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Resistance: Fall of Man - The Official Thread


TheJollyCorner said:
*goes to cry in shame*
Ok, that's never gonna happen with my skills... :D

Tell me about it. I do really well in MP, but I've been playing through the game a second time on HARD and this shit is .... um ... HARD.
ok, wait... so this is what I was talking about:

Via MyResistance.net: Cloven Skin

I'm registered there, but I can't find this skin.

edit: nevermind. All I had to do was read the rest of the thread. I suck at the internetz


Have a fun! Enjoy!
TheJollyCorner said:
*goes to cry in shame*
Ok, that's never gonna happen with my skills... :D

I can send you my save file ;) (which would mean no-blood in the campain mode since it was generated on a JPN machine - blood is still there online tho)

I've got the Black-Ops skin, not the Skeleton Head
yet ;)

Edit: well, since it's easy... here it is

Be sure you backup YOUR save file in case you change your mind or just copy this one to your HDD under a different user profile.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
TheJollyCorner said:
ok, wait... so this is what I was talking about:

I'm registered there, but I can't find this skin.

edit: nevermind. All I had to do was read the rest of the thread. I suck at the internetz

Yeah, for the Clover Skin you need to link your PSN ID with the MyResistance.net profile. Sadly, I cannot do that due to the japanese thing. >:|


This weekend my roomate and I picked up a PS3 and Resistance for the hell of it. We have put countless hours into Gears, I have gotten 19 hearts now in Zelda (beat it in 43 hours, put in 61 hours now) and we have played the crap out of Wii Sports and Excite Truck. My roomate finished FFXII (not my type of game) and we figured if we have all that we have taken the best of the holiday games and played them out.... why stop now :lol

Marathon weekend of Resistance and the game is incredible. I am a bit dissapointed by the reviewers I usually trust (i.e. 1up). I really enjoyed this game from a co-op and single player standpoint more than Gears and Halo 2 (However, Halo 1 single player still is better to me).

The open battlefields of Resistance that feel like D-Day and the seige levels are amazingly well done. The weapons are so varied and to me this was just a breath of fresh air. The crazy part was the 60fps online 40v40 maps.... I did not think that was possible.

Overall, Resistance is probably my second favorite game for the holidays (behind Zelda of course) but if any of you were having hesitations, this is the beginning of a great franchise and I am a little pissed that I didn't pick up on it sooner. (It is kind of like Halo in that aspect for me because I didn't play Halo until a year after it was released and coudln't imagined what I have missed)....

For the TLDR people, try the game for 1 hour.... you will be hooked!


We have a Resistance official thread and people who have actually played it past the 2 hour mark know that this game holy **** rocks.

Safe Bet

I'm only about 3-4 hours into the SP due to playing mostly MP when I spend time with the game, however...

What I've seen so far is good.

Hint: Run 'n Gun will only get you through the first couple hours of the game. From there you really need to 'think' about how you are going to tackle a given situation.

I still wish it was a third-person game (I dislike the first-person perspective), but other than that I have few complaints so far.
In before the lock. Resistance is a very good game that gets better and better as I've played it (I'm almost done). However, in the end it's just polishing something that's been done just as well before.

On the other, Gears of War is a new kind of experience that just blew me away with both the gameplay and graphics. The cover mechanic is so well done in Gears and Rainbow 6 that it's hard to go back.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
This title has both very little, and a shit ton to live up to when I get it.

We shall see.
sprocket said:
Ive said it many times . Resistance could easily go up against HALO . But they didnt see GOW coming which 10 x better .

And is a completely different game. Good riddance, did someone just alert the clown convention of the existence of this thread?

mmlemay said:
In before the lock. Resistance is a very good game that gets better and better as I've played it (I'm almost done). However, in the end it's just polishing something that's been done just as well before.

On the other, Gears of War is a new kind of experience that just blew me away with both the gameplay and graphics. The cover mechanic is so well done in Gears and Rainbow 6 that it's hard to go back.

Rainbow Six can get back to me when they stop wussying around and implement a cover mechanic that does not involve throwing me out of the first person view. Weakest shit of the year.


time to take my meds
SnakeXs said:
No, seriously, a guy made a LttP: Resistence thread, where that guy mentioned Gears, and it got merged into this thread.

Seriously. :)
:lol Even better. Thanks SnakeXs. :)


Dahbomb said:
We have a Resistance official thread and people who have actually played it past the 2 hour mark know that this game holy **** rocks.

I disagree, and I've played past two hours (currently in installation C3). I'm not saying it's not a good game, because it is, otherwise I wouldn't bother finishing it.

I also think it's fine to compare it with Halo a bit, there is nothing wrong with it. It plays somewhat similar to it, at least to me it does, but as I've stated before I just don't care for Sgt. Hale (BTW JT why is he wearing Cpt. bars instead of Sgt. stripes?) all that much.

Truth be told, I have yet to delve into the multiplayer aspect of this, once I'm done with the SP campaign, I'll give that a shot.
Treo360 said:
I disagree, and I've played past two hours (currently in installation C3). I'm not saying it's not a good game, because it is, otherwise I wouldn't bother finishing it.

I also think it's fine to compare it with Halo a bit, there is nothing wrong with it. It plays somewhat similar to it, at least to me it does, but as I've stated before I just don't care for Sgt. Hale (BTW JT why is he wearing Cpt. bars instead of Sgt. stripes?) all that much.

Truth be told, I have yet to delve into the multiplayer aspect of this, once I'm done with the SP campaign, I'll give that a shot.

I don't think he's supposed to be the star of the show anyway, in fact I don't think any person is supposed to be the star of the show. Weapons, certain enemies, those are the real divas here. The other possible explanation for the lack of stage presence would be that Insomniac failed to give the character, well, character, but that sounds pretty unlikely given how many memorable characters the company has successfully introduced in their previous games. If you check out the document section, you'll see that it offers more information on monsters and weapons than the game in its entirety ever dedicates to the Hale character.

And going by the way the story progresses, I don't think Hale will be the main character of Resistance II, at least not in terms of being a playable lead.


As far as the online experience goes there's nothing on a competing next-gen console that can match this game, currently. Nothing else out there has dedicated servers, resulting in the smoothest, most lag-free online console shooter ever. Nothing else out there has a create-a-party system that allows you to search for ranked or unranked games. Nothing else out there has 20v20 player epic battles with an in-game squad system that makes it easier to coordinate and execute attacks. No other games has such deep and extensive stat tracking. No other game out there does any of these things and none of them do it free of charge.


JB1981 said:
As far as the online experience goes there's nothing on a competing next-gen console that can match this game, currently. Nothing else out there has dedicated servers, resulting in the smoothest, most lag-free online console shooter ever. Nothing else out there has a create-a-party system that allows you to search for ranked or unranked games. Nothing else out there has 20v20 player epic battles with an in-game squad system that makes it easier to coordinate and execute attacks. No other games has such deep and extensive stat tracking. No other game out there does any of these things and none of them do it free of charge.

Thats why I don't understand why this game isn't getting the praise other games are getting. It seems people just infer that the game isn't all that because its online on a Sony console who apparently can't do online right.
Big-E said:
Thats why I don't understand why this game isn't getting the praise other games are getting. It seems people just infer that the game isn't all that because its online on a Sony console who apparently can't do online right.

I honestly think it hasn't been available to enough people. I think a lot of reviews were also rushed out, with little time given to appreciate all options and how well it's really put together. Aside from the ranking issues and some invisibility bug, it's also been relatively bug free, and that's honestly more important than anything else when you are addressing potential buyers. Certain games get high ratings in regards to online components, components that later turn out to be flawed. Some follow-up articles to earlier reviews might be warranted at this point. But, I guess that's what gamer testimonials like the ones in this thread are for.

Safe Bet

I swear I hate the rocket launcher...

I'm mean what are you suppose to do when you see someone with one, run and hide?

About the stats question...

Yeah, mine haven't updated in over a week.

They say they are aware of it so let's hope it gets fixed now that the Holidays are over.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Not sure where else to ask this, but does anyone know how to prevent the PS3 from auto-loading games (like say... Resistance) upon bootup?

I'm crawled through the XMB and just can't find it, despite getting assurances from a friend at work that it is indeed possible to toggle such a feature.

Thanks in advance!
I finally got a headset, now you peoples need to get one (if you don't have one already).

And I'll join people online soon enough, I've just been rushing through the SP on Superhuman (surprisingly alot easier with the new weapons and frags) to get the black ops skin :)
Mejilan said:
Not sure where else to ask this, but does anyone know how to prevent the PS3 from auto-loading games (like say... Resistance) upon bootup?

I'm crawled through the XMB and just can't find it, despite getting assurances from a friend at work that it is indeed possible to toggle such a feature.

Thanks in advance!

Create a second user.


Mejilan said:
Not sure where else to ask this, but does anyone know how to prevent the PS3 from auto-loading games (like say... Resistance) upon bootup?

I'm crawled through the XMB and just can't find it, despite getting assurances from a friend at work that it is indeed possible to toggle such a feature.

Thanks in advance!

You can hold down R1 and L1 from startup and continue to hold it til the XMB loads and the game wont start.


I heard the prototype PS3s loaded into the XMB if you kept the PS Button pressed instead of clicking it (or visa versa). I'm not sure if that carried over to the final consumer product.
Safe Bet said:
I swear I hate the rocket launcher...

I'm mean what are you suppose to do when you see someone with one, run and hide?

Roll out the Auger and pray you get a shield up in time. :D But yeah, the rocket launcher is pretty much instant death if you're anywhere in the open.

Speaking of the LAARK, as much as I hate being killed by the thing it did contribute to the most entertaining suicide of an opponent in all my years playing online FPS. I was in a ranked DM game and this guy managed to miss me with the rocket completely, just whiffed it right past me. Somehow he had the presence of mind to hit the air break in time (or maybe he was setting it up trying to be cute, I don't know). As I was still circle strafing he tried to hit me from behind and missed me again, this time putting the rocket right in his own lap. Faaantastic. These are the times when you wish there was some kind of instant video recording feature.


sex vacation in Guam
Safe Bet said:
I swear I hate the rocket launcher...

I'm mean what are you suppose to do when you see someone with one, run and hide?

About the stats question...

Yeah, mine haven't updated in over a week.

They say they are aware of it so let's hope it gets fixed now that the Holidays are over.

Bulleye: Tag 'em with bulleye, cover, shoot, dead.
Carbine: Alt fire granade, he's dead
Auger: Shield back up, destroy with any other weapon.
Fareye: Hard but head shot before he launches, a jump away from where he targets would help.
Rossmore: Two close shots hes dead.
Every other weapon: Use wisely, he's dead.

Seriously my Game of the MF year. Reviewers should seriously relook at their grading systems because something is awefully wrong when a game like this scores below a 9. I know the gaming media is a joke but they should at least try not to be so transparent about it.

BTW the most fun I have had in multiplayer on a console.


sex vacation in Guam
Wollan said:
I'm sure Insomniac would like you to consider R&C later this year. :p
It would be harder for you since in Aussy land you have to choose between R&C and Resistance for GOTY 2007 :p

I am sure R&C will be in my top 10 however with MGS4, FFXIII (I wish), Halo 3, DMC4, Naughty Dog game, Lair, White Knight, KillZone, Motorstorm (have the jap version already) heavenly sword and coming out next year it's going to be a hell of a year.


Wollan said:
I'm sure Insomniac would like you to consider R&C later this year. :p

That's coming later this year? For realz? Damn. That interview you posted a couple days with the guys from Insomniac sounded very promising. They basically said the game is going to blow people away. I know it's their game and all but I'd be lying if I said it didn't get me excited. ;)


Killzone will most likely not make it this year. FFXIII guaranteed not.

The R&C tech demonstration at GDC last year was mindblowing and with Insomniac pretty much having two teams I'm personally expecting to see that game this year in november or so.


sex vacation in Guam
AltogetherAndrews said:
I don't think he's supposed to be the star of the show anyway, in fact I don't think any person is supposed to be the star of the show. Weapons, certain enemies, those are the real divas here. The other possible explanation for the lack of stage presence would be that Insomniac failed to give the character, well, character, but that sounds pretty unlikely given how many memorable characters the company has successfully introduced in their previous games. If you check out the document section, you'll see that it offers more information on monsters and weapons than the game in its entirety ever dedicates to the Hale character.

And going by the way the story progresses, I don't think Hale will be the main character of Resistance II, at least not in terms of being a playable lead.
I disagree. I think they are building him up. The first game was all about introducing you to the Chimera. The enemies and how they function is chapter one if you will. I am positive Chapters 2 and 3 and beyond will have more backstory on hale, perhaps he
turns into a special kind of chimera or joins the cloven guys since they have all scaped from chimera transformation

The story seems really deep and small clues for what is to come are done in great fashion. It is taking more of a movie trilogy pacing.

Wollan said:
Killzone will most likely not make it this year. FFXIII guaranteed not.

The R&C tech demonstration at GDC last year was mindblowing and with Insomniac pretty much having two teams I'm personally expecting to see that game this year in november or so.
Considering they started work Killzone in 2004 you don't think it would be ready end of 2007? I would be surprised if they do not ship it to battle halo 3 xmas 2007.

FFXIII Definitely not coming to the US but they might make it for the Japanese market. The game has been in development for ages as well.
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