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Resistance: Fall of Man - The Official Thread

TheProfessor said:
I disagree. I think they are building him up. The first game was all about introducing you to the Chimera. The enemies and how they function is chapter one if you will. I am positive Chapters 2 and 3 and beyond will have more backstory on hale, perhaps he
turns into a special kind of chimera or joins the cloven guys since they have all scaped from chimera transformation

Well, I'm certain Hale will play a large part in the story, I just don't think he'll be a playable lead character. Something closer to JC Denton's role in Deus Ex IW (and that's the only time you'll see me speak of that abomination of a sequel in reference to Resistance), perhaps? I hope it focuses plenty on the Cloven though.

JB1981 said:
How do you use spoiler code?

[ spoiler]tags around the text, but without the spaces of course[ /spoiler]


"GAF's biggest wanker"
TheProfessor said:
I disagree. I think they are building him up.
You may want to give a listen to the interview Wollan re-posted the link to a couple of pages back, because that's not quite what the Insomniac folks are saying.
1. My stats still haven't updated, not a single point for at least a week now. No ribbons, no kill credits, nothing. I'm really not a stat whore, but this is getting to be mildly annoying.

2. The game just froze up while playing a match online, for the first time. I missed a ledge, and appearantly committed suicide. Now while that's clumsy of me, I never respawned, and after a few minutes of that old film reel look, the whole game just froze, forcing me to reboot the system. I guess I would have naturally suspected overheating (as this is similar to what happened to my first 360 before it died on me), but I had only had the system turned on for about 10 minutes when this happened.

Safe Bet

TheProfessor said:
Bulleye: Tag 'em with bulleye, cover, shoot, dead.
Carbine: Alt fire granade, he's dead
Auger: Shield back up, destroy with any other weapon.
Fareye: Hard but head shot before he launches, a jump away from where he targets would help.
Rossmore: Two close shots hes dead.
Every other weapon: Use wisely, he's dead.
You have some nice theories there...

Too bad they don't work 99% of the time...


KTallguy said:
Although I had one annoying bug happen to me already, basically I was driving the jeep and it got stuck in the wall of a mountain :lol ... I had to quit the game...

I encountered a bug (I think) in the Cheddar Gorge level too when playing on hard. I drove towards the burning jeep, press ^ to hop out of my jeep (while it's still moving), it continued to roll forward. I thought it would stop but I never see my jeep again after picking up my ammo.

I searched the Gorge for a good while (never wandering too far since there were Chimeras up there). Proceeded to play the game solo (That felt very lonely). Of course I died.


Safe Bet said:
You have some nice theories there...

Too bad they don't work 99% of the time...

Well... If I see an unoccupied LAARK guy from far, I usually lobe a grenade and run away. :D

If it's closer, I'll force a suicide on him by rushing/cycling closer. Only worked sometimes. The 40mm grenade from Carbine is useful against LAARK carriers though.

Agent X

Safe Bet said:
You have some nice theories there...

Too bad they don't work 99% of the time...

I haven't had much experience in multiplayer against people with the LAARK. Usually once you realize they have a LAARK, you're already eating dirt.

To address TheProfessor's ideas, I suppose at least a few of those tactics might work in certain situations, but others likely would not. They'd all work for sneak attacks, but not when the enemy is already targeting you. Here are my guesses at the outcomes:

TheProfessor said:
Bulleye: Tag 'em with bulleye, cover, shoot, dead.

Unlikely to work unless his health is already low or you're doing something like peeking out from behind a wall to tag him before he can fire.

TheProfessor said:
Carbine: Alt fire granade, he's dead

This would probably work, especially at close to medium range (not too close though). I believe the 40mm grenade is faster than the LAARK. Of course, it doesn't have the tracking or the range that the LAARK has, so it's a matter of who fires first. As long as your aim is good, you'd probably at least trade kills with the other guy.

TheProfessor said:
Auger: Shield back up, destroy with any other weapon.

I don't know if this works. I think the Auger shield also blocks your own bullets from your other weapons (other than the Auger), not just enemy bullets. Also, if you're in the open the splash damage from the rocket explosion would probably still get you.

If you're in a corridor, though, then creating a shield and backing up would probably work. If you don't have anywhere else to go, just start firing Auger bullets at that point--you just might hit something. :) If anything comes out of this, you would cause him to waste his precious LAARK ammo, forcing him to switch to some other weapon.

TheProfessor said:
Fareye: Hard but head shot before he launches, a jump away from where he targets would help.

Depends on how good you are with the Fareye. If you're a real sniping pro, then you'd probably nail him before he can even fire. If he's able to squeeze off a shot, though, then you're at a disadvantage. It'll usually end up in a trade at best (if you manage to hit him), or otherwise an outright win for him, unless you can get the heck out of Dodge really quick (like jumping off of an elevated platform). The LAARK is probably one of the best ways to punish people who tend to rely on the Fareye--if it doesn't kill them, then it at least causes them to hastily abandon their sniping position.

TheProfessor said:
Rossmore: Two close shots hes dead.

No way, unless you totally surprise him from behind. The Rossmore is only effective from close range, so if he's more than a few feet back and has the LAARK pointed at you, you're a sure goner.

If you're close enough to be firing a Rossmore at him and doing damage, then you're probably in such range that if he fires at you, then the splash damage (from the rocket hitting you) would probably deal damage to him as well. But then again, this would be true of any weapon.

TheProfessor said:
Every other weapon: Use wisely, he's dead.

I don't know. I don't encounter the Arc Charger or Dragon enough to really use them effectively, but like the Rossmore I don't think they would have enough range to beat out the LAARK. The other weapon would be a LAARK of your own, and then it's a matter of your positioning versus his.

So, I'd say the best way to counter a LAARK head-on (if you even have time to react) without your own LAARK is with the Carbine 40mm grenade if at close to medium range, or the Auger shield at a good distance to try to block it. The LAARK is a powerful piece of equipment that can change the complexion of a battle really quick, so it's a fortunate thing that it and its ammo aren't very common.

TheProfessor said:
Seriously my Game of the MF year. Reviewers should seriously relook at their grading systems because something is awefully wrong when a game like this scores below a 9. I know the gaming media is a joke but they should at least try not to be so transparent about it.

It really is a superb game. While most of the reviews are overwhelmingly favorable anyway, I don't really get some of the lower ratings--very few people have any real gripes. The game is rock solid all around, a great medium-length single player game and some awesome multiplayer for sure.


AltogetherAndrews said:
1. My stats still haven't updated, not a single point for at least a week now. No ribbons, no kill credits, nothing. I'm really not a stat whore, but this is getting to be mildly annoying.

2. The game just froze up while playing a match online, for the first time. I missed a ledge, and appearantly committed suicide. Now while that's clumsy of me, I never respawned, and after a few minutes of that old film reel look, the whole game just froze, forcing me to reboot the system. I guess I would have naturally suspected overheating (as this is similar to what happened to my first 360 before it died on me), but I had only had the system turned on for about 10 minutes when this happened.

Like I said earlier, it may have been the host quitting the game. For some reason the game just freezes if the host up and quits. The servers might also be getting hammered now. There's tons of games available now and the network could get screwy. It's happened numerous times on my 360.
JB1981 said:
I'd like to know the answer to that too. Most folks here say it's cg.

I think they're real time. The reason is as the cutscene moves along most of the time it goes from cutscene straight into play with no load times or pauses. It's seamless.


The cutscenes are too well integrated into the other cutaways, I'm betting it's CG. However, they are using the in game models, of course :)
I just played my first online game in well over a week. The new patch is nice. However, I do see what people are complaining about with the infinte-ammo madness. The deathmatch I joined was a total chaotic mess, with rocket launchers everywhere. Very little strategy to it, that I could see. OTOH, I joined an unranked Breah game that was the best breach match I had yet played. It was in Sommeerset (? The one in the woods with the catwalks) and it was a good balance of attacking and defending. The two bases had enough paths in and out that it never got to be a "defend the tunnel for an hour" type game.
Finally beat it on Superhuman...is it worth getting all the skill points for the black ops skeleton? Anyone got a picture?

Also, anyone know the next time we're gonna play?


Anyone here living in Asia (Taiwan, Hong Kong)?

There are very few people online in this region, can we set up a schedule or something more structured? I can only find random unranked games, and rarely at that...


I think you're the first one in this thread to have mentioned of being located in that region so I don't think you will have much luck here. :(
GAZERK said:
Finally beat it on Superhuman...is it worth getting all the skill points for the black ops skeleton? Anyone got a picture?

Also, anyone know the next time we're gonna play?

It's the same thing as the regular Black Ops just with a skull instead of the helmet. I think the regular skin looks better.


Ugh. I'm now on my 3rd PS3 thanks to a bogus HDMI port and an overheating issue. Not a big deal as it's easy to do exchanges at EB, but I keep losing my Resistance saves :( I was nearly 2/3 through after being 1/2 way through the first time. I love the game, but I really want to know
what the hell the cloven are
. Don't tell me. I'm just hooked on the story and need some resolution. Plus I gotta go and find all those documents again. /rant

So I hopped online today for some MP fun. I really like the gameplay, but no one uses headsets, which is weird in objective games. So if you guys have a clan or special RFOM nights, please shoot me an invite.

PSN name: squick3n


squicken said:
Ugh. I'm now on my 3rd PS3 thanks to a bogus HDMI port and an overheating issue. Not a big deal as it's easy to do exchanges at EB, but I keep losing my Resistance saves :( I was nearly 2/3 through after being 1/2 way through the first time. I love the game, but I really want to know
what the hell the cloven are
. Don't tell me. I'm just hooked on the story and need some resolution. Plus I gotta go and find all those documents again. /rant

So I hopped online today for some MP fun. I really like the gameplay, but no one uses headsets, which is weird in objective games. So if you guys have a clan or special RFOM nights, please shoot me an invite.

PSN name: squick3n
For future reference, if you have a PSP, you can easily back your saves up on there.
squicken said:
I really want to know
what the hell the cloven are
. Don't tell me. I'm just hooked on the story and need some resolution. Plus I gotta go and find all those documents again. /rant

I won't tell you, but then agian, I don't think the game will either.

Actually, the game's manuel gives you a couple of sentences about them.


Wollan said:
I think you're the first one in this thread to have mentioned of being located in that region so I don't think you will have much luck here. :(

Doh! Ah well. I'll keep trying.

Oh and by the way, the fact that GoW is winning many 'Game of the Year' awards and Resistance isn't even being nominated really highlights the obvious media bias against the PS3. I've played both games alot, and while they are each awesome, I haven't touched GoW since I beat it, while I'm still playing tons of Resistance.
junier said:
Oh and by the way, the fact that GoW is winning many 'Game of the Year' awards and Resistance isn't even being nominated really highlights the obvious media bias against the PS3. I've played both games alot, and while they are each awesome, I haven't touched GoW since I beat it, while I'm still playing tons of Resistance.

It is rather sad that Resistance always get compared to Gears when they're different in many ways, especially given the fact that Resistance is a launch title and Gears came out 1 year after X360's launch. Resistance simply isn't getting the attention and praise it most certainly deserves, but what are ya gonna do? At least GAF is recognizing this game's greatness... at least those who's actually played it all the way through.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
So, just out of curiosity, how indicitive of the final product is the demo that's on the PS Store?
Crackerman16 said:
At least GAF is recognizing this game's greatness... at least those who's actually played it all the way through.

I know what you mean. There's alot of people saying Resistance is just an "average" FPS and they've only gotten through the first couple of levels and then quit. This game is so underrated. Some reviewers claim that the story is rather plain, but Insomniac actually made the story quite deep if you ask me. Plus, the game is so detailed (I mean, c'mon, when the morse code that the Black Ops corpses produce during the single player ACTUALLY mean something, that's pretty crazy).

Also, to sprint you just tap L2.
Ah. Knowing that it was crouch, I didn't think that tapping might be a second feature.

BTW, quite a few GAFffers on tonight. Might still be.

I played my first CTF game, finally got into the groove with it. I see BobTheForks medals though, and I think I'll never play enough to match that!


Ignatz Mouse said:
Ah. Knowing that it was crouch, I didn't think that tapping might be a second feature.

BTW, quite a few GAFffers on tonight. Might still be.

I played my first CTF game, finally got into the groove with it. I see BobTheForks medals though, and I think I'll never play enough to match that!

Shit, my brother's currently using my 360 and I can't get on my PS3. Cool to see more Gaf guys are playing Resistance. It's pretty amazing how many people are playing that game now in general.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I get my PS3 and tv set up this friday, along with Resistance. Is there a bunch of GAFers who play online? 2000 posts is too much to go through. Just lookin for some people to play with online :)

Agent X

Last night, I noticed a bunch of NeoGAF members on (maybe as many as 7 or 8 at some points), and even got a couple of team games in with a few of them. I had a good time, and hope to get involved in some more games in with people here!


I played more of the game last night (single-player). I can't believe how awesome the game looks on a high quality 720p-native set.
... the hell? Now my stats are at zero (Private), and most of my ribbons and medals are gone. What's going on here? Oh well... any GAF games planned for tonight? I should have some time around 7-8 eastern.


Shawn said:
I played more of the game last night (single-player). I can't believe how awesome the game looks on a high quality 720p-native set.
Yeah that's what I played on. The later levels are drop dead gorgeous.
Big-E said:
Oh dear God, Im scared to go online now.

I checked some other dude's profile just to see how widespread it was, and his rank was also Private. I'm assuming for now that it's just a temporary side effect of Insomniac trying to find a solution to the on-going stat problems.


Agent X said:
Last night, I noticed a bunch of NeoGAF members on (maybe as many as 7 or 8 at some points), and even got a couple of team games in with a few of them. I had a good time, and hope to get involved in some more games in with people here!

I was there too, although I sucked. First time playing Capture the Flag and Breach. My son tugging at my hands and shirt doesn't help either. Had to leave mid-way.

Got some more practice late night. Will join again after I brushed myself up and when son has slept :)

As for missing stats, I lost my stats for about half a day 3 weeks ago, but it all came back.


Sailor Stevenson
AltogetherAndrews said:
I'm assuming for now that it's just a temporary side effect of Insomniac trying to find a solution to the on-going stat problems.

Sony is currently working on a solution for the current stats delay/backlog (this is a server side issue). I hope to have a better update this afternoon. We all know how important this is and we're doing our best to get it resolved.



jstevenson said:
Sony is currently working on a solution for the current stats delay/backlog (this is a server side issue). I hope to have a better update this afternoon. We all know how important this is and we're doing our best to get it resolved.


Glad you guys are doing your best. Keep up the good work.
I havent been on lately, my PSP is taking up my time. I absolutely love what the patch did. It really made the game more fun to play online. I hated the shotgun at first and thought it was useless, but it really rocks when your running by people. Ive been kinda resistant(lol) to play online since my points arent updating.


y'all should be ashamed
Does this game support uncompressed PCM 7.1? I ask because I got my new HDMI receiver and the sound is sharper, clearer, and to my surprise in 7.1! My receiver says Multichannel, indicating a PCM track.

So...whats the official word here?


chubigans said:
Does this game support uncompressed PCM 7.1? I ask because I got my new HDMI receiver and the sound is sharper, clearer, and to my surprise in 7.1! My receiver says Multichannel, indicating a PCM track.

So...whats the official word here?

It does indeed.
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