Sailor Stevenson
Wollan said:Any idea for what timespace we can expect update #2? Before/After EU launch?
Don't have any info I can give at this time.
Wollan said:Any idea for what timespace we can expect update #2? Before/After EU launch?
SleazyC said:Anyone up for some games tonight?
SleazyC said:Got a three man party going right now so if anyone wants to hop on to get a couple games in me, m3freak and efertlis are online.
patsu said:Ok... I saw you guys but were too busy with work. I finished "Hard" about an hour ago. It's definitely more fun than the default mode.No one told me about the Splitter gun, so it was a pleasant surprise.
I got online right after that. Didn't realize it was a Human-vs-Human TDM, so I got shot up pretty badly... all the while looking for Chimera.![]()
I still don't quite get it yet. The two human teams are differentiated by helmet (vs no helmet) ?
jstevenson said:Ranked Game Changes:
Weve made some exciting changes to ranked games to give players more control and increase variety:
- Added a Team Deathmatch-only match type
- Added a Team Objective match type. This match type includes Breach, Meltdown and Capture the Flag
- Added Chimera-only Deathmatch to Free-For-All, and Chimera vs. Chimera, and Human vs. Human team games
- Team-Based match type has been retired
In addition, even though Team-Based games have been retired, your overall ranked stats will still reflect your past achievements in this match type and you will still be able to view them under your account at http://www.myresistance.net.
Ranked games will continue to evolve as we at Insomniac Games are constantly looking for new ways to keep the game fresh and fun for everyone. We're always seeking player feedback and regularly review comments, so please keep sending them. We look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!
jstevenson said:Don't have any info I can give at this time.
Kittonwy said:Actually I don't think you can physically tell the teams apart aside from the fact that there's no name above an enemy's head and your target reticle turning red, plus you can distinguish friend from foe using the radar.
I think this is new, I've never played a ranked game like that before. Kind of weird and intense at the same time.
bigswords said:I dont like to complain, but the Asian's players have not even recieved the first update....could you give us (Asian Players) some sort of update?
We are playing right now if you want to hop on.Treo360 said:ugggh. Though the game itself (SP campaign) does nothing for me, I guess I should try it online to see what the fuss is all about.
kaching right?
patsu said:I'm banned from Resistance today.
jstevenson said:This is where the challenge is, because SCE in each territory runs its own servers. The territories have their own testing requirements and such, so it can take time for them to roll out changes. We do provide them with the updates though.
The Jer said:Wait, what? Is this a self-banning?
patsu said:It's called wife-banning.
The Jer said::lol
How come I'm not seeing any "good game tonight guys"? I was only on for a little bit earlier.
:lol, my friend once did that to me, she took the game from the system and refused to give it back to me for the day.patsu said:It's called wife-banning.
You just reminded me of those two kids arguing over what FTW meant.Big-E said:Great games tonight. The competition was pretty good tonight especially when we were playing the FTW clan.
Aeon712 said:You just reminded me of those two kids arguing over what FTW meant.
Pristine_Condition said:My idea was to try to get as many GAFers on as we can though, so this should be just a test run. Don't post it, please. Just PM the guys who took part.
Should we try for tomorrow night, and just say to those who don't know what we are talking about that "we have something special planned" and to "be there or be square"?
I don't want to over-hype the idea, but it would be really cool to have a huge group to participate. I think it should earn us some crawlers over at MyResistance at the very least...
M3Freak said:I was trying to figure out what to do, so I'll go by what you've suggested.
I'm not sure who was participating at the time. Here's my partial list:
That's it. I'm pretty sure there were ten people though. I may have even got this list wrong. Anyway, can the guys who were playing that 10 man custom deathmatch on the ship deck tell me who the hell I'm missing?
SleazyC said:AgentX
I remember those two being there as well. Can't remember the rest though.