Imperial Hot
That is freaking awesome! Those guys up at Insomniac are hilarious.BuddyC said:A little OT, but I figured some would get a kick out of the holiday card Insomniac sent out.
That is freaking awesome! Those guys up at Insomniac are hilarious.BuddyC said:A little OT, but I figured some would get a kick out of the holiday card Insomniac sent out.
SleazyC said:It works fantastic in Breech and Meltdown if we have the right amount of people online. I've been in some 3 minute Breech games when we had 18 players online.
jjasper said:Hey guys I just got a mic last night and I was wondering how does it all work with squads and stuff.
I was playing team deathmatch last night with people that I know had headsets and never heard anything do I need to do something?
SnakeXs said:I think L3 is to engage the mic, or do what GAF/smart people do and get everyone on yor team into the same squad so you can chat seamlessly.
jjasper said:How do you make/join a squad?
SnakeXs said:It's a pre set list of 'em. Organize before the match starts, picking a certain one, and then press start during the match and go to the squad option and join that one.
SnakeXs said:No problem, chap.
While I'm here, I just wanna say dying on Superhuman while doing awesome because your controller had a seizure = #&@!($#(.
Kittonwy said:How hard is superhuman? I finished hard but I'm kind of scared to try superhuman.![]()
Wollan said:DON't FORGET THE SCHEDULED GAME TONIGHT @ 7PM PST. (5 hours, 45min from now) Details below.
Reposted for great justice.
List of people who clearly posted their PSN tag in this thread (for US version of Resistance):
NeoGAF name: - PSN tag:
kaching - kaching (NeoGAF US Clan-leader, PM your details)
M3wThr33 - M3wThr33
lunlunqq - lunlunqq
Z_Y - Z_Y
White Man - TVC15
thundersabre - thundersabre
Gunstar77 - Gunstar77
cochese - SEMBE
BruceLeeRoy - CFD_BruceLeeRoy
JB1981 - Beamber
Bad_Boy - Bad_Boy
Mackaveli - Mackaveli
jstevenson - jstevenson
Angelus - PorkChopExpress
Azrael - FilliamHMuffman
Ignatz Mouse - IgnatzMouse
XMonkey - snak
bigfatgameguy - gamerecks
drohne - drohne
TheJollyCorner - IrishFigg
skrew - skrew
Belfast - belfastga
acousticvan - mgs_van
gluv65 - backbreaker65
Kittonwy - Kittonwy
Baron Aloha - Will0928
greatestjediever - greatestjediever
Typhonsentra - Typhonsentra
Big-E - BigE
Agent X - AgentX
Dazzyman - Dazzyman
rager - beowolf
Fierydevil - Diagol
zedge - NirvanaX
AltogetherAndrews - PoisonMarket
Lancelet Pink - GummadoonKnight
rc213 - rc213
Gunstar77 - Gunstar77
commish - TigerHeli
Crackerman16 - Click
Carl2282 - Carl2282
JdFoX187 - JdFoX187
bishoptl - bishoptl
theBishop - theBishop
ghostmind - ghostmind
Arde0 - Arde0
djkimothy - djkimothy
Safe_Bet - Safe_Bet
hukasmokincaterpillar - DirtyWater
Matt_C - Matarick
M3freak - m3freak
Gremmie4 - MOLeary
teepo - teepo
krypt0nian - lastsonkrypt0n
garrickk - Garrick
jjasper - jjasper
Remy - RemyVJA
I3rand0 - I3rand0
Y2Kevbug11 - Y2Kevbug11
snack - snackcakeofd00m
SnakeXs - SnakeXs
Phoenix Down - Sky2k
aloof - aloof
ijm72 - younghov72
Pristince_Condition - HijoDelLocoRoco
OverHeat - OverHeat
SonyCowboy - scowboy
dark_preacher - dark_preacher
ChanHuk - ChanHuk
LJ11 - LJ11
Red Blaster - Ranger-Albatross
Aeon712 - Aeon712
Captain N - Captain_N
The Jer - TheJer
Christopher - Chris_Russo
Snah - Lemm
Standard meet up times (for whenever you have the opportunity):
Tuesdays 7pm PST
Saturdays 7pm PST
Sundays 7pm PST
Suggestions suggest(!) that creating parties and going into ranked games together would be the preferred thing to do for the meet ups. So no longer do the first one to get online create a room but instead invite everyone to a party. This however makes it very important that you're all a part of the NeoGAF clan (pm kaching with details) or simply have all folks listed above on your friend list. Again, the first one to get online should start a party and invite the others as they come online.
Also, it has come to my attention that over 20 people have started to show up for these meetups and that means one party is not enough. If that is the case then one of you simply need to create a second party. If you're the party leader (of either) then posting your details in this thread would be helpful.
The Wedge tactic explained:
Also people, it would be a big plus if everyone invested in a headset. For headset details and recommendations, follow this link. Good group play is helped by using your headset to report in changes that occur in the heat of battle. Enemy groups, Snipers, Node status and so forth.
For those who missed the details on the 1st UPDATE (aka patch) which released December 21st you can read the details here.
PS! Please don't quote this post unless you're on a new page (where this isn't posted).
Steroyd said:What is the difference between difficulties is it the usual take more damage give less damage or do they up the Ai and stuff?
Yay I'm a member now.![]()
djkimothy said:I will try to be in the game tonight!!!!
Help: How does one use the mic? I can't hear anyone and I can't seem to activate it.
djkimothy said:I will try to be in the game tonight!!!!
Help: How does one use the mic? I can't hear anyone and I can't seem to activate it.
Pristine_Condition said:You have to set it up first in system settings.
1) In the XMB, go to "Settings" > "Accessory Settings" > "Audio Device Settings. (For Bluetooth, you must go through the "Register Bluetooth Device" Menu first.)
In the "Audio Device Settings" menu, set both "Input Device" and "Output Device" to your headset, then start speaking into your headset and adjust your "Microphone Level" setting accordingly, using the meter at the top of the screen.
2) Boot up Resistance, Go to "Multiplayer" > "Online Game."
"Accept" then "Continue" on the next two screens, then go to "Options" > Audio Device Settings, just to make sure the settings carried over from the settings you just made in the XMB.
That's it for setup.
When you get in the game:
When you are in a public lobby, you'll need to press down the "L3" to talk.
You can join a squad, either when the game is loading, or after a game is started, and you don't have to hold down the "L3" to talk freely with your own squad. NeoGAF Clan typically talks on X-Ray squad.
3 is what I have mine set to but you'll find that it all depends on how loud you speak and how your mic is built as to cut down on interference or amplify your voice. Don't think you can actually have rooms for online play; we usually just start a party up and invite as many people as we can.djkimothy said:Coolness, I just tried to set up my mic a few minutes ago so lets hope it works okay. I set my mic level to 3, is that too low? Didn't want to be too loud.
Is the password to the room still?believe
LJ11 said:Do you get to duel-wield your second time around?
jjasper said:Only the reaper and you can only use it duel-wielded
LJ11 said:Do you get to duel-wield your second time around?
The Jer said:I've been disconnected three times in the past two days. Has anybody else been having problems with this.... or rather..... has anyone not been having problems with this??
The Jer said:I've been disconnected three times in the past two days. Has anybody else been having problems with this.... or rather..... has anyone not been having problems with this??
We tired to make sure and invite everyone that was on between games..commish said:Grr, every time I accept the invite, you guys are in a game and it gives me an error! Oh well.
*blush*Kittonwy said:Great games guys... who was the one who kept yapping non-stop during the manchester breach game? No offense but it was driving me insane.![]()
Safe Bet said:*blush*
My mic wasn't set right...
I talk to myself constantly while playing...
Safe Bet said:*blush*
My mic wasn't set right...
I talk to myself constantly while playing...
Safe Bet said:I'll work on keeping it quiet.
Replacing more than one broken PS2 controller last-gen taught me a valuable lesson...LJ11 said:Good games tonight.
I'm surprised Safe Bet didn't break his TV. :lol
Safe Bet said:Replacing more than one broken PS2 controller last-gen taught me a valuable lesson...
I know it sucks to break up into smaller squads but I think that's why we are losing the Breech/Meltdown games we lose.
It seems like we go from not having enough defending to having too many.
Dude..Kittonwy said:Oh and maybe it had to do with some guy who can kill people with the bullseye with ONE TAG while turning in mid-air!!!![]()
Safe Bet said:We tired to make sure and invite everyone that was on between games..
Wollan said:DON't FORGET THE SCHEDULED GAME TONIGHT @ 7PM PST. (9 hours, 45min from now) Details below.
Reposted for great justice.
List of people who clearly posted their PSN tag in this thread (for US version of Resistance):
NeoGAF name: - PSN tag: - Time Zone:
kaching - kaching (NeoGAF US Clan-leader, PM your details)
M3wThr33 - M3wThr33
lunlunqq - lunlunqq
Z_Y - Z_Y
White Man - TVC15
thundersabre - thundersabre
Gunstar77 - Gunstar77
cochese - SEMBE
BruceLeeRoy - CFD_BruceLeeRoy
JB1981 - Beamber
Bad_Boy - Bad_Boy
Mackaveli - Mackaveli
jstevenson - jstevenson
Angelus - PorkChopExpress
Azrael - FilliamHMuffman
Ignatz Mouse - IgnatzMouse
XMonkey - snak
bigfatgameguy - gamerecks
drohne - drohne
TheJollyCorner - IrishFigg
skrew - skrew
Belfast - belfastga
acousticvan - mgs_van
gluv65 - backbreaker65 - PST
Kittonwy - Kittonwy
Baron Aloha - Will0928
greatestjediever - greatestjediever
Typhonsentra - Typhonsentra
Big-E - BigE - PST
Agent X - AgentX
Dazzyman - Dazzyman
rager - beowolf
Fierydevil - Diagol
zedge - NirvanaX
AltogetherAndrews - PoisonMarket
Lancelet Pink - GummadoonKnight
rc213 - rc213 - PST
Gunstar77 - Gunstar77
commish - TigerHeli
Crackerman16 - Click
Carl2282 - Carl2282
JdFoX187 - JdFoX187
bishoptl - bishoptl
theBishop - theBishop
ghostmind - ghostmind - MST
Arde0 - Arde0
djkimothy - djkimothy
Safe_Bet - Safe_Bet - CST
hukasmokincaterpillar - DirtyWater
Matt_C - Matarick
M3freak - m3freak - EST
Gremmie4 - MOLeary
teepo - teepo
krypt0nian - lastsonkrypt0n
garrickk - Garrick
jjasper - jjasper - CST
Remy - RemyVJA
I3rand0 - I3rand0
Y2Kevbug11 - Y2Kevbug11
snack - snackcakeofd00m
SnakeXs - SnakeXs
Phoenix Down - Sky2k
aloof - aloof
ijm72 - younghov72
Pristine_Condition - HijoDelLocoRoco - CST
OverHeat - OverHeat
SonyCowboy - scowboy
dark_preacher - dark_preacher
ChanHuk - ChanHuk
LJ11 - LJ11 - EST
Red Blaster - Ranger-Albatross
Aeon712 - Aeon712 - EST
Captain N - Captain_N
The Jer - TheJer - MST
Christopher - Chris_Russo
Snah - Lemm
squicken - squick3n - CST
DenogginizerOS - Denogginizer - EST
chespace - chespace
Standard meet up times (for whenever you have the opportunity):
Tuesdays 7pm PST
Saturdays 7pm PST
Sundays 7pm PST
Suggestions suggest(!) that creating parties and going into ranked games together would be the preferred thing to do for the meet ups. So no longer do the first one to get online create a room but instead invite everyone to a party. This however makes it very important that you're all a part of the NeoGAF clan (pm kaching with details) or simply have all folks listed above on your friend list. Again, the first one to get online should start a party and invite the others as they come online.
Also, it has come to my attention that over 20 people have started to show up for these meetups and that means one party is not enough. If that is the case then one of you simply need to create a second party. If you're the party leader (of either) then posting your details in this thread would be helpful.
The Wedge tactic explained:
Also people, it would be a big plus if everyone invested in a headset. For headset details and recommendations, follow this link. Good group play is helped by using your headset to report in changes that occur in the heat of battle. Enemy groups, Snipers, Node status and so forth.
For those who missed the details on the 1st UPDATE (aka patch) which released December 21st you can read the details here.
PS! Please don't quote this post unless you're on a new page (where this isn't posted).