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Resistance: Fall of Man - The Official Thread


Pristine_Condition said:
Yeah, Insomniac needs to fix Somerset TDM ASAP! (Listen up, JS!!!) It's pretty busted when we get two rounds in a row where we all spawn in the fort, and our opponents all spawn on top of the sniper rifles. There's really nothing you can do against a good team if that happens to you.

This is wrong. Balance requires you at least give each team A CHANCE at winning.

A sniper rifle or two in the fort would be a good remedy. Either that or eliminate the 32 player map alltogether and just use the 40 player map where we can at least get the rifles in town and defend ourselves.

Much better said than my rant - hear, hear!


Yup resistance is severly underrated

its imo the best next gen fps ( havent played halo 3 yet)

but a request...more colour for resistance 2!


Pristine_Condition said:

Resistance got the shaft by reviewers. I think that fact is pretty crystal-clear at this point. I think it has a lot to do with the piling-on the media was doing with everything PS3-related at the time. R:FoM just got caught up in the media's anti-PS3 blitz.

Thankfully, that attitude in the media seems to be changing finally. I still see some media members who are slow to this shift, but I think the more forward-thinking trend-setters in the media are starting to come around to the PS3 hardware and at least some of its quality games.

That's some of the worst damage control I have ever read.


Ima on already-weady, finish your game damn it and invite me Aeon!!!


Massive storm rolling through Brampton: that's why I got disconnected during that Conversion match in the tunnels. When I got back on, a few more lightening strikes and the power cut out for a second. :(

I turned everything back on to make sure it worked (it does, thankfully), and then called it a night.

I was having fun during that conversion match - crud. Anyway, see you guys another day.
So I tried to PM kaching for an invite for the GAF clan, but he is currently banned.

What do I do now? I have a headset, and I am not in a clan.


Labombadog said:
So I tried to PM kaching for an invite for the GAF clan, but he is currently banned.

What do I do now? I have a headset, and I am not in a clan.

Just get online on clan nights and send one of us a buddy invite so you can join the party (let us know you're from gaf).


What the hell were you guys playing yesterday at 10:30 p.m.?

I got on around 10:20 p.m., and you all were in a game, i started waiting. Later M3freak got online, and was waiting as well. Then Beatbox got online and was waiting for you all to finish that game.

That game was so damned long that i got bored and ended up falling asleep on my chair. When i woke up, you guys were still playing, while M3freak and beatbox were still waiting. I sent a message to beatbox saying i was sleepy and ended up bailing out.

Jesus, not even breach or assault games are that long.


I had to bailout early last night to meet up with some friends in Wowhawk. In a few weeks I'll be able to play some weekend rounds with you guys, were I can actually stay for more than an hour hopefully!

PS: Big problem guys my g/f wants me to buy her a Wii! I'm like WTF! I don't want to do it, because I'll end up trapped at her place waving my arms around for hours like an idiot! How do I convince her a DS or maybe a PSP is a better idea? Please help! :D


Angelcurio said:
What the hell were you guys playing yesterday at 10:30 p.m.?

I got on around 10:20 p.m., and you all were in a game, i started waiting. Later M3freak got online, and was waiting as well. Then Beatbox got online and was waiting for you all to finish that game.

That game was so damned long that i got bored and ended up falling asleep on my chair. When i woke up, you guys were still playing, while M3freak and beatbox were still waiting. I sent a message to beatbox saying i was sleepy and ended up bailing out.

Jesus, not even breach or assault games are that long.

Hmm...guess you haven't played much Breach or Assault with us, then. We've had games go the full hour, but that was way back in the January/February period. Even now, we'll have games that take 30 minutes, possibly a little more.


Steroyd said:
DS + Nintendogs nuff said.

Although if she's got a real puppy/dog you're screwed.

Good idea, but she went on last night about her friends boyfriend having a Wii, and they play together all the time, and shit. Shes totally like we can play that Wii sports game together, this is were I screwed up and said a little "oh god!" & of course she heard me, and I got in total shit!
I think I'm seriously screwed! Her b-day is in 1 week! She likes LBP though, so maybe I should just get her a PS3, but I think shes really set on the Wii. No matter what I'm screwed.


I'm noticing a few things in Halo3 that seem to be inspired by Resistance:

Backlash Grenade (aka Bubble shield): Creates a bubble that constantly damages any enemies caught inside and repels their shots back at them. Players use this grenade as a form of cover by going into the bubble and firing with human weapons at enemies.

Hero Moments: Check out this video. I've been noticing these all over Halo3 where a brute grabs an NPC. You have a few seconds to kill the enemies and save the dude, or see him get ripped to shreds.

Hedgehog (aka Spike Grenade): The Hedgehog Grenade is a Chimeran anti-personnel munition. It is thrown like an ordinary hand grenade. Upon landing it springs up and expands into a spiny cluster.

Air Fuel Grenade (aka Incendiary Grenade): Much like the name implies, this grenade releases and then ignites a cloud of flammable vapor to burn enemies.

Let me know if you catch any others.


So um you all suck(except Loco) for getting on so late. I was only able to play one game with the full clan last night. Atleast got on at around 8:30 and played some rounds with me and my friend.


Aeon712 said:
So um you all suck(except Loco) for getting on so late. I was only able to play one game with the full clan last night. Atleast got on at around 8:30 and played some rounds with me and my friend.

I had to go to the gym and then I had to eat.


M3Geak what happened to you last night? We were all making fun of you for hiding during a conversion game and the next thing we know, you logged off the PSN. I hope we didn't hurt your feelings :lol :lol :lol... wait I have to stop laughing, hold on a second. Anyway they Hijo told me I should apologize... I'm sorry little buddy. Oh and I found a new domain name you can try, it's a little long though. Hidingduringconversionisforbitches.com





Tonight is...




Don't forget about the scheduled game tonight..


Tuesdays 6pm PST / 9pm EST

Fridays 6pm PST / 9pm EST

Saturdays 6pm PST / 9pm EST

Sundays 6pm PST/ 9pm EST


1) LOGIN to Resistance MP online at least one time.

2) LEAVE any clan you are in right now.

3) PM kaching on NEOGAF to get added to the clan roster.

4) WAIT a couple days for him to get back to you.

5) In the meantime if you want to play with the clan, send one of the gaffers a buddy invite (please tell him you are from gaf) so he can get you invited to the party.


Worldwide servers and new maps in May.
Maps will cost money.


It would be a big plus if everyone invested in a headset. For headset details and recommendations, follow this link.

If you do not have a headset, you can at least set it up so that you can hear people without one. Set mic output settings to system default.

SOCOM and USB headsets compatible with PS2 work fine.


Clan Roster: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=p62Ro_nUUSfscF9g032W-Aw
Status of clan members and invites pending

Clan Blog: http://vjarmy.com/clangaf/
Clan Strategies and Tactics - MUST READ
The login is "gaf", and the password is a five-letter word starting with "w" that is frequently used within the clan. If you can't figure it out, PM Remy. If anyone wants rights to help contribute, please drop Remy a PM about that as well.

Official Website: RFOMps3.com
Cool Story Background details and hidden content.

Community Website: MyResistance.net
You can check your stats outside the game and the forums are full of tips and tricks. This is also where you go to report cheaters.



PS! Please don't quote this post unless you're on a new page (where this isn't posted).

The Wedge tactic explained:

The "flying wedge" is the term given to our tendency to mob together in a violent swarm and shoot the everliving hell out of anyone who dares get near us. It leads to multiple assists per kill which leads to a 20-60% increase in points. 16 points for a kill is far better than 10!

It does not, despite its name, resemble a true flying wedge - although generally whoever is at the front of the pack will get gunned down while those behind break through and destroy the opposition. So maybe it's not completely inaccurate.

Message from IG:

Hey all-

Insomniac Games and Sony Computer Entertainment are happy to announce that we will be instituting a new ban policy for Resistance: Fall of Man online gameplay, effective immediately. Players may report cheaters using lag devices or using exploits to leave the intended playable area. Make a report by sending a private message to the MyResistance.Net "cheating" account (username: cheating). Cheating and the use of in-game exploits is not allowed in any game type, including custom and private games.

To enforce this policy we have in-game moderators documenting players who are involved in using, discovering, or sharing exploits with others. These moderators have the ability to join and observe any game or user in ranked, custom, or private games without the knowledge of the players in those games.

Initial bans for first-time offenders will be 24 hours. Bans will grow in length with each successive rules-violation, and attempts to circumvent a ban are grounds for an extension of it.

If you have questions, please feel free to post them in this thread.

Insomniac Games/Sony Computer Entertainment


sutdawg said:
M3Geak what happened to you last night? We were all making fun of you for hiding during a conversion game and the next thing we know, you logged off the PSN. I hope we didn't hurt your feelings :lol :lol :lol... wait I have to stop laughing, hold on a second. Anyway they Hijo told me I should apologize... I'm sorry little buddy. Oh and I found a new domain name you can try, it's a little long though. Hidingduringconversionisforbitches.com

M3Geak, eh? I think that's the best one yet. I actually laughed, you poser (i.e. you're not a real hoser, you just wish you were).

Not sure if you noticed, but I mentioned that there was a storm rolling through my area, and it killed the connection the first time. The second time the power cut out for a second. I just called it a night at that point.
Uggghhh Robertsan I see your playing but I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA HOW I JOIN A GAME WITH YOU. What the FUck!

I had the same problem when I was in the Gaf clan I'd see you guys playing but I don't know how to fucking join the game your in Ugghhhh.

Really frustrating. Does anyone know how to join in with a buddy when it says there in a game?



M3Freak said:
M3Geak, eh? Not sure if you noticed, but I mentioned that there was a storm rolling through my area, and it killed the connection the first time. The second time the power cut out for a second. I just called it a night at that point.

Oh, sorry I didn't hear you. I probably had you muted when you were talking about the storm. :lol


I'm doing the Halo thing right now because hey, it's Halo, but it has really made me appreciate Resistance on-line. Really fast link up, big games, nice maps. It's definately one of the best if not the best going.

Very underrated game and yeah, I think the first level is a bit underwhelming when compared to some of the others and that hurt it in the ratings.

Plus my dude gets to wear a beret. I love the beret, it's so frikken jaunty!


Resistance in one of the only games I have that I love to play through again and again. I first did it on normal and it took me ages as I sucked. As soon as I did that I went to do it co-op in hard. Then did single player in easy followed by co-op in normal.
I'm now in London on hard but I can't kill those damn angels in the reactor core level!

Well done Insomniac by making this truly incredible game.
Aeon: I'd like to join you guys right now, but I'm in the middle of uploading a bunch of photos to my client's server, and it is soooooooo sllllllooooooooow...


Hopefully you guys will still be in when I'm done, or else I'll just catch y'all on tonight.


I missed Resistance for more than 2 months. So I tried to make up for it.

Stayed up 2.5 nights to play online. I think I'm falling sick :(

If all goes well, I might join you guys later tonight for one or two game. Then I have to drive 60 miles home.
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