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Resistance: Fall of Man - The Official Thread


Okay, guys, bear with me if this becomes a bit annoying. I'm just trying to get my thoughts down and thought maybe some would like to hear them. Maybe it will spark a new discussion. :D Note, I have not visited the UK Resistance Site as it was being mean to my laptop. Though, I have read some of the links you gave me, The Jer. I will begin with my thoughts on the morse code translations.

The largest factor that helped me in determining the meaning of the messages was deciphering the keywords. From now on, I will try to replace those words with some of my own that will help in understanding the message. I will split the messages into categories by stages, just like The Jer presented them. If you have not beaten the game and are reading this, get out! Do not spoil the game! You will be able to join in on the conversations soon enough. A lot of the fun in Resistance can come from not knowing. You are playing as Nathan Hale; sent with the rest of your regiment, the 1st Rangers, to help out the British forces in their resistance, but the big difference is you do not know what you are resisting. Keep it a question and try to figure it out while you are playing. And for the last time, please do not read if you have not beaten the game. Now, onto the good stuff. :lol

York, England

First Transmission:
Original Message: "Red forces encountered. Non-uniform opposition confirmed."
My Take: "Enemy forces encountered. Non-human opposition confirmed."

Now, I know there is talks of the Black Ops having possibly already fought the Chimera in multiple circumstances before the act of support was passed through Congress. The supposedly Human-made advanced weaponary, the X-003 Sapper and the X-005 Hailstorm, being built off the intelligence gathered in these skirmishes provide some backing to that theory, but one vital question remains amiss. If they did gather intelligence based on these fights, why would they have to confirm non-human opposition? Maybe they have not been in as many skirmishes as people claim. Maybe they themselves recieved intel from another source or by another means. Maybe they are just confirming the mission is underway or that the troops have engaged the enemy in combat, but my main point is that they treat this occassion as a plan: a checklist so to say. A checklist for what is the next question.

Let's recall the mission objective first. In return for tanks and supplies, support, the British would give the U.S. control of a secret weapon that was to be delivered to them once they secured a landing site for a base of operations. Now, let's think about the British sides of things. Why were they willing to give up a secret weapon for troops and supplies? They wanted to take back England and cut off the Chimeran threat to their homeland. The British saw this as a win-win situation. So I can see why they proposed the agreement. But this also shows that England did not think about or, at least, have the capabilities to continue research into the secret weapon. The value to them was not as important as troops and supplies.

This makes me think that the project was relatively incomplete. This would explain why Parker or the British Intelligence didn't have too much information on the Angels. However it is enough for Hale to react violently and uncooperatively whenever encountering an Angel. :lol Maybe he is beginning to understand more now that he has discovered his newfound Chimeran traits. Whatever that was, he must have felt betrayed, or just pissed off, as he would not even mention the act to Parker on the lift out. This would also explain why he reacted the way he did in the ending. He must have thought that after so much fighting to try to save a group of people that wouldn't even tell him what was wrong with himself and the connection he had to the Angels why bother helping: "Why continue the fight?". This was brilliantly shown by Hale's decision of whether or not to pull the pin. He could continue the fight and try to take out the men with arms or succumb to their plans. Ultimately, he gave in. Dropping the frag, he went with the Black Ops. This yields two possible theories in return. Either Nathan knew about their plans, or he did not care to fight for England anymore. Regardless of the theory though, Nathan Hale was portrayed as not wanting to be a guinea pig type. Throughout the game, he made a lot of choices of his own. The Manchester stage in the Campaign is a perfect example of this. Instead of staying behind to be tested on by Parker and British Scientists, Hale decided to join his fellow troops on the frontlines and help decide the final outcome. In this case, it involved the recovery of the convoy.

The main piece of information I would like people to gather from this inference is that Hale felt like he had been betrayed. Not only did I feel that Insomniac wanted to relay this, but also that Parker had genuinely loved Hale. She wanted to help him more than anything. That is why she wanted to run the tests in the first place. Nathan couldn't see this, however. He was a soldier, and she was a scientist. While Hale saw the tests as lab experiments, Parker saw them as a way to try to help him. The conflict of emotions were perfectly displayed in the ending. After the reactor meltdown, Hale was in danger. He was stuck in the building; caught in the middle of the blast. He wanted out, but the resulting destruction made that impossible. Regardless, Parker held out hope. She routed the helicopter to the point of exit and waited. She waited for Hale to emerge. She kept waiting even when the explosions threatened to erase all hope. But the decision was taken out of her hands. The pilot decided that if they did not leave now, they would all be gone. The helicopter took off. Parker felt the sting of leaving behind Hale. But she did not want to leave him at all. This brought out the love Parker had for Hale. In a reversal of roles, as explained earlier, Hale felt destroyed. He was hopeless. Once he escaped from the tower, he was discovered by the lurking Black Ops. He was given his choice: to become the lab rat he had always detested or to continue the fight by setting off the grenade. Just as Parker experienced the opposite of her desire, Hale decided to go against his wishes. He joined the Black Ops. He wanted to continue to help out, but after being left in the dark for so long he did not see the reason to carry on. Neither of the two saw eachothers desires. This would explain why the outcomes were as they were.

The way these cinematics were set up were masterfully planned. With Parker's ordeal occurring right after the last mission, "Victory and Remorse" or "The Ending: Part One" :D , and Hale's right after the credits, "A Fateful Choice" or "The Ending: Part Two", the division made each side seem like an opposing force but somehow complementary. It is for this reason that I don't think we have seen the last of Hale or Parker as they will find out what eachother truly desired: bonding to stitch up wounds. Something tells me they just needed a little alone time. :lol

Second Transmission:
Original Message: "Biological attack imminent. Stand down. Observe any resistance."
My Take: "Spire launch imminent. Stand by. Observe any resistance."

Now, this will take us away from our two heroes: Nathan Hale and Parker. I think that I have mentioned as much as I possibly could on their behalf. This part gets into a bit of the specifics. As many have already guessed, the Black Ops are interested in a combat to the infection. Easily, the most obvious answer to this would be Hale. They wanted to see if Hale would resist the infection. They could have also been there to gather data on the infection, as well, but the primary motive was to test the patient. In this case, Hale. This can bring about dozens of theories. The most logical one to me, right now, is the fact that they must have supplanted something into his bloodstream beforehand that would combat the spread of the disease. They wanted to see if their project would bring back positive results. As the following events showed, Nate gained some sort of resistance to the infection: at least to the physical transformation. Whether Hale was planned to gain other Chimerean traits or not, remains a mystery. There is evidence, however, that will connect to the former in later radio transmissions.


Third Transmission:
Original Message: "Red facility located. Study of infection path proceeding."
My Take: "Enemy facility located. Gaining intel on conversion process."

This one has me a little stumped, actually. They are obviously following Nathan Hale as to watch their experiment, but why would they want to study the conversion process if they already have a cure to combat it. The only reason I can think of is to find out what other traits Hale might gain as time goes by. This would suggest, though, that the Black Ops did not plan for Hale to recieve those characteristics. This makes it hard to determine whether or not they expected these traits to show up. Perhaps a new theory can be formulated that they have expected some traits but not all.

Fourth Transmission:
Original Message: "Friendly interception anticipated. Abort Grayskin capture."
My Take: "Subject is about to meet up with allies. Do not secure Hale!"

Up to this moment, the Black Ops have been pretty fervently watching Hale. They are worried that their experiment may be terminated by the Chimera. They cannot let that happen at any costs. The experiment is far too valuable. Hale has got to be kept safe and nurtured under the right conditions. Since, allies are nearby, they will be able to help him. The Black Ops will not have to reveal themselves. The allies will be able to direct him through the facility so he can escape. Grayskin is obviously referring to Hale, but what the title actually means is anybody's guess. As of now, it could be metaphorical. The 'skin' could refer to Human, while the 'Gray' to the Chimerean traits. This would establish the idea of Nate being a hybrid. Which is not too far from base. One thing to note, though, is that it is said multiple times that throughout the game Nathan Hale continues to get more and more Chimerean traits. This could still work for a hybrid, but it could also mean he is becoming a Chimera.

Fifth Transmission:
Original Message: "Friendly intelligence chatter positive to Grayskin's resistance."
My Take: "Ally/Allies demeanor/conversations suggest knowing of Hale's changes."

Somehow, through observation, the Black Ops figured out that Parker had caught on to the Chimerean traits that were now presenting themselves in Hale. This is obviously a concern for them as they are reporting it in the first place. Why? I have no idea. Whatever the reason, one thing is for sure. They do not want this sort of intelligence to fall into even Allied hands. This is the first time I begin to believe that Hale is a catalyst somehow for something much bigger. They still want the secret weapon, though. This makes me begin to think that they need both in order to carry out their plans. Maybe both have got to be used in conjunction to carry out whatever plan they have in mind. As many others, I also feel that an Angel was inside the containment cell in the convoy. This would mean that the connection between the Angel and Hale is paramount to the Black Ops' plan. Maybe once Hale reaches his full potential with the Chimerean traits, he will be able to command the Angels (telepathically?) as he is able to resist the Angel's own commands.

Wow! That is a lot of text I wrote. Well, hopefully, some will enjoy the analysis, but as you can see it is not complete. That is just the first two stages. I will get to the others later, but, right now, it is getting quite late. Go ahead and feel free to comment, as well. I look forward to all thoughts and discussions. :D


TEH-CJ said:
What!? resistance 2 screen??

i cant view it! :(

work blocked it, can someone plz upload it to another place :(

I'm sorry, I didn't know anybody would actually believe it. It is a real life photo of a man in a jet. The comment was meant for humor. Sorry if I let your hopes up. Check out my plot analysis, though. It's good stuff. :D


Sailor Stevenson
Basch said:
I'm sorry, I didn't know anybody would actually believe it. It is a real life photo of a man in a jet. The comment was meant for humor. Sorry if I let your hopes up. Check out my plot analysis, though. It's good stuff. :D

Not just any man!

The Jer

Basch said:
*Lots of stuff. I'm not quoting it all.*

- I think "non-uniform opposition" could also be the cloven. But, the chimera is a probably a better bet.

- I think that the UK intelligence having incomplete data has nothing to do with the americans and the black-ops. The black-ops even existing is testimony that the americans are being deceiving and not letting the UK military know they even have troops there. The very idea that they are sneaking around following Hale and seeing what he does makes it obvious that they are being deceiving. And, from RFOMPS3.com, it is clear that they know ALOT about the chimeran "invasion" already and they aren't telling anyone. The american government is keeping it a secret.

- I think Hale is just quiet. Anytime he doesn't say something it's because he's "the strong, silent type."

- HA. I'm not sure Hale and Parker have a "thing" for each other. Heck, maybe they do. But it's far from a sure thing. I think you would care for anyone, care for anyone that's been through alot, care for anyone you've been through alot with, care for someone who saved your life, and want to save someone who almost single-handedly saved the country. But, hey, who knows.

- More than anything, I think the second transmission means, "spire launch! get the heck out of there!" But, "observe any resistance" could also mean alot of things. "resistance" could be hale, the british troops, or the cloven.

- "red" is certainly the chimera and "grayskin" is certainly hale.

- they are definitely watching Hale's infection process as closely as possible and they don't seem as if they already know what is going to happen with them. it does seem like an experiment where they are not already positive on the results.

- Hale is resisting infection. It kind of gives new meaning to the title "Resistance" :)


when is my burrito
It's my opinion that
the secret weapon that the Americans were supposed to get wasn't an Angel or whatever, it was Hale. I think that the American government did something to Hale or maybe his entire unit in an attempt to field-test an anti-virus to the chimeran virus. But instead of finding that Hale completely resisted the virus like they planned, they found that his body adapted to the virus. That would have been an unexpected result and would make Hale as a test subject all the more interesting. So a working anti-virus could have been the "weapon" the Americans were trying to get.

For lack of better terminology, I've used virus a lot of times but I'm not at all convinced that that is what the Chimera are.

Hale and Parker having a thing for each other smacks of fan-fiction to me. Seemed pretty platonic to me.


The Jer said:
- I think "non-uniform opposition" could also be the cloven. But, the chimera is a probably a better bet.

I thought about that, but then non-uniform opposition would stand for unorganized military unit. That would mean Cloven were sighted by the time of the transmission. Which is perfectly fine, but when taking the message as a whole it means that either they must have engaged the unit or the troops arriving to secure the landing site did. The latter is not true. So if they did, I would think they would have more information to report because it seems they do not have much information on them as of yet. But like you said, it could work. It is just that right now everything connects easier if the term refers to Chimera.

The Jer said:
- I think that the UK intelligence having incomplete data has nothing to do with the americans and the black-ops. The black-ops even existing is testimony that the americans are being deceiving and not letting the UK military know they even have troops there. The very idea that they are sneaking around following Hale and seeing what he does makes it obvious that they are being deceiving. And, from RFOMPS3.com, it is clear that they know ALOT about the chimeran "invasion" already and they aren't telling anyone. The american government is keeping it a secret.

I agree that the Black Ops and the Grace Administration is decieving the world and being a bunch of pricks, but I also think the fact that the UK having incomplete data is also fairly important. It shows that most of the world probably doesn't know the truth about Hale, and is probably why Noah Grace even considered the proposal. They obviously want to keep everyone in the dark and what better way then to take over the Angel research. This also brings up a new question. Why would they want to leave everyone else in the dark? Why don't they want the others to know? Is it something so horrible that allies may respond inversely to the Black Ops' intentions? A lot to think about.

The Jer said:
- I think Hale is just quiet. Anytime he doesn't say something it's because he's "the strong, silent type."

Could be, but the reason why it would make sense if he felt betrayed or pissed is because previously he had spoke with Parker quite extensively. She reported this in one of the cinematics. It just makes it sound all the more feasible when you add this to his "no guinea pig" mandate coupled with his Manchester venture in place of the lab experiments. Also, another nice reference to this is the cinematic where Hale shoots the Angel to death. To me, he looked plenty pissed.

The Jer said:
- HA. I'm not sure Hale and Parker have a "thing" for each other. Heck, maybe they do. But it's far from a sure thing. I think you would care for anyone, care for anyone that's been through alot, care for anyone you've been through alot with, care for someone who saved your life, and want to save someone who almost single-handedly saved the country. But, hey, who knows.

She has a thing for the hero types. Trust me. :lol In all seriousness, though, that is a very possible theory. It is just not that romantic, and I bet Insomniac are trying to get some loving in this. :D Plus, it seems Naughty Dog and Sucker Punch are trying to incorporate romance in their new IP. Insomniac has got to keep up the similarities and include some as well, because it is always fun watching similar but different takes on the "Group's" works.

The Jer said:
- More than anything, I think the second transmission means, "spire launch! get the heck out of there!" But, "observe any resistance" could also mean alot of things. "resistance" could be hale, the british troops, or the cloven.

Unless they have the resistance as well, I think they are watching from afar. But if they were close, like you said, they would need to get out of there. "Observe the resistance" could refer to Hale, the British troops, or both. I doubt it refers to the Cloven, though. The Spire attacks usually call for Carriers to enter and pick up the infected so they can take them to Conversion centers. With Cartwright saying that the Cloven regard both Human and Chimera as enemies, I think they would stay away until the Carriers are gone. By then Hale would be gone and the Black Ops would need to follow. They would not have time to observe them as well. Unless, as others theorized, the Cloven and Chimera have a secret agreement, but then you would think there would be more spottings of the Cloven. If the agreement does hold true, it would have to be a very loose agreement as to insure their secrecy.

The Jer said:
- "red" is certainly the chimera and "grayskin" is certainly hale.

I'll stick with red as enemies because blue would then mean allies and that prevents yet another code word being used to descripe something else: the Cloven. But, yes, "grayskin" is obviously Hale. We are beginning to crack the mystery! :lol What do you think of the hybrid/Chimera argument?

The Jer said:
- they are definitely watching Hale's infection process as closely as possible and they don't seem as if they already know what is going to happen with them. it does seem like an experiment where they are not already positive on the results.

Yes, it does seem as if they do not know everything. But because they put him out on the field like this, to be discovered, makes me think they expected some things. They planned for the resistance to negate the effects of the physical transformation, or else their patient could have ended up under the command of the Angels. I believe they also planned for the superior control over the Angel through that very same connection. How much else they could have known remains uncertain. But it will be interesting to find out to say the least.

The Jer said:
- Hale is resisting infection. It kind of gives new meaning to the title "Resistance" :)

Not completely, as shown by the Chimeraen traits. But yes, the ability to resist the Angel's commands gives a whole new meaning to "Resistance".

Sorry if it seemed I was a bit assertive. I spoke as if one reason would have to mean another. This is because I treated the whole of my thoughts as a theory; trying to say if this possibility is true, I see it happening this way. Of course, there is all sorts of other possibilities, and I enjoy listening to them. These are just my ideas. But this is quite fun. Keep it coming. More discussion! :lol

P.S. I will try to get my other thoughts down by tonight. I will get into a whole lot more the further we get into the game. :D


tanod said:
It's my opinion that
the secret weapon that the Americans were supposed to get wasn't an Angel or whatever, it was Hale. I think that the American government did something to Hale or maybe his entire unit in an attempt to field-test an anti-virus to the chimeran virus. But instead of finding that Hale completely resisted the virus like they planned, they found that his body adapted to the virus. That would have been an unexpected result and would make Hale as a test subject all the more interesting. So a working anti-virus could have been the "weapon" the Americans were trying to get.

For lack of better terminology, I've used virus a lot of times but I'm not at all convinced that that is what the Chimera are.

Hale and Parker having a thing for each other smacks of fan-fiction to me. Seemed pretty platonic to me.

I actually think the secret weapon is both Hale and the Angel together. Their connection is what the Black Ops wanted, I think. But I do agree, they did mess with Hale, just not any of the troops. Just like you though, I do not think the Black Ops suspected everything, but I do think they expected some things.

I have to say, I am with you on the terminology as well. Every time I used the word virus or infection I become increasingly hesitant. They seem like a race to me. I will continue to use the words though, but I will try to limit it in reference to the conversion process only as it is not natural for the Humans to undergo the change: hence, infection.

Come on, though. There has got to be some romance. I can't be the only one that sees it. Their professions are quite different, and I think they do have similar ideals. It is just that it is hardly apparent to eachother as of now. This makes me think it may not be platonic. But, I am open to whatever idea Insomniac has concocted.


~Devil Trigger~ said:
i wanna say something, but jsteve will laugh at me :(

Spill it! Spill it! He laughs at you because he doesn't want you to discover the truth: reverse psychology. :lol

On a side note, I can't believe I didn't spoiler my last post. I hope no one saw it before it was edited. :D

The Jer

~Devil Trigger~ said:
i wanna say something, but jsteve will laugh at me :(


he's watching you


when is my burrito
Chiggs said:
Is this game worth playing again for the unlocked weapons? Are they worth it?

Yes. Absolutely. Backlash grenades, arc charger, and the dual pistols are a lot of fun to use. This is especially so if you're playing on harder difficulties.


Chiggs said:
Is this game worth playing again for the unlocked weapons? Are they worth it?

Definitely, yes. I am going through the Hard Campaign myself, and have already unlocked the Reaper Carbines. They are very fun to use. It can be quite challenging to master, as well.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
jstevenson said:
Well - executing a roll and taking a pic with your cell phone while hanging upside down is a bit of a challenge. :lol
Not nearly as challenging as it would be to balance the difficulty of an R&C game to David Jaffe's liking though.


jstevenson said:
Well - executing a roll and taking a pic with your cell phone while hanging upside down is a bit of a challenge. :lol

Oh, Mother of Mercy! You're making me nauseous just thinking about it. :lol

Reminds me of playing against my neighbor when playing Resistance, he can annhilate me and anybody else all while texting on his cell phone. Embarassing! :lol Killing Chimera by the dozens... Texting a friend states away. Killing the Flood... Texting a girlfriend about the finer things in life. Watching Lord of the Rings... Providing counsel to the emotionally distraught via, you guessed it, Texting. I swear to God, he can do anything while texting. :D


jstevenson said:
Well - executing a roll and taking a pic with your cell phone while hanging upside down is a bit of a challenge. :lol

Woah! That got you a lot of skill points for ya! What you unlocked!? Will there be an airplane sequence in Resistance 2? Or at least show airplanes carpet bombing in R2.


jstevenson said:
For the lazy:
David Jaffe said:
Ok, I just could not stay away! There was this longing to keep playing, this desire to feel- once again- just how good that game controls, to see the amazing graphics. I just felt CALLED to go back and keep playing, even though I was really frustrated by hitting 4 difficulty spikes in a row. I also saw alot of folks comment on this blog about how I really should not give up, as there is tons of cool stuff is waiting for me post dino island. So I'm back to playing it...and back to loving it! I never was a massive Ratchet fan before, but this thing has made a true fan out of me...so much so that Ratchet is my new wallpaper! Check it!

So I figured out where the game- for me- broke down. And it's not so much a design issue as it is a communication issue.

See, I had only played the earlier Ratchet games for about an hour or so each. I always respected them but they never engaged me to the point that I ever wanted to play for any other reason than to just see the game, get the idea, and then move on. And because of that, I never understood the importance of buying new weapons and powering those weapons up. As I played, I found a few weapons I dug and powered those up and then was like, 'cool, I got the 2-3 weapons I dig, I'm gonna pass on the rest'. And up until dino island- I forget the actual name- that served me fine; gave me a nice, even difficulty level that I was loving. But then the AI got tougher and since I had not bothered to power up more than a few weapons- or even bothered to ever really USE any of the 10-15 other weapons I had purchased (beyond an initial 'lemme try this out and see what it does' phase), I got my ass kicked and subsequently, lost heart and lost interest.

Thanks to many commenters on this blog for explaining that in Ratchet the multiple weapons and powering those weapons up are key to the game. For me, this was not made clear at all in the game itself- the only real flaw I can find in the title so far-and if it was not for your comments, I would have missed out on what is probably going to be my Game of the Year. So thanks!


You guys are way too naive. It's pretty obvious what happened here:

Insomniac henchman: "Sir, the internet people demand Resistance2 details."
James Stevenson: "Damn, it's too early" *bitesfist*
Insomniac henchman: "We tried another map pack, but it's not working"
James Stevenson: "We need a diversion ... READY THE PLANE!"
Insomniac henchman: "Awesome!" *backslaps*


ChryZ said:
You guys are way too naive. It's pretty obvious what happened here:

Insomniac henchman: "Sir, the internet people demand Resistance2 details."
James Stevenson: "Damn, it's too early" *bitesfist*
Insomniac henchman: "We tried another map pack, but it's not working"
James Stevenson: "We need a diversion ... READY THE PLANE!"
Insomniac henchman: "Awesome!" *backslaps*

Yeah, what's with that? :lol

He is trying to trick us. He doesn't want us to unfoil the plot before the game releases. Resist their distraction; persevere! ~Devil Trigger~, quick, give us your ideas on the story! Do not leave any details out. :D


when is my burrito
ChryZ said:
You guys are way too naive. It's pretty obvious what happened here:

Insomniac henchman: "Sir, the internet people demand Resistance2 details."
James Stevenson: "Damn, it's too early" *bitesfist*
Insomniac henchman: "We tried another map pack, but it's not working"
James Stevenson: "We need a diversion ... READY THE PLANE!"
Insomniac henchman: "Awesome!" *backslaps*

I just got a good idea. Hold on.
Basch said:
I was able to play some Resistance last night. I bumped up the sensitivity to eight. I think I perform quite well at that setting. I will play with it some more to see if it is just right.

In Resistance 2, I hope we're allowed to change our sensitivity setting on-the-fly in MP. I think that would be the one small tweak I would enjoy most.


when is my burrito
Pristine_Condition said:
In Resistance 2, I hope we're allowed to change our sensitivity setting on-the-fly in MP. I think that would be the one small tweak I would enjoy most.

I would like to able to fine tune my sensitivity. 'The Darkness" had a like 8 options going into control sensitivity and the default set up was crap so it made the game a real chore to play and even figure out what was good. I wish there was something inbetween where you could set your sensitivity on a scale like Resistance but then you could also tweak the settings individually.

So for example, my sensitivity is 6 now but I would like to have a sensitivity of 4 with horizontal acceleration +3 and vertical sensitivity +2.

I'm able to aim more steadily and am a better shot at lower sensitivities but I hate not being able to turn around and get somebody behind me and I hate jumping down from a catwalk and having to stare at the ground for a second while I'm looking up.


viralmarketeer said:
Are you hitting on him or are you saying he shot down some angels? I'm confused.

I'm not Anakin Skywalker. :lol I was referring to the idea that Angels are believed by children to exist in the sky. The redone photo had the text, "The Chimerans. I'm searching for them." So keeping in the spirit of the game, I decided to play on childrens' beliefs combining Angels in the skies and the Chimeran Angels. The redone photo you did made me think he was shooting down the Angels. You know what... just forget it. :lol It was intended to be a joke that must have went horridly bad. I think you will get the picture now. :D

And for everyone's future reference, I'm a guy. Don't want people to confuse me for a female because of my name. :D
Basch said:
I'm not Anakin Skywalker. :lol I was referring to the idea that Angels are believed by children to exist in the sky. The redone photo had the text, "The Chimerans. I'm searching for them." So keeping in the spirit of the game, I decided to play on childrens' beliefs combining Angels in the skies and the Chimeran Angels. The redone photo you did made me think he was shooting down the Angels. You know what... just forget it. :lol It was intended to be a joke that must have went horridly bad. I think you will get the picture now. :D

And for everyone's future reference, I'm a guy. Don't want people to confuse me for a female because of my name. :D

...you would have been better off just saying you were hitting on him.

Geeze. :lol
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