Oh, forgot to mention, I just got through the Manchester, Nottingham, and Cheshire stages on Hard. And, well, they were hard. Deliciously so!

The enemies actually made me break a sweat. For once, I finally felt like I was in the middle of a war. I could not afford to drop my guard. The game required me to think at all times. This has got to be one of the funnest games I have ever played in like... forever.

This game is so intense that it wipes the floor with Halo's legendary mode. At least to me. Does anybody else think so?
By the way, before I go on, I must say the music in this game is astounding. I remember when making my way through the Manchester Cathedral, after overcoming the impossible odds of surviving the millions of Leapers (more on that later

), and upon arriving at the barred up archway the foresight of certain doom kicked in. The world slowed down before my eyes, and before I could do anything the haunting riffs began to chant against me. An explosion of dust and debris clouded my vision and with it my hopes for survival. As I looked to escape the oncoming madness, the bolts ripped through the darkness. As the lasers honed in on their target the world was slowly set back into motion. I was able to move, but the terrifying chords kept me at bay. I didn't know what to do. I only had a quarter of my health bar left and had used all of the Sem-bac Serums. This was not going to go well. As fast as I could, I smashed into [O], but low and behold no grenade would come. I had used them all. The Hardfangs had emerged.
Panic set in. The lasers ever closer. I couldn't go down like this. I had made it so far (Leapers reference). I had run out of time. The M5A2 Carbine would be my friend. Quickly, I began to weave through the first barrage. I felt my finger squeeze the trigger. Bullets sprayed across the aisle. I watched as they pelted the aggressors. Each and every bullet slamming into their heads. I emptied my clip.
"Reload!" I told myself. A click. To my horror I had no ammo left. I was forced to switch my gun. In that instant, I
was Hale. I felt the frustration of it all. Angrily, I threw the gun to the floor. But then I remembered, that a controller was in my hand. I was surprised. I looked up, and the enemies were able to clear half the distance. It was do or die. I swapped out my gun and traded it for the Bullseye. I thought to myself,
"How the hell am I supposed to do this? How am I supposed to tag them while dodging all of these bullets? I can't do this!"
The second barage came. This time though, if I couldn't make my mark, I would sure as hell make them dance. While gliding through the hail of fire, my eye strayed down the barrel of the Bullseye. An enemy. He was in line of sight. Without thinking, the tag was let loose: instinct. No time to pray.
Fire! A satisfactory
bleep greeted my ear. I stopped.
"I did not just.." Then I realized the enemies paid no heed and were still charging. Disbelief settled in. I pressed the trigger. The rest was done for me.
"Focus on the weaving." As the shots drove home into the enemy. I couldn't help but stare. And then, collapse. He toppled over and was falling to the ground.
"Yes!!!" I thought. But I soon found out, victory was claimed too soon. He was merely crouched over and pulled himself back up. My lips said it for me,
"Oh, f***." His partner was on top of me.
"$h*t! $h*t! $h*t! $h*t" I galloped back and sought for higher firepower. The Auger! "
If they want to use it on me, they better be ready to take it right back." I let loose a dozen rounds.
"Forget the head! Just hit him!" It wan't working. I had missed too many, and I would die if I kept it up. I needed to hit! I swapped out for my shotgun, but the moment I swung it out my trigger finger was held. Both shells exploded from the barrels.
"$h*t!!!" Early. He cleared the rest of the distance and...
WHAM! His gun was brought down upon me. I dropped to the ground; my legs giving out from under me, and with it my sight as well. I died.
I stared longingly at the screen.
"I had done so much." My frown gave way to a smirk. Now I could play it again. Throwing myself back into the battle, I worked my way back to the fight, and this time I won. For my success, I was greeted with an epic finale to the song that thought it had forseen my death. I couldn't help but think,
"Amazing." No other game had done this for me. This is what Resistance is all about.
Now, I had mentioned earlier about the part with the Leapers. Is it just me, or was that incredibly hard? The two guys who are there to help you, are quickly claimed by the viscious little scorpions unless you send bullets into the ones that attach themselves to their faces. I tried to save them. I shot the little devils off them, but by the time I did, the other hundred were at my back stabbing me. I would then run to try to gain some distance, but then the guttural screams would ring into my ears. My squadmates were dead. I continued to run in circles through the pews and aisles: every so often turning around to pick a few off at a time. When I turned back around, though, Leapers were jumping at me from the front. I took massive damage, and collected as much Serums as I could. I died a few times here as well, but each time I perfected my strategy. Eventually, I got past it. I did everything I previously listed but with a few adjustments. I made wider circles when running around and bounced all grenades off pillars as I past them. Except for the slung ones on the M5A2. I fired those.

This was difficult. Did you guys experience the same thing? Maybe I wasn't going about it the right way. Good times, good times.
There are so many other fights I would to relay as well, but it is quite late. I will let you know, however, that one of the fights involved ten to twelve Chimera in a narrow street on the third level in Manchester, and, without support, killing every single one with all sorts of weapons and barely living to tell the tale. Let me just say that when it came down to the last Chimeran, a Hedgehog, non-existing health, and a window, what a lovely combination that can be. :lol The other fight involved fighting Titans. I never knew a scream could hurt so much. Man was I tense.
Oh, and one last thing. I don't think it is said enough, but this game has one hell of a physics engine. I could actually anticipate how things would react and respond appropriately with realistic effects. Forget the Havok engine! This is where its at.
So, in the end, I guess you could say I had a pretty good gaming time.