin' game (technically AND art-wise) and the scope is amazing for a PS2 game.

They have some extremely talented people there and it's just funny that it took until I played Resistance to realize what a power-house studio that Insomniac is. Really amazing stuff! :D
-viper- said:
At least IGN gave it 9.1.

Seemed like a great game from what I played of it. Once I'll get my PS3 I'll definitely be getting Resistance.

And an 8.5 in graphics from the same network that a year later seemingly completely changed its tune on what is or isn't worth a high score in graphics. It's pretty silly, but hopefully that sudden shift in priorities and values will work in Resistance's favor for the next outing.
Raist said:
I think the problem is that reviews mostly sounded like they only played the first level.

Even outdoors environments looked amazing. Best example for me is the first part of Manchester, where you have a ton of allies and chimeras running around, with explosions, smoke everywhere, and destroyed buildings all around you. One of the most impressive scenes in the game IMO.

That's bullshit IHMO. I remember the guys at 1up said they didn't play through God of War on a podcast as well. If they played through the whole game maybe it could've received a different score.


AltogetherAndrews said:
And an 8.5 in graphics from the same network that a year later seemingly completely changed its tune on what is or isn't worth a high score in graphics. It's pretty silly, but hopefully that sudden shift in priorities and values will work in Resistance's favor for the next outing.

I agree... Definitely wasn't given its fair shake... I'd be willing to bet a banning that Killzone 2 (despite probably being the best looking game out) will not get higher than a 9 for graphics from IGN...

The disparity between the review scale for the ps3 and for the others is almost sickening sometimes... Its like every game has to deal with the fact that the console is expensive and every game gets points deducted for it...

Watch as Ratchet and Clank will recieve a 8.5 for graphics... same for Uncharted... same for UT3... why? because the graphics dont meet some imaginary expectations that some reviewers still have about the PS3.. "What? The game doesn't look like it accesses the 4th dimension? -1 in graphics/presentation/replayability"

Anyways... I should be on tonight to get some game time in... I haven't played in a while so go easy...


Firewire said:
My first run of the game & reaching Manchester & seeing all that stuff flying in the air with all the Chimera trying to flank you & stuff blew my mind. But when it was reviewed it was like meh! I think most reviewers played about 5 minutes of the game total. total bs!

That level blew me away. All the explosions, Chimeras rushing and flanking, debris, smoke, yelling and growling...amazing. I was immensely impressed.

That being said, I'd like to tear Insomniac a new one for a massive mistake in the online multiplayer: ADD A FREAKING SNIPER RIFLE IN THE DAMNED FORT ON SOMERSET, YOU BEEETCHES! Once a team sets up on the wall and in the road with sniper rifles, confronting them or even making it out of the fort is essentially impossible! They can pick you off without abandon; not even the LAARK helps! That map completely breaks down on TDM when one side can setup there snipers. It's NO FUN to play in that situation.


M3Freak said:
That level blew me away. All the explosions, Chimeras rushing and flanking, debris, smoke, yelling and growling...amazing. I was immensely impressed.

That being said, I'd like to tear Insomniac a new one for a massive mistake in the online multiplayer: ADD A FREAKING SNIPER RIFLE IN THE DAMNED FORT ON SOMERSET, YOU BEEETCHES! Once a team sets up on the wall and in the road with sniper rifles, confronting them or even making it out of the fort is essentially impossible! They can pick you off without abandon; not even the LAARK helps! That map completely breaks down on TDM when one side can setup there snipers. It's NO FUN to play in that situation.



Pimpwerx said:
Resistance was the first victim of PS3 backlash, plain and simple. I still haven't played the game, but the strength of the community (exhibited in this thread) speaks volumes more than any review. Most reviews that panned it managed to fit one or two Gears comparisons in there. Warhawk got the shaft too. In the end, it's clear which game has more legs. PEACE.

There's also the matter of the game lacking HDR and self-shadowing, both of which would have upped the graphics score considerably, hopefully both of those will get worked into the Insomniac engine for Resistance 2. Gameplay-wise I just can't seem to play anything else in the genre but this, in terms of multiplayer it's been great to have a clan like this.


sutdawg said:
Sutdawgs origional post
M3Freak said:
[Your friend's a DOUCHETARD!
M3's origional post of the day
M3Freak said:
I tried that out, but I got a bounce back that said "Sutdawg enjoys black men named Aeon712". Weird. Any idea what's up with that?
M3's response...It took you 2hrs 56min and that was the best you could come up with :lol

And about the whole Somerset thing thats why the 32 player map blows. It should be scrapped in favor of the 40 player map. I actually like 40player Somerset.
Raist said:
I think the problem is that reviews mostly sounded like they only played the first level.


Resistance got the shaft by reviewers. I think that fact is pretty crystal-clear at this point. I think it has a lot to do with the piling-on the media was doing with everything PS3-related at the time. R:FoM just got caught up in the media's anti-PS3 blitz.

Thankfully, that attitude in the media seems to be changing finally. I still see some media members who are slow to this shift, but I think the more forward-thinking trend-setters in the media are starting to come around to the PS3 hardware and at least some of its quality games.

It is pretty shocking that almost a year later, some of us who have been playing Resistance 3-4 times a week are still amazed by it. And, after playing more and more brand-new games that still don't play as well as R:FoM both online and offline, we just appreciate the game more and more.

BTW... I'm all misty-eyed about Resistance since I played it this afternoon and kicked all kinds of *** in FFA. 5 out of 10-12 games won, (!) and a few games where I got over three or four stealth kills in each round. (!!)

...all that melee whoring I've been doing in our custom "Grenades Ahoy" matches is paying off!



Yeah, Insomniac needs to fix Somerset TDM ASAP! (Listen up, JS!!!) It's pretty busted when we get two rounds in a row where we all spawn in the fort, and our opponents all spawn on top of the sniper rifles. There's really nothing you can do against a good team if that happens to you.

This is wrong. Balance requires you at least give each team A CHANCE at winning.

A sniper rifle or two in the fort would be a good remedy. Either that or eliminate the 32 player map alltogether and just use the 40 player map where we can at least get the rifles in town and defend ourselves.


Sailor Stevenson
Pristine_Condition said:
Yeah, Insomniac needs to fix Somerset TDM ASAP! (Listen up, JS!!!) It's pretty busted when we get two rounds in a row where we all spawn in the fort, and our opponents all spawn on top of the sniper rifles. There's really nothing you can do against a good team if that happens to you.

This is wrong. Balance requires you at least give each team A CHANCE at winning.

A sniper rifle or two in the fort would be a good remedy. Either that or eliminate the 32 player map alltogether and just use the 40 player map where we can at least get the rifles in town and defend ourselves.

Noted and passed along. We'll take a look at it.


I've only had the PS3 since June of this year, but the one game that gets heavy rotation is Resistance. So far, I only have 3 titles for the PS3. Resistance, The Darkness, and Rainbow Six: Vegas (between jobs right now so the budget for games right now is 0). All the games I've completed, but the one game that I keep coming back to is Resistance. Both the single player and multiplayer keep me coming back. I love this game. It runs like a dream. Most
first person shooters, if they're going for 30fps, should run as smooth as Resistance runs. Locked. I really can't wait till Resistance 2....
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