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Retail reports indicate Nintendo DS pricing, launch date, software


i'll put it like this. the NGAGE can do graphics on par with a PS1(tomb raider looks and moves amazing), its "wireless" and can be had for $100-$150. the DS besides having a touch screen i'd think does far less and its predicted to be $179? it makes no sense.


The NGage is $100-$150 with a WIRELESS PHONE CONTRACT - the DS is more powerful than the N-Gage, has TWO LCD screens with two processors, one being a touch screen. I don't see what you don't get.


BeOnEdge said:
i'll put it like this. the NGAGE can do graphics on par with a PS1(tomb raider looks and moves amazing), its "wireless" and can be had for $100-$150. the DS besides having a touch screen i'd think does far less and its predicted to be $179? it makes no sense.

but you need like a one or two-year contract at $40-$50 bucks a month...

Right now, just on it's own, the N-Gage QD can be had for $199, $20 more than the supposed DS price...
Imagine, say, Final Fantasy Tactics DS. You see the entire map on the top screen, and a close up section of the map below. Dragging the cursor lets you drag the viewable area. Tap on a unit, then tap where you want him to walk. Tap twice on him, and the top screen changes to show his statistics. Etc.

The stylus provides a method of control that's intuitive and versatile. The double screens mean that more information can be shown at once. Yes, it takes a second to refocus on a different screen, but that doesn't mean it's useless - especially in the case of strategy RPGs and games that don't rely on fast-paced action.

Certain pundits who say that the DS lacks a "killer app" that provides a mind-blowingly creative use of every function of the DS are, techinically, right. Metroid Prime Hunters has nice graphics but will probably play best without the stylus and the map screen isn't that useful in the demo; Wario Ware DS is the perfect use of the stylus but not the dual screen; Mario Kart is an excellent use of the splitscreen but won't use the stylus; Pac-N-Roll uses them well in tandem but probably won't use the microphone; and on and on.

But... so what? If the games are fun, does it matter that they don't use every single function? A killer app would be nice, but a wide selection of creative ideas is nothing to get down about.


BeOnEdge said:
i'll put it like this. the NGAGE can do graphics on par with a PS1(tomb raider looks and moves amazing), its "wireless" and can be had for $100-$150. the DS besides having a touch screen i'd think does far less and its predicted to be $179? it makes no sense.
NGage is only $100 with a annual plan I believe. And it launched at $299... not to mention the visuals are most definitely sub-PS1 (while DS beats out N64 in some areas). Look at the raw specs...

-CPU: 104Mhz ARM processor 12-bit CPU
-Maximum Simultaneous Colors: 4096
-Resolution: 176 x 208 pixels
-Operating System: Symbian OS with Java 2 Micro Edition support
-Memory: 4MB internal

Nintendo DS
-CPU Core Main Processor - ARM946E-S (Running at 67 MHz) Cache: 8 KB Instruction Cache, 4KB Data Cache TCM: 8KB Instruction, 4KB
-Data Sub Processor - ARM7TDMI (Running at 33 MHz)
-Memory Main Memory - 4 MB
-ARM9/ARM7 Shared - 32KB (16KB x 2) ARM7 Internal RAM - 64 KB VRAM - 656 KB
-Display Colors - 262,144 colors
-2D Graphics Engine Background - Maximum 4 layers Objects - Maximum of 128
-3D Graphics Engine Geometric Transformation - Max 4 million vertex/sec Polygon Rate - Max 120,000 polys/sec Pixel Fillrate - Max 30 million pixels/sec
-Sound 16 channel ADPCM/PCM (Max 8 channels can be set to PSG) Microphone input
-Wireless Communication 802.11 Protocol
-Power Save Sleep mode (WakeUp possible at set times or by wireless communication) Power save for 2D engine, rendering engine, geometry engine, LCD screen possible.


Kobun Heat said:
Imagine, say, Final Fantasy Tactics DS.
You might not have too. Matsuno admitted at E3 he intends to make a DS game.... though I'm hoping for a new Tactics Ogre instead. :)


DS doesnt beat n64 anywhere. more polys or not. no antialiasing kills it. you'll understand when you finally see it running with ur own eyes if you havent already. i was more impressed with tomb raider on ngage than anything on DS. its no PS1 but its smaller so it doesnt need all that power. just as DS doesnt need all the power of a 64. no antialiasing is a really really bad move though IMO.


Drinky Crow said:
Because the PSOne + LCD is -- dig this -- portable? I even have a cute little knapsack thing for it. I just threw the N64 in because the shitty specs of the DS irritate me to no end -- it would take a hell of a library to make me fork out $179 just to revisit the ugly-ass PSOne era 3D visuals when I already have a PSOne.

I don't have anything resembling a portable PS2, currently, because Sony hasn't seen fit to release a 640x480 LCD screen with a decent refresh and/or a smaller form factor "PSTwo",. The PSP sounds killer because I get modern visuals and controls, although I'm sitting out the first batch of those buggers until Sony gets the manufacturing quality down.

You are just the little peeing boy on the GAF's lawn, aren't you. You are soooooooo cute. And you know it too. I'll get my grandma to pinch your chubby little cheeks.

Meanwhile back on topic, $179 is too much for the DS. The PSP is a handheld camel in the gaming tropics. GBA. GBA. GBA.
$180 is too high of a price for DS, in my opinion. I don't care about the reasons why anyone thinks this price is justified but other than the hardcore gamers (early adopters) and the eBay fucks, who else is really going to buy this? That price is too high when you compare what else is on the market. You can buy a GC/GBAP combo for $150 or upgrade to the SP for an additional 50 bucks more.


I just noticied Nov. 11th is also my birthday (and Veteran's Day)

November 11th at $179.95

If this launches on Nov. 11th that would be super-cool and will go down really cool... I'd be jumping for joy over getting it, hopefully that's a release-day and not a ship-date and what a better way to remember your birthday for the future than to brag about having gotten a DS the day it came out...

I just checked and it's on a Thursday, so that seems really iffy (GCN was released on a Sunday, I assume after careful shipments from Nintendo the week before)...

Still, I hope it's true, it would be the ultimate day...


Kobun Heat said:
You just noticed that it's your birthday?

well, it just clicked and connected I mean, I mean if someone had asked me what day my birthday was I would have answered Nov. 11 (11-11) I'm not dumb to forget stuff that major, but it's not something that actively comes up other than filling out forms...

I guess I was just thinking more about the pricing issue than the date (I actually first noticied early today it was days before MP2, then a few minutes ago noticied it was 2 days after Halo, but then just noticied it was also my birthday, so COOL!)...


And even i am moderately surprised
"I really feel sorry for those of you who have to argue like $180 is somehow overpriced. I don't think there's been a Wifi-enabled portable device yet that's sold for sub-$200 at launch, but I could be wrong. Still, at best there may have been very few. If the rumors/reports are true and Nintendo sells this for less than $200 then I'd think you'd be hard-pressed to find a better deal that encompasses the same level and breadth of technology."

todays winner.

I'd expect the DS to be around 19800 here in Japan (around $180) so sounds about right.
And for what you get tech wise that sounds like a good price.


Oh well. 179 bucks at launch or not I will be one of those three million early adopters. I must have one, and I refuse to wait until 2005. If the price goes down, it goes down.

(I'm still betting on 149, though)

Oh, and you see the complaints about a near 200 price tag? More than you'd expect, eh? That's part of my reasoning for saying that Sony is pricing themselves into a niche. There is a limit to what people will pay for a handheld.


Lost Weekend said:
Oh, and you see the complaints about a near 200 price tag? More than you'd expect, eh? That's part of my reasoning for saying that Sony is pricing themselves into a niche. There is a limit to what people will pay for a handheld.

200 for a portable n64+?


neptunes said:
200 for a portable n64+?

I don't believe the price BTW, but we know it's more than a portable n64. iQue is a portable N64.

Price resistance in the handheld market is a bitch. I said it before and I'll say it again. Sony is pricing themselves into a niche.


neptunes said:
200 for a portable n64+?

That's not a fair thing to say. Throw in the wifi, a touch screen, and two processors and you begin to see why the price is where it's at. I'm hoping for a 150 dollar price point, but 180 dollars shouldn't be considered robbery.



Smells like Virtua Bomb to me. ;) Seriously, the DS looks like a desperate stopgap to hold off the PSP while Nintendo gets it shit together. For $180, you sure as hell better be getting more than what the DS offers. It's a game machine, first and foremost, and the PSP is simply going to make it look stupid in comparison. That won't be a big issue if there's a super killer-app for the product. But I haven't heard of it yet.

It's funny that some of you were balking at the PSP during E3 when random speculation pegged the price at $250-300. For what you get, it's starting to look like the proverbial steal compared to this price. I don't see the DS costing $180. It will be DOA if it does. $150 tops, and even that's too much. Like it or not, the PSP's changed the game a bit with the massive power leap. If it was just incremental, it wouldn't matter, but I can't look at the DS and the PSP and even begin to think about the DS. WTF was Nintendo thinking? o_O We'll see how accurate this prediction is. I hope it's off. For Nintendo's sake. PEACE.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I expect the DS to succeed where the PSP will stumble. I also expect a 150 pricepoint for the DS.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Oh, and you see the complaints about a near 200 price tag? More than you'd expect, eh?
Seems one of us is more familiar with the miserly tendencies of the GAF crowd than the other. This is not unexpected from this crew AT ALL.

Haven't we determined several times over that GAF isn't exactly a representative cross section of the gaming population as a whole?
Pimpwerx said:

Smells like Virtua Bomb to me. ;) Seriously, the DS looks like a desperate stopgap to hold off the PSP while Nintendo gets it shit together. For $180, you sure as hell better be getting more than what the DS offers. It's a game machine, first and foremost, and the PSP is simply going to make it look stupid in comparison. That won't be a big issue if there's a super killer-app for the product. But I haven't heard of it yet.

It's funny that some of you were balking at the PSP during E3 when random speculation pegged the price at $250-300. For what you get, it's starting to look like the proverbial steal compared to this price. I don't see the DS costing $180. It will be DOA if it does. $150 tops, and even that's too much. Like it or not, the PSP's changed the game a bit with the massive power leap. If it was just incremental, it wouldn't matter, but I can't look at the DS and the PSP and even begin to think about the DS. WTF was Nintendo thinking? o_O We'll see how accurate this prediction is. I hope it's off. For Nintendo's sake. PEACE.

Yep You take your $300 cash and go buy one PSP, i prefer that money to buy one next gen console......


force push the doodoo rock
these threads never make any sense.

i wont be buying either till they're around 100-130.


Yep You take your $300 cash and go buy one PSP, i prefer that money to buy one next gen console......

Honestly, I don't think I'll buy either. I agree with you, for that much money, I'd rather get a PS3/Xbox2. Nintendo just seems to have totally missed the boat with the DS. I think they're just holding off for something better. Because, if that's the best they can do, they might as well just pack it up. ;) PEACE.
sp0rsk said:
i wont be buying either till they're around 100-130.

I'd go up to $150, but yeah. This is the only thing in this thread that makes sense. Can't imagine why anyone would pay more than that for a portable with limited software at launch, especially when the GBA is around.


Mr_Furious said:
t other than the hardcore gamers (early adopters) and the eBay fucks, who else is really going to buy this?

The first shipment always go to the early adopters (by definition), so what is your point ??


Izzy said:
Considering its capabilities, $179.99 is too much. Call me when it drops to $99.99.

What capabilties are you talking about? Again, this isn't just a portable N64. If that was the case, then I would agree that Nintendo is overcharging. But have people forgotten that there are two lighted screens, two processors, a touch screen, a mic phone jack, wireless ports, and hopefully a battery to run all of that at around the same pace as the SP? That shit adds up. Nintendo even admited recently that it would take them longer than usual to break even or possibly profit on the hardware, so it's not like we are being ripped.

People need to get realistic about the pricing of the DS and PSP. Anyone who thought they either machine would even be close to GB pricing needs to pause for a moment and re-read all of the specs.
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