Aeon712 said:The playstation network is running really slow atm, and all my stats say 0 and I only have the Nathan Hale Medal![]()
Thats weird. My stats are perfectly fine.
Aeon712 said:The playstation network is running really slow atm, and all my stats say 0 and I only have the Nathan Hale Medal![]()
Big-E said:I am pretty sure MyResistance is pretty instant with the stat updating.
Edit: I forgot. Streaks don't count in Meltdown or Breach.
I don't think you can get the 20 kill ribbon in Breach or Meltdown but you can get 3 kill and 7 kills.Pristine_Condition said:Really? I got a 7 Kill Ribbon for it...
SleazyC said:I don't think you can get the 20 kill ribbon in Breach or Meltdown but you can get 3 kill and 7 kills.
:lol oh wait it was 3 people on our teamKittonwy said:I AM TEH TOOL OF DESTRUCTION RAWR.![]()
^^ I couldn't believe it worked and three people on the other side quit because of it.![]()
Yes, freaking Laark was really ticking me off, even that game we were outnumbered 10-6 they camped the laark. The first game we played was awesome though with us all trapped in the center area of somerset I think it was.Big-E said:Today was upsetting. Lagers, invincible people, rocket campers and being outnumbered a lot.
Aeon712 said:Yes, freaking Laark was really ticking me off, even that game we were outnumbered 10-6 they camped the laark. The first game we played was awesome though with us all trapped in the center area of somerset I think it was.
Pretty amazing that the best next-gen FPS around is on a Sony console. Resistance 2 is going to be a monster.
dvdvideo said:Please, it's hardly the best next gen fps, you state it like it's a fact and clearly it is not.
Its a decent game for sure, close with many others like rainbow six vegas, fear, COD[ in the 8 - 8.5 range. It was missing something that kept it from being a true AAA must have game.
Woo-Fu said:Anyways, I was just chiming in to ask people how much longevity Resistance is having, and to find out how the online community around the game is changing over time? I'm looking forward to playing it myself and don't want to miss the window of viability, if it is has one like other online console games have had.
SleazyC said:I don't think you can get the 20 kill ribbon in Breach or Meltdown but you can get 3 kill and 7 kills.
Aeon712 said:Opposite happened to me last night, during that mixed game our team couldn't tell friend from foe unless we were close enough to get the target to turn red. I actually went running with a chimera thinking we were gonna wedge tell he turned and shot me:lol.
Big-E said:Today was upsetting. Lagers, invincible people, rocket campers and being outnumbered a lot.
dvdvideo said:Please, it's hardly the best next gen fps, you state it like it's a fact and clearly it is not.
Its a decent game for sure, close with many others like rainbow six vegas, fear, COD in the 8 - 8.5 range. It was missing something that kept it from being a true AAA must have game.
dvdvideo said:Please, it's hardly the best next gen fps, you state it like it's a fact and clearly it is not.
Its a decent game for sure, close with many others like rainbow six vegas, fear, COD in the 8 - 8.5 range. It was missing something that kept it from being a true AAA must have game.
TheJollyCorner said:thanks for all that, man.
It would be awesome to get Crawlers in multiplayer one day.![]()
g35twinturbo said:I'm looking for some folks to play with, invite me anytime!
PSN= g35twinturbo
M3Freak said:Now: how the hell did Crackerman get banned again?!
Cannot state this enough. Strafing is basically do or die in this game. I've encountered many times where I had one bar of health and was able to take someone down that was at full health just because I was straffing and they couldn't hit me enough. One other "desperation" move I also found that works well is jumping up when you are shooting. Sometimes you'll get lucky and register a headshot. Funny when you are getting killed from behind and you turn around and jump + shoot right as you are dying and pull a headshot off.Crackerman16 said:1. Learn how to strafe:
Primarily I aim for the body but lately have been trying to move the reticle up as I am spraying. I don't think beginners should really try this from the get go, just try to get used to the weapons, strafing and so on and then move on. People in the clan that do this very well are Johnny Reznik and lunlunqq. They both have gobs of headshots and can generally aim very well.2. Aim for the head:
Bullseye = automatic shotgun at mid to close range. I use the Bullseye too much actually. To me it is the most versatile weapon in the game. Its accuracy is horrible at long range but if you tag people its almost like an automatic sniper rifle. <3 Bullseye4. Understand what weapons are good for certain situations and who to use it against:
I'm pretty bad at this to tell you the truth. Especially with Rage mode. I run into a lot of battles at half health because I forget to click off Rage mode but it certainly is a killer and makes Chimera much more powerful then humans.6. Learn how and when to use sprint and Rage mode, as well as your radar (when playing as human):
The first of many...davepoobond said:..that was the first deathmatch i've ever won.
QFTBig-E said:Today was upsetting. Lagers, invincible people, rocket campers and being outnumbered a lot.
Crackerman16 said:No problem, but umm, just fyi....
Crawlers are MyResistance (Jstevenson)'s way of awarding good threads/posts (mostly threads). Crawlers are given out to posters that make guides and threads people like and nominate. Then JS and other admins. give them out depending on if they feel the poster deserves it.
Jstevenson's explaination here:
TheJollyCorner said:Crackerman was banned because he was challenging (I guess?) mods in the "Team XBox hates us" thread. @_@
Mrbob said:I'll try to make the games this weekend. 6PM PST on Sat and Sun right?
I live in the midwest and we are about to get blasted with about a foot or more snow sat and sunday so it seems like a good time to stay in and play some resistance.
Half the fun of playing Resistance is bitching about GAF bans...The Jer said:Oh well, we'll see him online in Resistance I'm sure.
Really depends on how much ground you can cover before the other person can fire off the LAARK. Some people will get a bit scared about blowing themselves up along with you so you can make them hesitate and all it takes is that split second to let you light them up.tanod said:1) When in a firefight, don't back away while shooting. Charge your opponent, but do not make a b-line directly towards him. You should be a couple feet from his shoulders.
Do NOT do this if your opponent has a shotgun or a LAARK.
I'm going to be jumping on for a few games as soon as I finish scanning the forums.Aeon712 said:So I turn my system on hoping to find some fellow gaffers on Resistance..
AgentOtaku said:so been playin some more. I think the only criticism I have at this point is how the aiming axis is horizontally tuned, and not so much vertically =(
Beatbox said:Have you tried adjusting the look sensitivity to suit your needs?
jstevenson said:Ranked Game Changes:
Weve made some exciting changes to ranked games to give players more control and increase variety:
- Added a Team Deathmatch-only match type
- Added a Team Objective match type. This match type includes Breach, Meltdown and Capture the Flag
- Added Chimera-only Deathmatch to Free-For-All, and Chimera vs. Chimera, and Human vs. Human team games
- Team-Based match type has been retired
In addition, even though Team-Based games have been retired, your overall ranked stats will still reflect your past achievements in this match type and you will still be able to view them under your account at
Ranked games will continue to evolve as we at Insomniac Games are constantly looking for new ways to keep the game fresh and fun for everyone. We're always seeking player feedback and regularly review comments, so please keep sending them. We look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!