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Resistance: Fall of Man - The Official Thread

Man, there had better be keyboard and mouse support for Resistance 2. If not for MP then at least for SP. Do what's right for those who are physically incapable of playing with gamepads, Insomniacs.


Being a first party franchise they will most likely solely promote the gamepad as the control device of choice (though adding the m/k option for singleplayer would be a nice bonus).
You're probably right, and that's very unfortunate. I guess if that FragFX thing wasn't the POS it's said to be everything would be gravy, but of course that clown company couldn't get it right.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Yeah, if it comes with kb+m controls.

Agreed. I dusted off my game and tried multiplayer again. Pretty fun but I just can't play it with a pad. Hopefully the sequel supports kb/m.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Yeah, if it comes with kb+m controls.
Ahh come on. I'm all for kb+m but it seems like it messes with the online community. Cause there would have to be kb+m only games then gamepad only games. But this game will hopefully sell a lot so the # of users isn't that big of a deal.

I want to get UT3 and try out kb+m on ps3 but Unreal isn't really my type of game. Maybe when some insane mods come out I'll get it. I've never play a UT ever I'm pretty sure.

Bearillusion said:
Pad only thanks. Also keep it at 30fps.
Hell yes keep it at 30fps because they could put way more on screen.

I really wonder about the frame rate since ratchet is 60fps with some pretty damn amazing textures. Maybe they could go 60fps.

But honestly I know frame-rate since I have Counter Strike Source. I have COD4 on ps3 I know it 60 fps but it doesn't do all that much for me. I've gone back to Resistance several times and 30fps is fine.


Wollan said:
Rock solid 30fps @ 720p with a lot of shit is the way to go.

They needed a major lighting and shadowing upgrade and keeping at 720p @30fps is definitely the way to go. Yep yep.
Wollan said:
Rock solid 30fps @ 720p with a lot of shit is the way to go.
Preach it!
Kittonwy said:
They needed a major lighting and shadowing upgrade and keeping at 720p @30fps is definitely the way to go. Yep yep.

What about depth of field like COD4 *drool**** And better light too of course.

Although I thought the lighting was pretty good in the first game, like when using the flashlight shadows would appear behind chairs and tables.
InterMoniker said:
Ahh come on. I'm all for kb+m but it seems like it messes with the online community.

That's why I'm saying that if nothing else, it would be good if it was available for SP. I'm not talking just from the perspective of a PC gamer that just happens to prefer kb+m, I'm physically incapable of playing first person games with pad controls at this point. I liked Resistance a whole lot, and it just now dawned on me that I might be unable to enjoy the sequel due to limited control options.

InterMoniker said:
Although I thought the lighting was pretty good in the first game, like when using the flashlight shadows would appear behind chairs and tables.

It had its moments, but like many other things in Resistance it was pretty inconsistent, and that tarnished the impression quite a bit. As much as I liked the variety of Resistance, I hope there is more of a focus on consistency for the sequel.

Assuming I can even play it :(

The Jer

Resistance is very, very solid graphically. there really isn't anything wrong or annoying, which is more important than a game looking beautiful (pretty textures, etc.), imo. resistance 2 needs to be just as solid.

also, it's gonna need more consistent textures. some of the textures were just OMG amazing. windows, wood floorboards and cabinets, the honeycomb walls in the later levels, etc. but the rest was just bleh, imo. not bad, by any means, but not great either. this was fine for a launch game and a game that came out a year ago. but, when resistance 2 is going to need all its textures to be great or amazing, with nothing bleh. that, in addition to remaining solid graphically.

*edit: crap, beaten by andrews


the lighting just needs an overhaul, really. sometimes the game can look downright ugly, depending on the level/map.

wouldn't mind a little motion blur here and there either. and some more robust physics, particle effects.
JB1981 said:
Halo 3 beats the shit out of it.

Really, how so? I haven't played Halo 3 SP so educate me, how are the H3 physics more robust than what's in Resistance? I don't recall a single moment of "unrealistic" (relative to the game world rules) physics performance in Resistance.

edit: I guess the jeep felt kind of, er, weird. Not sure if that was really an issue with physics, but it definitely felt "off".

The Jer

AltogetherAndrews said:
Huh? I can't think of a game with more robust physics than this one.
actually, i'd agree with him (JB) here. this is another area that needs consistency. and i talked about it not too long ago in this thread:

The Jer said:
The physics is pretty cool. Lots of stuff that feels well done. However, there are a few things that make it feel incomplete. Take the playground in Manchester for example. You can make the teeter-totter teeter by shooting it, melee-ing it (and I believe with grenades and dead bodies). However, if I (a live body), walk to the high end and stand on it, the teeter-totter will not totter. The playground (teeter-totter, swings, and merry-go-round), in general, feels this way. Some stuff that is really cool, but sometimes it feels incomplete. (Perhaps Half Life 2 has caused me to expect too much from playgrounds :p).
Resistance is that way, in general. Some things that are oh-my-gawd, absolutely incredible. And some things that are mediocre (not bad, just not awesome).


AltogetherAndrews said:
Really, how so? I haven't played Halo 3 SP so educate me, how are the H3 physics more robust than what's in Resistance?
vehicle physics, particle effects, the way grenades impact the environment/vehicles. have you even SEEN Rocket Race w/ the Mongooses? The Warthog alone moving through a map like Valhalla has more impressive physics than anything in Resistnace.

i guess glass breaks nice in resistance but the physics really aren't all that amazing. you can shoot energy orb things and they send some shit flying but other than that, there ain't much going on there.
JB1981 said:
Halo 3 beats the shit out of it.
You have got to be fuckin kidding me. Vehicles yes but not on characters or ragdolls.
The Jer said:
The physics is pretty cool. Lots of stuff that feels well done. However, there are a few things that make it feel incomplete. Take the playground in Manchester for example. You can make the teeter-totter teeter by shooting it, melee-ing it (and I believe with grenades and dead bodies). However, if I (a live body), walk to the high end and stand on it, the teeter-totter will not totter. The playground (teeter-totter, swings, and merry-go-round), in general, feels this way. Some stuff that is really cool, but sometimes it feels incomplete. (Perhaps Half Life 2 has caused me to expect too much from playgrounds :p).
Resistance is that way, in general. Some things that are oh-my-gawd, absolutely incredible. And some things that are mediocre (not bad, just not awesome).
Yeah I agree some things like that were stiff.

I'm sure the physics will be improved.
JB1981 said:
vehicle physics, particle effects, the way grenades impact the environment/vehicles. have you even SEEN Rocket Race w/ the Mongooses? The Warthog alone moving through a map like Valhalla has more impressive physics than anything in Resistnace.

i guess glassy breaks nice in resistance but the physics really aren't all that amazing. you can shoot energy orb things and they send some shit flying but other than that, there ain't much going on there.

Glass breaking, hailstorm and hedgehog calucations, and the baseline physics to keep everything feeling plausible. I guess the problem I have is that you are asking for something more robust, as it sounds more like you're asking for physics to be given a more prominent role. The former I don't understand at all, but I can agree with the latter. Far Cry 2 is at the top of my wishlist, much thanks to the incredible physics they have demonstrated.

The Jer said:
actually, i'd agree with him (JB) here. this is another area that needs consistency. and i talked about it not too long ago in this thread:

Hmm, that example I can agree with. Never played around with it so I didn't spot the inconsistency, but yeah... that's a general issue with Resistance.


InterMoniker said:
You have got to be fuckin kidding me. Vehicles yes but not on characters or ragdolls.
Yeah I agree some things like that were stiff.

I'm sure the physics will be improved.
what's going on with the ragdolls that is so advanced?


Vehicle physics can definitely be improved upon, especially the Jeep, but I don't want to see guys flying across the map when they get hit with a frag or melee. Halo physics should stay in Halo, they fit very well in that world. Let Resistance do its own thing.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
You know that game you’ve been working on, with the WWII aliens? Well, if you were planning on calling it Resistance 2, then you’d better think again. Last week Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. filed to trademark the name Resistance 2.

Last month we reported that Resistance 2 was ready for it’s pre-Alpha testing stage. Combined with the trademark information, what does this mean exactly? Just that there is a likely chance for a sequel to Resistance. It does not verify the game exists, but does provide good evidence that Insomniac Games is working on a sequel.

To read the filing visit the US Patent and Trademark Office’s website or check out trademork.com.

Patent page


Uh OH!


JStevenson, I love RFOM's MP and RFOM is the only game I have beaten(SP) on my PS3 to date.

I played RFOM for its competition mainly, I was one of the people always in the Clan section on myres.net. The clan I am in now, Nx^-The Next Level, went 96-0 on gamebattles over the last couple of seasons on GB.com and were very popular in the myres community, the clan section that is. Nx won the gamespot tournament as well, for the PSP's, we love RFOM.

Last night, we won a couple of gbs on COD, one of our leaders couldnt be on, but aimed me after we won and said, "I cant wait for RFOM2, we gonna rape on that game" We all love RFOM and count the days that RFOM2 is released. I enjoy other games, but when I am in a party with fellow clan members, we always bitch about how the game has shitty mics, no squads, party invites suck ass, lag, host leaving, etc. RFOM spoiled the hell out of us.

A request, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF KITTENS AND EVERYTHING HOLY, make your online the same as it is now just improved. Its the best online game I have ever played in terms of options. Parties, ingame messaging, ingame friends, xmb friends, lobbies, dedicated servers, 100% working mics, SQUADS FOR MIC USERS, and more.


If you asked me, I thought Halo 3 was the one that needed more work with its Physics. The melee is completely broken, the jumps annoy the hell out of me (really I should be blaming the art decisions for that one), collision detection, lack of damage amplifiers (okay, I'm being a little too picky), lack of weight calculations, balance issues (great ideas, sub-par execution), and projectile motion incapable of realistic reactions (collision detection issue). Not to say the whole system is bust, as there are quite a few areas it does right: vehicle physics (this is something Resistance could improve, but I loved the ramps in Sommerset), character animations (in certain areas like weapon reloads and reactions), and sound. Nothing amazing though. I leave that to Resistance and Half-Life 2 (kinda). I would say the only thing Resistance should take note of with Halo's physics is the vehicular areas. I think Halo could learn a few things from Resistance. :D I love Halo 3's Epitaph map. It adds some dynamic elements with the shields in doorways. The thing Halo could learn from Resistance is building Physics around objects rather than the world altogether (there can always be exceptions). I wish that sometimes I was able to stick a gun through that shield in Epitaph, but not my body, and shoot from there. It could have been that much more. This is what I think Halo is sorely missing. This is partly why I would suspect the collision detection leaves something to be desired for me as well. These are just a few notes though. I can make some more if others wish, but it is hard to do so off memory. I need to see it. Then again, I don't think I am particularly good with Physics, so I wouldn't depend on me for some of the more minute details.

With that said, I look forward to Resistance 2. I hope more news comes in; screenies too please. :D I want to see where Insomniac has decided to take the series. It will be interesting. This and inFAMOUS are probably my most anticipated games in '08. Enjoy your break Insomniacs. :D


Kittonwy said:
Thankz Sony/Insomniac for teh present but my birthday wuz yesterday.

What!? Happy frikkin' Belated Birthday Kittonwy!

Yes. Thank you Insomniac for having one of the best mulitplayer games around!


Kittonwy said:
Thankz Sony/Insomniac for teh present but my birthday wuz yesterday.

Happy Belated Birthday, Kittowny! At least it was something. :lol

My birthday is coming up as well. January 6th for me. Come on Insomniac make my day special. I have a feeling though that if they release details via magazines I might have to wait a little longer than that as I have been an extreme procrastinator renewing said magazines. But yeah, Happy Birthday Kittowny. :D


AltogetherAndrews said:
That's why I'm saying that if nothing else, it would be good if it was available for SP. I'm not talking just from the perspective of a PC gamer that just happens to prefer kb+m, I'm physically incapable of playing first person games with pad controls at this point. I liked Resistance a whole lot, and it just now dawned on me that I might be unable to enjoy the sequel due to limited control options.
Hear, hear.

I totally agree. I am not buying Resistance because just trying to play the demo with the gamepad is frickin' impossible for me.

I've only ever played PC FPSes. I am a mouse and keyboard guy. It's completely backwards and upside for me to try and control stuff with a gamepad :(

I sure hope that they patch keyboard and mouse into the game because then I'd buy it in a heatbeat. As it is, I have to miss out :(


I'm sure if you guys play with the pad enough you'll get better.

Just played some Resistance and man got my ass handed to me, well kinda. Ended up 3rd overall in a ranked tdm on bus yard. It's been so long it felt so alien to me. People were flying over headed nailing me. Wasn't much fun, although I got some awesome nade kills of my own. :D

Luckily I have awesome fps skills that can easily transfer from PC to Consoles :lol


Awesome, the Map Pack is finally available on the japanese store. Downloading it right now (God bless holidays vacations).

BTW, i thought that Sony want going to update the store this week, but the map pack just went up as well as a Sports Ski demo, Yakuza 3 trailer, Record of Agarest War themes (on sale sadly), and a bunch of other videos.
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